
Week 3: 3/30/20-4/3/20Overview: Last week we drew rainbow animals. If you want to continue with your animal, you may. This week we are drawing ourselves as spirit animals!Estimated Time: 20 minutes; more if you like, but you can always stop and continue next weekExplanation: Draw yourself as ANY animal you have always wanted to be! Self-portrait turned WILD!Materials that are Needed: Paper, Pencil (or colored pencils or crayons or markers)Things to know: Start with your basic self-portrait (face shape, eyes, nose, mouth) and add the most important features of your spirit animal to your self-portrait for your TRANSFORMATION! Tasks: Draw a self-portrait (picture of yourself). Using correct facial feature shapes and placement.After you have your face drawn, TRANSFORM yourself into your spirit animal! Ask yourself, what animal would you be? Use your creativity from last week's rainbow animal and add color to your self-portrait spirit animal! Can't wait to see how they turn out! Remember to take your time, give your best effort, and have fun!Feedback: Please keep all your work in a folder or a notebook to collect at a later date. If you can or are able: you can take a picture and email me at atheis@ and/or tweet @AliTheisArt! I will also be posting examples with the twitter handle #CBTheis2ndgrade just for my 2nd graders! If your teacher has a class Seesaw account setup, you can also share on there. I will have examples of artwork available.Thank you! Keep Creating? Mrs. Theis ................

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