What Would You Do

What Would You Do? (Scenarios)

Instructions: Start with the first scenario, and explain to the other members of your group what you would do. After a brief discussion, go to the next scenario. Scenario 1: You are leaving the grocery store and notice that someone has had the bottoms tear out of his or her plastic bags and groceries are all over. The person is elderly, and he or she is having a hard time picking everything up. Cars are passing by, and it's starting to rain. What would you do? Scenario 2: You and your parents are leaving church and the car next to you has the hood up. They have a dead battery. You have jumper cables in the trunk, but you're running late for lunch. What would you do? Scenario 3: Sitting in the lunch room, you overhear someone asking friends if they have any money he or she can borrow, because he or she forgot his or her lunch money. You have a couple of extra bucks in your pocket to spare. What would you do? Scenario 4: A new family just moved in down the street. You find out that they used to go to church, but haven't now for several years. You also notice their young boys are using mild profanity as they play in the neighborhood. What would you do?

Additional Discussion Questions: 1. Even when we know what the right thing is to do, why is it sometimes hard to do it? 2. Why is it sometimes easier to simply ignore what should be done?

? Teen Sunday School Place. All rights reserved.


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