Final Physics Exam Review Guide: Sem II Potential and Kinetic Energy1. What is the equation to calculate potential energy? ________________________________________ kinetic energy? _________________________________________2. The cart weighs 8 kg and at the bottom of the hill it is moving at a speed of 5 m/s. What is the cart’s kinetic energy? Use your equation above: ___________________________-3. Describe/Define the Law of Conservation of Energy: __________________________________________________51720755715004. What is the SI unit for energy? ______________________ 5. For each machine, give an example:A. Wedge ________________________ B. Lever _________________C. Pulley _____________________ D. Inclined Plane _____________________E. Wheel and Axle __________________F. Screw __________________6. On the image below: identify the:A. Fulcrum _____B. Load _____C. Force __________123825245745What type of lever is it? ____________7. Suppose at “A”, the amount of force is 10N, about how much force would be needed on “C” to balance the lever. You don’t need a calculator for this, just use your judgment and understanding of levers to estimate. _____8. Define WORK: ________________________________________________________________________9. Sketch a PULLEY system and identify where the input and the output force is:10. What is the difference between a FIXED pulley and a MOVEABLE pulley? _____________________ 11. What is MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE? _______________________________________________38862001905012. What is the formula for calculating the IDEAL MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE (IMA) for a ramp:____________________________________13. Using that formula, which of the two ramps has the greatest advantage? __________14. Calculate the IMA of ramp B:61956952241550015. You and a friend want to play on a teeter totter, but your friend weighs twice as much as you. The toy will work better if you move the fulcrum: a. toward your larger friend b. toward yourself (smaller)16. You are designing a path to go up a ski hill. To make the path more enjoyable for people walking it (and require less effort to get up the hill), you should: Explain!!a. make the path wind around the hill b. build an inclined plane going straight up the hill17. Use the equations above to calculatea) the Work of a machine that moves a boulder with 15 N of force a distance of 10 meters: ____________b) the force of a lever that does 60 joules of work to move a box 3 meters. ______________c) A machine does 1500 joules of work, and has a force of 5 Newtons. How far can it lift a rock? _____d) The work done by a machine that tows a car 25 meters, with a force of 1000 newtons: ___________432371519050ELECTRICITY1. Label the parts of an atom:X: (two things) _________________________Y: ___________________________2. What subatomic particle is charged: negative: ______________________________ positive : ______________________________ neutral: ________________________________3. Objects with the same charge [ attract / repel ] each other.4. What metal is a good conductor and is used in house wiring? __________________________________5. Define CIRCUIT: _______________________________________________________________________6. The equation for Ohm’s Law is V = I x R V stands for __________________ I is for ____________________ R is for ____________7. What is the difference between alternating and direct current? _____________________________________________________________________________ Which is used in your house? __________________________________________________________ Which is used in batteries? ___________________________________________________________8. Draw a SERIES circuit below. Draw a PARALLEL circuit:6563995184785009. Four bulbs are lined up in a series on a circuit. What happens when one of them burns out? _______________10. What is a SWITCH? _____________________________________________11. What type of electricity causes a balloon to stick to a wall after you have rubbed it on your hair? _________12. Materials that naturally do not conduct electricity are called ______________________________13. These devices are found in neighborhoods and they regulate electricity (pictured) _____________________14. Where does the electricity for your house come from? ________________Magnets1. What are the two poles of a magnet named: _______________________ and ________________________2. Opposite poles of magnets will [ attract / repel ].241935011430 These magnets will [ attract / repel ].3. Describe how you can turn a sewing needle into a magnet? ______________________________ How can you turn this needle magnet into a compass? _______________________________________ Compasses always point: ____________________________4. A nail, a battery and some wire are used to create an electromagnet. Sketch the design below. If you use the magnet to lift a box, what happens if you unplug the battery? _____________________5. The Northern Lights seen in Alaska are caused by the earth’s magnetic field. What is another name for these lights? ______________455295064135Waves & Light6. Label the parts of the wave A: ______________________________B: ______________________________C: _______________________________D: ______________________________7. Name the colors seen in the visible spectrum (7):_______________________________________________________________________________8. Name the wave type used toa) cook food _______________________________________b) give you a tan __________________________________________c) treat cancer ___________________________________________d) see bones _________________________________________3143250335915609854020955B00B3881755116205A00A9. Which of the following waves has a greater frequency? ____Which of the waves has a longer wavelength? ____Which one has the greater amplitude ? ____ ................

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