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Drs Twiddy, Thyne & Partners

1 India Place, Edinburgh EH3 6EH Tel: 0131 260 9230

Contraception & Sexual Health Service

Patient Information Sheet

Timing and insertion of an IUD or IUS

(Copper coil or Mirena IUS)

It is important that the IUD/IUS is inserted at a time when there is no risk of pregnancy. This depends on the time of your cycle and the method of contraception you are currently using.

If possible we will try to book you an appointment for fitting before you leave the surgery. Alternatively you may wish to book this yourself, in which case you should give the clinic a ring on the 1st day of your period. We will try to give you an appointment as soon as possible.

Please read and observe the following instructions carefully!

Currently not on regular contraception or using condoms

It is advisable not to have sex (even condoms are not completely protective against pregnancy if used on their own) from the start of your period before the IUD/IUS fitting.

Currently using hormonal contraception (combined pill (COC)/Contraceptive Patch/ Progesterone only pill (POP)/Implanon/Depo-provera):

An IUD/IUS can be fitted at any time, provided your regular hormonal method of contraception has been used correctly. If you are on the contraceptive pill, you should continue using it until the fitting appointment. After the IUD/IUS insertion you should continue with the pill until the packet is finished, unless the doctor advises you differently.

Currently using Mirena IUS:

A New Mirena IUS or Copper IUD can be inserted any time provided the present one is still within the recommended life span (5 years). Please use condoms or abstain from sex for at least 7 days before the planned change of IUS/IUD date.

If you have had your current IUS for over 5 years it may not be effective any more. You should therefore start using condoms immediately or not have sex for at least 2-3 weeks before having it changed.

Currently using copper IUD

A new copper IUD can be inserted at any time provided the present one is still within the recommended life span (5-10 years, depending on type of device). If you don’t know the name of your device or its recommended life span, start using condoms immediately or don’t have sex until your fitting appointment.

If you would like to have your copper IUD exchanged for a Mirena IUS, this is best done within the first 7 days of the start of your period (provided your periods do not come any more frequently than 28 days!) If the fitting appointment has been made later in the cycle please do not have sex or at least use condoms from the start of your period until the IUS fitting.

If you are uncertain about the correct timing of the insertion of your IUS or IUD or have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact the doctor’s surgery for advice.

On the day of fitting the IUD or IUS:

• Please allow 1-2 hours for your appointment. The procedure doesn’t take this long. However, a few women may feel faint afterwards and need time to recover. If possible bring someone with you for the appointment, to accompany you home if need be.

• It may be advisable to take a painkiller such as those used for period pain relief (e.g. Ibuprofen, Ponstan or Paracetamol) approx, ½ hour prior to your appointment. This will help to reduce cramps after the insertion.

• It is best not to have a completely empty stomach when you come for your IUD insertion – you are more likely to feel faint under these circumstances. Therefore have a light meal before you come to the surgery.

• Try not to bring children with you. Unfortunately we do not have the facilities or staff to look after them.

• It is advisable to bring a sanitary pad or panty liner with you. We recommend not to use tampons or have sex for about 2 days after the fitting.

Please remember – if you are concerned about anything or have any queries do not hesitate to contact your Doctors surgery for advice


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