
BIBLE STUDY“Do You See What I See?SCRIPTURE: John 4:1-9This curriculum is designed to get youth, young adults, and adults of different races to begin to build relationships. Using the New Testament Gospel of John Chapter 4 we will examine how Jesus models the importance and ease of interacting with other people who may have historically been unjustly denied rights and privileges because of their race. GOAL: to generate conversations between people of different races that build relationships and assist people in seeing others as the Imago Dei, the Image of God. MISSION: to push past our differences and locate the common grounds of our human existence VISION: for all to see Jesus as the world’s common denomination to “God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven.”GEOGRAPHY: Judea is in the south, and Galilea is in the North, and Samaria is a place in between the two. This was the direct route. The reason this is important…because orthodox Jews did not pass through Samaria because in Samaria lived the Samaritan dogs, as the Jews referred to the Samaritans and the Jews considered the Samaritans “the unclean.”HISTORY: In 722 BC Assyria invaded Israel as part of God's judgment and took many of the Jews back to Assyria. And some Assyrians were transplanted into Israel and there were interracial marriages. The interracial marriages created this new group called Samaritan who was despised by the Jews. Jews did not want to have anything to do with them and called them unclean. 4876800-55245000SESSION ONE: John 4 Verse 1-4 FOCUS TEXT: John 4:4 And Jesus had to go through Samaria,Jesus took the uncommon route, for Jews, to reach Galilee. He did what was unpopular, to do what was necessary.DISCUSSION: (20 minutes) Talk openly and honestly about a time when you went out of your way, expended additional energy to NOT encounter someone of another race. How do you see your action in comparison to Jesus’ action in John 4? How did your actions make you feel? QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: When was the last time you went out of your way to encountered someone of another race and/or Scio-economic standing?WEEK ONE ASSIGNMENT: Find someone different than you racially, economically, and socially, cross some boundaries that others in your race may not, and engage in a conversation. This does not have to be an extended conversation but it must be notable.395287521844000SESSION TWO: Read John 4 Verse 5-6FOCUS TEXT: John 4:6 Jacob’s well was there… This was no ordinary well; this was Jacob’s well! Jacob the father of both the Jews and Samaritans. It was a place that both the Jews and Samaritans had in common, historically. The noon appearance of Jesus at this place was acceptable as a Jew. DISCUSSION: (20 minutes) Jacob’s well was there… Where is the “there” you need to visit to impact someone of another race? Go “there” and make a difference and be intentional about your conversation pursuit.QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: What are some topics you have in common with other human beings even though they may be of a different race (i.e., children, health, weather, job)? WEEK TWO ASSIGNMENT: Think of a place you frequent and locate someone there of a different race and find out why you both have this place in common. This place maybe your local coffee shop, the marketplace, gym, or doctor’s office.3781425-23939500SESSION THREE: Read John 4 Verse 7-9 FOCUS TEXT: John 4:7 …and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink”.Jesus’ request to drink from the same cup as the “unclean” Samaritan was an indication of Jesus’ willingness to dispel the misnomer spoken about the Samaritans. The lips of a Jew on a Samarian cup… this was an intimate act for a deeper discussion. Jesus showed up at the well “cupless” and thirsty. The Jew needed something from the Samaritan and the Samaritan needed something from the Jew.DISCUSSION: (20 minutes) How far are you willing to go to remove barriers and dispel myths that racist system has put in place to prevent others from reaching their full potential? Discuss your understanding of the “Gift of God” and never leaving people thirsty.QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: Has there ever been a time when you were vulnerable, and God used the most unlikely person to assist you during your vulnerability? Did their race matter? Did their economic placement matter? WEEK THREE ASSIGNMENT: Do the uncommon… commit to an intimate moment; become vulnerable for the sake of the Kingdom.SESSION FOUR: Read John 4:16-24 FOCUS TEXT: John 4: 16 “Go, call your husband, and come back”The revelation of this woman’s past did not prevent Jesus from finding her worthy of Kingdom revelation. Once Jesus revealed her sin the conversation shifted from his need for water to her need for salvation. At this moment, the “thirsty stranger” became a prophet, revealing supernatural knowledge, and later the self-declared Messiah. DISCUSSION: How has Christ revealed himself to you preparing you to reveal Christ to others? Has another person’s race or past mistakes prevent you from sharing the love of Christ?QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: Do the way you see things and people lined up with the way God sees all of us?WEEK FOUR ASSIGNMENT: Commit to a life of hard change as well as heart change. This will be the beginning of seeing people through the eyes of Christ. Jesus wants us to see as he sees. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. (Phil 2:5) ................

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