7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU


So you just met a new girl and she's AWESOME...

You have a great conversation with her and it seems like you're really connecting. Maybe you just get her number, maybe you take her out once or twice and have a great time with her...or maybe you even kiss her or more.

Then, you send her A TEXT MESSAGE...

Just a few characters on a screen...

And then...

All of a sudden...



She STOPS responding and you don't even know what happened...

"I don't understand," you think to yourself.

This scenario plays out hundreds of times a day for men all across the world.

I know because my clients write me asking about texting almost every day.

Listen, texting seems like a small thing, and in some ways it is...

However, it can be a HUGE deal when it comes to dating.

Your phone can be like a nuclear weapon that annihilates your chances with a woman with one small press of a tiny button.

7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU


Or, it can be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal that makes her irresistibly attracted to you.

I get asked all the time:

"How do I keep an attractive conversation going over text?"

And, "How can I attract women with text messages?"

And, "How do I stop losing attraction while I'm texting?"

And, "How do I avoid getting put into the friend zone when I'm texting a girl?"

And, "How do I make sure she sees me as a sexual option when I'm texting her?"

And, "If a girl's friend gives me her number, how should I text her to make sure she doesn't just think it's a `friendly' thing and still not make it weird?"

And, "How do I make women want me when I'm texting them?"

And, "I'm a little older and I just got back into the dating game...How do I effectively text women?"

And, "How do I make sure my texting game doesn't screw things up with a good woman?"


So, to help you out, I decided to put this simple guide together with the 7 most important principles I know when it comes to attractive texting.

Now listen, if the 7 principles seem simple to you, great.

7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU


That means you're already WAY ahead of the average guy out there trying to attract women.

And remember, as the great Vince Lombardi, winner of 3 NFL championships and Super Bowls I and II said, "Excellence is achieved by the mastery of the fundamentals."

So, even if you kind of know the 7 principles already, it's extremely important that you CONSISTENTLY APPLY THEM AT ALL TIMES if you want to enjoy the level of success you really want with women.

When you follow the 7 principles in this guide, women see you as an attractive man: You attract high quality women AND never get put into the friend zone or get "rejected" by a woman simply because of texting ever again.

When you don't, your results suffer. It's as simple as that.

So, here are 7 texting principles that make her WANT YOU when you apply them CONSISTENTLY:


When it comes to texting women, less is more.

I was recently interviewing a gorgeous, sweet, innocent 25-yearold girl for a program I'm producing.

And I asked her what made her think of guys as "just friends" or as "real options" when they TEXT her...

She said, "Well, first of all, if the guy texts me too much it really turns me off. One guy sent me, and I'm serious...99 messages in one day with no reply from me...

7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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