The 7 Types of Evil Spirits

嚜燜he 7 Types of Evil Spirits

In almost all of our articles we reveal spiritual issues that talk about different types of evil spirits.

These are the demons who are part of the kingdom of satan. The Bible reveals that there are only 7

types of demons, though there are probably millions or billions of these demon entities in the world

(some are more wicked than others). The revelation of the ※classification§ of evil spirits came to me

when I searched the internet for the word ※pride§ after having a dream where I was shown the

word ※pride§. I found a website called shamah- which detailed the scriptures that revealed

the types of evil spirits, and the Lord confirmed the revelation through many other scriptures and

direct experience.

A key way to understand spiritual reality is to look at the manifestation in the physical reality.

Mankind are spiritual beings with a physical body, so we can ※see§ spiritually and physically; and

our experiences can be both spiritual and physical. However, the physical is always a manifestation

of what is happening in the spiritual. Thus, we can ※see§ and understand spiritual things by what

happens physically in a consistent way. Jesus told us that we would know the false prophets by

their fruits, which is what manifests from them. Good manifests good and evil manifests evil.

Before we look at the scriptures that reveal the 7 types of evil spirits we must first understand

something about names. When God created the animals He brought them to Adam for him to name


※And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and

brought [them] unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every

living creature, that [was] the name thereof.§ (Gen 2:19)

A name denotes a physical or spiritual characteristic of the thing that is named. But remember that

all physical things come from something spiritual, so a name always reveals the spiritual

characteristic of something or someone. For example, the serpent is described as the most subtil

beast of the field that the Lord God made. So we know that the name ※serpent§ means ※subtil§,

which means ※crafty§, ※sly§, ※cautious (slow deliberate moves)§. When Adam observed the beast

that he called a serpent he noticed how he operated and called it ※serpent§, which comes from a

root word meaning ※hissing§, ※whisperer§, ※enchantment§, ※divination§. A serpent operates in

※hidden§ things, which makes it crafty. The devil entered and spoke through the serpent because

that is his character, a subtil whisperer.

We can look at the name of something or someone to determine the spirit ※behind§ the thing or the


When the Lord told the children of Israel that He was giving them the land of Canaan He told them

that they would have to get rid of 7 nations that lived on the land. The Lord would deliver these

nations into their hands but they would have to enter into physical warfare in order to defeat them.

The land of Canaan is the land flowing in milk and honey that God had covenanted to give unto

Abraham and his seed; however it was now inhabited by 7 mighty nations. God was not going to

just hand it over to the children of Israel, rather the Lord would help them conquer the land; for He

swore unto His friend Abraham to give it to his seed, if they were faithful unto Him (God).

※When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast

out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the

Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and

mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite

them, [and] utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:§

(Deut 7:1-2)

7 Nations to be Destroyed









Who are these 7 nations and why did the Lord what then to be utterly destroyed?

Cursed be Canaan!

After the flood Noah became drunk on wine and fell asleep naked in his tent. Ham, Noah*s second

son entered the tent and saw Noah*s nakedness, and then went out and told his older brother Shem

and his younger brother Japheth. This act was a violation of his relationship with his father in that

he revealed his father*s shame rather than covering him. When you reveal a person*s nakedness you

shame them, which in the case of Ham was wrong because Noah was his father (a man who built the

Ark to save his family and the animals that God chose). Thus, evil manifested from Ham.

※And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said,

Cursed [be] Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.§ (Gen 9:24-25)

Notice that even though it was Ham who sinned it was his son Canaan who was cursed. Why?

Inheritance. We inherit physical and spiritual characteristics from our parents. Most people

understand the reality of physical inheritance through the combination of the genetic material

between our parents. However, there is also spiritual inheritance from both parents that manifests

as spiritual strengths and weaknesses. We know this because Cain and Abel, the 2 sons of Adam and

Eve after they were expelled from the Garden, had different relationships with God. Cain had the

spiritual weakness of a lot of pride, which led him to have a poor relationship with God, as revealed

by the inadequate offering that he gave to the Lord. The rejection of Cain*s offering by God resulted

in him murdering his brother Abel, which is a result of the weakness of uncontrolled anger in Cain.

The spiritual weakness of Cain and the spiritual strength of Abel were inherited from their parents.

In the case of Cain and Abel, they did not inherit the same spiritual characteristics from their

parents, which is the same as how we inherit physical characteristics. Thus, the pride that

manifested in the spirit of Adam and Eve when they sinned had a greater expression in Cain than

Abel, turning Cain into an unrepentant murderer (like satan). When Ham sinned against his

sleeping father, Noah, the Lord revealed to Noah (in a dream or vision) that the sin nature which

manifested in Ham would find a greater expression in Ham*s son, Canaan. We know this because the

Lord spoke to His servant Noah and told him how to build the Ark, so Noah knows the voice of the

Lord; also the Lord sometimes speaks to us while we sleep.

Canaan was cursed because sin is a curse, just like satan (the serpent) was cursed because his pride

brought sin into mankind. When God places a curse on someone, such as the curse that He placed

on Canaan through Noah, that person and all his descendants must be utterly destroyed, because

sin results in death. However, God*s longsuffering nature is that He waits for mankind to repent,

and if he doesn*t then the death sentence is enacted. While God waits man expands and sin (along

with the curse) multiplies. In this we see the wisdom of God; for the 7 nations that the children of

Israel were to utterly destroy when they entered the Promised Land were the descendants of






Hittites 每 sons of Heth (Gen 10:15)

Girgashites 每 (Gen 10:16)

Amorites 每 (Gen 10:16)

Canaanites 每 descendants of Canaan who did not differentiate out of one of the sons of


5. Perizzites 每 a descendant of one of the sons of Canaan who was not prominent enough to be

mentioned in the Genesis 10. The father of the Perizzites is not mentioned in the Bible; the

first time they are spoken of is in Gen 13:7 as living among the Canaanites.

6. Hivites 每 (Gen 10:17)

7. Jebusites 每 (Gen 10:16)

Evil follows Curses

When someone sins (disobeys God*s order) then he/she becomes unclean spiritually, causing God

to move away from him/her, then he/she is cursed unto destruction. Evil spirits are also called

unclean spirits because of the sin within them, and they are attracted to (cursed) people who are

spiritually unclean; for unclean is attracted to unclean. Also, unclean spirits are looking for a place

to express themselves so they naturally move to people who abide in sin, so that evil can be done

through them.

The unclean (evil) spirits were good angels created by God to do a specific function for God unto

mankind, however they got lifted up in pride and followed their leader, satan, away from God and

thus became unclean (evil). We know there are 7 types of unclean spirits because they manifested 7

principal nations from the cursed Canaan through a process of spiritual inheritance.

We can now reveal the spiritual characteristics of the 7 types of evil spirits by looking at the name

of each nation that they manifested into:

Table of Evil Spirits


Meaning of Name

Character (evil manifestation)


Sons of Heth (terror) 每 extreme


Clay dweller

Death, Fear, Depression, Suicide, Deceit,

Purposelessness, terrorism

Earthliness, Greed, Selfish, fleshy methods,

※non-spiritual§, stupidity

Pride, Fornicator, Possessor, Arrogant, ※Full

of themselves§, Entrenches unrighteous

behavior in people*s mind.

Low desires (pleasures), sexual immorality,

perversions, homosexuality, non-judgement,

spreads evil through pleasure, deceitful


Small thinking, low self-esteem, poverty,

※man§ worship (idolatry), ungratefulness,

laziness, carelessness, blood sucking parasite

Hedonism (life focused on pleasure),

purposelessness, fraud, riches, rape

Legalists, unrighteous judges, racism, class

distinction, murderers, spreads death

(Hittites) and poverty (Perizzites), hate



Mountaineer, ※Sayer§ 每 one who

has a high position from speech


Lowland, trafficker in merchandise


Villager (belonging to a poor



Village people (rich village


Threshing place (trodden down,

and separated)


Note that the above table is not derived exclusively by looking at the name of the nation but also

through Biblical scripture, historical events, and direct experience. However, the above table gives a

quick summary so that a Believer may be able to discern the kind of evil spirits operating in the

spiritual atmosphere of any evil manifestation. Note that in any evil event there are several types of

evil spirits working to bring about the evil manifestation; however, we can know which ones are

operating in the spiritual atmosphere by looking at the evil manifestations in the people by whom

they manifest.

We have posted more detailed articles on each type of evil spirit in our archive section.

Green Light Ministry ? 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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