Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet Act I-II quiz

Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet Act I-II quiz

For this quiz, you should be able to:

• Identify any major character we have met in Acts I and II (character list p. 3)

• Explain what is going on in key passages when they are given to you with speaker’s names.

(study by going through the book and picking out what you think are the 4 most important passages in Acts II and II)

• Answer basic questions about the plot in Acts I and II (study timeline on or create your own timeline of 10 major events in Act I-II

• Match the terms Shakespearian sonnet, iambic pentameter, iamb, blank verse, couplet, prose, pun to their definitions or examples of them.

Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet Act I-II quiz

For this quiz, you should be able to:

• Identify any major character we have met in Acts I and II (character list p. 3)

• Explain what is going on in key passages when they are given to you with speaker’s names.

(study by going through the book and picking out what you think are the 4 most important passages in Acts II and II)

• Answer basic questions about the plot in Acts I and II (study timeline on or create your own timeline of 10 major events in Act I-II

• Match the terms Shakespearian sonnet, iambic pentameter, iamb, blank verse, couplet, prose, pun to their definitions or examples of them.

Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet Act I-II quiz

For this quiz, you should be able to:

• Identify any major character we have met in Acts I and II (character list p. 3)

• Explain what is going on in key passages when they are given to you with speaker’s names.

(study by going through the book and picking out what you think are the 4 most important passages in Acts II and II)

• Answer basic questions about the plot in Acts I and II (study timeline on or create your own timeline of 10 major events in Act I-II

• Match the terms Shakespearian sonnet, iambic pentameter, iamb, blank verse, couplet, prose, pun to their definitions or examples of them.

Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet Act I-II quiz

For this quiz, you should be able to:

• Identify any major character we have met in Acts I and II (character list p. 3)

• Explain what is going on in key passages when they are given to you with speaker’s names.

(study by going through the book and picking out what you think are the 4 most important passages in Acts II and II)

• Answer basic questions about the plot in Acts I and II (study timeline on or create your own timeline of 10 major events in Act I-II

• Match the terms Shakespearian sonnet, iambic pentameter, iamb, blank verse, couplet, prose, pun to their definitions or examples of them.


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