
WHAP EXAM REVIEWHOMEWORK PACKETPERIOD 1 (Ancient): Technological and Environmental Transformations (8000 BCE – 600 BCE)Due Date: April 22 (A) / April 23 (B)Key Concept 1.1: Big Geography and the People of the EarthAnswerTermsWhere did humans first appear onEarth, and what were their society,technology, and culture?Describe earliest humans’ technology & tools.How did the earliest humans’ society help them procure enough supplies to survive?Hunter-gatherer:Paleolithic:Animism:Kinship group:Key Concept 1.2: Big Geography and the People of the EarthAnswerTermsWhat were the long-termdemographic, social, political, andeconomic effects of the NeolithicRevolution?Why did the NeolithicRevolution start (at all)? Wheredid the Neolithic Revolution firsttransform human populations?Where did pastoralism persisteven after the Neolithic Revolution?What various crops & animalswere developed or domesticatedduring the Neolithic Revolution?What labor adjustments didhumans make in order to facilitatethe Neolithic Revolution?What were the environmentaleffects of the Neolithic Revolution?How did pastoral societies resemble or differ from early agricultural societies?What effects did pastoralism& agriculture have on the foodsupply?What were the social effectsof the increased food supplycaused by increase of agriculture?What technologicalinnovations are associated with thegrowth of agriculture?Neolithic Revolution:Domesticated animals:Irrigation:Patriarchy:Pastoralism:Metallurgy:River Valley Civilizations:MesopotamiaEgyptIndus ValleyChina (Yellow River Valley)Key Concept 1.3 The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban SocietiesAnswerTermsWhat is a ‘civilization,’ and whatare the defining characteristics of acivilization? How did civilizations developand grow more complex before 600 BCE?Where did the earliest civilizationsdevelop, and why did they develop inthose locations?What is a “state?” Who ruled theearly states, and which segments ofsociety usually supported the ruler?Why were some early statesable to expand and conqueringneighboring states?Give four examples of earlyempires in the Nile & Tigris/Euphrates River Valleys.What role did pastoralcivilizations play in the creation of empires?How did culture play a role inunifying populations?What architectural forms didearly civilizations produce?Which social strataencouraged the development of artin ancient civilizations?What forms of writingdeveloped in ancient civilizations?What was the relationshipbetween literature and culture?What pre-600 BCE religionsstrongly influenced later eras?How “big” were the pre-600BCE trading regions?How did social and genderidentities develop pre-600 BCE?Civilization: Specialized workers:State:Nation:Country:Pyramid:Ziggurat: Cuneiform:Hieroglyphics:Alphabet:Quipu (khipu):PERIOD 2 (Classical): Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies (600 BCE – 600 CE)Due Date: April 24 (B) / April 27 (A)Key Concept 2.1 The Development & Codification of Religious & Cultural TraditionsAnswerTermsHow did religions help strengthen political, economic, and cultural ties within societies?What are the characteristics and core teachings of…Judaism?Hinduism?Buddhism? How and where did Buddhism spread by 600 CE?Confucianism?Daoism?Christianity? How and where did Christianity spread by 600 CE?Greco-Roman philosophy?How did art and culture develop by 600 CE?What literary works influenced later eras?How did different societies’ architectural styles develop?What examples of syncretism reflect the Classical Era?Covenant:Caste:Universal religion:Siddhartha Gautama:Nirvana:Asoka (Ashoka):Kong Fuzi (Confucius):Ancestor veneration:Laozi:Jesus:Peter:Paul:Syncretism:Hellenism:Key Concept 2.2 The Development of States and EmpiresAnswerTermsWhat is an “empire,” and what were empires’ common characteristics during the Classical Era?How did the number & size of Classical empires compare to the Ancient Era?What were the most influential of the Classical Era empires?What techniques did Classical empires create to administer their territories?What new political methods were created in order to rule the larger empires in the Classical Era?How did imperial governments let their population know that the government was “in charge?”What role did trade play in creatingand maintaining empires?What caused Classical Empiresto decline, collapse, or transform into something else? (Consider internal and external weaknesses)Cyrus the Great:Darius:Royal Road:Satraps:Pericles:Delian League:Alexander the Great:Punic War:Augustus:Diocletian:Chandragupta Maurya:Chandra Gupta:Shi Huangdi:Key Concept 2.3 Emergence of Trans-regional Networks of Communication and ExchangeAnswerTermsHow did Classical era trade networks compare to Ancient era networks? What forces contributed to the changes between the two eras? What technologies enabled long-distance overland and maritime trade?Besides the physical goods, whatintangibles also traveled along trade networks?Silk Road:Monsoons:PERIOD 3 (Postclassical): Regional and Transregional Interactions (600 CE – 1450 CE)Due Date: April 28 (B) / April 29 (A)3.1 Expansion and Intensification of Communication and Exchange NetworksAnswersTermsHow did trade networks in the post-Classical Era compare to the Classical Era?What new technologies, governmental policies, and merchant activities accompanied these developments?What role did pastoral and nomadicgroups play in these trade networks?What Classical trade networks continued? What new trade networks developed?What new technologies enabled thegrowth of inter-regional trade networks?How did post-classical trade affectthe diffusion of literary, artistic, and cultural traditions?How did post-classical trade affectthe diffusion of scientific and technological traditions?Marco Polo:Ibn Battuta:Astrolabe:3.2 Continuity & Innovation of State Forms and their InteractionsAnswerTermsHow did state formations develop in the postclassical era?How did post-classical states avoidthe mistakes of classical empires inthe regions where classical empirescollapsed?What new forms of governanceemerged?Caliphate:Khanate:caesaropapism: canon law:3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity and its ConsequencesAnswerTermsWhat were the overall worldwide economic trends?What new innovations affected agriculture in the post-classical era?Why did some post-classical urban areas decline while others prospered and grew?How did social and labor systems develops during the post-classical era?What pre-existing labor systems continued?What new labor forms developed?How did social and gender hierarchies develop?Feudalism:Manorialism:Champa rice:Chinampa:Mita system: ................

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