
Olney Memories #58

Hello everyone…..This time we have quite a few pictures so I want to remind you to be patient while the computer brings all of these up. As I was preparing this for send-out there were a few times I thought “where are the pictures?”……..but the computer was lazily still busy doing it’s job……so just wanted to remind you that this may be the case with yours. I hope you are able to see the ones that have been sent in. Note there is a download attachment this time too.

I hear there are a lot of class reunions going on in Olney this weekend so hopefully there will be lots of good memories to report from those class reunions and I’m sure those of you who were involved had lots of fun!!

A reminder again to let me know of any e-mail address changes that might be in effect. Thank you!



Marilyn Brock


Here are some pictures I saved from school thought you might like to put in the Olney Memories some time. I wish I could remember the names and I wish they would have put the names on the back or something .





Marilyn Brock

Class of ‘56



Dennis Brooks

|: |brooksfoto@ |

Thanks so much for #57 Olney Memories.

Carol Schafer mentioned memories of Miss Fletcher in her post. Did everyone

in Olney have her for a teacher at one time or another? My dad-- Ken Brooks

and I had her for a teacher. We both have class room photos of us taken at

the Silver Street School entry! It's kind of  surreal looking at his class

photo-- and then along I came twenty years later, standing on the same

steps.... When did Miss Fletcher retire?

I believe that my love of reading comes from Miss Fletcher-- and my great

aunt Lorena Householder. After more than fifty years I can still visualize

Miss Fletcher's room and hear her soft, caring voice reading stories to our

kindergarten class.

I remember my great aunt's house being so full of books (or so it seemed to

me!). One day-- I must have been about four years old,  I announced to her,

"Well, I'm ready to read today-- show me how." Of course she laughed and

replied, "But honey, you can't learn in just one day!"

Dennis Brooks


Timothy Jones


The afternoon Kindergarten class in 1954. I think I still remember the names of most of them.



View full size

That turned out to be harder than I thought…..naming the kids.   Well I gave it a good shot.  Hope you can make out all the names with arrows and lines. I am not absolutely sure on some of these.  It was a long time ago. The Teacher is Mrs. Shaw.

Timothy Jones

Class of ‘66


Marvin Doolin


Carol Vaughn Schafer's mention of Miss Fletcher's story hour in OM #57 was

timely for me.  A week or two ago (late August) I heard a segment on NPR's

Talk of the Nation about audio books, and they discussed reading to

children, among other things.  I hadn't thought of them for years, but the

program brought the story hours to mind.  I could picture the sweet lady

who read the stories and remembered how completely she held our attention,

but I couldn't remember her name.  Now that I've seen her name, I believe

she was my youngest brother's kindergarten teacher.

Our family moved to Olney in 1953 when I, the eldest child, was nine.  I

believe my brothers and I went to at least some of the story hours that

summer, and we would have walked there.  If she came to Cherry Street

School, it would have been a five block walk.  Our mother may have walked

with us a time or two, but it wasn't long before we went just about

anywhere in town on our own.  Imagine that in today's world!

Thanks again for your dedication, Ann.  I look forward to each issue of OM.

Marvin Doolin

Class of 1962


Mary Koertge Friederich



Hello, Olney community!  This summer, my husband Charlie and I had the outstanding opportunity to meet  Jo and Bud Sanders of Olney at the United Methodist Missionary Home in Chautauqua, New York.  Over delightful porch conversations, we discovered we shared the friendship of Henry Koertge, my cousin and oldest son of Wilson Koertge.  We haven't heard about his family since we attended a marvelous family reunion he organized in Champaign a few years back.


My story is a bit different from many of yours.  Our family regularly visited Olney, where my grandparents, Josephine and Herman Koertge, farmed (later retiring to Jasper Street), and two of their sons, Howard (Myrtle) and Wilson (Ethel).   I remember, as a city kid, discovering on many visits all the magic of barn life with Skippy and Jim and Doug, along with my sister Nancy, while our parents chatted in the parlor....chickens sitting on a nest of eggs, the activity of a sheep pen, and the play of their dogs.  These were marvels to me in the late 40's, a kid from Glen Ellyn, a suburb of Chicago.  Favorite smells were not from the barn, but from Grandma's fried chicken.  And there were the regular drives downtown with Grandpa to buy half gallons of black walnut and pineapple ice cream.  What a feast!


My father, Nobel Herman Koertge, was the youngest child in this family.  He was in an accident at the Illinois State Fair the summer before he was to enter his senior year in high school.  The bar across the Ferris wheel had not been locked closed, so as it raised into the air, it sprang open.  My dad hung from that bar until it automatically stopped many minutes later, swinging him into a nearby tree and breaking his leg.  Knowing he would not be able to farm, he later went to the University of Illinois, from which he graduated with his bachelors and masters degrees in electrical engineering.  He and my mother moved to Chicago, and later Glen Ellyn, where I went to school before college. 


Neither my younger sister or brother nor I went to any school in Olney...but visited our family  regularly .  Thank you, new Olney friends, for sharing your memories via email, and letting me share mine.



Mary Koertge Friederich


Marvin Doolin


I think Dan, my brother, may have gone to Silver Street for kindergarten.

There must have been a bus or something.  I don't believe there was a

kindergarten at Cherry Street at the time, and I had been thinking he must

have gone to Central.  Silver sounds right, though.  I emailed him about

it, but he doesn't remember.  I think at that age a person just goes with

what's happening.  Some conversation with someone who was there would

probably bring some of it back to him.  I remember conversation about naps

and mats and being surprised about them.  My other brother and I started in

a country school.  My first two years were in a one-room school, and my

third year and Ed's first we expanded to two rooms with four grades in

each.  No kindergarten.

Marvin Doolin


Ann Weesner King


I went to Kindergarten at Silver St.School back in 1946 I think it was. My teacher was Mrs. Fletcher, one of our favorite teachers. When Marven’s brother mentioned memories of the mats that brought back memories for me. They were neat and clean rag rugs as I recall stacked up against the wall and when it was “rest time” we each were to go and get a rug and lay it down on the floor for us to lay on for an assigned length of time for our rest period. Who could forget that certain smell of the fresh new box of crayons that awaited us at our little tables that first day! I believe our introduction to school with such a charming teacher as Mrs. Fletcher made a big difference in our attitudes in our future school years.

Ann Weesner King

Class of 1960


Old Bower Drug Store Soda Fountain Menu

By Ibby Sebree Brennan, typed by Jim Dale

As background, my great grandfather, Wm. Bower, in about 1864 bought half interest in a drugstore owned by Dr. E. W. Ridgway. Fifteen months later he assumed full ownership and it became Bower Drug Store. Wm.’s son, Ernst Bower, took over management of the drugstore in 1920.

I have a soda fountain menu from the Bower Drug Store with the date of 1896. The menu indicates the types of drinks served by a typical drug store near the turn of the 20th century.

The menu specifically stated that all drinks were non-alcoholic and most cost 5 cents.

Ice cream soda syrup flavors included lemon, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, raspberry, red currant, blood orange, sarsaparilla, “Don’t Care,” nectar, claret, sherbet, pineapple, cranberry, and red cherry. There were new syrups every week.

Crushed fruit with ice cream included strawberries, raspberries, and peaches when they were in season.

Bower’s fruit lemonade specifically stated that it included the juice of a whole lemon in each glass. Orange and pineapple ades were available in season.

Hygienic drinks were Ferro phosphate—for the blood; Bromo Caffeine—Relief of nervous headache; Malto Pepsin—For indigestion; and Bromo Seltzer—Relieves headache.

Mineral waters included Apollinaris, Vichy, Hunyadi, and Kissengen.

Fancy mixed drinks were most expensive and were 10 cents. There was mint julep dressed with fruit and mint, and crushed pineapple and crushed orange sodas with ice cream. There was also Golden ade soda, egg nogg soda, Boston flip soda, Egg flip soda, and Crushed fruit lemonade and egg lemonade.

Under the heading of dainty drinks was Soda cocktail, daintily served, unfermented grape juice.

Phosphates flavors available were Bower’s wild cherry phosphate made from wild cherries, egg phosphate, and lemon, orange, and iron phosphates.

Plain ice cream was 5 cents, and the same price with fruit in season.

Cider was listed as cold storage cider made from picked apples.

For $1.00 you could purchase a ticket good for 24 five cent drinks.

Some of the drinks had interesting names. One wonders what was in the “Don’t Care” ice cream soda and did the name apply before or after you had the soda. The Blood Orange soda means that blood oranges must have been available then and are not a recent introduction. One can only imagine what the “flip” meant in the Boston and egg flip sodas. The internet did not give any hints. It is apparent that eggs were used in quite a few of the drinks for reasons unknown. In its entirety the menu was very interesting.

Ibby Sebree Brennan


Tim Hahn


I have some old Plat Maps of Richland County dated 1868, 1909 and 1937. They are provided as an attachment in this Olney Memories and will need to be downloaded to view them. Hope you enjoy looking at them.

Tim Hahn

Class of ‘81


|1. |Alptekin, Peggy (Weiler) |peggy.alptekin@, | ‘66 |

|2. |Ayres, Alan L. |ala@,  | |

|3. |Barnett, Mary Kay Crites |marykaybarnett@, | ‘63 |

|4. |Bauman, Helen |helenmehb@, | ‘40 |

|5. |Bentsen, Tanya (Iaun) |tanya_bentsen@, | ‘66 |

|6. |Berger, Alice (Godfrey) |alb2803@,  | ‘58 |

|7. |Berger, Carl |Tatersalad@, | ‘55 |

|8. |Berger, Douglas |douglasberger@nyc., | ‘78 |

|9. |Berger, Paul |bergerpm@ , | ‘50 |

|10. |Bertram, Alice (Ayers) |frednalice@, | ‘60 |

|11. |Blackburn, Richard |richardblackburn@, | ‘52 |

|12. |Boatman, Roger |RogBoatman@, | ‘65 |

|13. |Boatman, Shirley (Hundley) |RogBoatman@, | ‘67 |

|14. |Bosecker, Ramah, (Fary) |ramahsmail@, | ‘60 |

|15. |Boxell, Neil & Marla (Beam) |mboxell936@, | ’67 & ‘71 |

|16. |Brock, Marilyn (Nelson) |marilynbrock@, | ‘56 |

|17. |Brooks, Dennis * parents Kenneth |brooksfoto@, | |

| |Brooks (Alva/Edna | | |

| |Brooks) and Nancy Kesler (Isaac/Dora | | |

| |Kesler). | | |

|18. |Burge, Cathy (Cooper) |cathyb62@, | ‘62 |

|19. |Burt, Sharron (Street) |Trigger88@, | ‘60 |

|20. |Byers, Kay (Dowden) |kbyers@, | ‘67 |

|21. |Carlton, Dee (Witsman) |djcarlton1965@, | ‘65 |

|22. |Clodfelter, Galen & Sondra (Brinkley)|Clodzy@, | ‘59 |

|23. |Clodfelter, Mary Louise (Stout) |n9qza@, | ‘55 |

|24. |Cooney, Charlotte (Weber) |ALOYSIUS59@, | ‘59 |

|25. |Cooper, Ann |annxcooper@, | ‘57 |

|26. |Cooper, Bob |bxxcooper@, | ‘58 |

|27. |Cox, Ted & Ruth Ann (Johnston) |ranncox@, | ‘46 |

|28. |Cummings, Mary (Noerenberg) |cummings_mary@, | ‘70 |

|29. |Cummins, Mary (Noerenberg) |cummings_mary@, | ‘70 |

| | |mcummings@, | |

|30. |Dale ,Tony |tonydale1@, | |

|31. |Dale, Jim |jdale@uark.edu, | ‘40 |

|32. |Day, Gwen (McDonald, Judge) |doveharp@, | ‘55 |

|33. |Dean, Gloria |masdean33@, | ‘50 |

|34. |Dean, Tim |tdean68@, | ‘63 |

|35. |Deffendall, Nancy (Richey) |reddirt1@, | ‘61 |

|36. |Dodson, Marshall |buddodson1@, | ‘47 |

| |(aka) Buddy | | |

|37. |Doolin, Marvin |Marvin2@, | ‘62 |

|38. |Dycus, Herma |herma@, | ‘36 |

|39. |Eckl, Goldie (Walker |Eckl@isu.isunet.edu, | ‘58 |

|40. |Effland, Betty (Wilson, Stout) |jerseycow@, | ‘58 |

|41. |Engle, Sue (Turpin) |SueKissnARanch@, | ‘60 |

|42. |Ervin, Bill |buddiesdad@, | ‘56 |

|43. |Franklin, Ann (Benson) |afranklin86@, | ‘64 |

|44. |Frtichey, John (Jack) |fritchey@, | ‘61 |

|45. |Fuschak, Janis (Dean) |dfuschak@, | ‘58 |

|46. |Fye, Jim |    jim@,                | ‘66 |

|47. |Gant, JoAnn (Baltimore) |JoGant@, | ‘65 |

|48. |Gard, Maidi, (Fye) |fyebargard@, | ‘62 |

|49. |Gardner, Carla |gnc3950@, | ‘68 |

|50. |Gardner, Gary |gnc3950@, | ‘58 |

|51. |Ginder, Cheryl, (Hurt) |lovey68@, | ‘68 |

|52. |Goss, Donna (Sterchi) |dgdg@, | ‘56 |

|53. |Gross, Vernon |tex5757@, |‘57 |

| |Gross, Linda (Hawkins) |luna5656@, |‘56 |

|54. |Harbaugh , Kay |philkay1@, | ‘61 |

| |(Mc Carter) | | |

|55. |Harris, David |deharris0623@, | ‘54 |

|56. |Harrison, Pat |pat2shy16@, | ‘60 |

|57. |Hertendy, (Noerenberg), Martha Jane |mhertendy@cogeco.ca, | ‘72 |

|58. |Hilk, Carolyn (Michels) |carolyn@, | ‘58 |

|59. |Hill, Ann (Landenberger) |anthill3@, | |

|60. |Hill, Steve |steve.hill@va., | ‘72 |

| | |shill@, | |

|61. |Hobart, Sharon |slhobart@, | ‘77 |

|62. |Hughes, Keith |nkeithhughes@, | ‘54 |

|63. |Hursta, Kathy (Kuenstler) |gmkat@, | ‘74 |

|64. |Jim Totten |jctotten@, | ’56 & 70 |

| |Christine Totten (Keiffer) | | |

|65. |Joel, Patti (Bunting) |thejoels@, | ‘60 |

|66. |Jones, Timothy |unclefroggie@, | ‘66 |

|67. |Judge, Larry |lj5313@, | ‘71 |

|68. |Kallansrude, Carol |caroledk@, | ‘60 |

|69. |Keiffer, Sam |skeiffer@, | ‘60 |

|70. |King, Cathy (Gantenbein) |Destalec@, | ‘73 |

|71. |King, Kenna (Hayes) |miracle7kk@, | ‘61 |

|72. |Koertge, Henry |HKoertge58@, | ‘54 |

|73. |Lawrence, Judy (Michels) |jkl2929@, | ‘60 |

|74. |Lewis, Cindy (Shipley) |kwstmama@, | ‘66 |

|75. |Lewis, Cindy (Shipley) |kwstmama@, | ‘66 |

|76. |Little, Wilma (Cutshall) |wc-little@, | ‘58 |

|77. |Lowery, Rod |rodstoy43@, | ‘61 |

|78. |Lybarger, Susan M (Smith) |lybarger2@, | ‘68 |

|79. |Lynn, Pam (Stouot) |pjltx@, |‘73 |

|80. |Martin, Barb (Dodson) |bdmlinks@, | ‘51 |

|81. |Martin, Brad |squirl48@, | ‘65 |

| |Tricia (Davis) | |‘66 |

|82. |Meyer, Ann (Kribbs) |Anne@, | ‘61 |

|83. |Miller, Faye |pastafaye@, | ‘60 |

|84. |Miller, Shirley (Hilterbrand) |shirleylmiller@, | ‘54 |

|85. |Miller, Suzanne, (Conouor) |smscooter@, | ‘50 |

|86. |Morris, Ron |morrischnsw@, | ‘60 |

|87. |Muehling, Sheila (Hagen) |smuehling@, | ‘66 |

|88. |Navolt, Dallas |DallasTQPP@, | ‘58 |

|89. |Neeley, Wayne |Wneeley@, | ‘60 |

|90. |Nelson, Larry |LJN64@, | ‘61 |

|91. |Nix, Mary Nell (Fessel) |mnnix28@, | ‘46 |

|92. |Noerenberg, Paul |pfnoeren@, | ‘67 |

|93. |Noonan, Karen (Witt) |Krrtnoonan@, | ‘57 |

|94. |Olsen, Juldine (Scherer,Maloney) |Juldine@, | ‘58 |

|95. |Parker, Daun (McKinney) |kevindaun@, | ‘83 |

|96. |Parker, Kevin |kevindaun@, | ‘77 |

|97. |Patterson, Joann (Jones) |dpatt_281@, | ‘48 |

|98. |Pearsall, Debbie (Cummins) |dpowasso@, | ‘69 |

|99. |Peters, (Elliott) Nellie |Nlpeters@, | ‘46 |

|100. |Petterson, Linda (Stanford) |lppettsn@, | ‘51 |

|101. |Pittman, Bob |bobpittman@, | ‘68 |

|102. |Pool, Stan |sepgsp@, | ‘59 |

|103. |Provines, Mike |mjprovines@ | ‘65 |

|104. |Rariden, June |jgranny@, | |

|105. |Ratcliffe, Ted |ted.ratcliffe@, | ‘56 |

|106.. |Reckling, Ruth (Wrinkler) |Rrecklings@, | ‘59 |

|107. |Rice, Lagretta , Sue |ls_rice@, | ‘74 |

|108. |Rice, Wanda (Lomas) |wandarr@ , | ‘74 |

|109. |Robinson, Elthea (Kieffer) |elliebob16@, | ‘62 |

|110. |Robinson, Kim |kerbnsn@, | ‘73 |

|111. |Rooney, Julia (Maas) |JuliaR315@, | ‘48 |

|112. |Roth, George |gsroth2@, | |

|113. |Runyon, Larry |lrun@, | ‘60 |

|114. |Runyon, Rick |rrunyon@, | ‘74 |

|115. |Rusk, Phyllis (Hahn) |ruskpa@, | ‘58 |

|116. |Rynard, Sally (Byrne) |sallyry@, | ‘58 |

|117. |Schafer, Carol (Vaughn) |schafer_ce@, | ‘65 |

|118. |Scherer, Chris |SchererCom@, | ‘60 |

|119. |Scherer, Don |Don_Scherer@, | ‘54 |

|120. |Scherer, Jerry |jerrycars@, | ‘50 |

|121. |Scherer, Ron |ron@, | ‘62 |

|122. |Schwartz, Bill |jraschwartz@, | |

|123. |Schwartz, Rose Ann |roseannschwartz@, | |

|124. |Sharp, Carolyn (Shedelbower) |carolyns508@, | ,56 |

|125. |Shipley, Ann |  ann62450@, | ‘48 |

|126. |Shipley, Bud |budshipley@,  | ‘71 |

|127. |Slape, Donna |dslape@, | ‘54 |

|128. |Smith, Clarence |smithcj2@, | ‘60 |

|129. |Smith, Helen (Mullinax) |Edhelen3@, | ‘49 |

|130. |Smith, Judy (Fritschle) |smithcj2@, | ‘59 |

|131. |Stoddard, Ralph |stodralp@, | ‘56 |

|132. |Street, Dr. Gary |chiroad@, | ‘62 |

|133. |Summers, Gene |Geneed309@, | ‘36 |

|134. |Summers, John B. M.D. |HLPMATE284@, | ‘40 |

|135. |Sutton, Bob |Phermone@, | |

|136. |Swanson, Michelle (Smith) |michelleswanson@, | ‘83 |

|137. |Todd, Marcia (Bristow) |Petesake1@, | ‘59 |

|138. |Tompson, Jack |jrtompson@, | ‘60 |

|139. |Tompson, Sharron |sharrontompson@, | ‘60 |

|140. |Totten, Gary |totten@, | ‘65 |

|141. |Totten, Sam & Marilyn |smtotten@, | ‘50 |

|142. |Tuttle, Janet Jan (Garrett) |jjtuttle@, | ‘51 |

|143. |Van Matre, Frank & Pat (Barnes) |vanmatrefp@, | ’56 & ‘54 |

|144.. |Varner, Bud |covarner@, | ‘66 |

|145. |Von Almen, Bill |inriva1@, | ‘45 |

|146. |Wagner, Boyd |bwagner@stlukes-, | |

|147. |Waxler, George Ann (Doan) |gwaxler48@, | ‘48 |

|148.. |Webb, Paula (Eggley) |cpwebb88@, | ‘67 |

|149. |Welker, Vance |vwelker0813@, | ‘71 |

|150. |Williams, Richard |rrw41@, | ‘60 |

|151. |Wilson, Ralph |willu@, | ‘59 |

|152. |Wood, Welby |churchconsult@, | ‘60 |

|153. |Wright, Harvey |wrighth@, | ‘52 |

|154. |Wright, Marilyn (Sterchi) |wrighth@, | ‘52 |

|155. |York, Marjorie (McKinney) |LMYORK@, | ‘61 |

|156. |Young, Nnorman & Barbara (Evans) |barbnorm2@, | ‘56 |

| | | |‘51 |

|157. |Zimmerle, Harvey |harveyzimm@, | ‘57 |

|158. |Zimmerle, Mike |ztech1@, | ‘71 |



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