Report to the MembershipMarch 2017The Highlights:Nominations Sought for 2017 Distinguished Service Award (page 1)Valley’s New Homes Program Being Revamped (page 2)TVPPA Outlines Principles for TVA Board Nominees; Urges Quick Action (page 5)CIP Requirements for LPCs Explained (page 9)New Marketing Certificate in the Works (page 10)Don’t Forget Annual Conference Registration (page 11)?Nominations Sought for 2017 Distinguished Service Award (Contact Phillip Burgess)TVPPA invites district nominations for the Richard C. Crawford Distinguished Service Award (DSA). This is one of the most prestigious honors that the Tennessee Valley’s electric utility community can bestow upon a truly exceptional TVPPA member-system general manager or CEO. ?The 2017 award will be presented at TVPPA’s Annual Conference in May in Savannah, GA. Here are some guidelines:While any individual member system may submit a nomination, the preferred method is for nominations to be coordinated through the district associations; A district may nominate someone from another district;Judging criteria is limited to the information included on the nomination form, so please make it as comprehensive as possible.Special emphasis should be placed on the nominee’s contributions to TVPPA.Nomination forms should be completed by the district and returned to Phillip Burgess by April 14, 2017.A committee appointed by the TVPPA Board will ultimately select the DSA recipient from nominations received.Seven States Power Corporation (7SPC) (Contact: Steve Adams)The next meeting of the 7SPC Board is March 14 in Chattanooga. The three primary focus areas approved by the 7SPC Board are:Development of a renewable services and support functionOrganizing awareness and preparedness meetings and workshops in the Valley regarding DER and in particular solarCommunication of relative information to the membership through meetings, distribution of reports and publications, website, and classesProviding assistance to specific LPCs as requestedDevelopment of an LPC specific demand response (DR) program to reduce wholesale demand chargesResponses to an RFI regarding a Demand Response Management System have been received and evaluatedBusiness plan under developmentOwnership of generating assetsIdentifying and evaluating feasibility of optionsEnergy Services Committee (Contact Phillip Burgess)The Energy Services Committee met via webinar on Feb. 15, 2017 to hear updates from TVA and TVPPA staff on various ongoing projects. No action items were on the agenda. Below is a synopsis of the updates given to the committee. Distributed Energy Resources Council UpdateAs the distributed energy marketplace evolves, TVA and LPCs must collaboratively position the Valley’s public power model to meet consumers’ changing energy needs in the most cost-effective, reliable manner. To that end, TVPPA and TVA are developing the framework, functions, process flow, roles and responsibilities of a new Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Council to set the strategy for incorporating DERs into the Tennessee Valley.The purpose of the DER Council is to develop an overall DER strategy for the Valley which will be determined through collaborative discussion and mutually agreed-upon decision-making between representatives from TVA, TVPPA and local power companies (LPCs). The development of the DER Council structure should be complete by May 2017 and, upon approval of the TVPPA Board, will be positioned for immediate implementation.Low Income EE ProgramIn 2016, the TVA Energy Efficiency Information Exchange (EEIX) was reconstituted at the request of former stakeholder members to focus discussion on the issue of energy efficiency and weatherization for low-income residents of the Tennessee Valley. The focus of the EEIX Low Income Group (EEIX - LIG) is to develop a sustainable, affordable approach to low income energy efficiency that leverages a wide array of existing resources. TVA, TVPPA, and LPCs have made it clear from the outset that utilities could not shoulder the entire financial burden of the effort but could play a key role in assembling resources and providing tools and expertise.Revamped New Homes ProgramThe new home construction landscape across the Tennessee Valley has changed significantly since the current New Homes program was introduced in 2007. From evolving building codes standards to the shifting value of energy efficiency amid flattening load growth, TVA is transitioning the New Homes program to reflect the opportunities and constraints of the current operating environment. To succeed, the program must provide value for end-use customers, local power companies (LPC), and TVA, while also reducing emissions.According to the results of the 2014 – 2015 Residential Impact Evaluation conducted by independent third party evaluator DNV-GL, the current New Homes program standards are below building code standards in many Valley locations, reducing the value received by the New Homes program overall by nearly 30 percent. This has rendered the program less cost-effective and less valuable for TVA, LPCs and end-use customers. Based on this information, Energy Services concurred with a recommendation by TVA to terminate the existing program. Energy Services and TVA have established a new working group to address the new homes market. The group is exploring two avenues, one focused on electrification opportunities, and the other focused on developing a new homes energy efficiency program that is consistent with improved building codes. TVA Market Research and Program Analysis reveal that dual fuel heat pumps could be a cost-effective and impactful measure for the new homes landscape. While no other system operates more efficiently and cost effectively for heating?than a heat pump within certain temperature ranges, a heat pump's capacity decreases when the outside temperature falls below 32-35 degrees, and it typically has to use electric strip heat also known as auxiliary heat to provide the supplementary heat needed at those times.By combining the efficiency?of a heat pump during its peak operating efficiency?with?a high efficiency?gas furnace for the times when it is less efficient, a dual fuel system provides the maximum efficiency, payback, and comfort level of?all?fuels and systems available.While exploring the dual fuel option, the group will also consider opportunities to develop a new program that takes into consideration changes in codes, yet still delivers energy efficiency benefits at an acceptable level and cost. Based on the information the group has reviewed to date, it appears that LPC needs are diverse and no single new homes program design will be sufficient. It is likely that multiple approaches will be a necessary outcome.To better understand the needs of LPCs across the Valley, the group commissioned a survey of all LPCs to gain their insights.Pay as You SaveThis program is a rate-based on-bill investment program for energy efficiency that was created by the Energy Efficiency Institute, Inc.It is being successfully implemented in several states, including Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina.It represents a “closer to the customer” EE program.The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association (TECA) and the Tennessee Department of Energy & Conservation (TDEC) have initially partnered to research and support its development. Appalachian EC, Warren RECC and North Georgia EMC are exploring its A regulatory has approved this program and an opt-in rate has also been given approval. Current TVA eScore rebates/incentives are A has agreed to a pilot involving two or three LPCs. Solar Advisory GroupA Solar Advisory Group has been formed by TVPPA to help establish a shared strategy for providing a framework for solar integration in the future. This solar advisory group will be populated by representatives from each of the seven districts in the TVA service area.Development of a solar strategy will include the following:Assessment of the solar picture in the ValleyClarification of the value proposition for solar (for all parties)Determining options for meeting demand for renewables (including FY19 and program offerings Group members include:Justin Lee, Cullman EC, Alabama DistrictConard Frye, Appalachian EC, Appalachian DistrictMichael Watson, Duck River EC, Central DistrictRichard McGill, West Kentucky RECC, Kentucky DistrictRob Neely, Oxford ED, Mississippi DistrictMike Partin, Sequachee Valley EC, Southeastern DistrictBecky Williamson, MLGW, Western DistrictBart Borden, Cleveland Utilities, At-LargeBrad Gibson, MTEMC, At-LargeTwo members from this group also will serve on the Distributed Solar Solutions (DSS) project selection committee.Renewables ProgramsGreen Power Providers – In 2002, TVA developed a Generation Partners (GP) pilot program to test the interest and feasibility of renewable consumer owned generation as a source of power for TVA. In October 2012, the GP program transitioned to a long-term, sustainable program called Green Power Providers (“GPP”). As of September 2016, TVA has close to 3,000 renewable installations in operation, providing over 100 MW of solar, wind, low-impact hydro, and biomass generation. Solar installations alone total approximately 88 MW of this generation. The GPP program continues to move forward as a viable option for small scale renewable generation (less than 50 kW) to serve residential and small commercial market segments. Distributed Solar Solutions – TVA began the pilot program Distributed Solar Solutions in CY16. The strategic objective of the DSS pilot program is to meet the growing demand for renewable energy in the Tennessee Valley while also providing an optimal model for local power companies to offer interested customers.Projects can range in size from greater than 50 kW and up to 2 MW of solar electric energy. For the CY16 program year, TVA awarded 16.7 MW of renewable solar capacity to seven different projects in four local power company territories. The DSS pilot stresses a collaborative effort to provide unique learning opportunities for innovative community solar implementation that is both scalable and applicable across the Valley.Together, TVPPA and TVA released DSS parameters for 2017 in November 2016. Those parameters were discussed during three webinars, two for LPCs and one for the public.In subsequent months TVPPA and TVA have been working collaboratively to develop selection criteria for 2017 DSS projects.This year, for the first time, TVPPA will have a prominent role in the selection process, which begins after the DSS application submission deadline on March 15. Federal Legislative and Regulatory Issues (Contact: Phillip Burgess)National Issues Impacting the ValleyTVA Board nomineesOn Feb. 25, TVPPA sent a letter to the 14 senators in the Tennessee Valley delegation and the chairs and ranking members of the committees that oversee TVA Board nominations, urging the delegation to work with the President to expeditiously nominate individuals to the TVA Board, and that the people tapped adhere to four principles: support for the public power business model, commitment to least-cost planning, support for the overall direction of TVA, and freedom from conflicts of interest. The letter garnered press attention from Politico and E&E News, two outlets frequently read by Hill PPA supported the Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association during the APPA Rally with talking points on TVPPA’s principles and the letter. At a Feb. 28 meeting, staff to Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Bob Corker (R-TN) said they had met with committee staff and White House counsel on the matter, and that after the president’s cabinet is confirmed, the Senate will be looking to move nominees much more quickly, including in “packages” of multiple nominations. They expressed optimism that three nominees could be processed before other Board members’ terms expire and that, if new members are not yet confirmed by then, those Board members would agree to stay the rest of the year rather than lose a quorum at TVA.Federal BudgetOn Feb. 27, President Trump sent a budget blueprint to federal agencies aiming for a 10% boost to military spending and reductions to most non-security agencies. Significant cuts will be proposed to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), sources reported, which was met coolly by House Republicans, who have worked to reduce the EPA budget for years.In his first joint address to Congress Feb. 28, the President called for further action on health care, tax reform, and an infrastructure package, but gave few details on the budget or energy.A detailed budget is expected sometime in March. Currently, there is no information on how TVA or the PMAs might be treated in the budget request.Federal Legislation and Regulation Impacting UtilitiesCybersecurityThe House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Energy held a Jan. 31 hearing on the security of the grid. Industry witnesses, including a representative from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), repeatedly expressed their support for the existing NERC/FERC process for developing strong cyber security standards for utilities.The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act provided the Secretary of Energy the authority to “protect and restore reliability of the grid in the event of a grid security emergency.” DOE has begun a process to establish regulations for how it would carry out this new authority. APPA joined with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and other trade groups in comments to ensure that any emergency order process is developed with industry input, that the communication process of such orders is very clear, and that DOE uses FERC’s approved definition of the bulk electric system to avoid confusion. Regulatory ReformOn Jan. 30, President Trump issued an Executive order requiring two regulations to be repealed each time an agency writes a new rule. The rules must be budget-neutral, meaning that a major rule cannot be justified by repealing two minor rules. However, repealing regulations is subject to the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, which requires notice and comment, and is subject to judicial review for being arbitrary and capricious.President Trump signed legislation that repealed a Securities and Exchange Commission regulation requiring publicly traded oil, gas, and mining companies to disclose payments they make to foreign governments. This regulation stems from the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation passed in 2010, and was intended to deter corruption. Affected energy companies strongly opposed the rule because they believe it would be too burdensome. The repeal legislation marked the first time in 16 years that Congress and the President used provisions under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to undo a federal regulation, and the second time in the Act’s history. The CRA allows Congress to used expedited procedures to undo a regulation, and it is seeing new life now that the sitting president is not the one who oversaw the regulations in question. On Feb. 24, President Trump issued an executive order titled, “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda,” which designates regulatory reform officers and task forces in each federal agency. The task forces are to identify regulations for repeal that “eliminate jobs, or inhibit job creation; are outdated, unnecessary, or ineffective; impose costs that exceed benefits; create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with regulatory reform initiatives and policies;” are inconsistent with the certain transparency requirements; or derive from other directives that have been subsequently rescinded or substantially modified. InfrastructureOn Feb. 15, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy held a wide-ranging hearing titled, “Modernizing Energy and Electricity Delivery Systems: Challenges and Opportunities to Promote Infrastructure Improvement and Expansion,” and covering pipelines, generation, transmission, distribution systems, technologies such as storage and data analytics, and cyber security. Full Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) spoke about the ability of energy infrastructure to create jobs, and noted that the grid is aging and must be modernized to keep pace with rapid changes in the sector. Democrats on the Subcommittee indicated that they were willing to work in a bipartisan fashion, but stressed the importance of balancing environmental concerns and the interests of impacted communities and tribes.Panelists focused on technology, innovation, and the need for national policies that reflect the integrated, interconnected nature of the grid. The question period spanned interests in permitting, storage, renewables, and data production, reflecting that the theme of “infrastructure” may be a framework by which substantive energy policy changes are advanced. An Executive order signed by the President on January 24 calls for expedited procedures and deadlines for environmental reviews and approvals for certain “high priority” infrastructure projects, including electric grid systems.A project can be offered for consideration as a “high priority” project by the governor of a state, the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), or the head of any executive department or agency. Determining whether a project is “high priority” is based on the project’s “importance to the general welfare, value to the nation, environmental benefits, and such other factors as the Chairman (of the CEQ) deems relevant.” Public power utilities with projects that might be considered “high priority” under the executive order can reach out to their governor to nominate the project to CEQ or contact CEQ directly.On Feb. 1, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing entitled, “Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America.” Committee Chairman Bill Shuster is pushing colleagues who will be writing a tax code overhaul to allow money repatriated from overseas to be spent on infrastructure. Shuster also said he wants funding for an infrastructure push to include direct federal spending in addition to spurring private investment and buy-in from states. On Feb. 8, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing entitled, “Oversight: Modernizing Our Nation’s Infrastructure.” This hearing focused on the specific needs of rural communities, including the funding challenges, regulatory burdens, and maintenance needs rural infrastructure networks face, such as water, waste, sewage, roads, and bridges dominated the discussion. Though neither hearing explicitly spoke about energy, grid infrastructure is expected to be included in any infrastructure package.Energy efficiencySens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) formally reintroduced “the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act,” an energy efficiency bill the two lawmakers have been trying to get passed for the last six years. As in years prior, Portman and Shaheen have gathered bipartisan support. TVPPA supported previous versions of the bill, which contained a provision allowing electric resistance water heaters used in demand response programs an exemption from DOE efficiency standards.Municipal bondsOn Feb. 22, the Municipal Bonds for America (MBFA) coalition sent letters to House and Senate leaders in support of tax exempt municipal bonds. MBFA is a broad coalition that includes public utilities and other organizations that rely on municipal bond financing, including irrigation districts and airports. Signed by 375 organizations, the letters express the importance of municipal bonds for local infrastructure financing. They note that removing the tax exemption for municipal bond interest, which has been in place for more than 100 years, could increase costs for local infrastructure by 10 to 12 percent. Congress is expected to consider measures to overhaul the nation’s tax code this year, and taxing municipal bond interest is an attractive target because of the large sums or revenue that could be raised. TVPPA provided TMEPA talking points on municipal bonds for use at the APPA Rally.Other MattersAppointments and confirmationsOn Jan. 31, President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, a federal judge on the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, to the Supreme Court. If confirmed, he would fill the seat vacated by Antonin Scalia. Gorsuch is seen as a mainstream, conservative judge who subscribes to “originalism,” or interpreting the Constitution as it was written at the time. On Feb. 8, the Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General. Sessions was a senator from Alabama. On Feb. 16, Mick Mulvaney was confirmed to head the Office of Management and Budget. Mulvaney was a congressman from South Carolina and is known for voting against budget and spending bills, as well as raising the national debt limit.On Feb. 17, Scott Pruitt was confirmed to lead the EPA. Pruitt was Attorney General for West Virginia.On Feb. 28, Ryan Zinke was confirmed as Secretary of the Interior. Zinke was a congressman from Montana who had just started his second term.Luther Strange was appointed to fill the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions. Strange will serve on the Energy and Natural Resources CommitteeResearch & Development Committee (Contact: Clint Wilson)The Committee continues to review the draft of the behind-the-meter distributed generation guidebook. The guidebook should be available to the membership in late spring or early summer. Regulatory Advisory Group (Contact: Doug Peters)The Regulatory Advisory Group (Group) has met twice with TVA since the first of the year, and highlights of these meetings are found below.Pole Attachment Rate Policy Implementation Issues:In January, TVPPA released for member consideration a contract template for use during the renegotiation of attachment contracts. The contract is intended to be a comprehensive starting point for members during the renegotiation process. TVA has set a cap pole attachment rate for members with a statistically high calculated rate. The cap is $36 and will be reviewed/adjusted on a periodic basis.The Group continues to discuss with TVA how joint use and multi-party line attachment contracts should be treated under TVA’s Pole Attachment Rate Policy and how members should begin the renegotiation of evergreen contracts.The Group anticipates reviewing TVA’s draft wholesale power contract amendment defining TVA’s regulatory role with respect to pole attachment rate oversight sometime before the end of April 2017.Mergers and Acquisitions:Given the activity in the Valley on these subjects, TVA has developed an initial framework for its role in these situations. TVA has stated that it has no role in approving the terms and conditions of the actual merger or acquisition. Both the Group and TVA recognize that compliance with existing state law is the umbrella under which approval of a merger or acquisition is A has developed a preliminary list of nine review areas it will use to approve the reassignment of the wholesale power A has stated its primary focus in approving the reassignment of the wholesale power contract will be on the long-term benefits to the retail customer.Operations Coordination Committee/NERC Compliance Team (Contact: Doug Peters)The NERC Compliance Team has been meeting with TVA to define actions to be taken by affected TVPPA members necessary to achieve and maintain compliance with the Low-Impact Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) requirements contained within NERC’s Reliability Standards. The team has been meeting with TVA since last December and has reached a consensus on actions TVA will require as the Registered Entity.?The Low-Impact CIP standards require actions be taken to address the cyber and physical security of “cyber assets” used to protect the bulk electric system (BES).? It should be noted that the Low-Impact CIP standards require cyber and physical security plans to be in place by April 1, 2017 and actions required by those plans to have been completed by Sept. 1, 2018 with on-going compliance actions to be performed as appropriate thereafter.?The compliance framework is as follows.Cyber Security Background:?A “cyber asset” is a device used to protect the BES that is programmable and or remotely controllable.The universe of devices that must be evaluated to determine their cyber asset status is the same universe of devices that were identified as PRC-005 devices and caused 32 members to sign Appendix B to the TVA Delegation MOU.?Since July 2016, TVA has completed modifications in the delivery points of two members eliminating TVA’s dependence on the member owned devices for the protection of the BES in those delivery points.o????Only 30 members now own Appendix B devices and only those devices must be evaluated for cyber asset status.An evaluation of the devices owned by those 30 members has been completed.? In summary:19 members own devices that are neither programmable or remotely controlled.?8 members own devices that are programmable.3 members own devices that are programmable and remotely controlled.Physical Security Background:“Cyber assets” must also be protected physically and TVA has been upgrading the physical security of its substations and deliver points to ensure compliance.The physical security at the location of all member owned cyber assets is provided by A has created an “e-Key MOU” that defines the obligations of members with access to TVA locations where cyber assets A estimates that 80 percent (or more) of TVPPA’s members will be required to sign the “e-Key MOU”.The team and TVA have developed several documents in accordance with this framework which are intended to aid members in their respective compliance efforts consistent.?Appendix F-1 to the TVA Delegation MOUThis appendix is to be signed by the 11 members that own cyber assets used by TVA to protect the BES.? This appendix defines the obligations of these members with respect to the cyber security of these assets.Appendix F-2 to the TVA Delegation MOUThis appendix is to be signed by the 19 members that own Appendix B devices but those devices are?neither?programmable or remotely controlled.? The intent of the appendix is to require these 19 members to notify TVA should any of those devices be replaced with devices that are either programmable or programmable and remotely controllable.Template Cyber Incident Response Guideline for Distribution ProvidersThis template was developed by TVA and defines actions that are required by the 11 members who own cyber assets should a cyber event occur.Template Cyber Security Plan for Distribution ProvidersThis template was developed by TVA and defines the cyber security parameters that each of the 11 members that own cyber assets must A’s e-Key Memorandum of UnderstandingThis MOU was developed by TVA and defines and documents the obligations of TVPPA members that require access to a facility where a cyber asset exists.Education & Training –“Serve, Listen, Evaluate, Change, Lead” (Contact: John Cooke)“Utility Security Professional” certificate:This “NEW” certificate program is set and scheduled to begin on April 26. As of this writing, the classes planned for completion are as follows:Workplace Violence & Active Shooter Preparedness (4/26-27)Critical Decision MakingDe-Escalation and Bodily Responses to ViolenceCyber SecuritySecuring the FacilityCase Studies in workplace ViolenceCertification by the “International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards (IADLEST)Classes will be instructed by Innovative Training, LLC, who does this training for Homeland Security, the FBI, Military prior to deployment, Sherriff’s departments and local Police. They are considered the best of the best. Also instructing will be Matt Fagiana of LCUB; Stephen Dyer, CSA and; A.J. Yokley, TN Sheriffs Association.The certificate is targeted to those managing Safety and Security within each LPC organization, however, anyone is welcome to attend.Marketing CertificateThis new certificate program, which is scheduled to be offered beginning in the Fall 2017 will cover a wide range of topics essential to developing a premier marketing plan for the LPC. Classes being developed are as follows:Marketing 101Social MediaEconomic DevelopmentKey AccountsGovernment RelationsSelling Utility ServicesThose developing and delivering classes include Phillip Burgess, Tim Daugherty, Kingsley Brock, Erick Rheam, and Steve Sax. Conferences (Contact: Tim Daugherty)2017 Conferences: Please have any new staff at your utility contact TVPPA via email for placement on appropriate mailing lists.Utility Purchasing & Materials Management Conference, April 19-21 at the Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TNRegistration still open! (early deadline March 29)Agenda and details online – includes a UPMM certificate course, “Work Order, Inventory & Plant” as a pre-con optionEarly Deadline: Ends March 29 th! Register now and make sure you get your hotel reservations in before the 29th.71st Annual Conference, May 22-24 at the Westin Savannah Harbor, Savannah, GARegistration now open!Agenda and details onlineEarly Deadline: Ends April 20 th! Register now and make sure you get your hotel reservations in before that deadline.Golf: You may include one of the limited number of golf slots when registering. Spouse Event: This year we are offering, “The Psychology of Clutter – Tea and Tips with Melissa Gratias.” This can be selected, too, during registration and there is no charge for it.Hotel Reservations: The room block at the Westin has filled but we have a waiting list. Historically, we’ve been able to get most, if not all, our waiting list names into the hotel so please don’t hesitate!You must register first at Email conferences@ with your arrival and departure dates to be placed onto the waiting listWe’re recommending the Hyatt Regency (912.238.1234), the Marriott Riverfront (912.233.7722) or The Bohemian (912.721.3800) as alternates. Upcoming conferences (registration not yet open):Engineering & Operations Conference, Aug. 9-11 at the Marriott Downtown and Convention Center, Chattanooga, TNUtility Safety & Security Conference, Sept. 20-22 at the Westin, Huntsville, ALAccounting & Finance Conference, Oct. 11-13 at the Crowne Plaza, Knoxville, TNCustomer Service & Communications Conference, Nov. 15-17 at the Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TNHuman Resource Management Conference, Nov. 15-17 at the Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TNPresentations: All available presentations from TVPPA conferences are posted to the Member Forum on the TVPPA website as well as in each conference’s app. For the website, you must be a TVPPA member and logged into the site to view them. You can also make comments and ask questions within the Member Forum.All social media links are available on the main page. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and InstagramRegistration process:Go to and click on “Conferences.” Scroll down to the desired conference and select it. Once there, you may select “Attendee Registration”. Lodging information is provided in your registration confirmation (both in the splash page after filling out the short online form and in the email confirmation you’ll receive)TVPPA Website / TVPPA News magazine (Contact: Bob Gary)TVPPA Website: TVPPA continues to make improvements to the website. If you haven’t done so, please visit and register for a new login. Any member-utility staff may register themselves by visiting the website and clicking the “Login” button then the “Register” tab located in the upper right-hand corner of the site.Forgot your login or password? Not a problem, the new site allows you to self-help this part so you don’t have to wait. Please contact Tim Daugherty at tdaugherty@ if you still require any assistance.Public Power Academy: TVPPA’s Education & Training department’s Public Power Academy remains unchanged. Existing login/password credentials for it are still active so, aside from a slight visual change to the site, no changes occurred there. TVPPA News magazine: So much to cover in the March/April issue of TVPPA News magazine, including a preview of the 71st Annual Conference and an exit interview of sorts with outgoing TVPPA Chairman Greg Williams. The March/April issue will also feature a look at West Kentucky RECC, Mayfield, KY, and stories from each of three TVPPA-member utilities that have gone all-in on solar.Archives: To view archived editions of the eResource and to sign up for this free, monthly newsletter, visit the Training section on the TVPPA website and click the link provided there.Are We Connected? Be sure to visit TVPPA’s social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. Links are available at . Key Dates to Remember:March 14 – Seven States Power Corp. Board of Directors, Chattanooga, TNMarch 20 – TVPPA Board of Directors, Chattanooga, TNMarch 21 – TVPPA Rates & Contracts Committee, Location TBD ................

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