
The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid/Request for Proposal #FA0-4900 titled Interferometric Renewable Fuel and Delivery Services released on 09/04/2019. The due date and time for responses has been changed to 09/30//2019 3:00PM (Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers and revisions to the ITB. This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a bid/proposal.

|Item # |Date Received |Date Answered |Vendor’s Question |City’s Answer |RFP Revisions |

|2 |09/13/2019 |09/13/2019 |City Initiated | |See Page 3 Minimum Qualifications first bullet and Page|

| | | | | |13 Item 2 Minimum Qualifications Minimum Qualification |

| | | | | |#1. Delete the word renewable. |

|3 |09/13/2019 |09/13/2019 |RFP page 11 says to submit an electronic copy of the |Yes, a flash drive will suffice. | |

| | | |proposal response on a CD. May bidders submit on a | | |

| | | |flash drive? | | |

|4 |09/13/2019 |09/13/2019 |Are there any volume estimates for Gasoline? |See 2018 volume estimates and locations below. | |

| | | | |[pic] | |

|5 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |In reference to the excel pricing sheet, how is a |Yes, that is correct. | |

| | | |vendor to interpret the first row containing the | | |

| | | |product information | | |

| | | |a. Example: “Renewable Diesel R90/99”. Is a responsible| | |

| | | |bidder to interpret this as Renewable diesel 90% & | | |

| | | |Biodiesel 10% pricing? | | |

|6 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |Must a vendor submit pricing for all products? Must a |Pricing for all products is not a requirement. The City| |

| | | |vendor submit pricing for all products? Will the City |will accept bids for RD/Bio blends only. | |

| | | |accept bids for RD/Bio blends only?? | | |

|7 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |The ITB states that the estimated City of Seattle |See 2018 volumes and locations as estimates below for | |

| | | |volume is 2.5 million gallons inclusive of renewable |renewable diesel. See question #4 for unleaded gasoline| |

| | | |diesel & renewable gasoline. |volume estimates and locations. | |

| | | |a. Will the City please submit an estimate of the | | |

| | | |respective percentages of gasoline & diesel? |[pic] | |

|8 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |The ITB states that the King County volume is estimated|King County estimated volume is 3.2 Million Unleaded | |

| | | |at 10 million gallons a. Will the City please submit an|Gas and 12.4 Million Diesel | |

| | | |estimate of the respective percentages of gasoline & | | |

| | | |diesel? | | |

|9 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |Is King County considered an “Interlocal Purchasing |Yes, as are many other agencies that have a signed | |

| | | |Entity” in this bid? |agreement with the City of Seattle or would like to | |

| | | | |enter into an interlocal agreement. | |

|10 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |Please provide an estimate to the best of your ability,|See Question 8. Other entities are unknown at this | |

| | | |the potential volumes of the interlocal purchasing |time. | |

| | | |entities broken out by product (gas & diesel). | | |

|11 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |Under section 3, page 3 “Minimum Qualifications” the |See answer for question #2 deleting the word | |

| | | |first bullet point states: |“renewable. BQ9000 certification is still required for | |

| | | |a. “Renewable Biodiesel producers must be BQ9000 |the Biodiesel mixed with Renewable. | |

| | | |certified. Proposer must provide BQ9000 certification | | |

| | | |at time of response.” | | |

| | | |i. Is a responsible bidder to interpret “Renewable | | |

| | | |Biodiesel” as “Renewable Diesel”? | | |

| | | |ii. Also, currently there is not a BQ9000 program for | | |

| | | |Renewable Diesel production facilities, however, there | | |

| | | |is for Biodiesel production facilities. | | |

|12 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |In order to ensure the highest level of operational | |See Page 6 Adequate Inventory and Response Times |

| | | |effectiveness, it would be prudent of the City of | |Revise to read 24-48 hours. |

| | | |Seattle to provide as much lead-time for deliveries as | | |

| | | |possible. If possible, 48 hours would be preferable. | | |

|13 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |We would like to qualify our offer with an effective |If you qualify your response or pricing, you will be | |

| | | |date range. Our offer will be good for ninety (90) days|found non-responsive. Mark up is for life of contract | |

| | | |from date of submission. |and OPIS will govern fuel volatile pricing. | |

|14 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |In order to ensure the highest level of transparency & |The pricing sheet asks for both a markup/markdown | |

| | | |consistency between bids, it would be prudent of the |percentage and price per gallon i.e. if OPIS price is | |

| | | |City of Seattle to switch their pricing markup/markdown|$1.00 and markup is 10% your per gallon price would be | |

| | | |mechanism from a percentage to a cent per gallon (cpg) |$1.10 conversely a 10% markdown results in a per gallon| |

| | | |mechanism. |price of $.90. | |

|15 |09/13/2019 |09/26/2019 |Due to the nature of how Renewable Diesel is |The City doesn’t have a history of using red dyed | |

| | | |transported from production facilities in the United |fuels. Other users of the contract should do their own| |

| | | |States, we would be required to charge the City of |paperwork/negotiation to how red dye taxes are | |

| | | |Seattle Federal Excise Taxes if the fuel is required to|captured. | |

| | | |be dyed RED. The City of Seattle would then have to | | |

| | | |file on their returns for non-applicable taxes. | | |

|16 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |The “Scope and Specifications” document hyperlink |Yes, See below: | |

| | | |embedded in the ITB seems not to work. Could the City |[pic] | |

| | | |provide a copy of this document for vendors to read & | | |

| | | |review? | | |

|17 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |Is the 1.5 million gallons quoted in the Wet Hose Sites|Yes, for diesel. | |

| | | |document in addition to the 2.5 million gallons quoted | | |

| | | |in the ITB? | | |

|18 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |In reference to #7 in the “Bid Offer Form” document, |Yes, the Interlocal Agreement allows other government | |

| | | |will the City of Seattle accept conditional agreement |agencies to use the contract upon mutual agreement with| |

| | | |on a case by case basis? |the contractor (separate from the agreement with the | |

| | | | |City). | |

|19 |09/13/2017 |09/20/2019 |I noticed that the due date was pushed out and was |No | |

| | | |hoping you could do the same for the questions – could | | |

| | | |you give an extension until the 17th for questions? | | |

|20 |09/13/2019 |09/20/2019 |Is the FA0-4900 Min Qual, Inclusion Plan, Vendor |Minimum Qualification are revised. | |

| | | |Questionnaire, Scope & Specifications, Disaster Fuel |Vendor Questionnaire unchanged | |

| | | |Service Capacity the same as the previous bid in March |Scope & Specifications Unchanged | |

| | | |for Fuel & Delivery Services – FA0-4700? | | |

| | | | |Disaster and Fuel Service Capacity unchanged but are | |

| | | | |informational this time and will not be scored. | |

|21 |09/25/2019 |09/26/2019 |We would like to request a deadline extension of one |The City will not be extending the due date. | |

| | | |week to 10/07/2019 for ITB #FA0-4900 | | |


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