
1.In the first video concerning micronutrients and age-related diseases, what was her argument? Did you find her argument convincing? Why or why not? Does the recommendation of getting enough micronutrients relate only to the elderly? Why or why not?- In the first video concerning micronutrients and age-related diseases, her argument was based of micronutrients deficiency. If our bodies fall to produce or obtain the proper micronutrients it needs at a young age; it will create more problems and age-related diseases in the future. I found her argument convincing based on some side effects that I have experienced personally from micronutrients deficiency. Your stomach needs specific micronutrients to help it process foods. When I was younger, I did not see the importance of taking vitamins for micronutrients that I lacked; in turn, by body stopped being able to pull nutrients from food, which resulted in me gaining several allergies to certain foods. I believe the recommendation of getting enough micronutrients does not relate solely to the elderly. Micronutrients are important to the overall well being of the human body. Some many seem as though they are not needed, however, looking at the long-term effects of micronutrient deficiency, it suggests that starting at a young age will impact the well being of your body as an elder. 2.In the second video you heard about the loss of muscle as we age. What role does exercise play in preventing muscle loss? When should you become actively engaged in preventing muscle loss? How is muscle loss related to illness, disease, and general problems of the older generations?Exercise plays a key roll in preventing muscle loss because it is meant to be build and sustain the muscles we currently have. If you are not exercising, you tend to loss muscle quicker with age. You should become actively engaged in preventing muscle loss as early as possible. Building muscle at a younger age helps with maintain muscle. Muscle loss is related to illness, disease, and general problems of the older generation mainly because it’s a representation of lack of activity in the body. In older generations muscle loss and an increase of fat goes hand in hand. Those who tend to loss muscle simultaneously increase in fat tissue because of the lack of exercise and activity in the muscles. 3. Taking these two videos in context, what is the relationship between nutrition and exercise on one hand and illness and disease on the other? How can we relate this to our family, our midwifery clients, and those we take care of in their later years?- Based on the context of the two videos; the relationship between nutrition and exercise benefits the body long term. Maintaining great nutrition and exercising produces longevity in the body. When you have bad eating habits, produce little to micronutrition and rarely exercise; the likelihood of contracting an illness or developing a disease is higher. In relation to our families, clients and those we take care of in their later years; it is important to emphasize good nutrition and exercise from the moment a child is conceived. What the mother place in her body effects the child in the long run. If the mom has poor eating habits while she is pregnant it will pass along to the child, until that child is able to be responsible for their own eating habits. 4. Many of the problems associated with aging are based on the breakdown of body systems. Likewise, many of these systems break down based on the actions or inactivity individuals take over their life. Choose two of the issues discussed in the chapter that relate to bad habits or activities and two that are based on a failure to take action and be proactive in prevention. For each of these, list the issue, the symptoms, the reasons the issue occurs, how they can be prevented, what happens if they are not treated or dealt with, and how these issues can be managed when and if they do occur.IssueSymptomsReason issue occursHow they can be preventedWhat happens if they are not treatedHow these issues can be managed when they occurHeart TroubleAnxiety and difficulty in Sudden, painful attacks in breathing after exercise; the chest, left shoulder, or asthma-like attacks that get arm that occur when worse when the person lies exercising and go away after down (cardiac asthma). resting for a few minutes (angina pectoris). A rapid, weak, or irregular - pulse. A sharp pain like a great weight crushing the chest; Swelling of the feet-worse does not go away with rest in the afternoons. (heart attack).Heart disease is more frequent in older people, especially in those who are fat, who smoke, or who have high blood pressure.regular exercise and healthy eating habits helps prevent a heart attack.If heart troubles are not treated it can lead to a stroke, worsening of the condition, a hearth attack and even death.Persons with heart problems should not eat greasy food and should lose weight if they are overweight. Also, they should not smoke or drink alcohol. If an older person begins having attacks of difficult breathing or swelling of the feet, he should not use salt or eat food that contains salt. For the rest of his life he should eat little or no saltGallbladder ProblemsSharp pain in the stomach at the edge of the right rib cage: This pain sometimes reaches up to the right side of the upper back. The pain may come an hour or more after eating rich or fatty foods. Severe pain may cause vomiting. Belching or burping with a bad taste. Sometimes there is fever Occasionally the eyes may become yellow (jaundice).Gallbladder disease occurs most commonly in women over 40 who are overweight and still having menstrual periods.Gallbladder issues can be prevented by limited the amount of greasy food consumed and maintaining a health weight. If left untreated, It can cause issues with other organs of the body and it’s ability to process food. Do not eat greasy food. Overweight (fat) people should eat small meals and lose weight. Take an antispasmodic to calm the pain. Strong painkillers are often needed. (Aspirin will probably not help.) If the person has a fever, she should take tetracycline or ampicillinCirrhosis of the LiverCirrhosis starts like hepatitis, with weakness, loss of appetite, upset stomach, and pain on the person's right side below the ribs. As the illness gets worse, the person gets thinner and thinner. He may vomit blood. In serious cases the feet swell, and the stomach swells with liquid until it looks like a drum. The eyes and skin may turn yellowish (jaundice)Cirrhosis usually occurs in men over 40 who for years have been drinking a lot of liquor (alcohol) and eating poorlyPreventing of Cirrhosis of the liver is simply not drinking much.When cirrhosis is severe, it is hard to cure. There are no medicines that help much. Most people with severe cirrhosis die from itNever drink alcohol again! Alcohol poisons the liver. Eat as well as possible: vegetables, fruit, and some protein but do not eat a lot of protein (meat, eggs, fish, etc.) because this makes the damaged liver work too hard. If a person with cirrhosis has swelling, he should not use any salt in his food.Swelling of the FeetSwollen feet, pressure, and difficult walking.poor circulation or heart troubleHealth diet, regular checkups and activities that help maintain healthy blood circulation. If the swelling of the feet is not treated, there will be difficult walking and may cause fluid build up in the body. keeping the feet up is the best treatment. Walking helps too-but do not spend much time standing or sitting with the feet down. Keep the feet up whenever possible.5. There are some problems that can occur regardless of attempts to prevent them. We have all heard of the individual that eats well, exercises, and yet gets cancer or has a heart attack. Nevertheless, many of these types of problems tend to occur more regularly in the aging population, especially when it is based on a system of the body deteriorating over time. Discuss two of these, even if not listed in the reading, and explain how and why they occur. Are there any preventative actions a person can take to lower the likelihood of developing the issue? What is the likely outcome of individuals that develop these issues? What treatments are available?Two problems that tend to occur more regularly in the aging population based on the deterioration of the body over time is loss of sight and weakness/fatigue. Loss of sight or vision issues tend to occur because of the aging of the eye’s retina. If there is also damage to the eyes at a younger age and there is no proper treat to them; the eyes tend to fail at an older age. Screen time and harsh lighting also cause damage to the eye. In the aging population there tends to be less protect of the eyes. What helps preventing loss of sight/eye damage is regular eye exams, wearing glasses when needed, less Tv/computer screens brightness and healthy eating. The likely outcome of individuals that develop these issues and left untreated; blindness or assist maybe needed. Some treatments that are available dependence of the severity of the vision problem. Some treatments include prescription glasses, while others may require corrective surgery. Weakness/fatigue tend to occur because the aging of the body and the aging population tend to be less active. The body over time seems to loss it’s memory capability, gain physical issues and weakness, and seem to require less sleep/food. There is no way to prevent the development of weakness/fatigue in the aging generation. It is a part of the process; however, it is possible to slow down the immediate effects. Exercising, being active and eating well will help your body maintain muscle and decreases the immediate effects of weakness/fatigue. For someone who develop weakness/fatigue a healthcare provider/assist living may be a needed option and physical therapy would be a treatment option to try and increase the activity within the body.6. As a caregiver for someone that is aging and starting to face these issues, what do you need to do? How can you be prepared, care for them, and remain healthy yourself? How does caring for an aging individual affect your own family?As a caregiver for someone that is aging and starting to face these issues, I need to be aware of the individual’s health issues and family history. Some of the issues faced in an aging individual maybe base of their family history, while other issue may be because of poor diet and lack of exercise. I can prepare different exercising curriculum that will assist in muscle development, eating program that would provide a good source of nutrients and protein to the body and to see what is lacking in the body. I believe as a young generation taking care of the aging generation helps me to maintain an active life. It shows me the importance of eating well and exercising. Remaining active helps me maintain a healthy life. Caring for an aging individual affects my own family is many ways. My mother is 48 years old with a 17 still at home. Because she has been experiencing health issues, she needs more assist in different aspects of life. I live in Mexico while my sister is moving to Guam with her husband. That means most of the physical responsibility is either on my mother (who is having difficulties) or my 17-year-old brother. It creates a new normal for my mother’s household. The reality that she is no longer 23 is hitting her, and at the same time it is hitting me. The reality is I need to be in a healthy state to be able to continue to do the things I love to do and to be there for my family. 7. There is a growing interest in “end of life” doulas. These are women that work with those that are older and facing end of life, or at least lower quality of life, realities. They provide the care, support and comfort a doula might for a new mother, but in these cases, they serve the elderly population. Find an article or story about a doula that works in this field. Alternatively, find the contact information of a person that works in this field. Either write a synopsis of the article you find or else a brief summary of a written or spoken interview you have with someone in the field. What do they do on a daily basis? How did they get into this field? These types of questions, either from the article or from a short interview, can be engaging and eye opening concerning the ways in which we work with, help, and treat aging individuals with specific ailments.Interview with end-of-life doulaContact informationShelby Kirillin from INELDAEmail: Shelbyk1021@ Phone number: +1(804)502-3667What do you do on a Daily basis?“It depends on where I met the client. If I have months with them before they die, we go over regret, Vigia plan (how do they want their death to be). Laboring out of life means sitting there by their bedside. Symptom management, and Grief work: reprocess life.”How did you decided to become an end-of-life doula?“I’m an ICU nurse for over 20 years. I saw the unnecessary surgery and test. I saw a few families who embracing death. It was accepted death that helped the, love their love ones better. The opposite of death is not life but birth. I saw death as birth but backwards. I saw the lack of love for the individuals who were dying.”What has been the greatest impact becoming an end-of-life doula have you seen in your client’s life?“Hearing people say ‘when I accepted the reality. I remembered it all.’ When I am able to teach the family to embrace death and love their love ones; that is where the beauty lies.”How long have you been an end of the life doula?“Training for an end-of-life doula is 3 days in person and 3 weeks online with INEDLA? I have been with INEDLA for 5 years.”How has it effected your life personally?“When you are working in the death field there is a constant reminder of how finite life is. Death is walking quietly beside us. Death gives life purpose. If we walk in the reality that death is next to us; we would treat each other kinder. I have learned to have compassion”Would you recommend becoming an end of the life doula? Why“The answer is of course! It is an experience that we all will have. When you have the knowledge to how to support death you are able to meet it with gratitude, human compassion and understanding its purpose.” ................

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