
UNIT 4: Mental HealthWeek 10 At-Home Learning ModulesCHECK (when completed and submit)WEEK 10 AssignmentsOctober 19-26, 2020Attendance (go to ) every day of the week to check-in -OR-Call Cynthia, Attendance Clerk at 928-729-7011Exercise Box Breathing (this will need to be practice before starting any assignment).Instructions: Box Breathing can help your heart rate return to normal, which helps you to relax. Here’s how you do it: If possible, sit and close your eyes. If not, just focus on your breathing.Step 1: Inhale your breath (preferably through your nose) for 4 seconds.Step 2: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. You’re not trying to deprive yourself of air; you’re just giving the air a few seconds to fill your lungs.Step 3: Exhale slowly through your mouth for 4 seconds.Step 4: Pause for 4 seconds (without speaking) before breathing again.Repeat this process as many times as you can. Even 30 seconds of deep breathing will help you feel more relaxed and in control.Module 1: Get InformedGet Informed! 1 - Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illness What is mental health and mental illness? How does mental illness differ from other illnesses? Assignment Activity:To learn the basic concepts and information about mental health and mental illness, you will complete a pre-course quiz Student Survey (see attached survey) which measures your familiarity with concepts and information surrounding mental illness. Get Informed! 2 -The Stigma of Mental HealthStigma may be a word that is often discussed when talking about mental illness, but what does stigma mean and what does it look like when applied? Can you detect all the different forms of stigma? This exercise will help you to look at the many ways that stigma impacts people living with mental illness and those who are close to them by examining definitions of stigma and creating a personal reflection to a poem about stigma.Assignment Activity: Take a look at Defining Stigma?handout (see attached), and these definitions of stigma. What is stigma? Who is stigmatized? Who stigmatizes? Do those who stigmatize always intentionally mean to hurt someone?After reviewing Defining Stigma handout, answer the Questions (see attached)Read the poem?“Stop the Stigma” by Mary Hopkins. If you're not sure of the meaning for any of the words, use a dictionary to look them up.?After reading the poem, post a 500 word response, single space, and titled paper: “My Class Response: Stop the Stigma” for this assignment. Be sure to answer the following questions in your discussion paper: How did this poem make you feel? Did it make you think? Did you question your views about mental illness? What was the point the author was trying to make? Get Informed! 3 - Experience with Mental IllnessIt is estimated that one in every five people will have a mental illness at some point in their life. In 2001, The World Health Organization estimated that 25% of people in the world will suffer from some type of mental illness during their lives. This means that it is likely that mental illness will impact you - either directly or through someone you know. In this activity, you will be asked to think about how lives are affected by mental illness by learning about famous figures who live with mental illness and reflecting on their experience.Assignment Activity: Find a news story about someone living with a mental illness today, or a biography of a historical figure who lived with a mental illness. Some examples include Ben Stiller, Princess Diana, Kobe Bryant, Van Halen Write a 250 word composition about the challenges and successes this individual experienced. You might want to consider the following questions in your written reflection: How does/did mental illness impact their life? What barriers do/did they experience (e.g., discrimination)? What do you admire about this individual?NOTE: If writing about a historical figure, how might they face barriers today, or how might these challenges be different?Get Informed! 4 - History of Mental IllnessMental health and mental illness have affected human civilization across time. However, understandings of the causes of mental illness have been greatly influenced by the knowledge/science of the time, as well as by the institutions (e.g., religion, educational institutions, the media) and people in positions of power (e.g., politicians, professional organizations, special interest groups) who have shaped laws, social values and norms. Definitions and ways of understanding mental health and mental illness have evolved over time in line with changes in scientific understanding and society more broadly. In this activity you will perform online research and create your own timeline about the history of the understanding of mental illness to share with me and parent.Assignment Activity:Do some preliminary research on the history of the understanding of mental health and mental illness. To get started, check out handout: History of Psychology Timeline, and this article called?The Many Faces of Mental Illness Through Time.Be sure to look up resources with a global historical perspective. You could approach this activity from a variety of perspectives. For example, you could check out information related to:- A particular region or country in the world;-A particular world religion or faith group;-A particular era in history; and/or-An ancient or indigenous civilization like the Mayans, ancient Egyptians or the Romans. 2. Create a timeline that reflects your research. You can generate visually appealing timelines that include multimedia content, such as audio and video, using the free programs below:DipityCapzlesOr, if you'd like to generate your timeline in a more traditional format, try:PrecedenGet Informed! 5 - The BrainWe know that mental health and mental illness have to do with how a person’s brain is working, but what is the brain? What are its different parts and what are the functions of these parts? How do mental illnesses occur when parts of the brain have problems functioning, or when communication amongst brain parts is not as it should be? In this assignment you will use a brain exploration tool to get an idea of the different major areas of the brain and what role each plays in human functioning.Assignment Activity:To gain a basic understanding of the teen brain, scroll through the web link:?Teen Mental Health Brain PowerPoint? the?G2 Online Brain From the drop down menu, which should initially read "Whole Brain", go through the different lobes and areas and learn about their associated functions and disorders, OR use the handout to study the brain lobes, areas, and disorders.Draw a colorful presentation of this brain area. (ex: parietal, temporal, occipital or frontal lobe or brain stem, cerebellum or limbic system). Identify the area's main functions, components and their association to mental illness (if any)All Assignments due October 26, 2020. ................

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