AIM, child welfareCIVIL RIGHTS PART 3:NATIVE AMERICANSAKA: Indigenous peoples in the US, Canada and Latin America HINT: I have a strong suspicion that this will be ur IB Question in May! When people think about the fight for civil rights they often think of African Americans, Hispanic Americans or women. Yet, one of the groups most mistreated by the United States government is Native -Americans, or Natives, as they prefer to be called. They may have been the first group to settle North America but they were certainly not the last. Americans wanted to push them off their land in the name of Manifest Destiny, break their treaties, and then put them on Reservations. Unfortunately, today these reservations have the highest rates of suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse and domestic violence in the United States. The country through people like Reagan and Obama tried to make up for past misdeeds but is it too little late or is there hope for Natives yet?DID U KNOW:Historically, many Native American tribes never believed in private property. They didn’t believe that you could ever “own” something. Instead, you are just taking care of the land and all that it has to offer for future generations. The aborigines of Australia say: “Arguing over who owns a mountain is like fleas arguing over who owns the dog.”Instead of holidays, when you would normally get presents, some Native tribes would have competitions for who could “give away the most”. The person who gave away the most of their own possessions “won” and was revered throughout the tribe. Sort of the true meaning of Christmas, no? *Starbucks gift cards don’t count!Still, it is wrong to think of any group as more ‘spiritual’ than the next. Of course generally speaking Natives have been portrayed as more “spiritual” and had a more intimate relationship with nature than Europeans because of the latter’s technological abilities and cultural choices, but Natives fought with each other and could be just as vicious as any other group of people. When they got guns, and horses, from the settlers they used them as ferociously as any other. Still, I wonder if native tribes would have built a square home even if they could, or if they would have preferred a tepee close to the ground.To add insult to injury not only are the Reservations awful paces with skyrocketing unemployment but for those native tribes who are dependent upon casinos to make money, where there are casinos there are cigarettes, drugs and prostitution. A non-poetic conclusion to the Indian conundrum.It used to be that Indians would admonish the British and the French for killing buffalo and then leaving all the good parts to rot. Yet it seems all are leaving the good parts to rot in the 21st century.Perhaps Climate Change will teach us the lessons that the Natives could not: we are NOT separate from mother earth and mother earth is not SEPARATE from us!THIS PACKET IS ABOUT THE CIVIL RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IN THE AMERICASCanada 2. US 3.Latin AmericaDON’T 4GET this class is called IB: History of the Americas. A question may be about North America OR South America. In some cases u are free to choose which.PART 1: INDIGENOUS GROUPS IN THE USTrivia Question: Who is the ONLY President to ever DEFY the Supreme Court?Answer: Andrew JacksonWhen the Supreme Court told President Jackson to LEAVE THE CHEROKEE ALONE, and give them back their land in Georgia and North Carolina just like their treaty with the United States government stipulated, Jackson famously said “The Supreme Court ruled on it, now let them enforce it!”Instead he marched over 1000 poor Cherokee to Oklahoma killing almost half in the process (Trail of Tears). Now Georgia belongs to us. And he is on our $20.00 bill. He defied the Supreme Court and should have been impeached for it. This was all part of Jackson’s Indian Removal Act of 1830. Basically it said that any Native tribes in the South will be forcibly relocated west if the Mississippi. Some negotiated and some fought. Only the Seminoles won and that’s why they got the casinos in Florida.We signed 500 treaties with Native Americans from 1778-1871 and we broke……499 of them. Native Americans broke ONE, the scoundrels! BROKEN TREATIESTreaty with the Cherokee- Treaty with the CreekTreaty with the Cheyenne- Treaty with the NavajoTreaty with the Shawnee- Treaty with the SiouxAs a result we created Indian Reservations that existed as sovereign Indian lands. The problem is that much of this land has no farming, no wild animals, and is ill-suited for the Indian way of life. That’s also why today Indian Reservations have the highest rate of alcoholism, suicide, drug abuse, and domestic violence in their states. The Natives simply can’t find a way to exist in this “New World”.TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY MEANS: tribes have the right to govern themselves…….. Define their own membership Manage tribal property And regulate tribal business and domestic relations It further recognizes the existence of a government-to-government relationship between such tribes and the federal government. (This one is the most interesting)In 2017, Native Americans in the US are citizens of the US AND citizens of their tribal nations, which are considered sovereign countries in some instances. There are 564 federally recognized tribes in the US?! BIGGEST INDIAN RESERVATIONS:Cheyenne: South DakotaNavajo: Utah, New Mexico and Arizona (300,000)Crow: MontanaPine Ridge: South Dakota and NebraskaAlso, reservations have their own police forces. There are many court cases where regular cops are called but……where the jurisdiction lies is subject to constant debate.There are 4 different kinds of Tribal Police- sheriffs, constables, regulators and lighthorsemen!The Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968Did u know that B4 1968 Native Americans weren’t even considered citizens of the United States of America. The Bill of Rights didn’t apply! Sure, they had to follow our laws, but they weren’t really part of our Constitution. Kind of like black South Africans during apartheid. This is because they weren’t included in the 14th and 15th Amendments, which was passed for freed blacks after the Civil War. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination for: women, race, religion and creed, but not Natives. Four years later we passed the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968They get the 1st Amendment (yay!)They get the 4th Amendment (yay!)They get the 5th, 6th and 7th Amendment too (yay!)The Bill of Rights now applies to Natives.Freedom of Speech------------------sat what u wantFreedom of the Press------------write what u wantRight to assemble----------------protest as much as u wantRight to a jury (5th amendment)--------BUT it doesn’t have to be IndiansRight to a lawyer----------------I know 1001 lawyer jokes!!!The 8th amendment against cruel and unusual punishment (The Death Penalty is legal in 31 states including Florida.)Electrocution in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.Gas inhalation in Arizona and California.Firing squad in Utah.Hanging in Washington.Forced to talk to Marcus and Matt for prolonged periods of time here in BrowardIn fact, B4 1965, states could actually decide whether or not Native Americans could even VOTE!!!!! So then LBJ and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that made it illegal to use POLL TAXES or LITERACY TESTS against African-American AND did the same for Native Americans!1978 RELIGION AND ‘SPIRITUALITY’: American Indian Religious Freedom ActIn 1978, the US gave Indians the Freedom of Religion to practice things that were illegal in the US, but have been used by Native Americans for centuries. A great example of this is peyote, which is a hallucinogenic drug. Indians would use peyote to go on a “spiritual journey”. It was taken to “open the mind”, not get high or watch Family Guy. Until 1978, the US would send them to jail for “doing drugs” but eventually the Supreme Court ruled it was protected by the Freedom of Religion.One of the things common to many Native American tribes is the VISION QUEST. It’s a rite of passage carried out by young males about to enter adulthood (like a cooler Bar Mitzvah). It lasts for 4 days and 4 nights of solitude in the desert, the forest, the jungle, (a sacred place). It serves as a meditation that hopefully ends with a vision of one’s direction in life. *There are many Christian groups which feel that it is wrong to take your son or daughter to the hospital if they is sick. They feel it is in “God’s hands” and their religious right to do what they like with their kids. The Supreme Court ruled against this, however, and gave the hospitals the right to force the child to have surgery. They felt it was their ‘religious freedom’ but the courts ruled the health of the child takes precedence. The Freedom of Religion is not everything, after all!BTW: The Indian Religious Freedom Act was for Eskimos, Inuits, native Hawaiians and every other group of Native Americans as wellSHAMANS, SHTRAKHMANS AND MEDICINE-MENIn the US, the average boy or girls has 105 industrial chemicals in their blood. This is because of Windex, fantastic, Pledge, anti-bacterial whatever, hand sanitizer whatever Native American medicine was always based on what’s natural; plants, herbs etc. And of course now western medicine is discovering the value of natural or holistic medicine.Aloe VeraGingerSeaweedBlueberries, raspberries and blackberries are ALL high in antioxidantsCayenne PepperChamomile TeaFlaxseedChia seedShamans or medicine men had their own ways of ‘healing’ people, whether physically or psychologically. Much of it is questionable, of course, but much of it isn’t! The key is that all 3: America, Latin America and Canada gave indigenous people the right to practice their ‘religion’ and their ‘medicine’ as they see fit! THE 1960’S : HOUSING, EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENTDON’T 4GET that everything in Civil Rights is really education, housing and employmentEducation for Natives in North America (This applies to ALL of the United States and Canada as well.** Native children were taken from their homes, brought to Christian ‘white’ schools far away from the reservations, forced to learn English, become Christian, and take an English name. Speaking their own language was forbidden and in many cases sexual abuse followed.They were essentially kidnapped from either their parents’ house or from the reservation itself and brought to a boarding home in Canada, Oklahoma, Arizona, California etc. There u better take a Christian name and never ever speak your own native language because beatings and other forms of corporal punishment were quite common (like my 1st Hour)In Canada, this was known as the Canadian Indian Residential School System. Can u believe that the country stole over 150,000 children?! And 6000 of them actually died while in residency! (AP World memory: In the Ottoman Empire The Turks did it to Christian kids and made them learn Turkish, become Muslim and join the vicious army. What were these kids called? Of course these ‘skools’ were so far away from the actual reservations that even if u ran away, as some of you want to do from this lass, you’ll never make it. You’ll juts die in the heat or get eaten by a bear in front of the boys bathroom.The schools, since they were less important than white schools, suffered from overcrowding, poor sanitation, terrible waterr quality, and even lack of heating in the winter. Plus, doctors were so scarce, and medical care so non-existent, that a lot of kids got either the flu or tuberculosis, which effects the lungs. In fact, one school in Canada actually had a death rate of close to 69%!Here in America they were called American Indian Boarding Schools, but they were basically the same thing as in Canada except here in the US the kids also had to cut their “long Indian hair”. (We’ll watch a couple of movie clips on this subject)Eventually, by the 1950’s or so, these institutions were recognized as segregated, immoral and discriminatory, but it didn’t get fixed in America until the magical tear of 1969 with the ‘Indian Brown vs. Board Of Education”In 1969 (Woodstock) the started to fight for equal education just like Brown v Bd. Of Education. It was called the National Indian Education AssociationSame textbooksSame awful foodSame shtrakhmans (never)States CANNOT discriminate against native American children for any reason!In Canada, they didn’t publicly apologize for this until 2008 (Gawd, the Canadians are always so far behind us! Except in health care?) when then Prime Minister Stephen Harper finally admitted for past misdeeds and begged for forgiveness. Then, the $$$ started flowing (see Part 3: Canada at the end of the chapter)FUN FACT: In French orphanages in the 1800’s, instead of giving the orphans bottles to drink milk out of they actually brought in live goats and donkeys for “direct feeding”.THE YEAR 2018In the 1970’s we spent $30 billion on Indian Reservations. Reagan kind of stopped this.In the 1980’s Reagan gave them:U can TAX American businesses selling stuff on Indian landU can join with private mining companies to get at your natural resources (they are urs and not the federal governments)CASINOS!!!!!Really what Reagan did was cut federal aid to the Indians by 85% while allowing them to do their own business. I don’t know which one’s worse.In 2016 President Obama gave $492,000,000 to Native Americans as restitution.PROTESTS: VERY IMPORTANTOCCUPY?ALCATRAZ?For 19 months, from November 20, 1969 to June 11, 1971, the group Indians of All Tribes (IAT) occupied the?Alcatraz penitentiary?off the coast of San Francisco. The occupation was?forcibly ended by the U.S. government.??FUN FACTS about?Alcatraz:?Held Al Capone and he actually played?banjo?in the inmate band?No one EVER escaped?Today hundreds of people complete the tough 1.5 mile swim to the prison?Unlike South African prisons,?Alcatraz had 5,000 books and 75 different magazines.??The Trail of Broken Treaties??In 1972, AIM activists marched across the country on what was called the?Trail of Broken Treaties. The activists?actually?took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs?in Washington D.C, occupying it for several days and causing millions of dollars of damage. During this time, AIM developed and publicized?a 20-point list?to summarize its issues with federal treaties and promises.?(Kind of like the?Black?Panthers’?10 POINT PLAN and the SIT INS of Martin Luther King Jr.?The Longest Walk?The Longest Walk, in 1978, was an AIM-led spiritual walk across the country to support tribal sovereignty and bring attention to 11 pieces of anti-Indian legislation. The first walk began on February 11, 1978, with a ceremony on?Alcatraz Island, where a Sacred Pipe was loaded with tobacco and carried the entire distance. This?3,200-mile?walk's purpose was to educate people about the U.S. government's continuing threat to tribal sovereignty?Source: Boundless. “American Indian Rights.”?Boundless U.S. History?Boundless, 13 Jan. 2017.??XTRAINFO: THE SEMINOLES OF FLORIDAIndians can have casinos-----Most states cannot.Indians can have blackjack------Even Florida casinos cannotCigarettes sold on Indian land don’t have federal sales tax on it.Because sometimes these tribes make A LOT of money from casinos, they have started DNA testing and requesting long genealogy reports to make sure whose who?If u are a member of the Seminole Tribe in Florida you get $12,000 for each man, woman and child in ur family ($1000 per month). That is because they have the Hard Rock Entertainment Center and Casino.In fact, the Seminoles just paid $900,000,000.00 for the entire worldwide Hard Rock name and now Dolphins Stadium is called Hard Rock Stadium. And every time FSU sells a t-shirt or hat with the Seminoles logo on it they have to give a cut to the tribe (Fun Fact: The Seminoles are the ONLY tribe to defeat the US Army. That’s why they got a piece of Hollywood (near 441) as a result. What a sad prize What is really sad, however, is that the most spiritual species in the western hemisphere has to now rely on gambling, cigarettes and casinos to make up for the wealth potentially stolen from them years ago.Also, there have been many protests against the Washington Redskins (football team) because some people feel the name is derogatory. So far no TV coverage has suffered.NATIVE AMERICAN STUDY GUIDE PART #1:DEFINE:Tribal SovereigntyIndian Civil Rights Act of 1968Voting Rights Act of 1965Indian Education ActIndian Religious Freedom Act 1978Vision QuestPART 2: INDIGENOUS RIGHTS IN LATIN AMERICA If u wanna know how Spain treated indigenous or native South Americans, just look at the picture below.THE SPANISH CASTE SYSTEM IN LATIN AMERICA: KNOWN AS THE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEMTHE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEMPENINSULARES: PEOPLE BORN IN SPAINCREOLES: YOU HAVE SPANISH PARENTS BUT YOU’RE BORN IN THE NEW WORLD MESTIZO: HALF SPANISH/HALF INDIANMULATTOE: HALF SPANISH/HALF SLAVEINDIANSSLAVESCLASS OF ‘18Look, when Spain and Portugal CONQUERED Latin America after 1492, they treated the natives (the Indians), as savages, as infidels, and as slaves. After all, they weren’t Catholic, they weren’t educated and they wore funny clothes. And this discrimination persisted for hundreds of years.The Spanish only came for 3 reasons:God: U better become Catholic or “off with your head”!Gold: Self-explanatoryGlory: Self-explanatoryFun Fact: Our current Pope, Francis, is the 1st Jesuit to ever become the papal head. The Jesuits were the ONLY Catholic group to denounce King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for killing so many in the name of Jesus. What did Spain do? Sent them back to Spain to shut them up of course!Do u think that any of this changed after South America won its independence from Spain?! Of course not! Racism persisted and indigenous people were discriminated against, segregated and treated like 2nd class citizens. And where will discrimination happen? Education, employment, land, labor etc.If you had ‘Spanish blood’ you felt superior to the natives. Even in 2018 they still wore funny clothes, spoke a different dialect, and believed in medicine-men and shamans, and used roots to cure pain instead of Tylenol**BTW: Did U ever notice how many side –effects many pharmaceutical drugs have?!The Indigenous of Central and South America:There are 40,000,000 indigenous people belonging to 600 different “tribes” and most of them live in Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia and Ecuador. That’s almost 13% of the whole population and is as high as 40% in places like Peru. And yet…..UNFORTUNATELY, most of them live in rural areas and didn’t get their fair share of natural resources like copper or cattle. These countries are already pretty poor to begin with and the last thing they wanna do is negotiate with indigenous tribes or (heaven forbid) share the wealth of the resources with the peasants. And DON’T 4GET that Latin America is plagued by massive corruption and a 1%/99% phenomenon where most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few.Bolivia is the ONLY country that actually has an Indian President. That is, someone who can trace his roots all the way back to the local Taino, Aztec or Inca. Spanish is NOT his 1st language and he prefers to wear indigenous clothing. His name is Evo Morales All this changed in the 60’s with indigenous Civil RightsJust remember, whether we are talkin about MLK, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, feminists or Native Americans, it ALL comes down to jobs, schools, education, segregation, discrimination and racism.EDUCATION: UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960)SCHOOLS can’t discriminate against Indian children, and rural schools, where many indigenous live, must be up to standard.**Unfortunately, Mexico is considered to have the WORST educational system in all the Americas. Teachers routinely ‘sell’ their positions when they retire. Mine is priceless.Literacy Rates in Latin AmericaBolivia- 93% for boys but only 81% for girlsThe Dominican Republic- only 85% for BOTHEl Salvador 82%/77% for girlsGuatemala- 78% but only 63% for girlsHonduras 76% for bothDISCRIMINATION: The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965)Movie theatres-----------mallsSupermarkets------------dinersDances-----------------shoe storesIndians routinely suffered discrimination at the hands of the ‘PURE SPANISH’ENDED PUBLIC PLACE DISCRIMINATION LIKE THE END OF JIM CROWJOBS: Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation (1958)?Cant fire someone just because of their ancestorsCant ‘not hire’ someone because of their ancestorsAs in the US, discrimination is sometimes VERY difficult to prove. I mean, how can u prove that I fired you because of your ethnicity and not your potential incompetence. There has to be A LOT of proof that you were doing a good job but that I fired you anyway.THESE 2 UP ABOVE ARE THE EQUIVALENT OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 AND THE TITLE VII COMPONENT FOR WOMEN.4. LIVING AND SPEAKING: International Labor Standards Convention No. 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries (1989)You can have your own language, your own religion, your own clothing. Mexico and Peru cannot FORCE you to act and dress the way Mexicans do.FUN FACT: there are 300 people living in Boca Raton who speak Maya. They don’t speak Spanish, don’t speak English, but speak Maya. Palm Beach County has a hard time getting translators. They come from GuatemalaThere are several international organizations that backed up these laws:United NationsUNESCO ( The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization)Inter-American Developmental BankThe Organization of American States (Organización de los Estados Americanos,)The IMF (International Monetary Fund)The World BankAs you can see, all the Human Rights Laws, all the United Nations Conventions, ALL told Latin America: if u do not stop being racist towards indigenous people, we will NOT consider you part of the international community. So of there’s a war, if u need money etc….BE COOL!!!!ASSIGNMENT: Just list each law/convention and make sure you understand the history and consequences of colonialism. **BTW, DON’T 4GET that WOMEN, native or otherwise, have always suffered a lot more in the ultra-machismo cultures of Latin AmericaPART 3: INDIGENOUS RIGHTS IN CANADA ** I LUV maple syrup! Look, the same principles that we discussed above apply to Indian Tribes north of the border. The only difference is that Canada was colonized by the British and the French and was thus never as corrupt or patriarchal as Latin America. Plus, in Canada they are known as FIRST PEOPLES or FIRST NATIONSCanada did have something called The Pass System, however. Basically it stipulated that u better stay on ur Indian Reservation, and u can only come visit white people if u have a pass for work or something like that. South Africa had the same things. It was a way of making sure the races simply didn’t mix. It wasn’t just limited tow here u can live or who u can marry, even visiting ‘white’ neighborhoods was simply illegal. The Pass System lasted from 1885 to 1945. World War 2 ended all that nonsense cuz the world saw what hate was really like with the Nazis.CANDIAN LAWS: SAME AS CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964The Canadian Bill of Rights: In 1982, Canada made sure that ALL constitutional protections applied to First Peoples as well. Here in the USA Natives get the Bill of Rights in 1968, in Canada they wait until……1982Text: ?"Aboriginal Rights are what First Nations define them as. Their rights are what they were before European contact, and remain the same after European contact".Indian Health Transfer Policy?of?Canada, also states that once a tribe is on its land it can administer “HEALTH” the way it sees fit; medicine-men, shamans etc.MONEY: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$But it wasn’t until 2007 that Canada decided to financially fix this (kind of like Reagan and Obama trying to pay for what we’ve done). In 2007 Canada gave the First Peoples almost $5 billion for education, health, housing etc.2007: WE’LL PAY FOR WHAT WE’VE DONE! $1.8 billion for education, to create school systems, train more Native teachers. You don’t have to only study English or French (many parts of Canada in Quebec and Montreal speak French as their 1st language. In fact, it’s illegal for radio stations to play more than 25% American songs.)$1.6 billion for housing, including $400 million to address the need for clean water in many remote communities.(Unfortunately, access to clean water is a MAJOR problem even on American reservations!)$1.315 billion for health services.300 DOCTORS/1500 NURSES$200 million for economic development. I’ll let u decide what that means.ASSIGNMENT: Just list EACH region and EACH law passed with a BRIEF description for the following categories: (You’ll have to make a STUDY GUIDE for Paper #3 anyway!!)Education:Religion:Civil Rights:Money/financial restitution:Sovereignty: ................

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