Marketing UpdateNew for 2021 – Time of Service Graphic – A few years back the marketing team created an anniversary band for a franchisee and now it’s time to roll it out nationally. Please see below:2232660952500The band will contain the year you started and the current year. It will be placed on your website, social media and inserted in your newsletter. We will update it once a year in January with the current year and number of years you have been in business. The one above is just a sample of what it will look like. We will automatically add this graphic to your website & newsletter if you’ve been in business for 5 years or more unless you tell us otherwise.? If you have been in business for less than 5 years, but would like to have this graphic on your website & newsletter, please let us know. For those under 5 years, I was thinking that prospects may perceive this negatively, so I didn’t want to automatically add it without your consent.Marketing Webinar – What’s New with Krames On Demand – In case you missed it, below is the link to watch the recording: Branded Folders Are Coming – With the new year brings a new shipment of branded folders. Last week I ordered 100 branded folders to be shipped to each of your offices in the coming weeks. Remember, if you run out, additional folders can be ordered from the online store.Chatbot 2021 – Great news, the chatbot pilot was a huge success. We had nearly 600 leads parsed through the chatbot feature and 35 conversions. That works out to just over a 6% conversion rate. That’s not too bad considering we just started this program in September. Even better news, we are going to expand the chatbot feature to help recruit caregiver in 2021. I will be working on this in January and hopefully will be rolling it out by mid-February if all goes accordingly.E-mail Signature Update – Over the years we have made a significant effort to provide guidance for a branded e-mail signature. Please remember, the branded signature also applies to your staff with an abc- e-mail address. For the month of January, the FSO team is going to help guide each of you not using to the branded e-mail signature to jump on board. For your convenience I have attached the instructions on how to set it up. Those directions can also be found on the marketing website under brand standards. Thank you in advance for helping us protect our brand.Review Manager – Now that we are in 2021, it’s time to refresh some of those older testimonials on your review platforms. Most of us use star ratings to purchase products and services, and guess what, so do your prospects. Let’s make sure we have plenty of fresh testimonials for them to view. Make it a goal to get 3-5 new reviews every month.Medforms – In the coming days I will be reaching out to those that have received Medforms in the past to see if you would like to reorder. Please be on the lookout for that e-mail.2021 Special Dates Calendar – For those who have not seen it, the 2021 special dates calendar has been updated. Please click here to view it. If you lose this link, it can always be found on the homepage of the marketing website. Vendor Website Feature – In late 2020, the vendor directory was updated and we added a new feature for your convenience. You can now download an excel file and save it. Please keep in mind, every so often we are going to change vendors and contacts so to play it safe, always check the website vendor directory for the most up to date list of contacts and vendors.Caregiver Portal Reminder – In December we had lots of franchisees that chose to use the caregiver portal. What we are waiting for is for you to fill out the caregiver form to populate your portal. Once we get that in hand it takes about a week to transfer that information to your portal. Please take a few minutes to fill that information out and let’s get that portal working for you. If you are interested in implementing the caregiver portal, please contact me directly and I will be happy to get you started. ................

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