
| A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.

S. Johnson | |

Ex. 1. Use correct articles with nouns. Translate into Russian.

1. … rabbit, … vegetable-eating land animal, is generally peaceable if it is left undisturbed.

2. They elected me … president by a show of hands.

3. … Prime Minister asked me if he was … good prime minister.

4. … glass I drink from is not large, but at least it is my own.

5. Three is … cardinal number that is one more than two.

6. … very pale moon rose slowly. So did … stranger as they approached … bench.

7. It is amazing what little harm doctors do when one considers all … opportunity they have. (Mark Twain)

8. It is truly written that … man has five times as many fingers as ears, but only twice as many ears as noses. (Don Geddis)

9. Horses look remarkably healthy. That’s because they don’t sit up all … night playing … cards and drinking … whisky.

10. Basically … word mankind is made up of two separate words, mank and ind. What do these words mean? Nobody knows and that is why … mankind is … mystery. (Jack Hand)

11. I lent … friend of mine … thousand dollars for plastic surgery and now I don’t know what he looks like.

12. Under … capitalism … man exploits … man. Under … communism it’s just … opposite. (J.K. Galbraith)

13. I prefer … cinema to … theatre; … television to … cinema; and … radio to … television.

14. Have you ever heard … Bach concerto?

15. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is … Milos Forman film.

16. … tiger is in … danger of becoming extinct.

Ex. 2. Use correct articles. Translate into Russian.

1. … real art of conversation is not only to say … right thing at … right place but to leave unsaid … wrong thing at the tempting moment. (Dorothy Neville)

2. I wish it would dawn upon … engineers that, in order to be … engineer, it is not enough to be … engineer. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

3. Better than … thousand days of … diligent study is one day with … great teacher. (Japanese proverb)

4. If you are going through … hell, keep going. (Sir Winston Churchill)

5. Use … telephone and spare yourself a visit.

6. … wastebasket is … writer’s best friend. (Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer)

7. The fall in … value of … pound will enable us to export more goods.

8. He is not much of … swimmer, but he brushes his teeth every day.

9. I go to … theatre as seldom as I can.

10. She looked like something from … circus.

11. He is a listener by … trade.

12. He’s the dirtiest person I know, and he has … nerve to tell my shoes need cleaning.

13. Where is … sense in going by boat when the plane costs no more and is quicker.

14. … outer space seems to be infinite.

15. … most people who are as attractive, witty and intelligent as I am are usually conceited.

16. It’s no good to talk about your troubles; … eighty per cent of the people who hear them don’t care and the other twenty per cent are glad you’re having trouble.

17. I don’t answer … telephone because I have this feeling there is going to be someone on … other end.

18. Just … other day in … Underground I enjoyed … pleasure of offering my seat to three ladies. (G.K. Chestertone)

19. … botany is … art of insulting … flowers in … Latin and … Greek.

20. The hardest person to awaken is … one already awake. (Tagalog saying)

21. A teacher affects … eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops. (Henry Adams)

22. Before you visit Myanmar you ought to learn … language.

23. … teak is a type of … wood.

Ex. 3. Use correct articles with names of substances. Translate into Russian.

1. His explanation of where he got the money from doesn’t hold … water.

2. … iron rusts from disuse, … stagnant water loses its purity, and in … cold weather becomes frozen, even so does … inaction sap the vigor of the mind. (Leonardo Da Vinci)

3. … coffee just isn’t my cup of … tea.

4. We didn’t starve but nobody ate … chicken unless we were sick or … chicken was.

5. … alkali forms a chemical salt when combined with … acid.

6. … mocha [´mokә] is a type of … fine coffee.

7. … hydrogen is … gas that is … simple substance, without … colour or smell, is lighter than … air, and burns very easily.

8. … carbon dioxide is produced when animals breathe out, when … carbon is burned in … air, or when animal or vegetable matter decays.

Ex. 4. Use correct articles with abstract nouns. Translate into good Russian.

1. … truth is stranger than … fiction.

2. Our English teacher made sure that we were well grounded in … basic grammar.

3. Having pet alligators is … idiosyncrasy.

4. All our students receive … good grounding in … English grammar.

5. It is better to err on the side of … caution.

6. … collateral aim of … government’s industrial strategy is to increase … employment.

7. I have … horrible feeling we’re going to fail the exam.

8. He had half … mind to go and ask the Gaffer who the inquirer was. But he thought better (or worse) of it, and turned and walked quickly back.

9. They went in … single file along hedgerows and the borders of coppices, and … night fell dark about them.

10. It’s … dangerous business going out of your door.

11. … sudden unreasoning fear of discovery laid hold of Frodo.

12. You must keep your secret for … present, if you want to be mysterious.

13. ‘Well, Mr Frodo,’ Maggot went on, ‘I’m glad that you’ve had … sense to come back to Buckland.

14. … only thing to do is to go off in … quite unexpected direction.

15. As … matter of fact he came out on … right side in … end.

16. … concealment was no longer possible, and they could only hope that no enemy or spy was observing them.

17. It’s not easy when you’ve spent the rest of your life trying to do … opposite.

18. All we ever do nowadays is … talk.

19. … poetry is … art of uniting … pleasure with … truth.

20. If … parsimony could have made a man rich, Sir Pitt Crawley might have become very wealthy. (W. Thackeray)

21. … loyal wife is … one who sticks with her husband through all … troubles he wouldn’t have made if he hadn’t married her.

22. … truth is rarely pure, and never simple. (O. Wilde)

23. Speak … truth, then leave quickly. (Serb proverb)

24. … logic is the first thing you have to get rid of.

25. … responsibility for … continual prevalence of … ignorance lies not with the teacher but with those taught.

26. Australia faces … grey future.

27. … time slips through our fingers like water. We gape in … astonishment to see how little is left.

28. I get into … trouble and get out again.

29. Mr Brown was busy having … nervous breakdown.

30. She is … zero, but terrific looking.

31. Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for … reason.

32. In ... interior darkness he seems a suit of clothes hung from the broad knob of his face.

33. … willing contemplation of … vice is … vice. (Arabic proverb)

34. There is no fire like … passion, there is no shark like … hatred, there is no snare like … folly, there is no torrent like … greed. (Buddha)

35. Enjoy … silence!

36. Sometimes I think the surest sign that … intelligent life exists elsewhere in … universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Bill Watterson)

37. … shortest distance between … two truths is … lie.

38. … smile that you send out returns to you. (Indian proverb)

39. … language is not neutral. It is merely … vehicle which carries ideas. It is itself … shaper of ideas. (Dale Spender)

40. … sounds were … voices and … voices were … words and … words were thoughts.

Ex. 5. Use correct articles with abstract nouns. Translate into good Russian.

1. We found it hard to choose a carpet: they were all much of … muchness.

2. … tact is … ability to describe others as they see each themselves. (A. Lincoln)

3. … time does not seem to pass here: it just is. A remarkable place altogether.

4. … human mind is more … universe than … universe itself.

5. … procrastination is … art of keeping up with yesterday.

6. …simplicity doesn’t mean to live in … misery and … poverty. You have what you need, and you don’t want to have what you don’t need. (Charan Singh, mystic)

7. That is to say, the publishers offer … reader a stream of undoctored records that speak … volumes both of … subconscious and the writing method of the great writer of … absurd.

8. If you put your hand on … working car engine, you will feel vibrations of … 1Hz to 100Hz frequency.

9. … social problems in … modern society are mounting.

10. There’s going to be … constant speculation about the date of the election.

11. The whole policy has proved … failure and should be abandoned.

12. I feel … pity rather than … anger to these people.

13. I think that’s … great pity after all she’s done.

14. This is the most exciting period in … human history.

15. It’s … common knowledge among politicians that an election will be called soon.

16. I gave her some chocolate as … small thank you.

17. I write with … beautiful simplicity of … style.

18. I’m looking for … trouble in any shape or form.

19. If you play with dangerous chemicals like that you’re just asking for … trouble.

20. We must thank you for taking … trouble to cook.

21. ... trouble with me is that I didn’t learn grammar.

22. She leads … trouble-free existence

23. The lesson was going at … very slow pace.

24. Venice has … timeless beauty.

25. I have been learning … grammar non-stop for 18 hours.

26. … excessive study can rapidly reduce … mental powers too.

27. The speech was … embarrassment to listen to.

28. Getting enough sleep makes … difference in how one feels and looks.

29. The hypothesis is only … crude approximation to … reality.

30. What … atrocious dinner!

31. Flies and stinging insects were giving us … bad time.

32. A thing of beauty is … joy forever. (Keats)

33. When another person departs from the truth, it is … lie; when we do, it is … imagination.

34. … common sense is not so common. (Voltaire)

35. It is these things that cause me concern: … failure to cultivate virtue, … failure to go more deeply into what I have learned, … inability, when I am told what is right, to move to where it is, and … inability to reform myself when I have defects. (Confucius)

36. To be fond of something is better than merely to know it, and to find … joy in it is better than merely to be fond of it. (Confucius)

37. When I have pointed out one corner of a square to anyone and he does not come back with … other three, I will not point it out to him … second time.

38. Philosophers before Kant had … tremendous advantage over philosophers after Kant in that they didn’t have to waste years studying Kant. (Bertrand Russel)

39. People should work for … benefit of … society.

40. … healthy society can tolerate a lot of criticism.

Ex. 6. Use correct articles with abstract nouns. Translate into good Russian.

1. That painted portrait is … perfect likeness of her.

2. The book was … immense success.

3. The project was … utter failure.

4. That pianist has … considerable talent.

5. I have … musical talent.

6. It takes … practice to learn how to play … violin.

7. … history does not repeat itself, … historians merely repeat each other.

8. Always acknowledge … fault frankly. This will throw those in … authority off their guard and give you … opportunity to commit more.

9. Helen and Mary sat in the kitchen having … good gossip about their friends.

10. … Mary’s singing is … joy to listen to.

11. The readers were filled with … joy.

12. It was such … pleasure to be present at the lesson.

13. Mr Smith’s guinea pig is … little horror.

14. I hope they’ll have … sense to shut the windows before they leave.

15. It makes … sense to buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in … end.

16. The helicopter hovering overhead added to … sense of urgency.

17. These changes strike at the heart of … British society.

18. There’s … danger that we will end up blaming ourselves for … society’s problems.

19. Mr Drunkenstein has … limited knowledge of French.

20. The details of the scandal are now … common knowledge.

21. Mr Frühstück started to photograph the documents, safe in … knowledge that he wouldn’t be disturbed at least an hour.

22. Keeping warm in the winter is … major worry for many students.

23. In … hot weather shops do … roaring trade in cold drinks and ice creams.

24. … drama is … life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)

25. I prefer … Dutch cheese to … modern art

26. It’s … sheer stupidity.

27. The king had … absolute power over his subjects.

28. His success was to … sheer determination.

29. It was … sheer coincidence that we met at the German lesson.

30. What’s your idea of … perfect happiness?

31. I have … absolute faith in her judgment.

32. … real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. (Confucius)

33. She looked at me in … genuine surprise.

34. Mr Gook enjoys … eighteenth-century art.

35. The author seems to pretend that … Russian culture ended in 1917, and after a brief period of inexorable decline, there appeared … void.

36. We were hard put to find … replacement for our secretary.

37. These worn tyres are badly in need of … replacement.

38. I dislike … idle talk.

39. There was … loud knock at the door.

40. In … heavy frost one tends to think in very short thoughts.

Ex. 7. Use correct articles. Translate into Russian.

1. The day’s march promised to be … warm and tiring work.

2. I’ve just played … work by an unknown Portuguese composer.

3. One of the ground rules of … social behaviour is to avoid offending … people.

4. Long tales are thirsty. And long listening is … hungry work.

5. At first they made … fair progress, but as they went on, their passage became slower and more dangerous.

6. There is … strong evidence that … Bush administration is gearing up for the next stage of the war against … terrorism.

7. Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as … conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.

8. We must believe in … luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don’t like. (Jean Cocteau)

9. You can’t trust … English weather.

10. I have … permission to tell you.

11. It’s not known how many of them have been given … permission to leave.

12. Why is Friday the thirteenth so widely regarded as a day that brings … bad luck?

13. She is making … good progress with her German.

14. It’s … poor fun if we have … full information.

15. Seek … professional advice is what we should do.

16. They are making … good progress but still have a fair way to go.

17. Mr Glück is in … very good health.

18. Mr Greengoose has had … good education.

Ex. 8. Use correct articles. Translate into Russian.

1. At Rector’s, Drouet had met Mr. G.W. Hurstwood, … manager of Fitzgerald and Moy’s. (Dreiser)

2. I may not be elected … governor again. (Dreiser)

3. I’m made … president of the company. (Leacock)

4. Gerald du Maurier, … very good director, told me himself that he took no interest in directing a play that he could not partly rewrite. (Maugham)

5. Am I speaking to … Chairman?

6. … Pharaoh Rameses II is well known to all the students.

7. She got a job as … personal secretary to … company chairman.

8. … Britain’s ambassador to Brazil was expected at the football match.

9. If … prime minister loses support in … House of … Commons, they are expected to resign, as Margaret Thatcher did in 1990.

10. … Queen is … chief of the armed forces by right.

11. In the Second World war Eisenhower was … commander-in-chief of the Allied armed forces.

12. … Prime Minister wore carroty shoes and yellow trousers.

13. … Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, … Russian Foreign Ministry, and I have sent letters to the investigation agencies confirming that the whole scheme was in effect pursuant to a decision by … then government of … Viktor Chernomyrdin, and that Russia today has no complaints against our partners and the intermediary firm.

Ex. 9. Use correct articles. Translate into Russian.

1. On … Groundhog Day, according to … old stories, … groundhog comes out of its hole for the first time since … winter began.

2. It’s … beautiful morning. – What’s beautiful about it?

3. It was … pale morning: in the East, behind long clouds like lines of solid wool stained red at the edges, lay glimmering deeps of yellow.

4. The road lay quiet under the long shadows of … early evening.

5. I rode away at … dawn; and I came at long last to the dwelling of Saruman. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

6. … day leaped into the sky.

7. At … twilight, the air was full of velvet, swooping bats. (Clark)

8. … bright sunlight streamed through the windows of the delightful room. (Mansfield)

9. Towards … evening it grew colder.

10. Somewhere it was … afternoon.

Ex. 10. Correct the following statements. Use articles where necessary.

E.g. The students learned grammar from morning till night. – I am sorry to contradict you, but the students learned grammar from night till morning.

1. It’s usually warmer in the university at night than during the day.

2. The students don’t go to the university until midday.

3. Our classes are over before noon.

4. It’s pleasant to have breakfast in the canteen at dawn.

5. I usually spend the morning in the theatre.

6. I only come along here on Monday morning.

7. We never speak English during the summer.

8. Towards evening I always grow sulky.

9. I’ll stay here through the winter.

10. It’s spooky in the Dean’s Office after midnight.

Ex. 11. Use correct articles. Translate into Russian.

1. I got the news from Mrs Firestone at … first hand.

2. At … first sight the problem seems easy.

3. I’ll come round to collect it … first thing tomorrow.

4. John took … first place in the competition.

5. … first prize in the raffle is a holiday for two in the village Gadyukino.

6. Do you know anything about … first aid?

7. You’ve gotten to … first base if you’ve landed an interview. (AmE; =first stage of success in an attempt to achieve something)

8. There’s a lot more space in … first class.

9. I never travel … first class.

10. He has gone to China to study conditions there at … first hand.

11. That was … tough first half for Wales. (=the first period of a football match)

12. “Ich bin” is … first person present singular of the verb “sein”.

13. If you sell your house, will you let me have … first refusal on it? (BrE; the right to decide whether to buy something before it is offered to other people)

14. That’s … second time you’ve asked me that.

15. Our personal wishes take … second place to the needs of the government.

16. I’m rich enough to own … second kettle.

17. Bill only finished in … second place in the race.

18. He came … poor second. (=a long way behind the first person)

19. As a footballer I am … second to none.

20. Here is … second helping of potatoes!

21. I only play … second fiddle.

22. If you go to Funafuti you’ll probably need … second pair of shoes.

23. If you have … second chance don’t hold back.

24. The shop didn’t have quite what we wanted so we had to settle for … second best. (=not as good as the best)

25. England came off … second best in the big football match. (=were defeated)

26. It’s … second nature for me to be late for classes, even though I’m a bright student.

27. On … second thought I think I will eat some more porridge.

28. I seem to think I am … second Napoleon.

29. The police gave the suspect … third degree. (=hard questioning)

30. … time is sometimes called … fourth dimension.

31. It was … most amazing coincidence.

32. Mary is … most unusual person.

Ex. 12. Use correct articles with substantivized adjectives. Translate into Russian.

1. … English eat millions of sandwiches every day.

2. … absent are always in … wrong.

3. A committee is a group of … unfit, appointed by … unwilling to do … unnecessary.

4. O dark, dark, dark. They all go into … dark.

The vacant interstellar spaces, … vacant into … vacant. (Eliot)

5. He is more Irish than … Irish.

6. You can tell those who are above … average about … best, but not those who are below … average. (Confucius)

7. He who would distinguish … true from … false must have an adequate idea of what is true and false. (Spinoza)

8. I always expect … unexpected.

9. … English take … dozen monosyllabic words in their jaws, chew them, crunch them and spit them out again and call that speaking (Heinrich Heine)

10. But when … great fall, … less must lead.

11. … beautiful is not always the same as … good.

Ex. 13. Use correct articles in the combinations with the possessive case. Translate into Russian.

1. By no means all Hobbits were lettered, but those who were wrote constantly to all their friends (and a selection of their relations) who lived further off than … afternoon’s walk.

2. It’s been … hard day’s night.

3. He told them … elephant’s big.

4. Sometimes I think that … knowledge – when it is … knowledge for … knowledge’s sake, anyway is the worst of all.

5. Not only do the World Cup organizers have to keep … England’s and … Holland’s supporters apart, they will also have to cope with … Ireland’s peaceful “green army”, which could number 20,000.

6. She had something of … horse’s dreadful beauty.

7. It’s … student’s first idiom.

8. In my book you’re … nickel’s worth of nothing.

9. I want … ten years’ supply for whisky.

10. If a car is dirty, it’s … woman’s.

11. I acquired … baker’s dozen of small collapsible bicycles.

12. Have you ever seen … Prokofyev’s ballet Cinderella?

13. … old wives’ tale is a traditional idea which is believed by many people but is usually incorrect.

14. … Miss Lawson’s story is … Miss Lawson’s story. Just that.

15. If you do that you will open … Pandorra’s box.

16. The snail was moving at … snail’s pace.

17. The camera aboard … NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft currently orbiting … red planet photographed … Earth, … moon and … Jupiter, as seen in the evening sky of … Mars, at 9 a.m. EDT, May 8, 2003.

18. All … above are asked to attend … tomorrow’s meeting.

19. The day when Petrovich finally brought the greatcoat, it’s hard to say with any exactitude what day it was, but it was probably the most memorable day in … Akaky Akakievich’s life. (Gogol)

Ex. 14. Use correct articles in set expressions. Be sure to translate into Russian.

1. There was too much of that Mr Underhill to go vanishing into … thin air; or into … thick air, as is more likely in this room.

2. All in … good time. You are not supposed to talk or worry about anything today.

3. Is the flight from Funafuti running on … time?

4. There is more about you than meets … eye.

5. She and I see … eye to … eye on this matter.

6. The thief had to stay on … run to keep from being caught by the police.

7. Completing your education may not seem important to you now, but in … long run, you will be glad you did.

8. Give the actor … big hand!

9. Please keep my phone number at … hand in case you need to call me.

10. Some new information has come to … light about … last week’s match.

11. We always see things in … different light.

12. The deal was completely open and above … board.

13. After the passengers were all on … board, the train left the station.

14. When the conversation turns to chemistry he’s on … familiar ground.

15. My business hasn’t got off … ground yet.

16. There was … silence, for suddenly the dark and unknown forest, so near at … hand, made itself as a great brooding presence, full of secret purpose. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

17. Our team took … first place.

18. Anyone chancing on Nevsky Prospekt will be dazzled by the infinite variety of hats, dresses, and scarves, light and colourful, which will sometimes retain the affections of their wearers for two whole days on … end. (N.V. Gogol)

Ex. 15. Use correct articles with proper names. Translate into Russian.

1. … Madras is … city and port in … Southeastern India, … capital of … Tamil Nadu state.

2. … Chunnel is a popular name for … Channel Tunnel.

3. … Nevsky Prospekt is … St Petersburg’s busiest thoroughfare.

4. … K2, also … Mount Godwin Austin, is … second highest mountain in the world after … Mount Everest, on the border between … Kashmir and China.

5. … Gondwanaland was the large mass of land that existed before it broke up to form … Antarctica, Australia, Africa, … South America and India.

6. But a man who takes … control of a state whether it be for good or evil, … Napoleon or … Genghis Khan, … Caesar or … Charlemagne, these are remembered and remembered as great.

7. At the time of … Renaissance there was no division separating … art from … science.

8. … Peak District is popular for climbing, walking and pot holing.

9. … Potomac separates … Maryland and Washington DC from … Virginia and … West Virginia.

10. The caves went on being occupied during … Mesolithic period, which dated from 9,000 to 4,500 BC.

11. Throwing the hammer here is … champion William Anderson, who, when he’s not winning prizes, is … hard working shepherd in … Highlands.

12. … Pleiades are a group of stars in … constellation Taurus.

13. … Transkey is … homeland in … SE South Africa bordering on … Lesotho [lə’su:tu:] to the North and … Indian Ocean to … Southeast.

14. … Sinn Fein wishes … Northern Ireland to become … part of … Republic of Ireland.

15. The nearest star to the sun is … Proxima Centauri, which is 33,923,310,000,000 km from … earth.

16. We are sailing on … QE2.

17. I was swimming in the swimming pool, the size of … Lake Huron, only less dirty.

18. … Reformation was both an extension of … Renaissance and a reaction from it.

19. … Chairman Mao introduced … Great Leap Forward in 1958 and … Cultural Revolution (1966-69), in … 1970s he was influenced by his wife Jiang Qing and … Gang of Four.

20. … Inkatha Freedom Party is … black South African nationalist movement representing the Zulu people and led by … Chief Buthulezi.

21. … Marie Celeste was found in … Atlantic Ocean in 1872 with no one on it; the ship was undamaged, and a table was prepared for a meal. No one knows why … sailors left the ship, or what happened to them.

22. … main New York Public Library is on … Fifth Avenue between … 40th Street and … 42nd Street.

23. A stock market crash brought … financial ruin to thousands and started … Great Depression.

24. … Basque language (in Basque, euskara) is spoken by about 660,000 people (1991 census) at the western end of … Pyrenees, along … Bay of Biscay.

25. … Chicago Tribune is thought of as the voice of the people of … Middle West.

26. I can just remember … Titanic. (Galsworthy)

27. Mr Edward Woodward was in … West Indies two years and seven in … Cape Verde.

28. The President’s attempt to get … Congress to vote in the new bill did not go down well on … Capitol Hill.

29. … Shannon Airport is used for transatlantic flights.

30. … Carthage was in … Northern Africa, near the modern city of Tunis.

31. … Chesapeake Bay is important for trade and shipping.

32. … Brittany is … peninsula between … Bay of Biscay and … English Channel.

33. The satellite was launched from … French Guiana.

34. … Sumer was the southern part of … ancient Mesopotamia, where one of … world’s oldest civilizations lived.

35. On … clear, moonless night … shimmering light of … Milky Way glows especially bright toward … constellation Sagittarius.

36. … Chickamauga [¸tſikə’mo:gə] is a creek flowing from …northwestern Georgia into … Tennessee River.

Ex. 16. Use correct articles with proper names. Translate into Russian.

1. … Britain’s history as … seafaring nation is brought vividly to … life in … National Maritime Museum, which includes two galleries devoted to … Lord Nelson, one of … Britain’s greatest admirals.

2. One of the city’s favourite landmarks, … Madame Tussaud’s famous waxworks display has been going strong since 1835, with old favourites such as … Chamber of Horrors, and new attractions such as … time-ride through London.

3. … Trafalgar Square is the setting for one of … London’s best loved landmarks, … Nelson’s Column, which stands over 184ft (55m).

4. Another of … London’s great spectacles is provided on state occasions, when the queen and her mounted guard process down … Mall – the wide avenue which leads from … Buckingham Palace – along the north side of … St James’s Park and into … Trafalgar Square.

5. Five miles below … Tower Bridge ... Thames leads gracefully to … Greenwich on the south shore, and many visitors choose to arrive in style by … riverboat.

6. … Emperor Claudius had intended that Colchester, in … Essex, should be … capital of … Roman Britain, and that is where … Roman invasion force headed in AD 43 after landing near the site of … today’s Richborough, in … Kent.

7. With … Queen Victoria’s accession to … throne, the focus moved firmly to … Buckingham Palace, where the Royal Family still live today – ‘above the shop’, as … Prince Philip remarked, for most of the 600 rooms are offices for staff.

8. Although the tower is often called … Big Ben, the name actually applies to the huge bell inside the clock itself.

9. Military units in … Roman Empire appear to have run their own regimental breweries, according to new evidence from archaeological excavations near … Hadrian’s Wall.

Ex. 17. Translate into English using correct articles.

1. Была обыкновенная погода, шёл первый день бессмысленного года.

2. Учитель сказал, что я совсем не знаю математики, и поставил мне в дневник какую-то цифру.

3. Тяжёлый град, и снег и мокрый гной

Пронизывает воздух непроглядный,

Земля смердит под жидкой пеленой. (Данте)

4. Спорт – трата времени на трату сил. (М. Цветаева)

5. Чтобы лечиться в Российской Федерации необходимо иметь железное здоровье.

6. И рядом снова оказалась МЫСЛЬ, та самая огромная белая масса, от которой мне сделалось тогда мерзко – четыре года она мне не являлась. (Ж.-П. Сартр)

7. Мне приоткрылась истинная природа настоящего: оно – это то, что существует, а то, чего в настоящем нет, не существует. (Ж.-П. Сартр)

8. Длинные тускло-жёлтые стены коридора качались перед глазами; двери с квадратными матовыми стёклами и с номерами классов казались пластинами какой-то опытной установки, погружёнными в радиоактивную жидкость и излучавшими детские голоса, которые мелодично выговаривали французские фразы … .

9. Университет развивает все способности, в том числе – глупость. (А.П. Чехов)

10. День, остывая, приближался к вечеру.

11. В чём квинтэссенция концептуальной основы вашей весьма одиозной парадигмы политической амбивалентности? (В.С. Черномырдин)

Ex. 18. Use correct articles. Answer the questions.

1. Where was … cheddar cheese first made?

2. How did … hamburger get its name?

3. What did … dachshunds once hunt?

4. How did … Blackfoot Indian tribe get its name?

5. What man gave his name to … word boycott?

6. How did … Saint Bernard get its name?

7. How many sides does … hexagon have?

8. What is … Möbius strip?

9. Through what countries does … Mekong flow?

10. When did … United States celebrate its bicentennial?

11. What countries does … Cameroon border?

12. What other states of India besides … Maharashtra do you know?

Ex. 19. Insert the right articles in the right place.

1. It’s been … too … fine … day. (Dreiser)

2. ‘It is … rather … strange and sad story,’ he went on after a pause.

3. It must be … so … cold … night. (Galsworthy)

4. … many … man fails to become a thinker for the sole reason that his memory is too good. (Nietzsche)

5. … half … world is so composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it. (Robert Frost)

6. It was going to be … quite … interesting lecture.

7. For a young man, this was … rather … morbid turn of character, and so it affected Carrie. (Dreiser)

8. Persuading her it’s a good idea is … half … battle; once she’s convinced, she’ll do a good job.

9. … half … loaf is better than no bread.

10. My income is … double … national average.

11. It was as … pleasant … day as I have ever spent.

12. How … accomplished … pianist is he?

13. However … good … stereo you have, you will never get absolutely perfect reproduction.

14. It was … so … warm … day that the students decided to go to University.

15. It was … too … nice … day to stay inside.

16. I like … both … paintings.

17. Yours is … exactly … wrong answer.

18. He made … quite … effort, but it wasn’t good.

19. There’s … quite … good film on down the road.

20. She’s got … rather … strident voice.

21. It’s … rather … good idea.

22. It’s … no less … person than the President!

23. Mary is … more hardworking … student than anybody else.

24. I am … slower … reader than you are.

Ex. 20. Insert correct articles where necessary. Translate into Russian. Learn by heart.

The Republic of Nauru

..(1).. oval-shaped island lying near ..(2).. equator, Nauru ([na:’u:ru:]/[nau’ru:]) is the smallest republic in the world.

Capital: Owing to its small size, Nauru has no capital.

Geography: The Republic of Nauru comprises ..(3).. small oval-shaped island in ..(4).. western Pacific Ocean. Nauru lies 42km (26 miles) south of ..(5).. equator. Its nearest neighbour is ...(6).. Ocean Island (Banaba, part of ..(7).. Kiribati), 305km (190 miles) to the East. It is 4,000km (2,485 miles) from Sydney.

Area: ...(9)..total land area is 21 sq km (8.1 sq miles).

Topography: ..(9).. phosphate mining in ..(10).. central plateau leaves ..(11).. barren terrain of ..(12).. jagged coral pinnacles, up to 15m (49ft) high. ..(13).. century of mining has stripped four-fifths of ..(14).. total land area. The island is surrounded by ..(15).. coral reef, exposed at ..(16).. low tide and dotted with ..(17).. pinnacles. ..(18).. reef is bounded seaward by ..(19).. deep water, inside by ..(20).. sandy beach. Landward from ..(21).. beach lies ..(22).. 150–300m (492-984ft) wide fertile coastal strip. Coral cliffs surround ..(23).. central plateau. The highest point of the plateau is 65m (213ft) above ..(24).. sea level.

Climate: The climate is tropical, with ..(25).. sea breezes. ..(26).. Day temperatures are 24-34C, average humidity 80%. ..(27).. rainfall is erratic and heavy; average annual rainfall is 2,060mm. ..(28).. monsoon season is November to February. Nauru is threatened by ..(29).. ‘greenhouse effect’: if ..(30).. global warming of the earth causes ..(31).. sea levels rise, ..(32).. habitable low-lying land areas will be at ..(33).. risk from ..(34).. tidal surges and flooding.

Vegetation: The only fertile areas are ..(35).. narrow coastal belt, where there are coconut palms, pandanus trees and indigenous hardwoods such as ..(36).. tomano tree, and ..(37).. land surrounding Buada lagoon, where bananas, pineapples and some vegetables are grown.


Population: 10,000 (mid-1992 est.) There is ..(38).. fluctuating population of ..(39).. overseas workers. Birth rate 19.8 per 1,000 (1987–90/91). Life expectancy 68 years in 1993. ..(39).. Nauruan people are mainly of ..(40).. mixed Polynesian, Micronesian and Melanesian origin, but are most closely related to ..(41).. Polynesians. More than half ..(42).. population are Nauruan; the rest are ..(43).. other Pacific Islanders, with smaller numbers of Chinese and Europeans. The Nauruans were divided into twelve clans. You still can tell by looking at the flag, on it there is ..(44).. twelve-pointed star. Every point symbolizes one of ..(45).. twelve origin clans. The yellow-gold strip symbolizes ..(46).. equator and the blue of course symbolizes the Pacific.

Language: ..(47).. Nauruan and English are spoken, but only English is written.

Education: Free and compulsory, age 5–16. ..(48).. scholarships are available for ..(49).. higher education overseas.

Media: ..(50).. fortnightly Bulletin is the main newspaper. ..(51).. Radio Nauru began broadcasting in 1968, supplemented by a satellite telecommunications centre in 1975. ..(52).. television service was started in 1991.

Transport: ..(53).. sealed road 19km (12 miles) long circles the island. Several miles of road run inland to ..(54).. Buada District and ..(55).. phosphate areas. ..(56).. regular local bus service operates around the island. Hire or self-drive cars ais available. ..(57).. 5km (3-mile) railway serves ..(58).. phosphate workings and carries the phosphate to the coast. ..(59).. Nauru Pacific Line, owned by the Nauru Local Government Council, operates commercial cargo services. Nauru’s national airline is ..(60).. Air Nauru.

Overview: ..(61).. phosphate revenues appear to give Nauru ..(62).. high per capita income, although ..(63).. exact figures are not available. The country is heavily dependent on ...(64).. imports for ..(65).. basic necessities: practically all foodstuffs, consumer and capital goods are imported, as is much of ..(66).. water. However, the cost of ..(67).. living is high, approximating to that in Australia. ..(68).. phosphate deposits were exhausted by the end of the 20th century. Past surpluses from ...(69).. phosphate industry have been invested abroad, to provide income when ..(70).. runs out.

Traveller information:

Public holidays: ..(71).. Nauru’s most interesting public holiday is ..(72).. Angam Day (26 October). The word Angam means homecoming and this day commemorates the various times in ..(73).. history when the size of the Nauruan population has returned to 1,500, which is thought to be ..(74).. minimum number necessary for survival. Other public holidays are ..(75).. New Year’s Day (1 January), ..(76).. Independence Day (31 January), ..(77).. Easter (5-8 April), ..(78).. Constitution Day (17 May).


First inhabited by ..(79).. seafaring Polynesian and Melanesian explorers, Nauru had ..(80).. little contact with Europeans until ..(81).. whaling ships and other traders began to visit in ..(82).. 1830s. Grouped in ..(83).. clans or tribes, the Nauruans traced their descent on ..(84).. female side. They believed in ..(85).. female deity, Eijebong, and ..(86).. spirit land, also an island, called Buitani.

The introduction of firearms and alcohol destroyed ..(87).. peaceful co-existence of ..(88).. 12 tribes living on the island and led to ..(89).. ten-year internal war, which reduced the population from 1,400 (1843) to around 900 (1888).

The island was allocated to Germany under ..(90).. 1886 Anglo-German Convention. The island was captured by ..(91).. Australian forces in 1914 and in 1920 the League of Nations gave Britain, Australia and New Zealand ..(92).. Trustee Mandate over the territory.

Nauru was damaged by ..(93).. German naval gunfire and later by Allied bombing in ..(94).. 1939–45 war. Following ..(95).. Japanese occupation, 1,200 Nauruans were deported to work as labourers in ..(96).. Caroline Islands, where 463 died. The survivors were returned to Nauru in January 1946. After the war, the island became ..(97).. UN Trust Territory, in ..(98).. line with the previous League of Nations mandate. .

Independence: Nauru became independent as ..(99).. Republic in 1968, and joined the Commonwealth as a Special Member.

Sir Hammer DeRoburt, ..(100).. independent Nauru’s first Head of State, was unseated by Parliament in 1976; but, re-elected two years later

In 1993, following ..(101).. US$ 72m claim filed by Nauru at ...(102).. Court of Justice in ..(103).. Hague, Australia agreed out-of-court to pay ..(104).. compensation for the ecological damage caused by phosphate mining.

..(105).. Nauru Government announced plans to rehabilitate the island. Britain and New Zealand have pledged contributions of US$ 8m each. At ..(106).. 1994 Small Island States Conference on ..(107).. sustained development, ..(108).. Nauru government announced plans to rehabilitate the island.

Nauru is robbed from its treasures, the phosphate sources, which were gifted by ..(109).. thousands of birds which established over ..(110).. million years at Nauru. The sources once made the island very rich. The population of Nauru had the highest income per ..(111).. inhabitant of the whole Pacific. That made Nauru one of the most prosperous countries in the world.

National Anthem of NAURU

Nauru bwiema, ngabena ma auwe.

Ma dedaro bwe dogum, mo otata bet egom.

Atsin ngago bwien okor, ama bagadugu

Epoa ngabuna ri nan orre bet imur.

Ama memag ma nan epodan eredu wonengiden,

Miyan aema ngeiyin ouge,

Nauru eko dogin!


Nauru our homeland, the land we dearly love,

We all pray for you and we also praise your name.

Since long ago you have been the home of our great forefathers

And will be for generations yet to come.

We all join in together and say;

Nauru for evermore!

Ex. 21. Insert correct articles in the text. Translate into Russian.

Late trains and slump into loss signal rail crisis


..(1).. BRITAIN'S beleaguered rail network is facing ..(2).. further crisis after new figures revealed ..(3).. 9 per cent rise in ..(4).. train delays in ..(5).. past year.

Network Rail, ..(5).. not-for-profit company that replaced Railtrack, said track and signalling problems were to blame for ..(6).. increase.

..(7).. company also announced ..(8).. £290 million loss in 2002-3, compared with ..(9).. £295 million pre-tax profit in 2001-2.

..(10).. spokesman for ..(11).. company described ..(12).. figures as ..(13).."disappointment", but said it would take several years for ..(14).. sustainable improvements to be made.

The Rail Passengers' Council (RPC) and rail unions reacted angrily to ..(15).. figures, claiming they were "symptomatic" of an industry in ..(16).. crisis.

Bob Crow, ..(17).. general secretary of the Rail Maritime and Transport union, said: "Not only is Network Rail haemorrhaging public money, but half ..(18).. train operating companies themselves are technically bankrupt and ..(19).. rest are being propped up with huge sums of public money."

Anthony Smith, ..(20).. national director of RPC, added: "It's disappointing that, given the extra amount of money going into maintaining ..(21).. network, delays caused by track and signals are up by ..(22).. 9 per cent.

"It shows that it's going to take ..(23).. long time to put ..(24).. railway right, but what ..(25).. passengers need is ..(26).. indication of when performance is going to get better.

"..(27).. passengers want ..(28).. better rail service and that means having ..(29).. robust targets for improving performance on a more resilient network."

However, John Armitt, ..(30).. chief executive of Network Rail, insisted that ..(31).. positive change was taking place in the organisation.

He said: "..(32).. last year has been one of continuous change and at the end of it the organisation has been transformed in ownership and structure and has taken the first steps in re-organising itself to meet ..(33).. challenges it faces.

"It was a year with some good performance in key areas."

Ex. 22. Insert correct articles in the text. Translate into Russian.


..(1).. Grasshopper is ..(2).. amazing insect that can leap 20 times ..(3).. length of its own body. If you or I could do that, we would be able to jump almost 40 yards! While I wouldn't have ..(4).. problem with being able to jump so far, I think ..(5).. landing would be ..(6).. problem.

..(7).. Grasshoppers can be found almost everywhere in the world, except for ..(8).. colder regions near ..(9).. North and South poles. They live in ..(10).. fields, meadows, and just about anywhere they can find ..(11).. generous amounts of ..(12).. leaves to eat. (which they do with ..(13).. passion). Some types of ..(14).. grasshoppers will only eat ..(15).. certain types of plants. .. (16).. others will eat any type of plant they can find. Grasshoppers can destroy ..(17).. entire crops of alfalfa, clover, cotton, corn and other grains, causing ..(18).. millions of dollars in ..(19).. crop damages every year. (This is probably ..(20).. good reason to eat ..(21).. grasshoppers instead of corn).

When ..(22).. grasshopper is picked up, they "spit" ..(23).. brown liquid which is known by ..(24).. most kids and adults as ..(25).. "tobacco juice". Some scientists believe that this liquid may protect ..(26).. grasshoppers from ..(27).. attacks by ..(28).. insects such as ants. Grasshoppers will try to escape from their enemies by jumping up and flying away, or by hiding among ..(29).. leaves or the grass. If you have ever tried to catch grasshoppers in ..(30).. field, you know how quickly they can disappear by dropping down into the tall grass. (This I learned from personal experience while catching "meals" for my pet tarantula Eve).

..(31).. grasshoppers’ greatest enemies include various kinds of flies. ..(32).. other enemies of ..(33).. grasshoppers include ..(34).. beetles, birds, mice, snakes, and spiders. Another dangerous enemy of ..(35).. grasshopper is ..(36).. shoe. ..(37).. shoe comes in various shapes and sizes, but all are equally dangerous to ..(38).. grasshopper.

There are ..(39).. two main groups of grasshoppers: ..(40).. long-horned grasshoppers and ..(41).. short-horned grasshoppers. They are divided according to ..(42).. length of their antennae (feelers), which are also called horns. ..(43).. short-horned grasshoppers are usually called ..(44).. locusts.

..(45).. body of ..(46).. the grasshopper has three main groups. ..(47).. head, ..(48).. thorax, and ..(49).. abdomen. ..(50).. body is covered by ..(51).. stiff shell, much like that of ..(52).. crab. (..(53).. lawyers also have ..(54).. hard shell, but are not related to grasshoppers).

..(55).. two antennae grow forward and curve upward from ..(56).. head. (Are you still with me?) ..(57).. grasshopper uses them to examine ..(58).. food before it eats. Two lips and two powerful jaws with sharp teeth form the main parts of ..(59).. grasshopper's mouth. These fingerlike parts called palpi grow on both sides of the mouth and on ..(60).. lower lip. They contain ..(61).. insect's "taste buds."

..(62).. grasshopper has five eyes. ..(63).. large compound eye, consisting of thousands of single lenses, is on each side of its head. With these eyes, ..(64).. insect can see well to ..(65).. front, to ..(66).. side, and to ..(67).. back. ..(68).. grasshopper also has three small single eyes – one above the base of each antenna, and one below and midway between the two antennae. No one knows what these small eyes do. (My guess would be that they use them to see? Sometimes ..(69).. science seems to look beyond ..(70).. obvious for ..(71).. answer.)

..(72).. grasshopper's wings and legs are attached to its thorax. ..(73).. thorax is actually made up of three parts... ..(74).. prothorax, ..(75).. mesothorax and ..(76).. metathorax. Each of these three segments has a pair of legs. On ..(77).. grasshopper and many other winged insects, ..(78).. mesothorax and usually ..(79).. metathorax bear wings. You will notice on ..(80).. grasshopper ..(81).. large plate just in back of its head which looks a little like ..(82).. saddle. (This is ..(83).. upper surface of ..(84).. prothorax and is known as ..(85).. pronotum.) ..(86).. pronotum extends from ..(87).. head to the base of the wings.

..(88).. most kinds of grasshoppers have two pairs of wings. Some species have short, useless wings, and others have no wings at all. ..(89).. grasshopper's front wings are narrow and tough. They cover and protect ..(90).. large, thin hind wings. When ..(91).. insect rests, its hind wings fold up like ..(92).. fans under its front wings. When ..(93).. grasshopper flies, ..(92).. downstroke of ..(93).. wings gives ..(94).. insect "lift" and moves it forward. ..(95).. upstroke helps keep ..(96).. grasshopper moving until the wings reach ..(97).. position for the next downstroke.

..(98).. grasshopper has six legs, and uses all of them when it walks. ..(99).. front legs hold food when the animal eats. ..(100).. hind legs are much longer and stronger than the others.

Ex. 23. Insert correct articles in the text. Translate into Russian.


..(1).. Incas were ..(2).. distinct people with ..(3).. distinct language living in ..(4).. highland center, Cuzco. They were ..(5).. ancient people, but had been ..(6).. subject to ..(7).. regional powers during ..(8).. entire history of ..(9).. South American urban cultures. They began to expand their influence in the twelfth century and in ..(10).. early sixteenth century, they exercised control over more territory than any other people had done in ..(11).. South American history. The empire consisted of over one million individuals, spanning ..(12).. territory stretching from ..(13).. Ecuador to ..(14).. northern Chile.

Unlike ..(15).. military empires in ..(16).. Central America, ..(17).. Incas ruled by ..(18).. proxy. After ..(19).. conquering ..(20).. people, they would incorporate local rulers into their imperial system, generously reward anyone who fought for them, and treated well all those conquered people who cooperated. So, in ..(21).. reality, ..(22).. Inca "empire," as ..(23).. invading Spanish called it, was not really ..(24).. empire. It was more of ..(25).. confederation of ..(26).. tribes with a single people, ..(27).. Incas, more or less in ..(28).. control. Each of these tribes was ruled independently by ..(30).. council of ..(31).. elders; the tribe as a whole gave its allegiance to the ruler, or "Inca." ..(32).. "Inca" was divine; he was ..(33).. descendant of the sun-god.

..(34).. social structure of ..(35).. Incas was extremely inflexible. At ..(36).. top was ..(37).. Inca who exercised, theoretically, ..(38).. absolute power. Below ..(39).. Inca was ..(40).. royal family which consisted of ..(41).. Inca's immediate family, concubines, and all his children. This royal family was a ruling aristocracy. Each tribe had tribal heads; each clan in each tribe had clan heads. At ..(42).. very bottom were the common people who were all grouped in ..(43).. squads of ten people each with ..(44).. single "boss." ..(45).. social unit, then, was primarily based on ..(46).. cooperation and communality. This guaranteed that there would always be enough for everyone; but ..(47).. centralization of ..(48).. authority meant that there was no chance of individual advancement (which was not valued). It also meant that ..(49).. system depended too much on the centralized authority; once ..(50).. invading Spanish seized ..(51).. Inca and ..(52).. ruling family, they were able to conquer ..(53).. Inca territories with ..(54).. lightening speed. Conquered people were required to pay ..(55).. labor tax (mita) to ..(56).. state; with this labor tax, ..(57).. Incas built ..(58).. astonishing network of roads and terraced farmlands throughout ..(59).. Andes.

..(60).. agriculture was ..(61).. tough business in ..(62).. Andes. ..(63).. Incas actively set about carving up mountains into terraced farmlands — so successful were they in turning steep mountainsides into terraced farms, that in 1500 there was more land in cultivation in ..(64).. Andean highlands then there is today. ..(65).. Incas cultivated ..(66).. corn and potatoes, and raised llama and alpaca for food and for labor.

Of all .(67)... urbanized people of ..(68).. Americas, ..(69).. Incas were the most brilliant engineers. ..(70).. Huari-Tiahuanaco performed ..(71).. amazing feats of fitting gigantic stones together, and ..(72).. Nazca designed mind-numbingly huge earth-drawings that still exist today. But ..(73).. Incas built ..(74).. massive forts with ..(75).. stone slabs so perfectly cut that they didn't require mortar — and they're still standing today in ..(76).. near-perfect condition. They built roads through the mountains from ..(77).. Ecuador to (78).. Chile with tunnels and bridges. They also built aqueducts to their cities as ..(79).. Romans had. And of all ancient peoples, they were the most advanced in ..(80).. medicine and surgery.

The language they spoke was ..(81).. Quechua which they imposed on all the peoples they conquered. Because of this, Quechua is still spoken among ..(82).. large numbers of Native Americans throughout ..(83).. Andes. They had no writing system at all, but they kept ..(84).. records on various colored knotted cords, or quipu .

The central god of ..(85).. Incan religion was the sun-god, the only god that had ..(86).. temples built for him. The sun-god was ..(87).. father of ..(88).. royal family. There were many gods among ..(89).. Incas, but the sun-god outshone them all. ..(90).. Incas also believed that there was ..(91).. heaven, ..(92).. hell, and ..(93).. resurrection of ..(94).. body after ..(95).. death.

At its height, ..(96).. Inca civilization crashed into ..(97).. European expansion. In 1521, Herman Cortes conquered ..(98).. Aztecs; this conquest inspired Francisco Pizzarro to invade ..(99).. Incas in 1531. He only had two hundred soldiers, however, he convinced ..(100).. ruler of ..(101).. Incas, Atahualpa, to come to a conference at the city of Cajamarca. When Atahualpa arrived, Pizzarro kidnapped him and killed several hundred of his family and followers. Atahualpa tried to ransom himself, but Pizzarro tried to use him as ..(102).. puppet ruler. When that failed, Pizzarro simply executed him in 1533. Over ..(103).. next thirty years ..(104).. Spanish struggled against various insurrections, but, with ..(105).. help of native allies, they finally gained ..(106).. control of ..(107).. Inca empire in ..(108).. 1560s.

Richard Hooker

Ex. 24. Use correct articles. Translate into Russian.

1. … Staffordshire was affected by the constitutional and religious changes that came with … Interregnum.

2. All had to be answered in … negative.

3. … ideal university is … university without students.

4. Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as … conclusive evidence that you are perfect.

5. … French is something I don’t speak.

6. May I ask you … million questions?

7. When bridges were eventually built they were not always … great improvement.

8. There is … pleasure sure in being mad, which none but madmen know. (John Dryden)

9. Of course, it’s better if we have … full information.

10. This is … matter of … infinite hope.

11. You’ve been nothing but … bad news.

12. With incorporation, and the increased size of the normal establishment came changes, which revolutionized … office administration.

13. … American imperialism suffering from the stench of its own ideological bankruptcy will feel the effects of this ideological blow.

14. Mr Katzenjammer also knew a good deal about … art, letters, philosophy and … general culture.

15. It’s been … poor fun.

16. I am one of … elect.

17. She was a woman to attract … immediate sympathy.

18. In this period … unemployment reached record levels.

19. Each year there is … large New Year’s Eve celebration in … Times Square and at … midnight a large red ball is lowered down a building to show that … New Year has begun.

20. It is as hard for … good to suspect evil, as it is for … bad to suspect good. (Cicero)

21. We are going to see … really awful weather tomorrow.

22. I’ve always reckoned that … compulsory education is … waste of time.

23. … tree-killing Asian longhorned beetle is back, this time in … Central Park.

24. … number of well-qualified plumbers have recently left the corporation.

25. … number of traffic accidents has been reduced.

26. … large number of vehicles have been abandoned because of the heavy snow.

27. … Zoroastrianism is … ancient Persian religion which believes that the forces of good and evil are always fighting but that good will win in … end, helped by … man.

28. … Chippewa [‘tſipəwa:] are a Native American people of the US state of Michigan [‘miſigən].

29. To say you know when you know, and to say you do not when you do not, that is … knowledge. (Confucius)

Ex. 25. Try to insert correct articles.

1. … Mayor said he would get tough with … homeless by running … identification checks on them.

2. … British cooking can be very hard to digest.

3. Mr O’Clockish is … temporary lecturer, … permanent one is on … leave.

4. … serious modern fiction has only one subject: … difficulty of writing … serious modern fiction.

5. Words are just … grey porridge to you. Nothing is real until you see it on … television.

6. We shall turn to consider categories in … detail in the next chapter, so for … time being don’t worry if you are not familiar with the terminology used here.

7. One of the keys to … happiness is … bad memory.

8. The criminal may be armed, so … police advised public against having … go.

9. I’ve had … run of bad luck recently.

10. … freedom is not worth having if it does not include … freedom to make mistakes. (Mahatma Gandhi)

11. If you are a bird it is worth flying … south for … winter.

12. You are striving for … unobtainable.

13. … Bombay duck is … food dish consisting of … dried and salted fish, with … very strong taste.

14. There is … good as well as useless advice.

15. The flight is delayed because … number of passengers didn’t come on … board when … boarding was announced.

16. In … former times people were hanged for stealing in … UK.

17. The court was always biased against … accused.

18. I know she’s hiding something when she won’t look me in … eye.

19. She leaves … little silence, then slips him a look.

20. I suppose it’s never occurred to you what … horror it would be to take the finals.

21. A lot of people mistake … short memory for … clear conscience.

22. And you’d better be … improvement on the others.

23. The best thing about … future is that it comes only one day at … time.(Abraham Lincoln)

24. Mrs Mousy gave us … run of her kitchen.

25. Of course … plastic is cheaper than metal in … short run, but it won’t last as long.

26. … silliness and … intelligence are not incompatible.

27. If … mankind minus one were of one opinion, then … mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one – if he had the power – would be justified in silencing … mankind. (John Stuart, philosopher)

28. Is this … women’s college?

29. The only thing I have ever slipped away from was anything that remotely suggested … serious.

30. … Dr No is … old James Bond film.

31. … Tamil is … Dravidian language.

32. Mr Toshnini prided himself on his knowledge of … Italian art.

33. My modus operandi is well known to … police.

34. A word to … wise ain’t necessary. It’s the stupid ones who need … advice.

Ex. 26. Use correct articles.

1. … Goa is … small Portugal on … Indian Ocean coast.

2. … Nuuk was formerly called … Godthaab.

3. … South of France is the part of France along … coast between … Marseilles and … border with … Monaco, which is called … French Riviera.

4. Also living on … Wirral are … Brother Stanley, 72, and … Sister Dorothy ones, 68, and Andrew Duncan, 66.

5. … Ferrers family also owned … Tutbury Castle for … time.

6. … Restoration followed the return of Charles II as … king in 1660 and was characterized by … advances in … trade.

7. Jean Bernard Léon Foucault is known for … Foucault’s Pendulum which showed the earth’s movement round a fixed point, and for his invention of … gyroscope.

8. … Hadrian’s Wall was built across … Northern England between 122 AD and 128 AD to defend … Northern border of … Roman Britain.

9. … OPEC has decided to raise the price of oil.

10. I was weekending down in … Bophuthatswana.

11. … British Airways is ditching six services from … Aberdeen Airport as part of a cost-cutting shake-up of its regional operators.

12. … Shatt-al-Arab (ﺏﺮﻌﻟﺍ ﻂﺷ) is … river estuary in … Southeastern Iraq, formed by … Tigris and … Euphrates and flowing … southeast to … Persian Gulf.

13. Two masterpieces are situated within … City: … St Paul’s Cathedral and … Tower.

14. … Wensleydale is … not very strong white cheese made originally in … North York.

15. … 42nd Street is famous for its theatres.

16. Mr Suzuki was driving … Mitsubishi.

17. Have you been to … London’s pubs?

18. … NASA controls … space travel and the scientific study of … space.

Ex. 27. Translate into English using correct articles.

1. На время время позабудь.

2. Говорят, что аргентинский заяц мара никогда не пьёт.

3. «Инфляция замедляется, рубль выглядит относительно стабильным, а Российский Центробанк, предвидя уменьшение инфляции, трижды за период с начала 2000 года снижал ставку рефинансирования (refunding rate),» сказал премьер-министр человеческим голосом.

4. Премьер-министра назначили экс-премьер-министром.

5. Как только наступила зима, студенты поскользили в Тверской государственный университет.

6. Кофе растворимый привезли на базу – кофе растворимый растворился сразу.

7. Президент Российской Федерации имеет право на 5-процентную скидку при проезде в метро (и провозе багажа).

8. Только от жизни собачей собака бывает кусачей.

9. Здоровый сон продлевает жизнь и укорачивает рабочее время.

10. «Я – премьер-министр,» сказал премьер-министр.

11. Шабака, помесь (cross-breed) собаки с шакалом, была специально выведена российскими учёными, и используется ими для досмотра багажа и ручной клади (hand luggage) в аэропорту Шереметьево-2.

12. Ожидается, что Российская Федерация в ближайшем будущем войдёт в первую двухсотку самых экономически развитых стран мира.

13. Не место красит человека, а место с табличкой «окрашено».

14. Волк волку – человек.

15. На встрече присутствовали посол Ливийской Арабской Народной Социалистической Джамахирии

(ﺔﻴﻛﺍﺮﺘﺷﻻﺍ ﺔﻴﺒﻌﺸﻟﺍ ﺔﻴﺒﻴﻠﻟﺍ ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ ﺔﻳﺮﻴﻫﺎﻤﺠﻟﺍ) в Российской Федерации, посол Российской Федерации в Ливийской Арабской Народной Социалистической Джамахирии и другие официальные лица.

16. Существование всюду до бесконечности излишне, излишне всюду и всегда. (Ж.-П. Сартр)

17. Ах, как скверно пахнет, сыром пахнет! Экая гадость! (Ф.М. Достоевский)

Ex 28. Use correct articles.

Down in ..(1).. Arkansas in ..(2).. old days there was ..(3).. jerkwater railroad with ..(4).. reputation. ..(5).. reputation was that it never adhered to its schedule. ..(6).. operating crews, and patrons as well, came to regard ..(7).. time-card as the work of a practical joker.

There was ..(8).. certain traveling man who rode over ..(9).. line at ..(10).. frequent intervals. One afternoon when he disembarked from a smelly day-coach at his destination he hailed ..(11).. conductor.

“Old man,” he said, extending ..(12).. large cigar, “accept this with my compliments as ..(13).. slight token of ..(14).. gratitude.”

“What’s the notion?” inquired ..(15).. other.

“Because I’ve been traveling on this road for twelve years and this is the first occasion when the train ever got in exactly on ..(16).. time.”

“Mister,” said the conductor, “that looks to me like ..(17).. mighty good cigar and I’m fond of smokin’. But I can’t take nothin’ on ..(18).. false pretenses. I’ve got to tell you the truth. This ain’t ..(19).. today’s train. This is ..(20).. yistiddy’s train.”

(Irvin Cobb)

Ex. 29. Translate into English using correct articles.

Иван ахнул, глянул вдаль и увидел ненавистного неизвестного. Тот был уже у выхода в Патриарший переулок, и притом не один. Более чем сомнительный регент успел присоединиться к нему. Но это еще не всё: третьим в этой компании оказался неизвестно откуда взявшийся кот, громадный, как боров, черный, как сажа или грач, и с отчаянными кавалерийскими усами. Тройка двинулась в Патриарший, причем кот тронулся на задних лапах.

Иван устремился за злодеями вслед и тотчас убедился, что догнать их будет очень трудно.

Тройка мигом проскочила по переулку и оказалась на Cпиридоновке. Сколько Иван не прибавлял шагу, расстояние между преследуемыми и им ничуть не сокращалось. И не успел поэт опомниться, как после тихой Cпиридоновки очутился у Никитских ворот, где положение его ухудшилось. Тут уж была толчея, Иван налетел на кой-кого из прохожих, был обруган. Злодейская же шайка к тому же здесь решила применить излюбленный бандитский прием – уходить врассыпную.

Регент с великой ловкостью на ходу ввинтился в автобус, летящий к Арбатской площади, и ускользнул. Потеряв одного из преследуемых, Иван сосредоточил свое внимание на коте и видел, как этот странный кот подошел к подножке моторного вагона "А", стоящего на остановке, нагло отсадил взвизгнувшую женщину, уцепился за поручень и даже сделал попытку всучить кондукторше гривенник через открытое по случаю духоты окно.

Поведение кота настолько поразило Ивана, что он в неподвижности застыл у бакалейного магазина на углу и тут вторично, но гораздо сильнее, был поражен поведением кондукторши. Та, лишь только увидела кота, лезущего в трамвай, со злобой, от которой даже тряслась, закричала:

-- Котам нельзя! С котами нельзя! Брысь! Слезай, а то милицию позову!

Ни кондукторшу, ни пассажиров не поразила самая суть дела: не то, что кот лезет в трамвай, в чем было бы еще полбеды, а то, что он собирается платить!

Кот оказался не только платежеспособным, но и дисциплинированным зверем. При первом же окрике кондукторши он прекратил наступление, снялся с подножки и сел на остановке, потирая гривенником усы. Но лишь кондукторша рванула веревку и трамвай тронулся, кот поступил как всякий, кого изгоняют из трамвая, но которому все-таки ехать-то надо. Пропустив мимо себя все три вагона, кот вскочил на заднюю дугу последнего, лапой вцепился в какую-то кишку, выходящую из стенки, и укатил, сэкономив, таким образом, гривенник.

(М. Булгаков)

Ex. 30. Translate into English using correct articles.


Необычная аллергическая реакция обнаружилась у белого медведя, который живёт в аргентинском зоопарке: после того как врач дал медведю экспериментальное лекарство от дерматита, медведь поменял цвет. Раньше он был белым, а теперь – фиолетовым. Сам медведь никак не прореагировал на произошедшее, зато количество посетителей увеличилось вдвое. Ветеринары утверждают, что медведь вновь станет белым примерно через месяц.


Шведские мастера из лапландского города Юккасъярви, не смотря на то, что до сих пор нет единого мнения, как выглядел знаменитый Шекспировский театр, хотят создать его ледяную копию. Ледяной театр будет 10 м в высоту и 35 м в диаметре. Зал сможет вместить до тысячи зрителей. Планируется, что на сцене воссозданного Шекспировского театра уже в конце января состоится премьера «Гамлета». Спектакль будет проходить на саамском языке, который является коренным для населения шведского севера.


На американском кабельном телеканале вышло в эфир первое телевизионное шоу, предназначенное специально для кошек. «Мяу ТВ» (Meow TV) – программа для кошек и «людей, которых они терпят». Это юмористическая передача, в которой видеоролики с белками и рыбками перемежаются рубриками под названием «Кошачья йога» или «Кошачье хайку». По некоторым данным, до трети кошек действительно любят смотреть телевизор. Особенно передачи с быстрым движением картинки, например мультфильмы или спортивные соревнования. В США уже продаются видеокассеты, записанные специально для кошачьей аудитории.


Вселенная будет расширяться вечно и со всевозрастающей скоростью, сообщили исследователи из НАСА. Свои выводы они обосновывают новыми данными, полученными со спутника Microwave Anistropy Probe (MAP), запущенного в 2001 году. Эти данные подтверждают, что большая часть космоса состоит из загадочной тёмной энергии, заставляющей Вселенную расширяться со всевозрастающей скоростью. MAP стал первым спутником, запущенным во вторую точку Лагранжа – одну из точек гравитационного равновесия между Землёй, Луной и Солнцем. Она в четыре раза дальше от нас чем Луна. Основная его задача – изучать реликтовое излучение, которое возникло примерно через 400 тысяч лет после большого взрыва (the Big Bang). Астрономы полагают, что реликтовое излучение способно многое рассказать о происхождении и судьбе Вселенной.


Глыбы льда, образовавшиеся на вершине небоскрёба Empire State Building в Нью-Йорке, рухнули вниз, на тротуар. Куски льда упали на тротуар между 33-й и 35-й улицами на Манхэттене. Сообщений о раненых нет. Полиция закрыла Пятую авеню в пределах двух кварталов от здания. Транспортный поток частично перенаправлен. В качестве мер предосторожности перекрыты ещё две прилегающие к зданию улицы и закрыты все входы 102-этажного здания.


Трое суток добиралась посылка из столицы Суринама Парамарибо до Твери. Когда заведующий тверским террариумом Виктор Завгородний открыл контейнер, ахнул от изумления: коллеги из далёкой южноамериканской страны прислали всё самое-самое. Самую красивую и редкую в мире змею – изумрудного удава, за контрабанду которого в Суринаме наказывают строже, чем за торговлю наркотиками. Самую ядовитую в мире лягушку – древолаза. Ранение стрелой или ножом, смазанным его ядом, считается смертельным. И самую большую в мире жабу ага размером с человеческую голову. В последнее время эти жабы пользуются огромным спросом в зоомагазинах Европы, так как они уничтожают всех огородных и приусадебных вредителей, в том числе и колорадских жуков.


Знаменитый парижский Лувр, что называется, забил в колокола, после того как в прошедшую субботу шесть из восьми полотен незабвенного Боттичелли были практически полностью уничтожены каким-то неизвестным паразитом. Полотна были изъедены так, как будто на них полили кислотой. И это несмотря на то, что они прошли специальную обработку, гарантирующую практически полную защиту от всех известных на сегодняшний день микроорганизмов и паразитов. После детального анализа было установлено, что повреждения, нанесённые полотнам, были сделаны не микроорганизмом, а насекомым-паразитом, обладающим очень сильными челюстями. Спустя несколько часов таких жучков было обнаружено около сотни – они «занимались» бесценным полотном Леонардо Да Винчи.

Как удалось выяснить, новый паразит – это какая-то мутация древесного жучка. Однако аппетит у него вызывают предметы старины, причём это не только древние картины. Жучёк с удовольствием питается предметами антиквариата старше 650 лет.


Сотрудники австралийской авиакомпании Qantas Airways обнаружили на борту «Боинга 737» крысу, сумевшую обойти ловушки и ядовитые приманки. Пытаясь поймать грызуна, члены экипажа трижды сажали самолёт и в итоге нашли животное в то время, когда оно уже задохнулось от выхлопных газов. По мнению представителей Qantas Airways, крыса находившаяся в самолёте около двух недель, могла не только напугать пассажиров, но и повредить провода бортовых систем. Перелёт крысы на борту «Боинга 737» не первый случай подобного рода, произошедший в Австралии.

(«Тверская Жизнь»)


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