
MID TERM TIMELINE GRADE(3 descriptions, 3 pictures)TIMESPAN: Gilded Age (1877- 1890)Industrialization Begins to Boom (1870)Homestead Act (1862)Dawes Act (1887)Transcontinental Railroad Completed (1869)Reconstruction Ends (1877)Light Bulb Invented (1878)Telephone Invented (1876)Klondike Gold Rush (1890)(2 descriptions, 2 pictures)3rd Wave of Immigration (1880)Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (1889) 40957505715Total93 Events40 Pictures 43 Descriptions Completed and Due December 18th 00Total93 Events40 Pictures 43 Descriptions Completed and Due December 18th Boss Tweed rise at Tammany Hall (1871)(2 descriptions, 2 picture)Pullman Labor Strike (1894)Homestead Steel Labor Strike (1892)Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)Interstate Commerce Act (1887)Pendleton Act (1883)(2 descriptions, 2 pictures)TIMESPAN: Progressive Era (1890- 1920)The Jungle (1906)Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)How the Other Half Lives (1890)Chicago’s Hull House (1889)NAACP (1909)Homework (Descriptions of domestic policies and political parties of EACH president) (October 10)TIMESPAN: Theodore Roosevelt (1901- 1909)TIMESPAN: William Howard Taft (1909- 1913)TIMESPAN: Woodrow Wilson (1913- 1921)(3 descriptions, 3 pictures) (October 12)Assassination of President McKinley (1901)16th Amendment (1913)17th Amendment (1914)18th Amendment (1920)19th Amendment (1920)National Parks System (1916)Federal Reserve Act (1913)(3 descriptions, 3 pictures) (October 16)TIMESPAN: Imperialism (1890- 1914)Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)Spanish American War (1898)Annexation of Hawaii (1897)Panama Canal U.S. Construction Begins (1904)Open Door Policy (1899)Homework (Add foreign policy descriptions of each president) (October 20)ADD TO TIMESPAN: Theodore RooseveltADD TO TIMESPAN: William Howard TaftADD TO TIMESPAN: Woodrow Wilson October 27th (5 descriptions, 5 pictures)TIMESPAN: World War I (1914- 1918)Assissination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914)Trench Warfare, Poison Gas, and Machine Guns (1914)Sinking of the Lusitania (1915)Zimmerman Telegram (1917)Russian Revolution (1917)U.S. entry into WWI (1917)Battle of Argonne Forest (1918)Armistice (1918)Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points (1918)Treaty of Versailles (1919)November 10th (5 descriptions, 5 pictures)TIMESPAN: Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)President Harding’s Return to Normalcy (1920)Model-T (1908)Scopes “Monkey” Trial (1925)Harlem Renaissance (1920)Red Scare (1920)Joseph Stalin Leads USSR (1924)Teapot Dome Scandal (1921)Charles Lindbergh’s Trans-Atlantic Flight (1927)St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (1929)Stock Market Crashes “Black Tuesday” (1929)November 13th (3 descriptions, 3 pictures)TIMESPAN: Great DepressionHoovervilles (1930)Dust Bowl (1935) Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930)100, 000 Banks Have Failed (1932)November 16th (2 descriptions, 2 pictures)TIMESPAN: Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933- 1945)TIMESPAN: New Deal Programs (1933-1938)Agriculture Adjustment Administration (AAA) (1933)Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (1933)Public Works Administration (PWA) (1933)Social Security Administration (SSA) (1935)Due December 18th (5 descriptions, 5 pictures)TIMESPAN: World War II (1939- 1945)TIMESPAN: The Holocaust (1933- 1945)Mein Kampf published (1925)Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany (1933)Rape of Nanjing (1937)Kristallnacht (1938)Hitler invades Poland (1939)German Blitzkrieg attacks (1940)Pearl Harbor (1941)Due December 18th (5 descriptions, 5 pictures)TIMESPAN: Harry S. Truman (1945- 1953)Tuskegee Airmen (1941)Navajo Code Talkers (1941)Executive Order 9066 (1942)Bataan Death March (1942)Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) (1944)Atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima (1945)Victory over Japan/Pacific (VJ/VP) Day (1945)Liberation of Concentration Camps (1945)Victory in Europe (VE) Day (1945)Nuremberg Trials (1946) ................

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