Unit 1 – Making Friends



|Your speaking test is worth 25% of your final grade and will be scored on three factors: |

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|giving a detailed answer using full sentences |

|use of textbook language (grammar, vocabulary, phrases, expressions) |

|preparation and fluency |


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|QUESTION #1 Time: 2 minutes (+/- 15 seconds) |

|Choose one question below and prepare an answer. |

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|1. What is your favorite holiday? |

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|2. Where is your favorite place to spend time? |

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|3. Have you ever experienced something amazing? |

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|4. Is it better to live in the city or the country? |

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|5. What do you usually do when you feel bored? |

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|QUESTION #2 Time: 1 minute (+/- 15 seconds) |

|Follow-up question. (You cannot prepare for this question.) |


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|Question: What movie should I watch this weekend? |

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|Super-terrible answer: |

|Spider-man. |

|(One word or one sentence is not enough!) |

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|Bad answer: |

|I like movie Spider-man. I watched before today. Aigoo…… ….Spider-man.... exciting....… Finished. |

|(Very little detail. No use of proper grammar, vocabulary, or expressions. Long pause means unprepared or lack of fluency.) |

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|Good Answer: |

|Well, I’ve just watched two movies recently: Zombie Planet and Spider-man. In my opinion, Spider-man was much better than Zombie Planet. The worst thing |

|about Zombie Planet was the martial arts scenes. If I were you, I would see Zombie Planet, sorry, I mean Spider-man. I’m planning on seeing it again this |

|weekend. Do you want to go together? |

| |

|(Lots of vocabulary, expressions and grammar from the textbook. No grammar mistakes. Speaking clearly with good intonation, stressing the important words. |

|Well-prepared. Only looking at paper occasionally. However, it is too short. It needs to be around 2 minutes.) |

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|Follow-up question: I’d love to. Is Spider-man your favorite superhero? |


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