
Hey everyone, so welcome back to another episode of Hello Spring. I am your host SpringSims or Stephen, but for today's episode is going to be an extra special one because I have brought on a guest at this time around because I think it's definitely important to get another insight from another point of view. And so I've brought on OshinSims who is atalented down to Earth content creator on YouTube who makes Sims content, but she's also a mother of three and a wife and as a viewer she is a very calming voice that draws you into our content. Wanting to learn more about her Sims playthrough, what she does, how she creates them, but especially kind of relate to them as well. So she is definitely the real deal and all of her links will be down below in the show notes below so you can go check her out on YouTube and Twitter, but either way a let's go ahead and hop into the episode.Oshin Thank you so much for being on my podcast today. I'm so excited to be able to kind of just talk to you an interview and just kind of just kind of play. Catch up on everything that's been happening with you and The Sims and all that jazz.Yes, I'm so excited.Like I've been playing this podcast for so long that I feel like you have such knowledge and like insight of what it's like being a content creator, you know a mom wife making videos every every single day or just doing day-to-day life. It's you just have a lot. I think people should hear about this honestly.Oh my God, I love that you focused on me being like a mom and a wife because that is like my first main priorities in life so too.For you to like, acknowledge that part just means a lot to me.Yeah, definitely. 'cause when I started this like idea of the podcast like in just in general, I didn't want it to be like a dedicated Sims Podcast because once you box yourself in can't really get out. And if ya'll stuck and I think a lot of people should understand that we are real live human beings and we have lives and then we do different things. Yeah no problem. The first thing I wanted to know.Is can you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself?Yeah, so my name is OshinSims, but that's not my alot of people call me ocean but my real name is Marissa so not a lot of people know that they just call me Oshin but I'm cool with this. Y'all can keep calling me ocean and I I've been creating since 2018. And yeah, I'm I I'm I'm nervous.Oh no, you're all good. You're all good.It's so hard to talk about myself, 'cause no one ever really ask about me. I'd so hard. Um, I'm a mom of three boys and a wife. I've been married since 2014. I did everything backwards like you know, had kids then got married, then found my passion at a super late part in life. But yeah.I mean, honestly, I like that that's what the story you like. We have a story to you and that's awesome. Thank you. Where did the like name OshinSims like?Become to be like how did you decide to name it that?Oh my goodness. So Jhene Aiko is my favorite like artist and around like 2017. I went through this phase where I like I call it like my enlightening like enlightenment type of phase where I kind of found my truth. And so I during that Phase I was like obsessed with the ocean because an ocean is free flowing. It has depth but it's also also has like shallow waters an it's it just flows everywhere and I just thought that was.Analogy of who I was at that time and so I had like a YouTube channel before where it was just about me and myself and my kids and stuff like that. And it was. I put the name Oceanris. I spelt it the way ocean supposed to be spelt.And the way that I kind of came up with ocean, the weights felt as you see it is because I'm super obsessed with Japanese culture. So I was like, you know, I don't want my name to be just Oshinsims, so I changed it. I changed the spelling, but it's still supposed to mean like ocean. So essentially OshinSims.See, that's really cool. 'cause when you said Japanese culture like yeah looking at her channel, yeah snowy escape like she loves that vibe. She's all here for it.Yes, and when I like you know how your name you have like spring Sims. You have urban Sims. I just slapped Sims on the end of it.I followed you guys lead. I was like I'm just going to put Sims up there. 'cause that's yeah.It was the norm.Yes it was. I was like how can how can I make it so that you guys know that I placed him so I just left it up there with ocean.Oh yeah, I was scrolling through the interwebs on Twitter, 'cause that's pretty much where everyones at. And I was like what was our first DM like. Was it 'cause I remember like you asked me about?Like streaming me, yeah you too for Twitch and I just said Twitch because Twitch is easier. It's more relaxed and comfortable. Whereas like with You Tube, it's like all your audience and ceyran they all know you and I feel like it's kind of overwhelming when everyone knows you on one platform. Whereas like you go to another platform. Some people might know you, but I feel like it's just more relaxed to me.Know that is that is a very very true. I remember I asked you because.I wanted to like dipping dabble into streaming when I actually did it Twitch stream. It feels like switches for the creator. I don't know how to write. You know what I mean and so I am like I am not at a streamer mindset right now because it gives me a little bit of anxiety. Like how do you do it? I don't know how you do it.Oh my gosh, it's it's a lot, so I mean, it's definitely a lot to handle. I do have anxiety even before I press the go live button every single time 'cause I get so anxious of like what's going to happen.Yeah, usually like there is stream. Technical issues in the midst of streaming and it kind of crazy to kind of handle it on the fly.Right, it's like it's live like my biggest fear was, I think when I did my Twitch stream, I think I said like one curse word and I don't usually like curse in my videos or anything like that and I just slipped up. It was like one of the small ones, not anything crazy and I was like Oh my God, this is live. I can't do this anymore. I got so nervous, you know like it's alive but I feel like once you get into it like I love your streams.I love them too anxious at all.I have played the extroverted card very well. I would say on on like the Internet, but I'm a very introverted anxious person and I mean I tell people that because I feel like a lot of people can relate to it, an nothings picture perfect nothings really you know all happy Dory like there are days where I'm just like not feeling the best or and I wanted to share that with people because I think it's just. It's much easier than like showing one side of a person saying.All things are good, nothing's really bad and people do understand that you know streaming is not that easy. It's definitely a task that you have to handle. Take it one step at a time and kind of play it by ear and kind of learn as you go.That is so truthful that this feels like therapy. And I'm going to tell you why, because I feel like I've built this image right where I am all about positive iti. I am about those things and I'm generally a happy person, but I like you said we are human and so.I do have bad days. I do have those days and because I am extroverted online but actually introverted IRL. Like in real life I feel like I have to almost a fake like that sadness because I feel like if I put out how I really feel or if I'm having an off day it might not stand for what my brand is which is positive. Iti, you know Zen calm peace and yeah that is a very very true. So to know that you feel the same way even when 'cause you're like really, really happy and you have such.You like your whole brand, is just yellow happy sunlight. I wouldn't ever think you had an off day, but I know that you you do but yeah.It's like I think I expressed how I feel on social me like just Twitter, but not in my videos 'cause I feel like I want to separate that because I want to be to make sure that when people come to my channel it's like a place where they feel safe and you know happy or just want to have some type of like relaxation downtime where they don't have to stress the entire time. But Twitter is like a whole other story 'cause.That's a lot.And is it is that's where I feel like I am and that's why I feel like on Twitter. It's definitely different energy. I feel like when I go back on my YouTube channel and I look at my comments and everything, it's it's all positive iti it's all like good stuff in on my Twitter is where I'm a little bit more expressive with like what's going on. So yeah, I understand that keeping the two separated, yeah?Yeah, and like with Twitter they have that same old messages like what's happening and I think it it kind of like inclines people too.Tell what's actually happening, which kind of.A lot of people in tangent, mainly me. I tend to tweet rant not anymore since I deleted the app off of my phone.Right see, that's that's what I did too and I need to be more mindful. I think of how I worry things because on Twitter you only have a certain amount of characters to say how you feel. It can get really. You can pass your energy to people just by expressing like the kind of day you had. Like I could be having a great day and see that you had a terrible day and then all of a sudden I'm reminded that something terrible happened and then that room.It's just weird, it's it's energy in after you know what I mean? Like yeah, after deleting the app from my phone too, I was like I felt lighter. We talked about that a little bit.Yeah, a little bit. It's definitely like it feels much easier. 'cause I know that we I tweet it like a long bunch of tweets about how is feeling in this like Twitter or just like social media in general is like very toxic because it's just that side of like the Internet that you don't really understand.Until like you kind of go deeper into it when you don't want to get into.I know it's like you don't even want to go there, 'cause I feel like I. I yeah it's it's hard and I think like the state of the world right now is affected so much more. Because when I first came to Twitter, even just social media in general, it was so fun. Now I find myself not wanting to share as much of myself online anymore just because of the judgment that's out there. The way that it's so like people can quickly respond to you and have no remorse.Like it's crazy to think like I'm so glad our parents like like Imagine if our parents are raised during that time like.Oh my God.It's crazy like I'm glad that we were young and we enjoyed our childhood because a lot of a lot of like children and everything to are on social media now just the way the world is.Yeah, it is definitely scary. 'cause like when I used to go out and stuff and like why. Why does a 5 year old have an iPad? I don't understand, they don't need.It like at all like that could have waited. It's it's so weird it's like that's the generation.Yeah, it's like more of like norm and I think nowadays it's understandable. I can now understand why.We need certain things just like the calm down settle be more like productive learning this app out there like it's so much more convenient and more helpful. I would say on the learning side of things, the reason why they have these things. So I agree. Obviously parents are the true MVP's. Like you your husband are doing great. I mean since you don't share a lot what what you do share? I think that you are an amazing parent. Your husbands an amazing parent will talk about this later but I think that from I like I think.You and your husband had a YouTube channel before.Together and we did and we actually have a like we had a channel for it together and now we have one where we were gaming together and just doing like you know, silly stuff together. That's where I don't know if you've seen it, but it's called the go arcade and so that's where we're just kind of like playing games. I'm a totally different person. I realize when I'm filming with him I'm a completely different person and I just want to let anyone know that checks out that YouTube that I'm still me but just you know, like different people bring out different sides of you.Yes, my best friend. That's my best friend.You have great chemistry together. It's like when I see you I'm like oh they look so happy and I feel so excited like wait, they look so amazing and doing so great. But I remember that one. I put that one video. I think it was cyber punk or you are out.Wanted.The improvement was like at first I was like I do not want you to post that, but then I thought you know what? Like I don't care like every side is not 100% that fell asleep. Oh my goodness.It's all good human things. Well, I didn't want to go back to the first impressions type of thing. I remember Charlie and series.Oh my God, I miss her. Wow you remember?Yeah, I mean I did my research and I adore that series like it was really good.That means so much because that was actually like I don't even know where I can. I watch a lot of Netflix and so I feel like I probably watched something in the night. You got me inspired to create that LP. And at the time I really didn't know what went into like content creation. All of that stuff I didn't understand. Like when you create a story based LP like that, it's hard work keeping up with it, so I hate that. I let that go. But I love that that was inspired around that time I was watching you.Fantayzia a lot of like of those like storytelling type of simmers and you bring up Charlie Ann what I remember when I found you you were playing like it Jungle Adventures came out and you have those two siblings like they were like yeah.Like I was inspired from all of that when I created Charlie and.I don't even know what happened to that series. I started it.And I don't know what happened.It's like I start something and I get so paranoid an all of my head and then I stopped things. I don't know WHI anymore, I just I think I just stopped kind of doing generic LP's where either it's like story base or pack based. I'm like I need to have some type of idea in my head where I continue on doing it and I can do it for a long time but.I don't know. I think all the cities I've made I've enjoyed every single last one of 'em, but it was just like something in that moment that just didn't feel right. But I think was also on top of like me being in school, which just did not help.So I just stopped everything completely. It's been like a year and a half since I've done a actual let's play.Oh my goodness, do you think you would ever do? Let's play again like do you think you would ever like? Even if it's not story based like something like how you did not so Berry for a little bit like do you think you do a challenge or something?Yeah, I think I like eventually come back and do like maybe challenges is something. I mean I'm working on like a machinima right now for my cats and dogs LP that I had so many years ago and I didn't stop it. I just.Ended it where it needed to end an. I want to bring them back because I'm kind of going back from like their past to the present of all the events that have happened since the ending of the first season.Oh my goodness, you said cats and dogs and cats and dog LP and you're going to bring it back.Well, I'm not going to name it. Cats and dogs. It's Oh no.No no no.It's called the Larson life, the Larsons yeah.Guys OK, I'm going to catch up.Yeah, I just I think it's like The thing is I when I did videos back in the early days of YouTube like back in the 2010 I made all these like different series and then one at me and my friend. We had made a Sims 2 machinima called Remember Me and is not based off of the actual movie with Robert Patterson remembering it's like more so following these two teenagers Autumn and Tyler which I still have The Sims 4 which is very weird. It's been like.I don't know like nine years or so, but wow and it follows along these two teenagers high school drama and I at the time, YouTube and Sims was like all about teenage pregnancy drama storytelling. It was. It was just insane.And I think what me and my friend wanted to deal with like we wanted to kind of do that but didn't want to make it so focused on all of that. Because if you focus on one thing, it's like it's not really what you need. And autumn teenage pregnancy. She had two kids we didn't end up finishing it just because time constraints and schedules and stuff, so we just didn't finish it. But we were writing a book. It's not even done.In his you guys, do you still talk to this friend like do they? Do you guys ever bring that up like no one time?It's been awhile, I think. 6 years since I've last talk to that person. I mean she was older than I am, so she was in high school. I was like in junior high so it was like age difference, schedule difference, all that stuff so it didn't really like fall through in the end. But we were really good friends. But you know, hey we let that chapter rest and you know, just.Move on, but I still have that series near and dear to my heart, and I think that's what kind of made me who I am today is like a storyteller, being able to share these stories that are like the norm but not really the norm.I love that that's what I want to get back to you because I feel like because the actual platform on YouTube with Sims videos has changed like people are saying, LP's like with storytelling aren't anymore like some people are saying that and I want to get back to that like the creativity like actually sitting down.Like I don't know really. Just taking the story level like the storytelling to the next level. Like have you heard other people say that that Sims 4 LP's are going out of style? Yeah, you know an I wanted just for that just for the sake of the error like the era that we're.Going to go back to that side because there's been so many like things out there on YouTube with like Sims Wife had been so great an when I hear like LP's are dying like no they're not.But I'm like no. I want to cry.But at some, what kind of is? But it's not. And back then I think 2015, 2016 there were so many LP's that were so story based which is LP's in general. Like I remember watching like Jen old like actually later in her entire channel is just absolutely amazing. I yes I remember like I think Korey story I forget what the name was but I remember the spring stint. I remember the form and I just remember all those like family. Sorry Khloe, story was that.So good, yes, I all of those were so good. I feel like when I found like storytelling simmers like urban and then like you too and Fantayzia like you guys actually cared about your Sims in a way that didn't make me feel crazy. I was like wow they really care bout there seems to really tell their story. That was like intense like there's different types of storytelling, but when I found you guys I was like Oh my gosh like they really care about their systems and their lives and their invested. I'm invested now.I get so like teary eyed because when they get older I'm like oh they're going to be gone soon and I'm going to tell this story and I'm going to cry and.Oh gosh, I'm just like I take so many screenshots of my Sims because I don't want to. I don't want to forget those moments in their lives where they were first born or when they're taking their first. You know, steps into adulthood.I don't know I'm.Thinking of that?Yeah I need to clean up my screenshot folder. It's a mess.Oh, let's not talk about screen. I need to yeah, I need to purge.But like when I play challenges that the whole world is story, I do not care about them because it's just like I do not have time to deal with their needs. When I'm on a mission.Didn't you do like the 300 baby challenge is? I've been crazy like that on twitch like 200.Yeah, I couldn't handle that. I could not handle their needs. I was just mainly focused on having all the babies and doing that an displaying it as I go. 'cause children in The Sims, let alone toddlers, are just.Not ideal, no. They're too much there too much. But story based. I'm like OK, I'm gonna do this and do that and then all will be fine.That's like I wish we had a proper like dedicated generations pack because that's what I personally need in all my storytelling gameplay. I've done like I need to, like, have preschool, and have like daycare, and I need all that stuff.That is literally what I feel like. I feel like I know there's some people that don't really need the family gameplay or don't see it as an asset, but I feel like that's what drew me to the Simpson like to begin with even at a young age. That aspect of, like the things you can do when your family an growing again your generations of your family. You need those things.That is a goal in itself. To you know what I mean? Take care of your kids and actually feel like you're fulfilling a life with them. Like I played some Sims 3 generations because I never experienced generations. The time when it came out and what I love was that you know there was a focus even on the adult. Seems like they could go through a midlife crisis. Yeah, that's a part of the, you know, I want to feel those that I feel like that's what The Sims 4 is missing.Like what you said, like generations is your favorite part of The Sims.I would say oh, you mean like The Sims as a whole?Well like kind of yeah.OK, 'cause if we're talking as a whole, OK, so because I play generations really like for the first time. Not too long ago. Like probably like last year no 2018 because again my laptop when The Sims 3 came out. I couldn't really play it.Yeah, so I love it and I appreciate it when people talk about it. I like hands down, give it, you know my utmost respect. But Sims 2 specifically Sims, two seasons and nightlife that those are my babies.100% I agree yeah.Those are my babies. Those are like.Untouchableoh 100% Sims. Two hands down. One of the best things I've ever played in my entire life. I go back to it all the time. I play in Pleasant view.I think that's, uh, hopefully everything. What keeps me going like going back to The Sims is of course like Sims 2 is like my OG. My nostalgia thing that I've always played and I'll go back to it no matter what, but I think it's like kind of what I lived and I played is why the reason why I keep going back to The Sims 4 and I'm still playing it until it kind of given it that sends like character and personality that I used to play when I was younger, you know.I agree with that. 'cause like as much as I love The Sims two, I think because The Sims 4 is what's presently out.I struggle just like I love The Sims 2 for what it is, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy The Sims 4 because there are ways you can make it fun like it's not a Sims 2 and it's definitely not a Sims 3, but it's what it is and so yeah, like I like Britain since one day I went back and played Sims 2 an I forgot that we couldn't multi task in Sims two. Yeah I forgot about that yeah.Yeah, so I was like you know there are certain things in Sims 4 that I'm just used to now so, but I always appreciate like the older games for what they were. I love them, but I'd like you said I try to put that scene flaring personality in the present day so.Yeah, it's like that. Going back to The Sims two, I forget there's like small little details that I remember but don't like. Remember 'cause I was so young then like wait we had all these still small little details that I did not know. Like I remember there was like 2 interactions that I.Remember an I love that when kids come home from school from the school bus that get off. Look at the report card and apparent is home and they have a good report card. They'll jump up and down with excitement and go run to their parent. This show them what they got or.Good.Or like when a parent comes home from work and the kids at home, they'll literally stop what they're doing to go run to their parent and hug them like that, I.Remember that yes.It just melts my heart. I just I love those small little details that we've had an I think what makes The Sims for Sims 4 is that it's like a fresh new game. It's a new era. It's a new way of playing life an you gotta make it fun for you and kind of discover your own like happy Medium.Yeah, I think that's exactly that's exactly what it is. I feel like The Sims 4 definitely gives the player. I think the most control, but that's not necessarily always the best because sometimes we want those autonomous things like that.You know, like the child jumping up and shot up and down to see the parent, and you know, given their report card, just seeing that happen autonomously. It's like we were playing life, but it was also it felt like they were really alive in that world, and with instance do anything. It just felt like they were actually alive and in Sims 4 it feels like we're we're essentially like almost like a God in a weird way. Like we control everything. It's like pulling, yeah, and so I do miss like that autonomous just reaction.In but like so I understand what you mean when you say Sims 4 is just a new way of playing. That's just how the game is now, yeah.Yeah, and I mean of course like there's mods and stuff out there that kind of enhance it and make it. You know totally people say better or like torches different or just not helpful, but I think with mods it just it's OK to have. But I think the idea is like sometimes you just don't need mods for anything to just have fun. Like for me I've been trying to play a little bit vanilla 'cause you been playing.Ella some like oh.I would love if you post it more of your vanilla gameplay. I feel like that would be interesting because not gonna lie. You are like, you know, custom content King. You are like very I would love to see you just play with like no mas, no CC, no anything. I think that would be very interesting. I would literally just watch that for hours.Yeah, 'cause I definitely want to do it. I I don't know if I need to go back to my old save because there I have an old save. I do have an all vanilla save that I've been playing.For I would say about since dine out came out. I yeah an I've posted here and there of them. They're called, they lose. So that's their last name there in Italian slash. German family based in Windenburg Anne. I'm currently on generation Four or five I think, and I haven't posted about them in so long just because there's so many packs coming out in so many different things happening and then the show happened that I just couldn't really to do it all.And like I didn't lose interest in it, I just didn't really know what how to I'm going to expand onto it, 'cause I think at the time the vampire pack came out and I was like always thinking, how can I introduce this pack into my family gameplay and I was like wait what? What if like back in like the 1600s they were, you know they had a vampire in the family and kind of the generation of the vampire like blood didn't run to the family until.The most recent generation and.That's your storytelling coming out. You're like, yeah, advising right there on the spot.Yeah, 'cause like I mean I have it. I have to say more, like as of the Empire and like the family doesn't know and I think when the child got older they were trying to figure out why does my child burn in the sun? Why does he did not like the light? Why is he, you know doing all these different things that his siblings don't do an they had to go back to like their family books and look at wait a minute.Back in the 1600s, we had a vampire in the family car. Great, great, great, great grand Father was a vampire, but how did like like not not passed down to like me or somebody else but only this child and so they like kind of going back and like figuring out things how they can make it better so they're going to talk to Vlad and kind of get some insight.No way that means you. That means that you have to give Ladana makeover.Oh yeah, again 'cause.Yes, again 'cause.Oh my God, that's so interesting. And one thing that you said, like you had to kind of think how you could incorporate the vampires pack at that time into you know you said dine out was kind of like where they originated from. Yeah yeah, so it's funny because I feel that. Make sure to like when it comes out. If I'm enjoying the family all of a sudden something comes out, you really feel the pressure to add the new pack and integrate it into your current household like and that is very witty. That is hard to do.It definitely is.That is hard to do, it's like.Him like I don't even know how I'm going to make this work because.I'm not particularly a big fan of supernatural like anything in The Sims like The Sims Vampires. Not for me, since three it was OK. I enjoyed some of 'em but but Sims 4 I don't know. I just think, well, just in general, actually, just like supernatural at all, 'cause it's just not the norm, and it's not my plane style per say, say.Like I can be open to it and be like OK, I'll check it out, but I think it's very evident what are playing style is we like, you know we just.Realism, you know realistic.Yeah, but I do have to say the paranormal stuff packed though. Who did you like? I I'm enjoying it. I really love.It, yeah I like it too. I'm not going to lie. I like speed, ran through like ran through it because I just was so anxious to to understand why there's game playing a stuff pack that really boggles my mind. But when I actually played I was like, OK, this is this is cool. The lights flickering, the flags, the sound effects are trippy, yeah.Different very creepy 'cause if people were hinting things and stuff like that an.I think I did like the whole. I think what sold me was like the back story of like the like. The whole idea of what the Gadrian phone Hilda and Temp era the back story. What sold me the most. They knew I wanted to learn more about them and like why is gradually the way is who's like this other tempier person? Why she here like what's really going on like I kind of go deeper into it when there's really no deeper meaning to it.But I love that 'cause I feel like we need more of that, like for instance, paranormal is obviously supernatural. The Stranger Ville game pack.Is supernatural as well, but because it has such like a storyline kind of already invented that type of guy really makes it so that we can take it that extra mile. And like, really like try to come up with the grand idea. The grand scheme of things. I really wish they would do that with more bags. Have a sweet, you know, even with expansions, if just a part of the pack always include some type of background, some type of lower to it.Oh yeah, I love definitely. I would love some loharan like just something that will sustain me.Long enough where I can like go off onto my own an make it a thing.Yeah, like build off of it.Yeah, so the next question I want to ask since you kind of said like why you started making content like me, Jenn and like you know, Fantayzia and everybody making Sims content like what really sold you like to make Sims content because making YouTube videos is like do literally anything and everything. But like what really really makes you want to make Sims content. I kind of stick with it.I think what made me want to stick with it is.I love the feeling that I got one from watching you know simmers like you guys and I love that you know by myself playing the game. I talked to myself anyway, like I'll be in my head and I'll be like, Yep, you're terrible, you're cheating on your wife like I'm talking out loud to myself anyway, so I'm like wow. If I can do this with other people and they actually understand me because before playing The Sims was like taboo, you didn't. I never really talked about that. You know, with my friends in school, no one really did it. I only met one girl that actually played The Sims also.An we vibed about that, but it was like I kind of felt embarrassed to say Oh yeah, I play Sims like no one did that at the time and so I just wanted to push into like I wanted to make someone feel the way that I felt when I watched your videos and Jenn and Fantayzia and everyone I wanted to make people feel like that I want to share my stories and talk about it. I think the best part about creating content is talking about it with the people you know. That's my favorite part. Like when people get immersed in what I have going on and they give me suggestions like you should make this person do this.It's really fun when you kind of can share your passion with people in that way so that so that was like my main reason why I just wanted to go for it.That's good, 'cause I think that's the kind of the same way of me growing up like I wanted to be able to share like my passion for what I'm doing or like, just like in general and see what people think because I think sharing is caring and I think people can kind of somewhat relate to it in a way of like we all play Sims or we kind of resonate with that one story that they told or.That certain SIM looks like me or or something like that, and I think that's kind of what makes The Sims The Sims you.Know yeah, I feel like that's like the best part about it too. 'cause even just watching other people like I realize that I became more diverse the more I put myself out there, like diversity is very important to me. But you know when you first start playing The Sims, you don't really. You are only limited to a certain amount of ideas, but when you see other people exploring certain stories and certain storylines.It actually made me like less fearful to explore that too. So it's like it's so interesting how that works. Like just by watching other people, you just suddenly feel inspired in your own game. You know, like yeah.I'm like getting inspiration or like just watching other people. It's definitely it makes you like think a certain way. I'm like wow. They told that story. I think I can also tell that story too, but in my own way.Right, that's exactly yeah.Yeah, and I think what also comes down to like making content just like in general.Or like just for The Sims? I think it's hard sometimes to kind of think of new ideas and make new content. That's like, you know, fresh and new and exciting and just trying to figure out how you're going to upload and how are you going to be some nails in The Sims? And it's definitely a lot, but you feel like you have had struggles like since making YouTube videos. Just like for Sims or just in general.Definitely, I feel like I've struggled with knowing where I fit in, what type of video, what type of creator am I. Am I someone that does my reviews or my someone that does it all MoD reviews?In gameplay and created some videos and builds, you kind of feel like you have to dip in Dublin to everything and then at some point which is where I am now, you realize like you're not for everybody. So if I'm not a builder you know I can explore with building but I don't have to make that my channel just because it's in right now. So I kind of learn. Yeah, I learned that way like just be yourself, make the content you want to make and then I also struggle with thumbnail styles like my thumbnail style would change. Probably almost every three months almost to where you know it's like unrecognizable. You're like.Oh I did that thumbnail that is not cute. But yeah, it's like you get better in time and I think the best part about being creators. You can keep experimenting and overtime when you look back at like those your archives of your videos and how you change your like wow like being a creator is being open to evolution like you have to change. You have to change and accept that you have to change and once I did that but you have to be yourself but you have to in a way help me explain this spring.Help me I I I know what I'm trying to say but.Can't explain it.It's like in a way you have to be like yourself because when you're not yourself, you like your true light really doesn't shine through your videos because no one wants to like be someone like if you compare yourself to another person or you compare yourself and you just want to be just like them exactly the way they are, you're not really showing like who you really are an it's hard to kind of. It's just definitely hard to figure out how I'm going, how you're going to do things.And I think once you kind of take a step back an you kind of realize the situation of what's going on with your channel or just yourself, you think about OK, I don't have to be like that person. I don't have to make you know LP videos that I have made the dog refused and just do what I want.Thank you yeah.I think it kind of boils down to like impostor syndrome, and I read this article it's like talks about like why like impostor syndrome like affect successful people. And I read this thing like this one quote from this. One person is from like Mike Cannon, Brookes is a cofounder for software company and he said Impostor syndrome is filling it well out of your depth yet already enriched in a situation eternally Filion. You're not skilled enough. Experience enough or qualified enough to justify being there.But you are there and you have to figure out because we had to figure it out because you can't get out. It's more of a sensation of getting away from something and the fear of being discovered.Yeah, that definitely. I feel like we've all felt like that. Like yeah, it's yeah. I totally feel that.'cause like in a way, there's we go through life of making content of we started out like you know all good and you know it's ourselves and we're doing our thing. But then I think the more that we grow as a person.The more like things kind of get into our head and we're like is this who I really am is this who I really want to be? Do I have to be like this certain person but in reality you really don't, but I think our brains are just like telling us something completely different and like with the YouTube algorithm and like YouTube Studio tells you a whole other thing it.Makes you feel like it makes you feel like you have to be what's in. You have to do what's trending. You have to do.You have to be within instead of just being like. You know keeping your authentic self. I feel that on a whole another level I feel like I am. I feel like I will never be able to fully escape impostor syndrome because I feel like YouTube compares you to yourself. I mean, it's bad enough that you're comparing yourself to your period yet compares you to yourself. It tells you that this video did great, but this one didn't and you may have, like, really been proud of the video you just did and it just didn't do well. And that part is what gives me as a creator. I don't think I'll ever be able to really escape it for too long.Feeling like I have to keep up or be trendy. But recently though I've just been kind of keeping my peace and just doing what I feel is best because I feel like it's most fulfilling as a creator. When you are proud of your work, like the numbers matter but at the same time they can't matter all the time.Yeah, that's very true. It's definitely hard. 'cause I deleted the YouTube studio app off my phone and I hardly ever look at my analytics nowadays because the one thing that's kind of hard to like. Figure out where you stand for your channel. Like what?Where is like your videos ranking like? It literally ranks your videos from one to 10 an. All these videos are doing so grey and you're doing awesome. Keep doing that same content and it's like no, I don't want to be boxed in until like that. Certain standard of content where I have to be keeping like making builds or you know just like all that stuff. Because when I look at mine it's mainly just build or like certain criticisms that have a very unique.Idea of what I'm trying to do an.Like there's one video that's still popular till this day. That's on like #1 hitting charts of my channel. It's a Sims 3 family build that I made back in 2017 and I'm thinking to myself, what made that build so good? I mean Sims 3 properly and suburban and then also with like multiple bedrooms, but I think also what I kind of did 'cause I don't look back at the video 'cause my voice was on hold.Mother is the worst when you look back at when you listen to videos.Oh my, it's kind of crazy. Honestly, when you think about it, but I think what kind of resonated to people I would say is that I'm assuming I told a story in that video of who like who. I think what lived there and how they're all connected. In a way I think I don't know, but it was definitely a weird time back then where it was just like, oh, just do this, do that an it's like I can't escape impostor syndrome either because.It's like how am I going to do all these things when one thing tells me one thing and another thing tells me another, can I just be myself and then like YouTube says, no I.See, it's like if you you know that there are people that are loyal. Ann will watch you and love you regardless. But big major growth. Sometimes you have to take yourself out of your element and that's so uncomfortable because yeah, it's like, why can't I just be myself and it's crazy because it's almost like this is.Therapy talking to you about it, because this is not something we can just talk about with. You know our friends or something like in real life. Yeah like yeah Dad. Well no, you can't talk to your parents. I do tell my parents some of this stuff, but yeah it's it's. It's crazy that you feel the same way to the fact that you are like Baker creator Anuar on Twitch as well and you don't even check your analytics like I thought. I was weird for doing that. But hearing that you also just try not to look at it either. Makes me feel like.It actually makes me feel like I want to create right now, like I actually feel empowered by. I heard that you feel the same way that I feel when I log into you too.Yeah, 'cause like I only look at it when it's like necessary. If like if I need to check for something like 4. If I do a sponsorship or whatever, I look into it and like, OK it did this OK and sometimes it kind of hurts a little bit when a video doesn't perform well. When I gave it my all I want to do a certain thing like it's hard to look at these numbers and it tells you like.Oh this this video did OK you should not do it anymore. Or like when a video performs so well, it shoots confetti, makes you excited and like this video is doing really well for these certain reasons and it kind of makes you like what really happened like what? What really? What's going on here? Like the notifications not go? Wow is the content just boring? Is it too long? Too short? Like what is that? And it kind of makes you not want to make that content anymore.And I think that's why I think a certain people said, like LP's are just dying in general like certain things are dying. 'cause like You Tube goes into ways of like back in like 20 like I don't know 2010 or whatever. When it was a crime it was all exaggeration, excitement, bubbly kid, friendly, family friendly, all that stuff. And then like the second wave happened where it was like gaming or.China, like the figure itself out like we were on like an experimental phase of that side of YouTube and then another wave happened where it's just like a reoccurring thing. It's not saturation anymore, but I think it's like also with the fact that was like you two was always always going through like waves of figuring out who you are. What you want to do and how you're going to get there. And I think now with YouTube and like all genres it's like.Just be your real authentic self because that's what people.Like you can't go wrong if you are just absolutely back again. So while you can't go wrong with being yourself, and that advice is honestly reflected, and I think even my recent like content, for example, that's just how I've been moving because everything's evolved. The community YouTube and everything, and I know that as a mom and wife I'm so busy with that that I can't even put all that energy into figuring out what can make me grow faster. So just by being myself, that's all I've been doing in I still see growth. You know, I'm not.Shooting with growth, but the fact that I see a little bit at a time still makes me feel good as a creator and it makes me feel happy. You just mentali. So I 100% agree with that.Yeah, an I was scrolling through Twitter and I found this tweet that you said like back in like on the 20th of February that my confidence is as a creator comes from my new theory. I'm not for everyone but people that need me or will find me an that always be a good vibes an I like that like you just have a sense of relaxation.And like death to like your content. But just like you see you in general is the way you tweet has like a sense of depth like a truer meaning. It's like it makes you really.Think you 'cause I? I came across 'cause I realized, you know, sometimes I try to. I would try to be the more exuberant creator like hey guys you know blah blah blah. You know I would try to do that and I would try to experiment with being more enthusiastic. Try to make my video shorter trying to fit in again, putting myself in the box. But I realized like there are people out here that need that calm energy people out here that just want to.Turn on a video and watch some relaxing gameplay like just I need to stay true to who I am and so you know we may not be for everybody but the people that need us will find us because I just feel like that's how the universe works anyway, you know. So what goes around comes around. So I just feel like if I put that energy out then I'll get it back in on my actual YouTube channel. It is such a good like environment. I don't experience any hate. I don't experience anything negative. I don't. I mean, it's almost like this euphoric area on the Internet. I don't know if that's like the same for you on Twitch and YouTube.It just feels like one that actual platform. It's just like the same people like like minded people.Yeah, I kind of get that. 'cause like with twitch it's it's definitely a newfound platform for me. I'm still learning as I go, but it's like the same people that show up there like we're all like minded people and we all come for like the same thing. Like whether it's like for The Sims or just more for me. And mainly it's just like for me which is so nice and reassuring to know that people come for me and not for a certain game in plane.Yeah, and it's like you don't want to be like box yourself in. But in hindsight, like it's hard because when you are a creator but it's also simultaneously your business, you got it like still like make that same content more and more to like sustain yourself, but in reality you don't want to like burning herself out where you don't want it anymore.Likely, and that's like the important part, and that's why people like with you and a bunch of other simmers that I watched around the time when I first found Sims YouTube.To see you guys like you guys are considered like legends like like oh geez to me in this endless like Whole Realm. So when I see you guys are producing content and still being happy like that's what keeps me moving, you know seeing you not even change but so much from when I first encountered like when I first met you or spoke to you but you know you haven't really changed that much and it's just like you know that shows me that I can be successful and I don't have to really change that much about myself. So why am I worried about it? You know, just do it.You know, yeah? I mean, do what you have to do to kind of grow experiment. But don't take you out of you.Yeah, like you don't have to change for a certain person or a certain type of like content or anything like just being yourself is like literally enough.Totally, I still. I still am like surprised that you still love the color yellow. Like my I'm a Gemini somewhere that my favorite color changes every like six months or so. So like I changed my mind. I've been loving blue for awhile now so yeah.People should be proud of me. It's very common. You have been loving them. Thank you. That's why I was like, you know, now Blues. My favorite color, but you you've been like a yellow lover since the day I even came across your YouTube.'cause like for me I I like the color blue and I love yellow but I think with yellow it resonates more with like my personality and like who I am. 'cause I'm a Pisces and I think with Pisces they look more on the creative side of things and like this pyramid and I don't know. I think it's just what I.Resonate more with sunflower community. I'll tell you that you are. That's what a lot of people say. I'm like, oh OK, didn't find it funny you, me and you both like. Have like we both do the whole peace sign thing and so it's funny. 'cause I just feel like you're like the like the like the male version of me. But you love yellow and your story tell better than me to me. You know better than me.I don't know about that, I mean, your storytelling is great.I don't know. I'll always hype you up though, 'cause if it wasn't for you and like you know other people. I really don't think I'd be, you know, creating content.Oh my, I'm glad you're making content 'cause I mean it's something I listen to and like the background 'cause you have a very soothing and calming voice that it's like I feel zenan I can just not feel stressed. But I can still like learn from a distressful situations of your Sims or like what's happening in that moment.But still like feel relaxed, you know?I'm smiling super hard.Thank you.You're welcome, I just I think there's like when people watch creators like there's always a different things that stand out to them for that creator reflected certain content that they're watching that they can kind of pinpoint the reason why they watch some reason why they kind of feel like they feel safe and relax or certain like type of emotion that they're feeling at that moment that they can definitely express to that set creator on social media or through the comments on YouTube or on Twitch that.It's definitely very nice and like reassuring to know that people fill a certain way.Yeah, I think like that's what makes you too purposeful for me because I want to feel like in some way shape or form. I don't want to feel like I'm necessarily entertaining people all the time. I do want to feel like I'm I'm making someone's day a little bit better or something just more purposeful than than just being a content creator. An you know, just entertaining. I don't want to just entertain. I wanna vibe, you know so I love that I love that. You said that 'cause that's very true.Yeah, I think the key thing is just vibing and.Known about it with your day and just being yourself. Yeah, well the next question I have is so this is about personal versus online. Life is like from the outside looking in. It looks like you have your life altogether and your management things like perfectly fine with, you know being a mom and a wife and a content kramlich that cycle as a full time job. Being a mom in a wife is a full time job. I would think it's like it's a lot but like how do you manage it so so well like just how you manage it in general?It's such a good question because.When I first started YouTube, I did not manage it well like I did not manage it well. The way that I manage it well now is I just have to remember that at the very end of the day, because sometimes online life can consume our lives like like how we talked about before. We feel like we have to check our social platforms. We feel like if we go too long without uploading, but people are going to forget all about us, then you know, like I just, you know it goes back to what we've been talking about this whole time. I have to have that confidence as a creator to just know why I'm doing it and still plays my family first.Like I have a designated time frame where I work on things and then I spend the rest of that time with my kids because at the very end of the day, as much as I love my online presence and that love love my community, my kids and my actual family personal life come first in. Sometimes I think even as creators, I think we forget to even go outside and get errors. Sometimes you know like we.Yeah, do you do that like you ever have?A period of time where you just realize like you're really consumed.Like yeah, 100% every single day. It's terribles I'm like how do I?Like how do you like like I forget like when you go outside. I haven't seen the sun in like 5 days so.It's like I need to step away from the computer and just like talk to my family and like talk to my friends like whether I'm like when it was safe going out and about or just like just talking to them on like discord or or whatever. 'cause we sometimes forget that we don't always have to be like on we have personalized and we have to, you know like maintain the rice and ship that we.Have so where is like maintaining like there is a period of time. Well like recently even recently. Just my experience like I realized that my online presence was becoming too much like.You know I needed to step away and at that point and again everything is assigned to me. And so you know I had people in my life that I hadn't spoke to in like a couple of days all hit me up like yesterday they all. They text me. They called me and it was so weird and random and it was almost like the universe is just like you have people that love you outside of all this you know don't forget about them because I'm the only content creator in my family. Me and my husband were like the only content creators in our families so no one understands what we're doing, you know?So, but like you said, you have to maintain what's outside of that.Yeah, 'cause when people don't understand it gets kind of confusing and it feels like you're neglecting them. But in reality, you're not really neglecting you, just I don't know. It's definitely hard to kind of explain to certain people who somewhat don't understand or like kind of understand, but doesn't really want to really like understand it. You know, that's.That's the thing it's like. People think you're neglecting, but it's like, gosh, I'm not neglecting you. But by the time I'm done with this video, I've used up all my personality and my voice that I have no energy and it's like.Out of sight, out of mind.Yeah, an like for me I'm I'm the only content creator in my family is volatile. Mom makes content stuff. But like I'm like the person who's like really like making all this content on almost every single platform. And my family doesn't really know what I really do or like how I do things like they don't understand sometimes, but I had to explain to them and I explained it to them on like a business side of things because I think that's what they kind of resonate more too. I've like what they've grown.Up to and kind of learned as they went, and I think when you kind of talk them on a business standpoint, it's like OK. It makes sense. I make money from YouTube and make money from Twitch and make money from the Internet. It's all pretty much the same thing but in a different like way of.Living that's in, that's so true because I think people would see, oh, he's playing video games and making money off of it. That this is a dream job, but I realize very quickly that this is work like, no matter how you look at it. It's fun. Yes, it has its perks where you know, grateful. But it is work.I mean it's work.It is definitely a lot of work. It's not easy, and I think what people need to know is that if they want to get into like this space of the Internet, whether it's like gaming or anything is that don't go don't have the mindset of thinking. Oh, I'll just post a video, get a million views. All this money will come through. I'll get all these sponsorships. Know you have to work for it. It's like interacting with people you know. You got to. You got to definitely be on social media. Not all the time, but you know, make sure you're like somewhere on social.With the present, an being known and like collaborating and just like kind of stepping out of your comfort zone to make yourself grow and successful, and I think that's why I for me, where I can put all my eggs in one basket for YouTube where I could expand myself out into other platforms like Twitch or Tick Tock or Instagram. Or having a podcast that there's so many different things that people can do to make them make themselves successful in a way that makes them feel happy.Or where they can find the most joy.This is so it's this is such a good conversation to have. I feel like it's so relevant to everyone, even if you aren't a content creator and you just want to become a content creator like this conversation is so necessary I think, yeah.Me too I. I think that's why I started this just because I think one. I haven't seen my friends or talk to my friends Anna very long time but also I think it's something that people don't really get to like.See or hear 'cause being a constant here or just being a person in general, you only technically like that one side of that person like you see your best friend. You have been friends for like so many years that you only see one side of them, sometimes where they don't really share all of their live. What's going on. And I think when you kind of talk about it, you kind of get more of an understanding or like someone you can like, resonate to it. Or you can like understand why they don't share things or why they.Do a certain thing this way and not that way, and I think with this podcast is like where people can listen to it. Whether you know they watch you or somebody else that they can understand why your contents this way, or you show yourself in the in this type of light.Yeah, I love that and I think like I don't know. I think there is like a kind of comfort just hearing like a more like raw version of what we try to explain and like a seven sentence tweaked. You know we could say like.Ash, like this YouTube analytics are this way, but we're explaining why we feel that way and it's just like interesting. I agree like I feel I feel like I said like even walking away from the conversation. I feel like as a creator I feel I don't know I feel like I want to create for like I want to like record a video right now and whatever I want you know what I mean like it's nice to talk to your peers.Yeah, 'cause like we all can relate to it 'cause we do the same thing an it's like very reassuring to know that people feel the same way or like.Somewhat similar to it that it's like, oh it all makes sense now. I don't have to feel this way, that's.My appiphany I'm like oh wow, it sounds like stress like. I mean I've had like a really stressful times like where you just feel so low and then you're like you know what you gotta pick myself back up because I have people watching me. I have a job to do. I have have content to create so I can't really sulk. Can't really feel bad for myself, you know, and it's it is. I never thought to really even just talk about this in depth like this with my peers. So it's kind of cool to talk about it with you.Yeah, same, I feel more like relax and I think these are like their therapy sessions like I remember I made a tweet saying like doing this podcast feels like I should be a therapy session 'cause.Yes, Doctor, she's like Sims.Wild, I rather get the title and not do all this.Cool, you know we don't.Want to school again? You work too hard.Six years of school. Oh no.That's a full time job in itself to school, isn't.Was I even explained that in the second episode? I think I don't know.Just because I think a lot of people don't understand. Like I've said it in videos, but I think not everyone watch is the full length of videos that I think with the podcast is easier to listen to and kind of under foot. Fully understand like how a person's feeling an can kind of like again resonate with.It I feel like that too, and I feel like when you can actually hear you can hear the person's voice. You obviously have more time to say how you feel, and it resonates better.Then, in a little short tweet or something like that, or in a video where like you said, they may not even go to the end of the video where you're like, spilling out your personal life is. So yeah, this is such a good idea and I just love that you finally like got around to starting your podcast.Yeah, me too like would you like effort? Continue your podcast if he.Honest, when you you sent me the art for your for the podcast in all of a sudden, that's when that same question.Popped in my mind like I am definitely open to it when I have the time and I want to plan it like as professionally as you do. Like before I was just like Yeah dude podcast I'll I'll make a topic, you know I'll just do a video or whatever you know, but like to see how serious you taking it. It's on like Apple Spotify too I think.Yeah, I'm I made sure was literally everything.I know that's good.Like because I think everyone like has their own like personal platform that they listen to it or read anything. Then like I want to make it widely known an like widely spread as much as possible.I don't have. I don't care what I have to go through. I will make the length just to do it like the fact that it's on audible of all places and.That's why I'm that's.Why I was like wow like when you asked me that I'm like you know you doing this inspired me to say you know if this is something I want to do. I want to do it the right way. You know I want to do it and really put effort into it and and take it where you taking it. Like it's so professional it's so exciting like I can't wait to watch you know or listen to the episodes. And honestly I feel like it's it's so relaxing because.You're not watching something, you're just listening to it, so I can like fold clothes while I listen to you talk about whatever you know. Yeah, I'm excited, I'mexcited too, like I honestly, I thought of this idea like two years ago and I was like I'm just going to podcast, you know, just like what you said, like just just recorded. And yeah, have a topic and I think at that time I was like I don't really know and it was like kind of not really excited for it at first, but I was excited and I've always had like wanting to launch it on my birthday every year.And I was like, OK, I'm going to do it this way and I'm going to do that way. But then things came up like the shell came up. And then other YouTube things came up and I was just like 2 overwhelmed. I just couldn't do it and I think now was like that. I let you guys like. I'm 25 and it's now like my five year type of plan where I can see myself doing this part probably longer than five years. But it's like something that I want to have a concrete thing that I can hold myself accountable to.Exactly and it's so cool that you say that, like you know, like with your five year plan.In that you just feel like the timing is right. I guess I feel like you know when you rush things or try to get things done. Sometimes the result isn't even what you envision, so like just from what you have alone, just right now. It's like the timing is perfect. 2020 was horrible 2021. You know you're starting as you're starting a Hello Spring podcast and it's almost just like a breath of fresh air, so I feel like the timing is like divine.Yeah definitely definitely was like this is a breath of fresh air and like in a way it's going to sound bad but in a way I'm kind of glad that we were in quarantine.You know, I know exactly what you mean for me.Yeah, 'cause I it. It feels good to know that I think I think we all everyone in general just need like a way to like just step back guys like it's kind of bad that some people like lost her job and stuff like that and things happen. But I think people needed that break of like nothing is not holding them like accountable to like a job or a certain project. And I think it gave us at that time to just realize what we wanted to do, how we wanted to do things and so many people.Sorry, the podcast launched the business or moved or had a baby or look at mirror. Look at, there's so many great accomplishments that people have done, sent in quarantine, and I think we've learned so much of what we can do with restriction.That is so true because as a wife and mom and content creator, I realized how much again everything that we talked about was put into perspective and I gain clarity from being in quarantine. So there were pros like, you know, my husband works from home Now, which is like, you know, a blessing in itself.And I feel like I'm work together with my family and I think that's why I even still create restrictions on how often I upload on YouTube and how often I'm in that world in Rome because of the state of the world. So yeah, like things have happened that aren't really that fear. But then there's like you said, with restrictions and stuff it made you focus. It made you think like it, just it made you have that that solitude that isolation made you either in probably either made some people sink or swim in at the end of the day, everyone you know, of course will.End up swimming and floating to the top, but it definitely put me at. They put my life in perspective.So yeah, definitely. 'cause like honestly, I'm kind of glad that I've graduated before things got a little bit worse. An health like thinking to myself like Oh my goodness, like thinking back to the kids like I used to work for America or and my mom worked for America or two and she had to like tutor these kids virtually and like what is going on. I forgot how with kids like.Your kids like going to school like part time like we're like in person, part time and online the other time. Or like all online. I feel like it's so hard to kind of like.Help that is.So see because I don't really share like my private life with my kids and stuff. Yeah online, but sometimes I wish people could understand like I am juggling so many titles at once like it is so hard because I had to be a teacher like last March. Like all of a sudden I'm a teacher now because I have to. You know they can't learn as much doing things virtually. That's not how anyone grew up. You know this is a first for them too.So it's I love that you put that empathy with. Like you know the kids because yeah, like this is not something that they're used to either, and so it definitely put pressure on me. It's hard for them. It's so sad it.Is I feel like I feel so bad for them because like I always say kids are the future. They're here to learn and grow and try new things and experiment with things that they haven't done before. And I think what came easy to them nowadays is like a new wave of technology that they're already.But when their first born there already like oh, I undertake I understand technology easy peasy? Lemon squeezy an I think. I think what was hard for them is that it was your friend and they were used to like seeing people. But then, like they're seeing it, seeing them through a screen. But all the time.And that's hard actually. Limit my kids screen time, because being that like I'm a gamer like not going to like my kids are like spoiled with games 'cause their dad gets them all the games they want and everything. And so I have to like we had the limit their screen time because you know we're like the cool parents that are like.Oh gosh, you know, I know you had virtual learning today, but yeah, you can play your game. You know, right after school is we have to restrict them like that's a lot of screen time which will learning and you know they want to watch TV. They want to play games. You wanna do that? Restrict all that.Yeah, I think the key thing is definitely restricting yourself with like screens or anything because I think the more you're on something, the less time you have for another thing and I think 'cause technology is weird. Technology is crazy and we're on it all the time and I think we have.Definitely like 100%. Limit yourself like you said and I have a limiter on my phone kind of shuts down all the apps to like go off when I have like limited features where I can't use some at a certain time and it feels so.Good, so good. I turn on like Oh my iPhone like it'll tell me how much screen time I had like each week like at the end of each week and if I see it like risen or whatever for whatever reason I'm like Oh my gosh yeah I need to. I need to put my phone down.During this time of day, like I do that too, I thought that I was see it's so funny because I always feel so like cheesy, I just feel like so like cheesy doing stuff like that, like restricting myself so I don't really talk about it, but you do it too. So it's kind of like.Yeah, I'm not alone again. Yeah I have to do that too. 'cause I'm not someone that can remember. Like if I tell myself don't check your phone I'm gonna end up probably doing it out of habitual behavior so.Oh yeah, 100% yeah.I checked my phone and I looked at what my percentage was like, like my time it was like on an average of like 3 hours and 2 minutes like that. Absolutely insane. That's like throughout the week average.That is a lot.But The thing is, I checked each day and it was like 1 Pacific Day that I had throughout that week on Twitter. Six hours throughout the day.It's absolutely insane. I literally do not know what happened, but since leaving the app off my phone and certain apps off my phone, it's become a lot better show the time should be lower.Yeah, you know they go Oh my God, it's crazy 'cause.I guess in that sense I'm kind of glad I have kids 'cause it kind of like automatically keeps me off the phone at certain times. The days 'cause it was, it used to be really bad like like I.I can't talk. I don't judge you because I used to be on my phone a lot too.I got my first phone. I was in 6th grade and that's when the addiction started.My addiction started when I got my BlackBerry at the time, like Blackberries are like in and I could not stop messaging people. I was more so like a communicator, then like a smartphone user like. I really loved Hexing for some reason. I don't know why.Oh, I used to text all the time. Now I don't do it anymore.No, I realize I don't really like to tags and sometimes I don't even like to call people.It's bad man. I guess it's like the life is going through waves and we start one thing and then we go through another wave and then another wave is like and what is life right now?Like when we when we get out this calling to make a pack to make sure we we check on loved ones and maintain our personal light.Oh most, even with 100 cents starting to pack right now, the other question is how do you feel about The Sims community?This could literally be a podcast in it. This could literally be an episode in itself. That question alone, no, but I.I think The Sims community. My honest opinion. I think The Sims community is full of passion. It overly passionate people. It's it's beautiful that also destructive in itself. Yeah, it's it's the passion is the passion. It's it's so hard to explain we there's different size to The Sims community so you have first and foremost everyone in the community is passionate but you have two sides and I think what side you're on says how that experience in the community will be for you.And so there are. You know, different sections of the community that you don't fit in and will never fit in, and you don't vibe with them. And it's just the reality of it. But then, for the majority, like the other side of The Sims community is again full of, I think, very end of the day. Everyone's passion about this game for different reasons. Sometimes people take their passion, you know, to be constructive, others are just really angry and rightfully so. It's like I understand again how they feel, you know, but I keep to a certain part of it because.I know where I stand, so it's just the experience you make it whoever you know the city again as a whole is just that. It's full of passionate fiery beings in different ways, shapes or forms. You have your, you know your your quiet people, your people that only talk about seems like people that are fighting big issues and being the voice even for the community there is. It's just a passion, it extremely passionate community, you know it.Is it definitely is very passionate with 21 years strong, were very passionate about learning.Everything. Yes we are 21 years strong. We are passionate I mean.I see even when I love like seeing the constructive criticism, because there are things that people will point out that I'd never realized or felt like I was missing. And then they say something. And I'm like oh wow, that is true. But how we all use our platform? I feel like doesn't define this social doesn't define The Sims community like The Sims community is. It's an awesome community, but the way that some of some people use their social platform may not be so pleasant to me all the time.Yeah, I think that's why I definitely kind of delete things off my phone for those certain reasons.May have to protect your peace. You have to.Yeah, definitely. It's it's like something that we definitely people need to do more often. I would say 'cause like the more you kind of again, restrict yourself the better.Yeah, it's crazy because it wasn't even always like that. I don't know if it's because we are in the state of the world that it makes people think more about the issues that you know have always mattered to them, but it may it.Fires up the mass like the mass. Is it like fires up everyone like I I could not care that we don't have cars and someone bring it up and suddenly I'm like God we really do need cars. You know it's so weird. Yeah it's just energy it's a bunch of energy.Energy that sometimes we need and don't need it sometime you know yeah, but again it depends on like what side you stand on and all that stuff. But it really makes you think.Yeah, that's why I think it's cool like friends and Someone Like You, you're.You maintain your who you are an like you know your brand and what you stand for it. You know you don't get too caught up in your surroundings and I think because I am like a sponge and a very palpable like something I feel like I, I get caught up sometimes in things that I don't even really need to say anything on. You know, like something. It's just energy and it's because again, I am a very like I'm a sponge. I absorb everything it's so bad.I used to be like that, but now I'm like OK, what's next?You see, that's that's where I.Need I think overtime I've just learned what to like. I mean, like I care about a lot of things, but I think I've learned to like hear about things that are more important to me and what I think is something that I feel like I need to share to people, right?I think that's kind of boils down to this is like just like in general of like how I grew up, and I also just like in making videos for like nearly a decade that I think I've learned to do certain things a different way than like certain way that people expect me to say. Well, the last question before the rapid fire questions.What are your tips for beginners or wanting to get into creating content on YouTube like it could be Sims or it could just be just in general?I think we like. I think we spoke about all that like we gave so many and so much good advice, but truthfully, no, I'm just kidding. We being yourself really starting off in creating because you want to know because your passion about what you're creating. It can't be for gain. You know I didn't. I did not come into you YouTube thinking like like you said like oh I'm gonna make money I'm going to get this and that.When you do that, your results kind of show that you have. You know what I mean. You have to be passionate. You have to really love what you're doing because it's going to make you consistent if you enjoy it, you'll be consistent. Inconsistency is a huge part of your growth in you know. And then being being yourself, whatever that is and stand in your truth like urban Sims. I where was I was like me and her were always talking because I was so confused with YouTube. I was so like I bothered her with all my insecurities and shout out to you. Jenn. If you ever listen to this.But you know, have some type of confident you know reach out to your peers. So that's why I bring her up, you know, reach out to your peers when I reach out to you. I was like, you know, hey, I was going off on a whim. I didn't know if you were going to answer or not, but I was like, hey, I need some streaming help in just try 'cause you might come across someone that is actually like hey, let me give this person a chance, you know and let me help them. So I was. I'm always grateful for that. So yeah, like network B become, you know, be acquainted with the people that you're working around essentially. And yeah, yeah, I think that's that's like my 2 best.That's like my best advice, I think, and then bring yourself like what makes you different. I was when I was like creating things I didn't really want to be the same as everyone else because I don't want to copy anyone. I want to be myself so when you do something that's really different, you know just how can you inspire other people like what can you bring to YouTube that we haven't seen already?Right, exactly like just again. What makes you like what makes you different? Definitely like, just like do things that let you enjoy making what you think. What stand you out from the crowd that you would make people excited to watch your videos or.Just literally anything like it. Just make content for the sake of not just for content, but make content for you and for yourself. And people will eventually resonate with that because there's been videos that I've seen from people that I didn't even know because it stand it stand out to me. But also the YouTube algorithm picked it up in like, oh, I see all these things, but then I hop on Twitter and I see all these amazing creators and like they're doing so well. Why don't people watch them more? But I think the key thing is that definitely.Being yourself is like being yourself, being consistent and like show your true light. That will stand you out from the crowd.Yeah, and if I I definitely believe like I'm a firm believer in like whatever you put out in the universe, you will most definitely receive it back in some way, shape or form. So yeah, like don't give up. Just keep doing all the things that we just listed an I feel like those are like the keys to success. I feel like when you don't even expect success you like, get it. It's weird.Yeah, it's definitely very weird. I don't understand it, I'm just like.Going with the flow at this point of like making videos and looking to go as I please and see what happens and hope for the best.Yeah, you know. And then when you when you see like a little bit of growth and that's where the business minds that comes in. You're like alright. How can I take it to the next level? An always do the same things that we just mentioned like not too long ago so yeah.Well, I have some rapid fire questions. This first one might not be rapid fire, but I always ask is access from I guess what's the best life advice you've got in?Oh my goodness.I have gotten a lot of life advice, especially for my dad. I have a lot of life advice if we ever have another episode in this podcast, you have to ask me that question again because I might say something different. But off the top of my head right now, the only thing I can think of is when my dad told me along time ago. Choose your friends. Don't let your friend choose you, and so it's almost like watch the company you keep who you around also represent you, you know, choose who you around. They don't let people choose you because when I was in high school I was so easy influence.Like influenced and you know you don't want to. That goes back to creating. You know what I mean. Choose who you network with. Choose who who your friends with. You know if you don't hang out in a bad crowd kind of thing. You know like yeah 'cause who you're around like you are? Who you around? Sometimes people think that if you are part of this one group that used and you have the same beliefs that they have and that may not be the case. So choose your friends. Don't let them choose you. Don't let them kind of like identify you and what you do. Choose the company that you keep.That's just off the top of my head though that's.Some really good life advice, like honestly very good.Oh man, I can see where you kind of get the inspiration, the depth, the relaxation Zen like knowledge both side. That's what I.Think yeah? And then there's one where how in the Rocky movie Rocky Balboa. He says it's not how many times it's not about how many times you get knocked down. It's about how many times you get back up. I use that till this day.Oh, that's a good one. I love Rock too.Yeah, my goodness.I gotta go back and watch like the movies and stuff and everything in.Fact that you love this movie. When I tell people that's my favorite movie, they're like oh OK, Rocky sure.And you love it.Like it like it like it has like some like I always look at movies as like a deeper like they have to cut deeper meaning to it. Like it's like the general story. But if you look at this more to it that I want to learn more about. So like it definitely resonates with Me 2 days.See, This is why we're friends.What's your favorite music group at this moment?, my favorite music group. Yeah? Or like genre? OK, let's do genre because if I think a music group, I'm too I'm going all the way back to like in singing Backstreet Boys, Jagged Edge. I'm going all the way back. Does his child so I don't know 'cause I don't listen to like music group but I think John Rd wise. I love Lofi music and.Oh my gosh, yes, say.Yeah, like that's that's something I listen to every day. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, driving my kids to school while I'm editing videos.That's my genre.Oh yes, do you listen to chill cow?Oh my God, yes, and there is static is so beautiful. Like sometimes I I choose what I want to listen to based on the thumbnail.Yeah, it's so relaxing like I could sleep to this day at noon and meets Oman. I love chill cow, I did anyway.When you're not working, what? How do you spend? How do you spend your time when?I'm not working. I like too many kids. Would like to play games like Uno sometimes I watch like movie, Watch movies together, meme. I feel like we're watching Netflix. I am on Pinterest because I'm someone that likes to like save a bunch of recipes that I'll probably never meet. But I like to look at them for reference and save them. And yeah, I just kind of like children myself sometimes I tried it might not even be on the screen like.I don't know, I just do Mom stuff to be honest with you. In short, I do Mom stuff, laundry, hanging out my kids, my husband, that's it. I'm really boring life.So to why? But know that so really I would say it's that's a great life. Just so definitely just kind of wind down and hang out with your family. 'cause family means everything to me. I am a family person, family like person. I love hanging out with my parents a lot, watching movie, kids house, chilling now.When you you dropped that video for your, we both had the Black History Month video opportunity that we did when I watched yours.It was inspired by your own family and you talk about your parents. It's so fitting like it, just knowing that those are the people. I guess essentially that in theory raised you. I just I love that like I love that you had that close family like I love that. That's your dynamic. Like you love hanging out with your parents. 'cause I love hanging out with my dad.Yeah, 'cause it's fun. Like me. My dad play video games together and like me and my mom. We just we just talk a lot and we just do everything. Basically I've been by her hip literally all my life.And so it's like we go to places we do things together and like all of us together, we all sit down at the couch and watch movies or TV shows. Like right now we are just like every single Friday. We know it's Wanda vision.You know?Will you still? So we're just currently. Why are you like a only child like? Do you have any siblings?Or no, I have. Let's see I have.Four other siblings have four older brothers to my mom's side and two on my dad's side. But like The thing is, I only met one of 'em like that. We did not grow up with them, so so like we're like a, I would say a couple ended family in a way and I've only met one of my brothers and actually go to my brothers in person. And the other thing I have not met at all. I know what they look like. I know what they sound like vision really met them, but one day on the world safe, I'll be able to meet him one day, but.For the most part it was because I was like I literally was like this that I'm like I was going to invite them all. They all said yes to my graduation, but then it just covid happened and it was just weird so it didn't. It didn't go as planned but that is for the most part, it's predicted.That's that's yeah. See 'cause I I figured that's first of all. It's crazy all the boys in your family 'cause I have three boys, don't even know if I ever told you that the boys so it's like I'm overruled here. So it's so funny that you just have brothers.And I have half siblings too, so that's kind of interesting. That was. I never knew that about you. I thought you were only felt, yeah.I don't really share that part of my life anyway, just because like, you know, save people like to express their opinion about stuff. And I've also like just like in general, but you like to my mom's side. To my dad side so it's like people think things and do all that stuff. And like 'cause I don't want my family to be torn up or anything or just have people coming down my throat, especially on Facebook.Exactly, yeah, that's it. Yeah, no, we don't want that. That's why when you share that with me, I'm like Oh my God. I have half siblings too, you know. Obviously, I'm like you know there are my siblings, but.I have half siblings to like it, so essentially I grew up in the same environment where I kind of felt like the only child 'cause I wasn't really. Yeah, like it is the same thing. It's the same thing.Yeah, I told people out with the only child. Just because you know with. Yeah, it's repeating. But also 'cause like I think it's like I've had my mom and my dad by my side all my life. Never like moved away besides like going to college for like that one year and then came back. But like I've always been by there said they've always had me and.I think sometimes it's kind of hard, but I also like is like that only child syndrome. Even though I wasn't an only child.Him I like, I have only done so.We're in gym 2.Oh man, and I was like I feel so alone my parents are never home but.It's weird, see that's that's the topic for that. That is a topic that's cool.Yeah, yeah, we gotta definitely talk about this in the.Film age I could literally ramble all day.Sam, so the last question though, how do you define success?That is a good question.Success to me. It definitely correlates with your hapiness and it has nothing nothing to do with numbers. It used to mean it for me back then. It was about numbers like with anything, whether how much money you had, how big your house was. You know things like that but for me I realized in life that I'm like almost like this. My my family likes to call me like the hippie of the family. Success for me is just.Having the bear like having what you need and kind of flourishing in that you know, like I might not have the biggest house, but I have a family and other people may not have family. You know I don't have the best car. I don't have a million subscribers. I don't have it all but at the same time I have it all like says success is just how happy your life is added together. Like at any given moment and how happy and satisfied you are with what you have if you are. If you can live a life where you literally just live in that.That moment you're successful like you really have this Peace of Mind. Peace of Mind is a form of success to me.It really just has no no definition. I guess it's really just how happy you are in your life at the present time. Like that's all I want. I think my what I mean is like success for me is me getting to a point where only today matters, you know?Yeah, and that that's good. 'cause I agree with you as well. It definitely is like success is like when you were the happiest.Yeah, it's like you know what you overcame. You know no ones like Oh my God, I'm so successful because I was really sad yesterday. It's just like I was sad but then I did this and I got in.You know, I was happy again, so it does like your having is does play a role in your success. Like if you had money but you aren't happy that's not really successful.You know, so yeah, I I think that's what it means to me. Actually, I've never even thought about like really what it means to me. So explaining it now I'm like wow. I guess I am successful because I am happy and I know like I am grateful for all I have, that's.Good Oh my gosh wow this is been a definitely a very like impactful. I would say very impactful episode 'cause this is episode 3 you're like.You're like the first, like guess that people will hear on the podcasts. Oh wow, wow, so much noise.So what's episode one and two?Just me just talking.Guys Oh my gosh yeah excited.'cause I 'cause like you were the first one that I reached out to that. I knew I went on the podcast. Like oh, I'll just. I'll put Ocean Episode 3 and then you know the other ones down the line of course. And then kind of get into it. And then 'cause I think it's like all where I want. I wanted to do is like.Research and all of 'em on everybody and kind of pinpoint certain things that make some them but also kind of kind of go with deeper into that of what kind of really happens and then kind of understand what people don't get to see you know.That no like this has been so therapeutic. OK, it is therapeutic because even just right now I needed again. Everything happens for a reason to me because I'm just so like everything is assigned and having this conversation today it's more than just a podcast it.Really, really was something I needed to just.Talk about you know, yeah so.Definitely, I agree. So where can the listeners find you?You can find me at ocean Sims. You can also find me on Twitter, Ocean Sims, Undersquare, and those are my main things. Just find me on YouTube. YouTube is my my safe haven. So YouTube, Ocean Sims check me out.Awesome, well thank you again for.Being on my podcast talking with me and definitely just supplying in this or I don't know, but like this giving like giving so much knowledge that you have had like over the years and just being a momma wife just a person in general and just just being you so thank you.Thank you for having me. I literally like we had to do this again. That was fun. Well this was fine, I mean.Yeah, well I will see you later.So I hope you all enjoy today's episode with OshinSims. I definitely did I had a lot of fun just talking to her about content creation impostor syndrome, The Sims Community, The Sims in general, and being a mom, a wife, and a concentrator all at the same time, but also kinda playing catch up too, because we haven't really talked to each other in a very long time, and I think it's definitely a way where we can relate on a deep and personal level of how we're feeling, but also how we handle things in.A new day and age of 2021. But we did say a few things towards the end of the episode that I did want to do a bit of a recap that I find very, very important for you all to listen is that if you want to get into the creator space of making content on YouTube or any platform, whether it's for The Sims or any genre of content wise is to focus on being your true and most authentic self. Because when you are yourself, that's when your true light really shines and allows you to resonate better with your audience and they can relate to you.Because everyone wants to see the real honest moments of who you really are. How you make your content because no ones perfect. No one wants the cookie cutter lifestyle of things because that's not really real, but also consistency. Because consistency is key, allowing you to post content when you are the most happiest. But also how we define success is when you are the most happiest in your life and that really means a lot to the both of us where we are somewhat similar in a way where we.Find success in when we are the most happiest and we make content when we are the most happiest, because when we're not happy, we can't really let our true light really shine of who we are as a content creator, but also as a person. Because we create our content based on our emotions but also based on how we're feeling and we want to make sure that our space of YouTube is a place where people can feel safe and relax. And can definitely relate and resonate to it in any shade or form, but that's kind of.The thing that I wanted to recap on you on an, I think it's definitely very important to definitely keep that in mind that we are real people, but we also have personal lives that we'd like to keep private sometimes. But in all and all that being said, I do hope you all definitely enjoy today's episode as much as I did and make sure you follow and subscribe to me on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or wherever, listen your podcasts and I will hear from you all in next week. ................

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