-85725000 Christ Supreme Ministry The House of Restoration Year 2021 Dominion Prayers My Year of Exceeding Divine Recompense & Overflowing GraceInstead of your shame?you shall have?double?honor,?And?instead of?confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore, in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs. Ish 61:7Scriptures for reading & meditation: Psalm 91, 128, 130,95, 4 & 147Instructions:Joins us on YouTube for corporate Dominion Prayers Live Stream. Time 12.00 am – 1.00 amDate: Saturday Jan. 2nd, 2021 – Thursday Jan. 7th, 2021Year 2021 Dominion Prayers will be useful throughout the year, retain your copy and make full use of it . What you should know about Dominion Prayer Programme Dominion prayers are divinely inspired and prayerfully compiled in order to assist you to prophesy into the “womb” of each day in Year 2021. Job 22:28. The prayer programme should be done in the first seven days of the New Year. (i.e. Jan 1st – 7th.) Prov. 8:17b Every New Year is a vital phase and chapter of our destiny. The year is full of many unknowns and pleasant opportunities which must be prayerfully sought, discerned and utilized in order to achieve bumper harvest. You need to take over each day of the year by making prophetic daily declarations concerning the overall outlook of the New Year and your earnest desires. Prov. 23:18Dominion prayer programme provides you the spiritual opportunity to exercise your divine authority over each day of the week representing the entire year. Job 38; 12-13 As you partake of this prayer programme, believe God and He will honour your prayers with dumbfounding testimonies this year in Jesus name. Amen. Daily Prophetic Declarations. Today ……. (e.g., Friday Jan, 1st 2021 & all other Fridays in 2021) I shall not be a prey to the spirit of untimely death, I confront & conquer the spirit of Gog and Magog in the name of Jesus. The Mighty hand of God will carry me and my household throughout year 2021 and unto our old age, even to our grey hair, the Lord will bear and deliver us from all unseen devourer of souls and drinkers of blood in the name of Jesus. Today ……… 2021 (mention the day of the week) and throughout Year 2021, the Lord that openeth His hand and satisfies desires of those that call upon Him shall release unto me and my household exceeding divine recompense (compensation) for every delayed answer to our petitions in the past years. The Overflowing Grace of God shall set us apart for uncommon mercy and favour of God in the name of Jesus. Today ……2021 (mention the day of the week) and throughout Year 2021, I resist and paralyze territorial powers assigned to bury answers to prayers, amputate glorious destinies and assassinate divine potentials in the name of Jesus. I exercise divine dominion over …… (Mention the day of the week & date) and all other …………. in 2021, I overcome situations and circumstances contrary to the will of God for my health and my household, in the name of Jesus the Hosts of Heaven shall rise up and fight my battles to victory. I prophesy in the name of Jesus, everyday in year 2021 is a day of multiple thanksgiving and fruitfulness for me and my household; dry-bone-like situations within and around my life, hear the Word of the?Lord,?Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon them, to come alive. Today ……. (e.g., Friday Jan, 1st 2021 & all other Fridays in 2021) my divine hedge of protection shall not be broken, the deadly Egyptian’s diseases shall not come near my dwelling, terror of the night and arrows that?fly by day are forbidden in my tabernacle in the name of Jesus. 7) Today ……. (e.g., Friday Jan, 1st 2021 & all other Fridays in 2021) I decree in the name of Jesus, everything created by God including the inhabitants of the earth shall cooperate with my destiny for ease of passage, fulfilment of life purpose and all-round divine enlargements. Prayer Points Lord Jesus, I thank You for the grace upon my life to subdue year 2020, as I enter Year 2021 with my family, echoes of joy and victorious songs of thanksgiving is our portion throughout this Year in Jesus name.I frustrate all satanic attempts and strategies to reinforce or re-establish in my life uncompleted evil agenda of year 2020, they shall not manifest in the name of JesusThis is my year of divine recompense, wherever or whatever has relegated or delayed my ……………… (insert appropriate area e.g life, business, etc.) I receive double compensation in the name of Jesus. I cancel agenda from the pit-of-hell meant to extend mass casualties and premature death on earth this year in the name of Jesus. I shall not be a victim of this agenda in Jesus name.Throughout this year, I refuse to be a victim of architects and planners of disappointment and failure in the name of Jesus.Strongman assigned to stand at the gate of victory and breakthrough this year, I am not your candidate, relocate to the bottomless-pit-of- fire in the name of Jesus.Throughout year 2021, my shining glory shall not be replaced with counterfeit in the name of Jesus.This is my year of divine recompense; I shall laugh last and praise God over the expectations of my heart in the name of Jesus.Issues representing dry bones in my affairs, receive life and breath of God, come alive in the name of JesusI decree in the name of Jesus, throughout year 2021, God’s abundant grace will order my steps and safely take me to my promised land.My Father, My Father, My Father, throughout Year 2021 & beyond, immunize me and my household completely against any kind of sickness or infirmities in the name of Jesus.This year 2021, the rain of glory and mercy shall fall upon me and my household in the name of Jesus.By the grace of God, I shall receive divine solutions and interventions over matters challenging God in my life, in the name of Jesus.I decree in the name of Jesus; I shall see the end of Year 2021 and accomplish all my heart desires.I am released from generational mockery and reproach that limited my ancestor’s accomplishment, my life and destiny are embedded in the blood of Jesus, I shall fulfill my purpose in life by fire by force. I decree in the name of Jesus, the agenda of kingdom of darkness shall not prevail over Christ Supreme Ministry, Pastor Henry Fakuade and his family. ................

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