English II Honors – Summer Assignment

English II Honors – Summer Assignment

My Forbidden Face by Latifa

Assignment: In her novel, Latifa writes, “ A bunch of us have been collaborating on this project – entitled Fager, which means Dawn – for about two years now, producing a single copy of each issue, which passes around the neighborhood from hand to hand before returning to me in a rather dilapidated condition…but now, what’s the use of collecting photos and writing articles about Madonna, poetry, the latest fashion, or a new Indian film?” (31)

Your assignment is to create a news review, mostly in the voice of Latifa, with the following ideas in mind:

*Consider your audience – neighbors of Latifa’s family in her Kabul neighborhood. Consider those who contribute to the news review – Latifa and her other teenaged friends. What type of stories would interest them?

Note: For the purpose of this assignment, a paragraph must have 4-6 sentences.

You must include the following in your news review:

1. Include a lead story. Give your story a headline on the first page. The content of this article should report on some aspect of the Taliban invasion in Kabul at the time of the novel (1996). (minimum of four paragraphs)

2. Include an article for the Health section. Write an article related to healthcare in Afghanistan during this time. Consider the difficulties Latifa and her mother endured when ill, as well as the issues other women had receiving good medical care. This section can be written by a character other than Latifa, as long as she was in the novel. (minimum of three paragraphs)

3. Include a letter to the editor. Write an editorial that gives an opinion on an issue or event presented in the novel. This should be written from the perspective of one of the people in the novel, in an effort to persuade the audience to agree with him or her. (minimum of three paragraphs)

4. Include visual images. (minimum of 10) Throughout the news review, add pictures or illustrations reflecting people, places, and objects that are significant and relevant. A typed caption must accompany each image used. You may use the medium(s) of your choice – personal sketches, pictures from other print materials, downloaded images from the Internet (if you download images, you must give credit to each one by including the website address below or beside the images), etc.

You must also choose AT LEAST 3 of the following to include in your news review. Each of these should be a minimum of one paragraph:

1. Include obituaries. Write an obituary for either Najibullah or his brother; in addition, write an obituary for someone who was killed by the Taliban.

2. Include a Community Section. Write about one of the social events of the season (perhaps a wedding, birthday, or other holiday).

3. Include an Entertainment Section. Write a review of a movie, music album, book, or piece of poetry that was popular during this time period.

4. Include Classified Advertisements. Create at least two advertisements for items that would have been present in this culture/time period.

5. Include an Advice Column. Write a short letter from an individual seeking advice about a major conflict faced in the novel, as well as a response that gives advice.

6. Include a Fashion Section. Include fashion advice, along with pictures of traditional Afghan clothing.


* Your review should resemble something that young people could create in their homes. All text should be typed in Times New Roman 12 Point font. The review may be creatively assembled, but should not be larger than legal-sized paper (8 ½ x 14).

* Format. Make sure to include the title on the front page. Make sure your name is on the back of the review. You may organize the sections as you would like, but make sure that it is neat!

* Be creative! You may add additional information and fill additional space with other articles, a weather report, comics, etc. Impress your teacher and classmates with the format, design, and writing of your news review.


* . Copy and paste all text into ONE word document before uploading it to . You must upload this document by midnight on September 8th, 2011 for the fall class and February 7th, 2012 for the spring class.

* The hard copy of your news review is due during your class on September 8th, 2011 for the fall class and February 7, 2012 for the spring class. Do not turn your project in late! It will only be accepted one day late, with 25 points taken off your grade if it is one day late.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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