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PG 1

Dear Empowered Woman,

You might not know this yet, but you are an empowered human being. You came into this world fully shining with radiance, love, and beauty. Over time, experiences you have endured may have dimmed the shine, shrouded the radiance, and hidden the power. But it is there.

This guide is just that - a guide. It's not a fix-all solution, because there is no such thing. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for any of us. We are each created with a unique set of gifts and challenges, and each of us needs to find our own tools and answers to guide us along the path we were meant to walk.

So I want to advise you to take this e-book for what it's worth. Read it. Challenge yourself to engage honestly in the exercises. And most importantly, discard anything that feels wrong or not aligned with your values. This is a book for you, tailored by you.

Only you know what's best for your success. You can gather as many tools as you want, but until you are willing to embrace your uniqueness, your quirkiness, or as I like to call it, your "messiness," you will never realize your own power. Your strength does not lie in perfection; it lies in the beautiful tangle of gifts and flaws that make you unique.

If you have any questions or feedback along the way, email me at kelly@. I am here for you! My vision for all women is for each of us to step into the power we envision for our lives. That vision will only manifest itself if we communicate and work together.

With Great Respect and Love,

PG 2

WOMEN FOR ONE who we are

You are here because there has always been a voice in your head that says, "You are special. You have a big purpose, and you are here for a reason." Let me tell you, you are not the only one. There are many of us who are listening to those whispers - the ones we've had our whole lives. We know we are destined for greatness, and we are ready to make it happen.

Women For One is a global community of women who are ready to make life happen. We connect women so that we can share our stories and inspire action that will transform the way we live, love, and learn.

We began with an idea. Story by story, we've grown into a community of inspiration and truth, and with every woman (and man) who has shared, others have emerged changed, empowered, and inspired. That's what makes us the happiest - knowing that our stories create change.

We are grateful you're here. Women For One is here to support your next chapter, whatever that might be. We are all pioneers of our own growth and experiences. It takes courage, love, and action to evolve throughout our lives. We want to hear from you about your journey and life lessons learned. Support us in inspiring women with your wisdom.

It all starts here, with a strong community of women who are brave enough to own our stories and create the lives we have always wanted.

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Kelly McNelis is the founder of Women For One, a destination for women who are ready and willing to make life happen. She travels the world as a speaker, teacher, and facilitator of workshops, helping others tap into lives powered by truth.

It seems simple, doesn't it - telling the truth? Well, in a world ready to judge at the click of a mouse, it's a lot easier to create stories that keep us safe. But safety keeps us stalled, while the truth makes us nimble, powerful, and creative. Kelly's dedication to truthtelling helps people in search of more to realize their own personal truths and to share their stories with the world.

Through sharing, we find inspiration, community, and can create action that aligns our future with what we know it can be.

With over 20 years of experience as a non-profit and small business consultant and trainer, Kelly has worked with governmental agencies; county, state, and national lawmakers and policymakers. She has helped some of the most powerful people in the country develop and implement strategies to streamline their businesses and work more effectively and successfully.

She is excited to be one of the many voices behind Women For One, empowering generations of women around the world to build relationships, community, and the support structure they need to recognize and achieve their dreams. She finds her own daily inspiration in spending time with her husband and children in their home outside of Seattle, and is currently writing her first book.

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THE EMPOWERED woman's guide

There is no magic bullet. There is no yoga retreat, self-help doctrine, perfectly enlightened guru, or one-size-fits-all formula that will lead you on the fast track to enlightenment. If anything, I think we've got it all backward. The tendency many of us have to want to escape our lives through spiritual detachment or a surefire technique that'll lead us to the cool, calm waters of mindfulness often keeps us from the marvelous, beautiful, complex truth of who we are. And let me tell you - that truth is messy. In fact, way messier than you might have previously imagined or been willing to admit to yourself.

We want you to know that we have been where you are. We understand your fear, anxiety, and terror around your own immeasurable beauty and power. We were all born as bright lights, but as time goes by, many of us choose or endure experiences that hide our essences and dim our shine.

At Women For One, we believe that all of us have the tools to create the life we really want. But first we have to identify what that means. From our earliest moments, we are told what we should want. If we don't define clear intentions for our lives, we will spend all of our years looking for something that doesn't exist. We will continue feeling powerless and unfulfilled.

Creating and owning power in our lives is not the same as possessing the kind of power society defines. It is the inherent power to choose our own path without apology, and to step into personal truths that only we can identify and own - not our families, not our kids, not our partners - no one else but our own selves. We want to support you on your own journey of empowerment by supporting you in sharing your truth, owning your world and creating the life you always envisioned. As you read this information, we encourage you to be open to new possibilities. Discard what doesn't feel right, and create a customized toolbox that works for the unique and powerful individual that you are!

" Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ? Mary Oliver





PG 5


your truth and change your world

PG 6

COMMIT to curiosity

With every interaction we engage in, we have an opportunity to decide if we are going to fully engage in it with curiosity. By simply asking ourselves, "How is this serving me?" and, "What can I learn from it?" we alter our perception dramatically. Instead of life happening to us, life begins to happen for us.

UNDERSTAND your story

Part of our journey to joy needs to be our willingness to pull the fragments of our lives together into a cohesive whole. Explore your own story, why you perceive it the way you do, and how you can learn from it.

TAKE AN INVENTORY of your life

Honestly evaluating your actions and attitudes in all areas of your life takes commitment and courage. Dig deeply into your life and get a clear picture of where you stand in the present moment.


" We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are. ? Anais Nin

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Commit to intentional curiosity three times each day. This curiosity could be in the form of examining why you made a specific choice, analyzing an interaction with another person, or even witnessing something that is occurring in the world completely unrelated to your life.

Example: If you find yourself angry during the day, use your curiosity to define what it was that really made you angry. Was it that someone left you feeling undervalued or misunderstood? Did an unresolved issue pop up from your past? Was it something else?

PG 8


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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