Quiz - USA

Bloodborne Pathogens


1) Which of the following could contain bloodborne pathogens?

a. Saliva

b. Semen

c. Amniotic fluid

d. All of the above

2) True or False?

It’s estimated that between 100,000 and 500,000 needlestick incidents occur

each year.

3) If you’re exposed to infectious body fluids while working, which of the following vaccinations are you entitled to receive?

a. HIV

b. Syphillis

c. Hepatitis B

d. MMR

4) Which of these does OSHA not consider a major bloodborne pathogen?

a. Hepatitis B virus

b. Hepatitis C virus

c. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

5) Who sustains the most needlestick injuries on the job?

a. Nurses

b. Doctors

c. Emergency workers

6) Which of the following is not a mucous membrane?

a. Nose

b. Mouth

c. Ear

d. Eye

7) True or False?

Our Exposure Control Plan never needs to be reviewed or updated.

8) Which of these is an example of personal protective equipment specifically recommended by OSHA to guard against bloodborne infection?

a. Shoes

b. Resuscitation bags

c. Knee pads

d. All of the above

9) True or False?

The orange or orange/red biohazard symbol is an appropriate way to label

hazardous material.

10) If a worker’s exposed to a bloodborne pathogen while working, that person's medical records should be kept for the duration of their employment plus:

a. 10 years

b. 20 years

c. 30 years

d. 40 years

11) Our training records should document:

a. Trainer’s name and qualifications

b. Content of training

c. Job titles of everyone taking the training

d. All of the above

12) True or False?

As your employer, we have full access to your medical records.

Name: ____________________________

Date: _____________________________

Bloodborne Pathogens

Answers to Quiz

1) d.

2) False.

3) c.

4) b.

5) a.

6) c.

7) False.

8) b.

9) True.

10) c.

11) d.

12) False.


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