
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Chapter 22 The Great Depression Begins (1928-1932)

Textbook Study Guide

Section 22-1 The Nation’s Sick Economy

1. Read Section.

2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)

1928 Election:

Who: __________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





bull & bear market (def.): _______________________________________________________


speculation (def.): _____________________________________________________________


buying on margin (def.): ________________________________________________________


Black Tuesday:

When: ________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act:

When: _________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





3. Answer:

A. Assessment #2 of Taking Notes on Textbook Page 677


Which do you see as the biggest cause? Why?






B. Textbook Page 673 - Analyzing Political Cartoons?

1. What does the cartoonist suggest will happen to individuals because of the crash?





2. How does the cartoonist convey the sense of fear and shock?





3. What do the looks on people’s faces indicate about the impact of the crash?





C. Textbook Page 676 – Depression Indicators?

1. In what year did the biggest jump in bank failures occur? _______________________________________________________________________



2. What measure on the graphs seems to indicate an improvement in the U.S. economy during the Depression? What might explain this?





D. Judging from the events of the late 20s and the early 30s, how important do you think public confidence is to the health of the economy? Explain





People to Know:


Calvin Coolidge:



Herbert Hoover:



Alfred E. Smith:



Joseph P. Kennedy:



Name: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Section 22-2 Hardships and Suffering During the Depression

1. Read Section.

2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)

shantytown (def.): _____________________________________________________________


soup kitchn / breadline (def.): ___________________________________________________


Dust Bowl:

When: _________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





direct relief (def.): _____________________________________________________________


stigma (def.): _________________________________________________________________


3. Answer.

A. Textbook Page 683 – Taking Notes

In a Venn diagram, list the effects that the Great Depression had on farmers and city

dwellers. Find the differences and the similarities.


Which group do you think suffered less?





B. How were minorities affected by the Great Depression?





C. Looking at the map on page 680, which states were most affected by the dust bowl? Why

do you think many farmers of the region such as the Okies chose to travel west?






D. How was what happened to men during the Great Depression different from what happened to

women? Teenagers? Children?

Men? _____________________________________________________________________



Women? __________________________________________________________________



Teenagers? ________________________________________________________________



Children? __________________________________________________________________



E. In what ways did the Great Depression affect people’s outlook on life?






People to Know: NONE

Name: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Section 22-3 Hoover Struggles with the Depression

1. Read Section.

2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)

business cycle (def.): __________________________________________________________


rugged individualism (def.): _____________________________________________________


recession vs. depressions (def. only – look in the dictionary):



Boulder Dam:

When: _________________________________________________________________

Who: __________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?






When: _________________________________________________________________

Who: __________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Election of 1932:

Who ___________________________________________________________________


What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Bonus Army:

When AND Where: _______________________________________________________

Who: __________________________________________________________________

What: _________________________________________________________________


Why: __________________________________________________________________


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





3. Answer:

A. What were Hoover’s philosophies on government? How did they impact his actions as president

during the outset of the depression?







B. What were some of the projects proposed by Hoover towards 1932? How effective were they?






C. Is it fair to blame the Depression on Hoover? Why or why not?







People to Know:


Franklin Delano Roosevelt:




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