
|Problemset |Chapter Quiz |

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|Introductory |  |

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|Question 1 |The self-perceptions of health of Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians are remarkable alike. How do they |

|Type:  |see their health and is the evidence for this? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Graded As |

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| |They see their health as less than average as measured by the National Center for Health Statistics. |

| |Correct |

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| |They see their health as fair and often this is borne out by family medical histories. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |U.S. Census shows that these minorities see themselves as comparatively healthy compared to Whites. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |White perceptions suggest that Blacks, Hispanics, and Indians are likely sicker because of alcoholism, drug |

| |abuse, and the like. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 2 |Individuals with assets and income from a variety of sources have lower mortality risks. Part of this is due |

|Type:  |to what mindset or psychological factor? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Knowing that they can afford health care |

| |Correct |

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| |Knowing that they can rely on their families |

| |Incorrect |

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| |A sense of stability, that people with the means to take care of themselves don't get sick |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The confidence that comes from not having to rely on public health insurance |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 3 |What is the link between status and morbidity? |

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| |casual, in that lower status leads to poor health |

| |Correct |

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| |smoking, poor diets, lack of exercise, and obesity |

| |Incorrect |

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| |lower rates of preventive care |

| |Incorrect |

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| |casual, in that poor health results in a drop in status |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 4 |Compared to Whites, minority-lower-status individuals generally experience more traumatic events in their |

|Type:  |lives that affect their health. What are traumatic events in this context? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |any event that results in physical or mental injury (e.g., gunshot wounds) |

| |Correct |

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| |emergency room visits |

| |Incorrect |

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| |murders, murder attempts, and the like |

| |Incorrect |

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| |chronic illnesses, such as sickle cell anemia |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 5 |Like the security that is passed on by inherited wealth, what insecurity is "passed on" by minority, |

|Type:  |lower-status individuals? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |The depressed sense of physical and mental well-being is learned and repeated by the children of lower-status |

| |individuals, especially Black children. |

| |Correct |

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| |Continuous hardship is passed on like a chronic condition, a lethal gene. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The depressed sense of physical and mental well-being becomes an inherited trait. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Increasingly less knowledge about the health effects of some behaviors is passed on, resulting in more of |

| |these behaviors and with a greater frequency of trauma. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 6 |The self-assessment of health is not only related to the socioeconomic status of individual households. How do|

|Type:  |communities affect it? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Physical deterioration, environmental problems, social disorder, and the like can depress the self-assessment |

| |of health. |

| |Correct |

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| |The distinct gap between the White and Black neighborhoods is thrown into relief. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |One's health is more likely to be setback in such communities (e.g., air pollution, lead in paint, suicide). |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The environmental problems are much more intense in lower socioeconomic communities. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 7 |Although women tend to be healthier than men and live longer, what economic factor adds to stresses on their |

|Type:  |real health and self-assessment of health? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |lower occupational and earnings status |

| |Correct |

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| |the economics of longevity |

| |Incorrect |

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| |husbands who earn less |

| |Incorrect |

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| |child-rearing |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 8 |Evaluate the following statement: Individuals in lower socioeconomic positions choose not to seek care for |

|Type:  |their health problems. |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |This is false. Studies reveal that regardless of income and education, they will see a doctor when they deem |

| |it necessary. |

| |Correct |

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| |This is true. They prefer to self-treat whenever possible to avoid the expense and inconvenience of a doctor |

| |visit. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |This is false. They will go directly to the emergency room to seek what they think is the quickest care. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |With the exception of "trauma," this is correct for general health problems and prevention measures. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 9 |High death rates as well as chronic illnesses among lower socioeconomic groups have been tied to an inability |

|Type:  |to bear the cost of health care. Which of the following best represents a symptom of this phenomenon? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |prescription noncompliance because of the cost of drugs |

| |Correct |

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| |refusing to pay copayments |

| |Incorrect |

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| |waiting for public health insurance coverage |

| |Incorrect |

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| |seeking Canadian citizenship |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 10 |How do male doctors negatively affect health care for women? |

|Type:  |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Male doctors have a tendency to see women's illnesses as psychological. |

| |Correct |

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| |Women prefer female physicians. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Male doctors don't treat women as seriously as men. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Women have a negative self-image and they feel male doctors lack empathy. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 11 |What is the social causation position in the relationship between lower socioeconomic status and poor mental |

|Type:  |health? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Graded As |

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| |That the characteristics of class position foster conditions that produce mental health problems. |

| |Correct |

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| |Social groups rise and fall in status in correlation to their overall mental health. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |That the pressures of modern society cause mental illness. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Individuals who are mentally ill suffer job loss and this causes them to drift down in status. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 12 |Unlike Whites, young Blacks benefit from what common denominator when faced with psychological distress? |

|Type:  |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |racial identity |

| |Correct |

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| |ethnicity |

| |Incorrect |

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| |community structure |

| |Incorrect |

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| |gang membership |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 13 |Research suggests that a greater breadth of roles for women is a source of what condition in regard to the |

|Type:  |role or roles they assume? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |wellbeing that comes for purposefulness and identity |

| |Correct |

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| |personal loss of control |

| |Incorrect |

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| |loss of psychological health |

| |Incorrect |

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| |existential overreach |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 14 |What is the difference between lower and higher socioeconomic positions and those feelings of self-mastery and|

|Type:  |self-image when job loss takes place? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Those of lower status have a greater sense that their lives are determined by factors beyond their immediate |

| |control. |

| |Correct |

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| |Higher-status individuals are more inclined to blame themselves. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Lower-status individuals blame others before themselves. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Higher-status individuals typically master what has gone wrong with their lives after a job loss. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 15 |Evaluate the following: Food insecurity, in terms of a healthy diet, is only a problem faced by lower |

|Type:  |socioeconomic groups-not the middle and upper classes. |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Food insecurity takes place at all levels-but in the middle and upper classes it is in terms of how much is |

| |spent (e.g., higher-priced natural foods, vegan and raw diets), not in how little food they can get. |

| |Correct |

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| |This is true, since the middle and upper socioeconomic groups have the income to afford food and insecurity |

| |among them would be an anomaly, such as is exhibited by survivalists. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The wealthy also have poor diets-but they have the means to undo the damage (doctor-managed diets, health |

| |clubs, Weight Watchers, etc.). |

| |Incorrect |

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| |This is true. Diseases like anorexia are restricted to White, upper-class girls and women, for example. |

| |Incorrect |

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