
Chapter 13. WoT movie?Monkeys and movies__________________Since the basic requirements for anyone joining AFRJ is that they be fond of stories, it's quite common that most posters are also fond of movies.Dr. Nick Riviera, in particular, has distinguished himself in the field - although he continuously has to put up with tough competition from Chucky. He's something of an expert on movie quotes - and particularly The Simpsons, and has said about himself, concerning movies, "I'm not some malicious prick who points out others faults and errors.Oh, wait...yes I am :)" ("Re: Alternative place to discuss WoT [spam]", 31.5.2000). Dr. Nick actually got to prove his expertise on the topic when Forsaken_1 designed his movie quotes game. He gave us "either a scene or a quote" and we had to "guess what movie it came from. Extra points are awarded if you can guess not only the movie but the character that said it" ("Quotes game", 18.1.2001). The winner of the competition, much to Chucky's chagrin, was Dr. Nick, and for some time he presented his victory in his signature:"--Eddie would go---Winner: AFRJ Movie Quotes Contest, Jan 2001" ("Re: Quotes game", 24.1.2001).Chucky & Janica had an explanation for this phenomenon. "He's a freak of nature", he said of Dr. Nick. "His ears act as radar dishes, picking up movie signals from all eras of history - eras after 1980, that is. Before then, it gets a little sketchy" ("Re: Just noticed something that i missed before...", 27.7.2002).The only other person who didn't accept the result without grumbling was Avi: "I think the girls in here should create a chick flick quotes list and see how many of you males can get them... *grins*" ("Re: Nick's Movie Quote Game", 2.2.2001). I think Avi was confusing the women on the group with some completely different people.This state of affairs, this agglomeration of wit and knowledge, came slowly. Before the Takeover, knowledge of decent movies was deplorably low, as evinced by a certain exchange between T Sean Connolly and Bryan Goss. "She's a witch...burn her, burn her!", Sean wrote in a post, and Bryan answered, "She turned me into a newt!!!A newt?i...uh.. i got better", completely surprising Sean. "I didn't think anyone would spot it!", he exclaimed ("Re: World Idea - Haven't seen one of these in a while", 31.3.1999). Now, of course, that particular piece of movie brilliance is subject to extensive worship by the Monkeys. Cassiopaeia, specifically, would never pass a chance to quote from her favourite movie."BEDEVERE: Sir! I have a plan, sir.[later][wind][saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw saw][clunk][bang][rewr!][squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak][rrrr rrrr rrrr][drilllll][sawwwww][clunk][crash][clang][squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak...][creak]FRENCH GUARDS: [whispering] C'est un lapin, lapin de bois. Quoi? Un cadeau. What? A present. Oh, un cadeau. Oui, oui. Hurry. What? Let's go. Oh. On y va. Bon magne. Over here...[squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak...][clllank]ARTHUR: What happens now?BEDEVERE: Well, now, uh, Launcelot, Galahad, and I, uh, wait until nightfall, and then leap out of the rabbit, taking the French, uh, by surprise. Not only by surprise, but totally unarmed!ARTHUR: Who leaps out?BEDEVERE: U-- u-- uh, Launcelot, Galahad, and I, uh, leap out of the rabbit, uh, and uh...ARTHUR: Ohh.BEDEVERE: Oh. Um, l-- look, i-- i-- if we built this large wooden badger--[clank][twong]ARTHUR: Run away!KNIGHTS: Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away![CRASH]FRENCH GUARDS: Oh, haw haw haw haw! Haw! Haw haw heh..." ("Re: Theme Songs", 6.3.2000).Another oft-quoted movie is Spaceballs. St. Chucky the Chunderous kicked the group off with, "Helmet: What the Hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?Colonel Sandurz: Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening - now.Helmet: What happened to then?Colonel Sandurz: We passed it.Helmet: When?Colonel Sandurz: Just now. We're in now, now.Helmet: Go back to then!Colonel Sandurz: When?Helmet: Now!Colonel Sandurz: Now?Helmet: Now!Colonel Sandurz: I can't!Helmet: Why?Colonel Sandurz: We missed it.Helmet: When?Colonel Sandurz: Just now.Helmet: When will then be now?Colonel Sandurz: Soon.Helmet: How soon?Lieutenant Asshole: Sir!Helmet: What?Lieutenant Asshole: We've identified their location.Helmet: Where?Lieutenant Asshole: It's the moon of VegaColonel Sandurz: Good work! Set a course and prepare for our arrival.Helmet: When?!Lieutenant Asshole: 1900 hours, sir.Colonel Sandurz: By high noon tomorrow they will be our prisoners.Helmet: WHOOOO?! *clang*" ("Re: well i'm back after some time...", 26.1.2000).Some quotes turned into mini-cascades. "'or we'll give her back ... her OLD NOSE!'", mister c of nine yelled. "'1,2,3,4,5....amazing. I have the same combination on my luggage....'", St. Chucky replied, "And the classic: 'I bet she gives GREAT helmet....'". "'You idiots. These are not them. You've captured their stunt doubles'", sharon added in ("Re: well i'm back after some time...", 30.1.2000).What's the point of all this, you ask? Well, it's actually educational. Take the helmet-quote up there. "i'm no chick", mister c of nine pointed out, "i don't give helmet. 'i bet she gives great helmet.'" "Ooooooohhhhhhhhh," Cassiopaeia replied, "so thats what that line means!" ("Re: A new Scandinavian Clan - Kiserai al'Nordica!!!", 4.5.2000).See? Educational.Sometimes, things might go a bit far. Here's what happened when Chucky&Janica went to see "The Mummy Returns". "There is just something about hordes of evil undead pigmie that makes a movie", The Mighty Bob remarked, and Chucky agreed. "And a game. I had Diablo 2 flashbacks in the cinema when they 'appeared'. I kept chewing on my paper cup of coke, yelling, 'I need a revival potion! I need a revival potion! I need a revival potion! I need a revival potion!'" ("Re: The Mummie 2", 20.6.2001). He did, you know.Luckily, we're well-balanced people, and can step back and look at the situation objectively from time to time. As Chucky & Janica have said, "Man, we're such nerds" ("Re: Anniversary", 11.10.2002).WoT movie?__________Every now and then, the possibility of a movie based on the books crops up. What would the movie be like, who'd act in it, what music should be used, and, of course, is it such a good idea after all? Some argue that it would be great; others claim it would never work. First, there's the question of how popular a fantasy movie on this scale would be. A long time ago, Psych Dragon wondered about the viewership of fantasy movies when talk turned to the possibility of a Lord of the Rings movie. "turn Lord Of The Rngs into a full out motion picture...course, there probably isn't enough people that would watch something like that. <Sniff>..." ("Re: A Movie Cast", 5.10.1997). More recent developments have proved that it is indeed possible to make a big-scale fantasy movie and still cash in, but even so, is The Wheel of Time the right sort of material? leo86, in a crosspost between rec.arts.movies.current-films, alt.fan.robert-jordan and alt.fan.tolkien, expressed his disbelief. "I'm a reasonably well-informed moviegoer and book reader and I've certainly heard a lot about Tolkien and his books even if I've never read them. But I've never heard of this 'Wheel of Time' series you're talking about nor have I heard of the author. /.../ Any interest in making a movie of such a series would be comparatively limited" ("Re: Might the LOTR movie(s) pave the way for a WOT franchise?", 19.12.2001). AFRJers were torn between agreeing with this guy because the books suck, and disagreeing with him because he sounded like a twat. A11otrios struck a middle road. "Well-informed moviegoer and book reader huh?", he sniggered, and pointed out, "But you've never read Tolkien. Mmmkay... /.../ Any interest in making a movie of such a series would be comparatively limited not because of what *you* think but because the series is getting boring" ("Re: Might the LOTR movie(s) pave the way for a WOT franchise?", 20.12.2001). Posters in the other groups had a hard time grasping the idea that we in AFRJ really don't much care for the books, and tried to goad us into some sort of action. asf, presumably from the Tolkien group, wrote a short, acidic summary of what such a movie would be like, finishing with applause to anyone who didn't bother reading the books: "/.../ bravo, you saved yourself some torment that I shouldn't have put myself through". Shannon P. Drake described the summary as "Shockingly accurate" ("Re: Might the LOTR movie(s) pave the way for a WOT franchise?", 20.12.2001), but the other posters still didn't get it. Retep called Shannon "Shockingly childish", and told him to "Grow up" ("Re: Might the LOTR movie(s) pave the way for a WOT franchise?", 8.1.2002). Is it that hard to grasp the idea that someone might criticise the topic of their newsgroup? I suppose it's unheard of in the Tolkien group.Bryan Bell argued against the making of a movie, claiming there was "WAY to much information to handle in anything less than mayber 7 or 8 2 -3 hour movies" ("WOT Movie? How about a series?", 19.3.1999), whereas Ed Dudenhoefer thought the need of condensing was just a good thing. "You know, being forced to condense this runaway train of a series (and I mean that affectionately) into 'just' 3 movies might be a great way to stay focused enough to spit out a really cool trilogy. Think about it, all the good things: character differentiation and development, world physics, locales, peoples, etc w/o enduring NaM pull her braid 1,000s of times" ("Re: OFF TOPIC:Lord of the Rings Movie Planned", 5.8.1998).Angus McSmashie reported that he had "heard a rumor here in the states that Pete Jackson was interested in the movie license". C&J thought it was a terrible idea. "He'd have to make ten films, and if he did it the same way as the Lord of the Rings he'd have his actors getting too old by the time 'Crossroads of Twilight' went into post-production, and nobody would want to see it anyway, with the possible exception of the (maybe) 70 people who post to afrj and rasfwrj" ("Re: Top 10 Robert Jordan Rumours", 21.12.2003). Jussi Uosukainen pointed out that "Once we get all the woolheads and braidjanking out of the equation, the text will about 50% shorter" and not nearly as many movies were needed. "You're certainly right about that", C&J agreed, but added, "I don't think Jackson would commit career suicide by taking on a series of movies about a series of books that a) isn't finished yet, b) is shite" ("Re: Top 10 Robert Jordan Rumours", 22.12.2003). It would appear that the rumour was just that, since nothing more has been heard since.Because of the prospective length of such a movie (or, indeed, series of movies), some posters have suggested an alternative solution. "/.../ how about a mini-series like rich man/poor man was done in the 70s? I figure at least 1 book a eason" (from Bryan Bell, "WOT Movie? How about a series?", 19.3.1999). Apparently there has even been serious talk of such a series, but it seems to have come to naught. Aaron F. Bourque read an interview with Robert Jordan on , where someone had asked Jordan what was going on with the rumoured NBC mini-series. "'RJ: To the best of my knowledge, nothing whatsoever. I have been told that the people who were key in making the deal in the first place have all left NBC now. So I'm afraid that nothing is going to happen there.' I don't know whether to be happy that there'll be no Merlin-like miniseries, or to be dissapointed that there'll be no miniseries" ("The CHAT", 6.11.2000). *thinks about Merlin* Happy.Then, of course, there's the possibility of completely discarding the idea of a live action movie, and making an animated movie instead. "It would almost HAVE to be animated", Webby claimed. "There would just be tons and tons of things that would make a live action movie way to hard (Like drawing the Heron brands and dragons on Rand's hands and arms before every shoot)" ("Re: WoT movie?", 18.11.1998). Indeed. Because, of course, it is highly unusual to make a movie that requires masking. And, of course, there has regularly been calls for an anime movie. "one word for how the WOT would make excellent tv/movie viewing:", Guildy exclaimed. "ANIME" ("Re: Wheel Of Time Tv Series", 30.3.2000).Not everyone was as enthusiastic. "FUCK OFF", Robert E. politely told Guildy, and Zinglebert Bambledak (Kolys) joined in. "I'm with you, trucker. I can't stand anime." "Even the one with the big tentacles and hundreds of girls naked a raped by thousand of dick-monster...", kryss enquired, but Zinglebert was adamant. "Even that one" ("Re: Wheel Of Time Tv Series", 31.3.2000). Satsujinki also objected, actually giving reasons for his objections. "Wrong Manga as I prefer to refer to it by its Japanese name is all wrong for it. Its style incorporates too much wasted scenic posing, and battles drag on way too long" ("Re: Wheel Of Time Tv Series", 1.4.2000).But if there was a cartoon version, wondered Even Stranger, "witch cartoon, comicbook or anime character would you cast" ("Who would you cast...?", 15.3.2003)? He Who Is shannon suggested "Johnny Bravo as Mat" ("Re: Who would you cast...?", 15.3.2003), Chucky & Janica said "Cadsuane would be Sheila Brofslowski (Kyle's Mom)" and "Ishamael would be Homer" ("Re: Who would you cast...?", 16.3.2003), Mark Whitaker suggested "Thom - Papa Smurf" ("Re: Who would you cast...?", 17.3.2003), and Even Stranger nominated "Buttercup (powerpuff girls) Min" and "Blossom (powerpuff girls) Egwene" ("Re: Who would you cast...?", 18.3.2003).Who to cast, round one______________________"Ok," Robert E. broke up the fight, "so *what if* they did make an animated WoT Series, who'd do the voices?" He himself had a few suggestions (I haven't included all the suggestions, only the funny ones): "Mary Poppins voice would make a perfect match for Moiraine" ("Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 1.4.2000). Chucky the Apostate suggested Michael Jackson for Perrin, Samuel L Jackson for Mat, and Kyle's mom from Southpark as Nynaeve ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 1.4.2000). Dan1793 said, "All I know is that Christopher Walken would HAVE to be in this......of course he'd have to do the voice of someone evil like Fain or hmmmmmm....maybe even Taim" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 2.4.2000), and I suspect He Who Is Shannon, at least, agreed with this. Shannon has long since had some sort of obsession with Christopher Walken. "I'd hate to live next to that guy, imagine, Chris Walken knocking on your door... ::knock knock:: ::open door:: (Christopher Walken voice) 'I'm Christopher, I live next door...I couldn't help but noticing my PAPER is on your LAWN. Please tell the paper boy to put MY paper on MY lawn (intent look)'" (from He Who Is Shannon, "Re: Asmodean's 'death'", 8.4.2000). He continued his fantasy the next day. "He could be scary out watering the lawn... 'I'm watering this grass...so it doesn't die...ah ha ha ha ha ha!'" ("Re: Asmodean's 'death'", 9.4.2000). Shannon thought Walken was so good, he was "even scary in that Wayne's World he was in, and he didn't have to be, I kept waiting for him to turn into the devil or kill a baby or something" ("Re: Asmodean's 'death'", 9.4.2000).cyberwollf voted for David Duchovny as Perrin, because "He has the right kind of almost whinney voice for this" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 2.4.2000). That would make him more suitable as the voice of Bela, though, right? cyberwollf revised her idea. "Actually he would make a good Matt. Matt pouts a good bit and David has those beautiful lips.............. *sigh*" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 3.4.2000). Cybes always did have a thing about Agent Mulder.And speaking of obsessions with actors, Debs, unsurprisingly, wanted to stuff Sean Bean in somewhere.*stops and looks at sentence*Ahem. Well, anyway, she thought he would make a good Uno ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 3.4.2000).Angus McSmashie suggested Denise Richards for Bela, because, he said, that was a "a role she can't fuck up!". He also voted for James Earl Jones as the Dark One. ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 3.4.2000). For Padan Fain, Angus suggested "Frank Oz, starting out using his normal voice, then when Mordeth and Fain combine, using his evil sounding Yoda voice, like when he says 'You will be, mmmmm, you will be'" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 6.4.2000).This discussion soon raised an argument about what criteria the actors chosen should have. Satsujinki argued that Ganine Garofolo was "too stocky and hairless" to play Min, and Chucky the Apostate and Angus McSmashie argued that this "Doesn't matter, since all we need is her voice, genius" (from Chucky the Apostate, "Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 3.4.2000). There was a short but vicious exchange of insults, with Satters calling Angus "2 foot tall inbred redneck hillbilly American Dumbass", and Angus calling Satters "Dicklick Analchirp" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 5.4.2000). What the final verdict on the matter was remained a bit unclear.Some posters have given some thought to what sort of music could be in the movie/anime/series/musical. Angus suggested that since Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins) could make a good Moiraine, Lan could in turn sing a new version of the chimney sweep song:"Chop -choppity, chop choppity, chop chop swish, splatI'll use your trolloc head as a hat..." ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 4.4.2000).Satsujinki, in turn, suggested Moiraine could sing "'The ways are alive with the sound of Machin shin'" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 4.4.2000), and He Who Is Shannon thought "Rand should sing 'Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?' from Monty Python's Meaning of Life" ("Re: Toon/Anime WoT Voices...", 4.4.2000).And, many years earlier, PHanson769 had "been thinking about what music would be in the wot movie. Well, today I just heard the most amazingly PERFECT song for Moridin. 'Master of the puppets' by marilyn manson" ("WOT music", 4.10.1997). I see.Who to cast, round two______________________Okay, back to the movie. It shouldn't be a Hollywood movie, people have argued. Mister C and The Mighty Bob collaborated on an idea to have the movie(s) made in an Asian style instead. "Anyone but the americans", Bob stated. "As Mr C says anything that comes out of an American movie series is nice and cushy. No one ever dies and the good guys don't use swords they kick them and use martial arts (bad ones at that). What you need is RJ on the scrip and a Chinese director" ("Re: the TV series", 24.10.1999). Both C and Bob were forgetting something essential, though. The Wheel of Time is *written* by an American. The story *is* nice and cushy, and nobody ever dies. There would have to be some fundamental changes to the story if it was made into this sort of movie.Now, what about the cast? Contro had a somewhat odd idea. "If they (they being "others") made a wheel of time film, what characters would people from this newsgroup play, and why?" (!Wheel of Time film!, 5.12.2000).~Brian~ saw himself as Aram - "(loyal, handsome and a big sword) *g*" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 5.12.2000).Kelly Ballard thought Contro would make a good addition to the "happy-go-lucky tinkers..." ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 5.12.2000), and F_1 agreed. "Because no one laughs that much and isn't a Tinker" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000). Contro, in turn, suggested Kelly would make a good Min. "She is the nicer of the female characters too, all the others that I can think of are too horrible for you to play" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 7.12.2000).Grant said he wanted to be "one of the people that Semirage uses in those weird positions to make furniture and stuff. Anything to be with naked chicks" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000). In other words, he wanted to be in the X-rated version.Cass felt that "Before Birgitte got bonded, I would probably be her. Big, blonde and likes to hang out with the guys. But now, I would make up my own character for myself - she wouldn't sniff, tug her braid or change clothing every five minutes, and if she could channel, she would have already got rid of half the Forsaken. Or I'd be a kickass Chosen" ("Re: AFRJ History: Chapter 13. WoT History?", 15.3.2003).The Debbil insisted that she be Birgitte, "she's the only one with even close to my attitude. Though the first thing I'd do is beat Elayne senseless until she passed my bond onto Logain. Couldn't cope with her in my head" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000). Forsaken_1 thought she'd make a better Verin, "Because she can be motherly, but if you get in her way or cross her she can be one helluva nasty woman" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000).Chucky&Janica thought "C would have to be Fain. He's skinny, and does nasty shit as easily as breathing" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000).Contro, with his usual demeanor, thought "Janica could be Mesaana, as she used to be a teacher. Not saying Janica is evil or anything though, don't worry!" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 7.12.2000).Forsaken_1 had a long list of suggestions. He himself, he thought, could play Perrin, "Because I've always been bigger than my peers and had to try hard not to hurt them". As for the rest, Launce would be "A Warder. Because he's tough as nails and cocky", Dr. Nick would be Mat "Because he's quick and witty", Satters would be Rand "Because he must die in order for the board to continue on. And they both love Japanese swords", Shelob could be an Aiel Wise Woman "Because you don't mess with her without expecting some serious repercussions", Rob E would be a Gholam "Because he's evil and shifty and can fit into small cracks", and cyberwollf would make a good Tylin, "Because she reminds me of a horny queen looking for more 'toys.'" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000).Forsaken_1 thought Chucky could make a good Aiel Clan Chief, "Because he drinks too much oosquai" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000), and "Janica suggested I could be a Borderlander with my hair, but I think with my figure I would have to be two Borderlanders" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 6.12.2000). Chucky settled on "Ingtar and Masema. That way, I can betray everybody, and still follow the good guys, and be a corruption lord as well" ("Re: Wheel of Time film", 7.12.2000).Who to cast, round three________________________Right. Now, silliness aside, and on with the real cast discussion.mister c of nine had a bleak look on the whole topic right from the start. "seriously, folks", he addressed the crowd. "you KNOW if they did it as a series, most actors (*cough cough*) and actresses (*supressed giggle*), would come from those horrendous buffy-american-soap-teen-things. they'd be bimbos and can't-act-for-shit guys. and we'd all weep because the books would be fucked up for us forever. we'd never be able to read the books again without seeing some dumbass, like that guy from hercules, as lan. be realistic, the series/movie would suck. bigtime" ("Re: worn out topic.. actors for a movie??", 26.10.1999). This was in the good old days, when we didn't all quite yet realise that the books themselves would suck bigtime. Nevertheless, this didn't stop mister c of nine from picking a few actors the next time the discussion came around. "ishy: winona ryder", and "moridin: fairuza balk" That was all - "i didn't get much further than that cuz i was thinking of how, visually, i, as cameraman/director/producer would work out how to make winona and fairuza 'one.'" ("Re: Actors (not a quote game)", 24.2.2001).St. Chucky and Shannon (posting as revshannon) wondered what would happen if Sylvester Stallone played Rand. It would make for some interesting lines and scenes, they figured."Maybe Rand Al'Thor could be played by Sylvester Stallone", Shannon mused, "and instead of a big fight with the Power, he and Ba'alzamon could slug it out, mano a mano. 'Yo, mask face! Prepare to die!'" "I can see this", Chucky replied. "Rand steps up to the Dark One, covered in blood, and cradling an arm shot (through the shoulder) with an arrow or something. The Dark One flexes His dark bits. Rand pulls out the Cairhein sa'angreal ter'angreal. The Dark One quails (like ducking, but a smaller movement), but Rand screws the ter'angreal up into a ruined twisted mess and throws it to one side. Then he puts up his Dukes" ("Re: WOT the major motion picture!", 5.12.1999).Of course, they couldn't stop there. "Rand/Stallone has to say something really manly/pithy before he finishes him off," Shannon thought, "like 'It's time to see which of us has The Power...THE MANLY POWER!' and then he flexes..." ("Re: WOT the major motion picture!", 5.12.1999). "'Remake THIS in Your own image!' *whack*", St. Chucky suggested ("Re: WOT the major motion picture!", 6.12.1999). "How bout, 'I'm cleansing the taint, and the taint is you!'?" Shannon suggested. "That sounds kinda dirty, too" ("Re: WOT the major motion picture!", 7.12.1999). "Hmmm," Chucky mused, "what about..... 'Hasta la Vista, Dark One.' No...... How about, after he kills the Dark One with a little chainsaw thing...... 'Okay - who's next?'" ("Re: WOT the major motion picture!", 7.12.1999). Shannon took the last word with "Hmm, how about, 'I am the One Power' as Sly punches the Dark One through the plate glass window..." ("Re: WOT the major motion picture!", 8.12.1999). Yes yes.There have been equally silly suggestions for lines characters could be given if they were played by certain actors, and I've included them in the list of suggested cast, added right here. The characters in the book are in alphabetical order, and the suggested thespians in order of number of votes. I've added a parenthesis to most of the names, detailing some of their work so you'll know who's being voted for. I've included votes cast both in all seriousness, and in all silliness. Because let's face it, sometimes it's difficult to tell the silliness from the seriousness.Agelmar:1 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")Aginor: 1 - Jack Nicholson (The President in "Mars Attacks!")1 - Clancy Brown (the Kurgan from "Highlander")Alanna: 1 - Julia Roberts ("Pretty Woman")Alviarin: 1 - Tonya Harding (figure skater who had a fellow competitor beat up or something. Or maybe she was the one who got beat up. What an odd suggestion.)1 - Anjelica Huston (Morticia in "The Addams Family")1 - Sharon Stone ("Basic Instinct")Amathera:1 - Alyssa Milano (Phoebe in "Charmed")Aran'Gar/Halima: 1 - Anna Nicole Smith ("Naked Gun 33 1/3")1 - Madonna ("Evita")Artur Hawkwing:3 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade". Connery would end up playing quite a few roles in this movie.)1 - Clint Eastwood ("Space Cowboys"; "The Unforgiven")Asmodean: 2 - David Bowie ("Labyrinth". Yes!)1 - Paul Simon (musician)1 - Sting ("Dune")1 - Peter Wingfield (Methos in latest "Highlander"-movie; Lyman in upcoming "X-Men 2")1 - David Duchovny (Agent Mulder on "The X-Files")1 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")1 - Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show")1 - Bruce Campbell (Ash from the "Evil Dead"-movies)1 - Andrew J. Robinson (Elim Garak from "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine")1 - Ethan Hawke ("Before Sunrise"; "Alive")1 - Alan Rickman (The Metatron from "Dogma")1 - Johhny Depp ("From Hell")Aviendha: 3 - Milla Jovovich ("Fifth Element")2 - Geena Davis (Thelma in "Thelma and Louise")2 - Elizabeth Berkeley (Nomi Malone in "Showgirls")2 - Dina Meyer ("Starship Troopers"; "Dragonheart")1 - Nicole Kidman ("Moulin Rouge!")1 - Jennifer Aniston (Rachel in "Friends". Oh Lord no.)1 - Liv Tyler (Arwen in "The Lord of the Rings")1 - Lucy Lawless ("Xena". I like this suggestion. Lucy could probably make Aviendha's knife-hilt-fingering actually look threatening.)1 - Cameron Diaz (Natalie in "Charlie's Angels")1 - Natasha Henstridge (Sil in "Species")1 - Jenna Jameson (porn starlet)1 - Laura Prepon (Donna from "That 70's Show")1 - Eliza Dushku (Sissy in "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")Basel Gill:1 - George Wendt (Norm in "Cheers"; Fat Sam in "Fletch")Bayle Domon: 2 - John Rhys-Davies (Gimli in "The Lord of the Rings")1 - Bruce Campbell (Ash from the "Evil Dead"-movies)1 - James Doohan (Scotty from ST - "We can't get away frrom the blooody Sanchien, I do be needin' more powerrrr!" [from Dallas Moore, "Re: another IF", 16.7.1998])1 - Abraham Lincoln (Yes, thank you, F_1)Bel'al: 1 - Robert DeNiro ("Cape Fear"; "Taxi Driver")1 - Richard Dreyfuss ("Mr. Holland's Opus"; "Jaws")1 - Richard O'Brian (Riff-Raff in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show")1 - Jeff Goldblum ("ID4")Bela:1 - Roseanne Barr ("The Roseanne Barr Show". Not David Duchovny, then?)Berelain: 1 - Phoebe Cates ("Gremlins")1 - Claudia Schiffer (model turned actress, although her main claim to fame seems to be "Richie Rich")1 - Dawn French (the lead in "The Vicar of Dibley". *giggle*)1 - Marilyn Monroe ("Oh heavens no!", Richard Wentz replied, "she's gotta be like 60 now, right? and I'm pretty sure her skin doesn't have the same glow it used to..." ["Re: WoT-The Movie", 24.2.1998]. I'm sure it doesn't, all things considered.)1 - Dolly Parton (country singer; some movies, like "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas")1 - Courtney Cox (Monica in "Friends")1 - Salma Hayek (Serendipity in "Dogma")1 - Yasmine Bleeth ("Baywatch")1 - Sophie Marceau (French princess in "Braveheart")Birgitte: 4 - Lucy Lawless ("Xena")3 - Brigitte Nielsen ("Red Sonia"; "Rocky 3"; "Cobra")1 - Rebecca DeMornay ("Hand that Rocks the Cradle")1 - Adrian Edmundson in drag (Vivien from "The Young Ones")1 - Jenny McCarthy (Playboy model; Sarah in "Scream 3")1 - Geena Davis (Thelma in "Thelma and Louise")1 - Alicia Silverstone ("Clueless". Yes, because Alicia looks so buff and mature.)Cadsuane:1 - Mimi Kennedy (Dharma's mom in "Dharma and Greg")1 - Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway in "ST: Voyager". I like this suggestion.)Chiad:1 - Carrie-Anne Moss (Trinity in "The Matrix")Couladin: 1 - Sylvester Stallone ("Rambo"; "Demolition Man")1 - Bruce Willis ("Die Hard movies"; "The Sixth Sense")1 - Sean Bean (Boromir in "Fellowship of the Ring")1 - Gary Bussey ("Lethal Weapon"; "Under Siege")The Creator:1 - Lemmy (Oldbies, laugh now. Newbies, look confused)Dain Bornhald:1 - Kiefer Sutherland ("24")Davram Bashere: 3 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")1 - Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman)1 - Sam Elliott (Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley in "We Were Soldiers")Demandred: 1 - Ed O'Neill (Al Bundy in "Married With Children")1 - Alec Baldwin (One of the innumerable Baldwins. One with dark hair. Maybe have another dark Baldwin playing Taim, to add "clues". And the blond one as something else, just to confuse people.)1 - Billy Zane ("Titanic")1 - Sylvester Stallone ("Rambo"; "Demolition Man")1 - Samuel L. Jackson ("Pulp Fiction". Bahahahaha.)The DO: 4 - James Earl Jones (voice of Darth Vader. Of course he'd be cast.)2 - Jack Nicholson (The President in "Mars Attacks!")2 - Steve Vizard (Australian (un-)funny comedian)1 - Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter)1 - Valentine Dyall (Black Guardian in '70s episodes of "Dr. Who"; the voice of Deep Thought in the TV version of "Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"; Lord Broxtable in episode 1.6 of "Blackadder")1 - OJ Simpson (Nordberg in the "Naked Gun" movies)1 - Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show")1 - Avery Brooks (Captain Sisko in "ST: DS9")1 - Barry White (singer; has appeared on "Ally McBeal" and "The Simpsons")Egeanin: 1 - Sean Young (Lois Einhorn/Ray Finkle in "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective")Eamon Valda:1 - Michael Douglas ("Basic Instinct")Egwene: 3 - Elisabeth Shue (Marty's girlfriend in "Back to the Future")3 - Neve Campbell (Sidney in the "Scream"-movies)3 - Keri Russell (Felicity in "Felicity")2 - Winona Ryder (Annalee Call in "Alien: Resurrection")2 - Liv Tyler (Arwen in "The Lord of the Rings")2 - Teri Hatcher (Lois in "The New Adventures of Superman")2 - Claire Danes ("Romeo and Juliet")2 - Ashley Judd ("Kiss the Girls")2 - Jennifer Love Hewitt (Julie James in "I Know What You Did Last Summer")2 - Anna Paquin (Rogue in "X-Men")1 - Demi Moore ("G.I.Jane")1 - Ione Skye (Elyse in "Wayne's World")1 - Jennifer Connolly ("Labyrinth")1 - Daphne Zuniga (Princess Vespa in "Spaceballs")1 - Moira Kelly (Donna Hayward in "Twin Peaks")1 - Kristy Swanson (Buffy in the original movie)1 - Tiffany Amber Thiesen ("Beverly Hills 90210"; also in "Dusk Till Dawn 2")1 - Sara-Michelle Gellar ("Buffy" the TV series)1 - Christina Ricci (Wednesday Adams; "Sleepy Hollow")1 - Sandra Bullock ("Speed")1 - Jessica Biel ("7th Heaven")1 - Joey Lauren Adams (Alyssa in "Chasing Amy" and "Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back)1 - Kathy Bates (Annie Wilkes in "Misery")1 - Sarah St James (porn starlet of some sort)1 - Yasmine Bleeth ("Baywatch")1 - Kate Winslet ("Titanic")1 - Jessica Alba (Max in "Dark Angel")Elaida: 2 - Anjelica Huston (Morticia in "The Addams Family")1 - Cher (singer, "Tea With Mussolini")1 - Katherine Hepburn ("The African Queen")1 - Susan Sarandon ("Thelma and Louise")1 - Juliet Stevenson (Neighbour in "The Trial"; Cissie Colpritts 2 in "Drowning by Numbers")1 - Drew Barrymore ("Charlie's Angels")1 - Sigourney Weaver (Ripley in the "Alien"-movies)1 - Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway in "ST: Voyager")1 - Liz Taylor ("Cleopatra"; mother-in-law in "The Flintstones")1 - Lauren Bacall (married to Humphrey Bogart; assorted movies in the '40s)1 - Kathy Bates (Annie Wilkes in "Misery")1 - Claudia Cristian (Cmdr Ivanova in "Babylon 5")1 - Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia; also the nun in "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")1 - Talia Shire (Constanzia Corleone-Rizzi in the "Godfather"-movies)Elayne: 3 - Nicole Kidman ("Moulin Rouge!")3 - Drew Barrymore ("Charlie's Angels")3 - Kirsten Dunst (Claudia from "Interview With a Vampire"; the chick in "Spiderman")1 - Emma Thompson (the sensible one in "Sense and Sensibility")1 - Kathy Bates ("Misery"; "Dolores Claiborne")1 - Christina Ricci (Wednesday Adams; "Sleepy Hollow")1 - Courtney Thorne ("Ally McBeal")1 - Robin Tunney ("End of Days"; one of the witches in "The Craft")1 - Jennifer Aniston ("Friends")1 - Elisabeth Shue ("Back to the Future")1 - Kate Winslet ("Titanic")1 - Reba McIntyre (C&W Singer, and looking at pictures on the web, a very odd choice)1 - Dina Meyer ("Dragonheart"; "Starship Trooper")1 - Angie Everheart (Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model; "9 1/2 Weeks" part 2)1 - Sarah Michelle Gellar ("Buffy" the TV series)1 - Winona Ryder (Annalee Call in "Alien: Resurrection")1 - Rebecca Gayheart (model turned actress in "Urban Legends")1 - Fran Drescher ("Nanny")1 - Laura Dern ("Jurassic Park")1 - Cameron Diaz (Natalie in "Charlie's Angels")1 - Alicia Silverstone ("Clueless")1 - Gwyneth Paltrow ("Seven")1 - Angelina Jolie ("Tomb Raider")1 - Laura Prepon (Donna from "That 70's Show")Elyas: 1 - Nicholas Cage ("Con Air")1 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")1 - Harvey Keitel ("Reservoir Dogs")1 - Cary Elwes ("Princess Bride"; "Robin Hood: Men in Tights". I like this choice. All the others are too old or too odd.)1 - Sam Elliott (Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley in "We Were Soldiers")1 - Rutger Hauer ("Bladerunner")1 - John Malkovich ("being John Malkovich")1 - Lance Henriksen (Bishop from "Aliens"; Frank Black from "Millenium")1 - Adrian Paul ("Highlander" the TV series)Faile: 2 - Jennifer Connelly ("The Labyrinth")1 - Demi Moore ("G.I.Jane")1 - Jennifer Saunders (Eddie in "Absolutely Fabulous")1 - Claire Danes (Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet")1 - Fran Drescher ("Nanny". She's got the voice, that's for sure.)1 - Courtney Cox (Monica in "Friends")1 - Natalie Portman (Amidala in "Star Wars")1 - Drew Barrymore ("Charlie's Angels")1 - Shannon Doherty (Brenda in "Beverly Hills 90210")Faolain:1 - Lysette Anthony (Dr. Claire Mulrooney in "Talos the Mummy")Galad: 3 - Brad Pitt ("Spy Game")2 - Keanu Reeves ("Speed")2 - Billy Zane ("The Phantom"; "Twin Peaks")1 - Tom Cruise ("Top Gun")1 - John James (Jeff Colby in "Dynasty")1 - Tim Roth ("The Legend of 1900". Hee hee hee. Obvious Galad.)1 - Ingo Rademacher (Jax Jacks from "General Hospital")1 - Ben Affleck ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")Gareth Bryne: 14 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade". This is a pretty overwhelming number of votes.)1 - Kirk Douglas ("Spartacus")1 - Michael Douglas ("Basic Instinct")1 - Clint Eastwood ("Space Cowboys"; "The Unforgiven")1 - Patrick Stuart (Captain Picard in "Star Trek")1 - Harrison Ford ("Indiana Jones" movies; Han Solo in "Star Wars")1 - Christopher Lambert ("Highlander")1 - Tom Berenger ("Training Day"; the catcher in "Major League")1 - Ed Harris ("Apollo 13")Gaul: 1 - Liam Neeson (Qui-gon Jinn in "Episode 1")1 - Daniel Day-Lewis (Christy in "My Left Foot"; lead in "Last of the Mohicans")1 - Jean-Claude Van Damme ("Universal Soldier"; "Street Fight")1 - Daniel Stern (the tall thief in "Home Alone")Gawyn: 1 - Sean Patrick Flannery (lead in "Young Indiana Jones" TV series)1 - Hugh Grant ("Bridget Jones's Diary". *shudder*)1 - Leonardo diCaprio ("Titanic"; "Gangs of New York")1 - Matt Damon ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back". These suggestions are all terrible.)Geofram Bornhald: 2 - Donald Sutherland ("Space Cowboys". This is good. Especially if Kiefer Sutherland plays Dain Bornhald, as was suggested.)1 - Rutger Hauer ("Bladerunner")1 - Tommy Lee Jones ("MIB"; "Space Cowboys")1 - Peter Ustinov (Hercule Poirot in numerous movies, eg. "Death on the Nile")Graendal: 2 - Sandra Bullock ("Speed")1 - Nicole Kidman ("Moulin Rouge!")1 - Madonna ("Evita")1 - Glenn Close (First Lady in "Mars Attacks!")1 - Jenny McCarthy (Playboy model; Sarah in "Scream 3")1 - Mira Sorvino ("Mighty Aphrodite")1 - Kathy Ireland (Miss Demeanor in "Loaded Weapon 1")1 - Jennifer Connelly ("Labyrinth")1 - Sarah Jessica Parker (lead actress from "Sex and the City")Hadnan Kadere:1 - John Goodman ("The Big Lebowski")Herid Fel:1 - Desmond Llewelyn (Q in the "James Bond"-movies)Ilyena1 - Jenny McCarthy (Playboy model. "no acting required", Bill Jones explained his choice of cast [Re: WoT-The Movie, 26.2.1998], and of course he's absolutely right. I'm sure Jenny McCarthy has more than enough experience about lying on her back.)Ingtar: 1 - Daniel Day-Lewis (Christy in "My Left Foot"; lead in "Last of the Mohicans")Isendre:1 - Uma Thurman ("Pulp Fiction")1 - Tiffany Amber-Thiessen ("Beverly Hills 90210")1 - Amy Yasbeck (Maid Marian in "Robin Hood: Men in tights")Ishamael: 2 - Jack Nicholson (The President in "Mars Attacks!")1 - Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter)1 - Christopher Lee (Saruman in "Lord of the Rings")1 - Gene Simmons (tongue-waggling guy from KISS)1 - Tom Baker ("Dr. Who")1 - Tommy Lee Jones ("MIB"; "Space Cowboys")1 - Christopher Walken (Gabriel in "The Prophesy"; Headless guy in "Sleepy Hollow")1 - Ritchie Blackmore (old wrinkly heavy-metalist)1 - John Malkovich ("being John Malkovich")1 - George Clooney ("From Dusk Till Dawn")1 - Malcolm McDowell ("Clockwork Orange")1 - Bruce Campbell (Ash from the "Evil Dead"-movies)1 - John Travolta ("Broken Arrow")1 - Robert Picado (Doctor from "Voyager". mister c of nine suggested he also play Moridin - but wouldn't that be a bit obvious? ["mister c's serious attempt to cast wot", 25.2.2001].)1 - Jeremy Irons ("Dungeons and Dragons". Hey, he made that crappy movie, I'm crediting him for it. It's interesting, though, that the cast suggestions for Ishamael are this varied. I guess his physical features have always been a bit vague in the books.) Jaichim Carridin:1 - Christopher Walken ("Sleepy Hollow")Juilin Sandar:1 - William Sanderson (JF Sebastian in "Blade Runner"; Deuce in "Babylon 5")1 - Liam Neeson (Qui-gon Jinn in "Episode 1")Keille Shaogi:1 - Roseanne Barr ("The Roseanne Barr Show")Lan: 9 - Adrian Paul (guy in the "Highlander" TV series)6 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")5 - Rutger Hauer ("Blade Runner")5 - Val Kilmer (Because, Slotty explained, "he was pretty sweet in...was it Willow?" ["Re: WoT Movie Character (Perrin) Vote", 14.1.1999]. And if there's something that is typical for Lan, it's his sweetness.)4 - Michael Dorn (Worf from "ST: TNG")3 - Clint Eastwood ("Space Cowboys"; "The Unforgiven")3 - Steven Seagal ("Exit Wounds")3 - Mel Gibson ("Braveheart")3 - Liam Neeson (Qui-gon Jinn in "Episode 1")2 - Oliver Reed (Proximo in "Gladiator")2 - Harrison Ford ("Indiana Jones"-movies; Han Solo in "Star Wars")2 - Jean-Claude Van Damme ("Street Fighter")2 - Armand Assante (bad guy from "Judge Dredd")2 - Kevin Sorbo ("Hercules")2 - Arnold Schwartzenegger ("True Lies")1 - Timothy Dalton (one-time Bond)1 - Sam Elliott (Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley in "We Were Soldiers")1 - Daniel Day-Lewis (Christy in "My Left Foot"; lead in "Last of the Mohicans")1 - Wolf from UK "Gladiators"1 - Scott Glenn (Captain Mancuso in "Hunt for Red October")1 - Richard Gere ("Pretty Woman". Oh ew.)1 - Chris Barrie (Rimmer from "Red Dwarf". Hee hee hee. He'd make a great Lan. He could roll his eyes at Nynaeve.)1 - Bruce Campbell (Ash from the "Evil Dead"-movies)1 - Antonio Banderas ("Desperado")1 - George Clooney ("From Dusk Till Dawn")1 - Toshiro Mifune (Kikuchiyo, the fake-samurai, in "Seven Samuari". This would be cool, except he's dead.)1 - Fabio ("Dude, where's my car"; "Bubble-boy")1 - Jack Palance (host of "Ripley's Believe it or Not"; Curley in "City Slickers")1 - Ving Rhames (Marsellus Wallace in "Pulp Fiction")1 - Nicholas Cage ("Con Air". *sigh* Stupid people. This would work if Lan looked like a weasel. But he doesn't.)1 - Howie Long (football player of some sort, was also in "Broken Arrow")1 - Clancy Brown (The Kurgan in "Highlander". He certainly has an angular face.)1 - Kurt Russell (Wyatt Earp in "Tombstone")1 - Tom Green (the mouse-licking guy from "Road Trip")1 - Jeff Goldblum ("ID4")1 - Russell Crowe ("Gladiator")1 - Laurence Fishburn (Morpheus in "The Matrix")1 - Hugh Grant ("Bridget Jones's Diary". T. Remington suggested it would go something like this: "Moiraine, what I'm trying to say, well, I, I, What, what I want to say, is, you see...I, I really think you're uhhh, pretty, yes, pretty and well, I was uh, hoping that uh... perhaps..perhaps I might be...might be, uhhhh, well, more than, more than your Warder. And you could, uh, you know, you might be able...be able to uh... give me a blow job, that is of course if you'd like to and and, uhh, if Rand hasn't already had the pleasure" ["Re: }-) Actors (not a quote game)", 1.3.2001].)Lanfear: 3 - Sean Young (Rachel in "Bladerunner")3 - Demi Moore (You know, "G.I.Jane". Obvious Lanfear, what with her voluptuous curves and all.)3 - Catherine Zeta Jones ("Mask of Zorro")2 - Sharon Stone ("Basic Instinct")2 - Roseanne Barr ("The Roseanne Barr Show")2 - Uma Thurman ("Pulp Fiction")2 - Salma Hayek (Serendipity in "Dogma")2 - Kim Basinger (Honey Horneé in "Wayne's World 2")1 - Jaclyn Smith (a Charlie's Angel from the original series; "The Bourne Identity)1 - Brigitte Lin (Chinese actress, has made loads of films)1 - Lucy Lawless ("Xena")1 - Julia Ormond ("Sabrina"; "First Knight")1 - a very young Elizabeth Taylor ("Cleopatra")1 - Carmen Electra ("Scary Movie")1 - Courtney Cox (Monica in "Friends")1 - Cher (singer, "Tea With Mussolini")1 - Traci Lords ("Cry Baby". He he he. Cool. She's got the bitchy look, at least.)1 - Alyssa Milano ("Charmed")1 - Gwyneth Paltrow ("Seven")1 - Vanessa Marcil ("General Hospital"; "Beverly Hills 90210"; Cage's girlfriend in "The Rock")1 - Fairuza Balk ("American History X")1 - Charisma Carpenter ("Buffy" and "Angel")1 - Jenna Jameson (porn starlet)1 - Alfre Woodard (Lily Sloane in "First Contact")1 - Lucy Liu (Alex in "Charlie's Angels")1 - "She's not even been born yet. No woman alive could truly portray Lanfear" (from Kolys Cordazar, "Re: Actors (not a quote game)", 24.2.2001).Leane: 1 - Gates McFadden (Dr Beverly Crusher in "ST: Next Generation")1 - Sharon Stone ("Basic Instinct")1 - Teri Hatcher ("New Adventures of Superman")1 - Tia Carrere ("Wayne's World")Lews Therin:2 - Sean Connery (a Bond, Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade". "imagine it in his Scottish accent, a la Bond", Paul Wilbert urged. "'You musht KILL him! Yesh!'" [Re: If it were a movie...], 3.10.1997].)2 - Harrison Ford ("Indiana Jones"-movies; Han Solo in "Star Wars")1 - Al Pacino ("Carlito's Way")1 - Jonathan Frakes (Riker from "ST:TNG")1 - Cary Elwes ("Princess Bride"; "Robin Hood: Men in Tights")Liandrin: 2 - Sharon Stone ("Basic Instinct")2 - Rebecca DeMornay (Milady deWinter in "The Three Musketeers". She'd make a good Liandrin.)2 - Traci Lords ("Cry Baby")1 - Jennie Garth (Kelly in "Beverly Hills 90210")1 - Jennifer Lien (Kes in "ST: Voyager")1 - Madonna ("Evita")1 - Cameron Diaz (Natalie in "Charlie's Angels")Lini:1 - Dame Maggie Smith ("Tea With Mussolini")Logain:1 - Gary Oldman ("Dracula")1 - George Clooney ("From Dusk Till Dawn")1 - Bruce Willis ("Die Hard movies"; "The Sixth Sense")1 - Patrick Swayze ("Ghost"; "Point Break")1 - Daniel Day Lewis (Christy in "My Left Foot"; lead in "Last of the Mohicans")1 - Hugh Jackman (Wolverine from "X-Men")1 - Russell Crowe ("Gladiator")1 - Tom Cruise ("Top Gun")1 - Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn in "Lord of the Rings")Loial: 1 - Tom Cruise ("Top Gun". Hee hee hee. Imagine the platform shoes he'd have to wear for *this* role!)1 - Voice of James Earl Jones (Darth Vader)1 - Kevin Peter Hall (the Predator in both movies. Too bad he's dead.)1 - Richard Kiel (Jaws in the "Bond"-movies)1 - Michael Clarke Duncan (John Coffey from "Green Mile")Luc: 1 - Sting ("Dune")Masema/the Prophet:1 - Richard Gere ("Pretty Woman")1 - Ving Rhames ("Pulp Fiction"; "Mission Impossible")1 - Kevin Spacey ("Seven"; "K-PAX")1 - Karl UrbanMat: 9 - Christian Slater ("Broken Arrow")4 - Chris O'Donnel (Robin in "Batman and Robin")4 - Matt Damon ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")3 - Matthew Broderick ("Ferris Bueller's Day Off")3 - Keanu Reeves ("Speed")2 - Kevin Bacon ("Tremors")2 - Jason Marsden (Bug in "How to make a monster")2 - Mel Gibson ("Braveheart")2 - Ben Affleck ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")2 - Leonardo DiCaprio ("Titanic"; "Gangs of New York")2 - Ewan McGregor (Young Obi Wan in "Star Wars")1 - Bruce Campbell (Ash from the "Evil Dead"-movies)1 - Siddig el Fadil (aka Alexander Siddig, doctor Bashir from "ST: DS9"; "Reign of Fire")1 - Greg Kinnear (Captain Amazing in "Mystery Men")1 - Tom Cruise ("Top Gun")1 - Scott Baio (Chachi for "Happy Days"; Charles from the show "Charles in Charge")1 - Macaulay Culkin ("Home Alone" parts 1 and 2)1 - Emilio Estevez ("Young Guns")1 - Stephen Baldwin (The blond Baldwin; Played Buffalo Bill in "Young Riders".)1 - Ricky Martin (singer, has acted in some soaps)1 - Tom Hanks ("Cast Away"; "Road to Perdition")1 - Joey Lawrence ("Urban Legends: Final Cut")1 - Jim Carrey ("Ace Ventura")1 - Joshua Jackson ("Dawson's Creek")1 - Nicholas Brendon (Xander in "Buffy")1 - Jason Lee (Jay from "Mallrats" etc. I can certainly see him gambling and boozing and whoring like Mat.)1 - Jason Mewes (Azrael from "Dogma")1 - Kevin Costner ("Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves". Contro thought he would make a good Mat, because he was "always the reluctant hero" ["Re: What's your favourite bit?", 21.8.1999].)1 - Matt Frewer (Rick Moranis's neighbour in "Honey, I shrunk the Kids")1 - Brendan Fraser ("The Mummy")1 - Will Smith ("MIB". Hee hee hee, but Mat isn't black! Sorry, oldbie joke.)1 - Ethan Hawke ("Before Sunrise"; "Alive")1 - Clint Eastwood ("Space Cowboys"; "The Unforgiven")1 - Sean William Scott (Stifler from "American Pie")Mazrim Taim: 2 - Hugh Jackman (Wolverine in "X-Men")1 - Ed O'Neill (Al Bundy in "Married With Children")1 - Robert Beltran (Chakotay in "ST: Voyager")1 - Christopher Guest (the Count in "Princess Bride")1 - Jonathan Frakes (Data from "Star Trek")1 - Michael Wincott (Top Dollar in "The Crow")1 - Alan Rickman (The Metatron from "Dogma")1 - Jeremy Irons ("Dungeons and Dragons")1 - Kenneth Branagh (Dr Loveless in "Wild Wild West")1 - Adrian Paul (Highlander in the TV series)1 - Danny Devito ("Mars attacks!"; "Drowning Mona")1 - Russell Crowe ("Gladiator")Mesaana: 2 - Julia Louiss Dreyfuss (Elaine from "Seinfeld")1 - Renee Russo ("Ransom"; "Lethal Weapon 3")1 - Glenne Headly ("Bartleby")Min: 14 - Winona Ryder (Annalee Call in "Alien: Resurrection". This was also pretty overwhelming.)6 - Natalie Imbruglia ("Neighbours")4 - Drew Barrymore ("Charlie's Angels")2 - Liv Tyler (Arwen in "Fellowship of the Ring")2 - Sandra Bullock ("Speed")2 - Eliza Dushku (Sissy in "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")1 - Molly Ringwald ("Pretty in Pink"; "The Breakfast Club")1 - Samantha Mathis ("Mario Bros."; "Broken Arrow")1 - Kathryn Atwood (blonde shreddee in "Friday 13th Part IX")1 - Amy Brenneman ("NYPD Blue")1 - Janine Turner (Maggie from "Northern Exposure")1 - Mary Stuart Masterson (from "Fried Green Tomatoes")1 - Dana Plato (Kimberly from "Different Strokes". This seems to be tv-series, but I can't help but feel it sounds a bit suspicious.)1 - Anna Paquin (Rogue in "X-Men")1 - Sarah Michelle Gellar ("Buffy, the Vampire Slayer")1 - Minnie Driver ("Sleepers"; "Good Will Hunting")1 - Meg Ryan ("Proof of Life")1 - Claire Danes ("Romeo and Juliet")1 - Allison Hannigan (Willow on "Buffy")1 - Neve Campbell (Sidney in the "Scream"-movies)1 - Kirsten Dunst ("Spiderman")1 - Hilary Swank ("Boys Don't Cry")1 - Girl in Apri cleanser ad (Interesting choice. I had to include it for giggle value.)Moghedien: 2 - Glenn Close ("Dangerous Liaisons")1 - Cher (singer; "Tea With Mussolini")1 - Jane Fonda ("Barbarella")1 - Miranda Richardson (stepmother in "Sleepy Hollow"; "Blackadder")1 - Sean Young ("Bladerunner")1 - Francesca Annis (Lady Jessica in "Dune")1 - Jessica Tandy (lead in "Driving Miss Daisy")1 - Kathleen Turner ("Romancing the Stone")1 - Christina Ricci (Wednesday Adams; "Sleepy Hollow")1 - Kimberly Davies ("Psycho Beach Party", apparently.)1 - Helen Mirren (Mrs. Tingle from "Teaching Mrs. Tingle")Moiraine: 6 - Jane Seymour ("Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman")5 - Gillian Anderson (Scully in the "X-Files". She's about the right height. I like it.)4 - Jodie Foster ("Silence of the Lambs")2 - Katherine Mulgrew (Captain Janeway from "ST: Voyager")1 - Catherine Deneuve (the Queen in "The Musketeer")1 - Diana Rigg (Emma Peel in "The Avengers")1 - Emma Thompson (the sensible one in "Sense and Sensibility")1 - Holly Hunter (the mute woman from "Piano")1 - Annabella Sciorra (Glorian in "The Sopranos")1 - Sandi Toksvig (Short, dumpy and sarcastic British comedienne)1 - Glenn Close (First Lady in "Mars Attacks!")1 - Bebe Neuwirth (Lilith in "Cheers")1 - Teri Hatcher (Lois Lane in new "Superman" series)1 - Christina Applegate (Kelly Bundy in "Married with Children")1 - Sigourney Weaver (Ripley in the "Alien"-movies)1 - Michelle Pfeiffer (Catwoman in "Batman Returns")1 - Uma Thurman ("Pulp Fiction")1 - Joanne Walley ("Willow"; "Scandal")1 - Marina Sirtis (Dana Troy in "ST: TNG")1 - Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio ("Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves")1 - Julianna Margueilles (Carol Hathaway on "ER")1 - Kathleen Turner ("Romancing the Stone")1 - Sally Kellerman (Hot Lips on "MASH")1 - Fran Drescher ("Nanny")1 - Rosanne Barr ("The Roseanne Barr Show")1 - Katie Holmes ("Dawson's Creek")1 - Isabella Rossellini ("Death Becomes Her")1 - Natalie Portman (Amidala in "Star Wars")Morgase: 2 - Gates McFadden ("Star Trek: Next Generation")2 - Cybil Shephard ("Cybil")2 - Rebecca DeMornay ("Hand that Rocks the Cradle")1 - Glenn Close (First Lady in "Mars Attacks!")1 - Faye Dunaway (bunch of Woody Allen movies)1 - Reba McIntyre (C&W singer)1 - Kathleen Turner ("Romancing the Stone"; "Jewel of the Nile")1 - Virginia Madsen (blond chick in "Hot Spot")1 - Sharon Stone ("Basic Instinct")1 - Cindy Crawford ("The Simian Line")1 - Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio ("Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves")1 - Bernadette Peters (does a lot of Broadway; "Pink Cadillac")1 - Kim Basinger (Honey Horneé in "Wayne's World 2")1 - Meryl Streep ("Death Becomes Her")1 - Emma Thompson (the sensible one in "Sense and Sensibility")Moridin:1 - Wesley Snipes ("Blade". Hee hee hee. He'd make a great Moridin.)1 - Daniel Day Lewis (Christy in "My Left Foot"; lead in "Last of the Mohicans")Nicola: 1 - Claire Danes ("Romeo and Juliet")Nynaeve: 4 - Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (Marian in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves")3 - Courtney Cox (Monica in "Friends")2 - Shannon Doherty (Brenda in "Beverly Hills 90210")2 - Jane Seymour ("Dr. Quinn - Medicinewoman")2 - Jennifer Connelly ("Labyrinth")2 - Drew Barrymore ("Charlie's Angels". nevermind didn't agree with this choice. "if you want nynaeve to look like a cheap slut", s/he remarked ["Re: Actors in a WoT movie", 13.8.1998].)1 - Jodie Foster ("Silence of the Lambs")1 - Janine Turner (Maggie from "Northern Exposure")1 - Nana Visitor (Major Kira in "ST: DS9")1 - Joanne Whalley-Kilmer ("Willow")1 - Jamie Luner ("Savannah")1 - Lucy Lawless ("Xena")1 - Rene O'Connor (Gabrielle in "Xena")1 - Teri Hatcher (Lois Lane in the new "Superman" TV-series)1 - Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troy in "ST: TNG")1 - Demi Moore ("G.I.Jane")1 - Sarah Jessica Parker ("Mars Attacks")1 - Posh Spice (no acting career, as far as I know)1 - Brooke Shields ("Blue Lagoon"; "Suddenly Susan")1 - Karen Duffy ("Dumb and Dumber" - the fat guy's partner)1 - Winona Ryder (Annalee Call in "Alien: Resurrection")1 - Holly Hunter ("The Piano")1 - Peri Gilpin (Roz on "Frasier")1 - Jennifer Love Hewitt ("Party of Five")1 - Catherine Zeta Jones ("Mask of Zorro")Olver:1 - the youngest kid from home improvement (Couldn't find a name for this one)Osan'gar: 1 - Jason Patrick ("Speed 2")Padan Fain: 7 - Steve Buscemi (The Marietta Mangler in "Con Air". There are so many possibilities for this one, but Buscemi is good.)4 - Jack Nicholson (The President in "Mars Attacks!")3 - John Malkovich ("being John Malkovich")2 - Christopher Walken ("Prophecy"; "Sleepy Hollow")2 - Kevin Spacey ("Seven"; "K-PAX")2 - Joe Pesci ("Lethal Weapon"-movies. Okay, this isn't a good choice)1 - Alan Rickman (The Metatron from "Dogma")1 - Sean Penn ("Thin Blue Line")1 - Lyle Lovett (C&W singer who married Julia Roberts)1 - David Bowie ("Labyrinth")1 - Brent Spiner (Data from "ST: TNG")1 - Joe Pasquale ("The Magic Comedy Strip")1 - Marty Feldman (Igor from "Young Frankenstein")1 - Gary Oldman ("Dracula")1 - Pete Postlethwaite (Mr. Kobayashi in "The Usual Suspects"; "Dragon Heart")1 - Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show")1 - Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars". "have you seen him recently?", Bill Jones explained his casting choice ["Re: WoT-The Movie", 26.2.1998]. I have, and I know what he means.)1 - Al Pacino ("Carlito's Way")1 - Bruce Dern ("The Haunting")1 - Tommy Lee Jones ("MIB"; "Space Cowboys")1 - Tim Roth ("The Legend of 1900")1 - Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter)1 - Brad Pitt ("Anyone seen 'Twelve Monkeys'?" Phillip asked. "He is the perfect lunatic" ["Re: WOT - The Movie!", 15.10.1999].)1 - Jonathan Harris (Dr. Smith in the "Lost In Space" TV series)1 - Bill Murray ("Groundhog day". As ... Fain? Okay.)1 - David Spade (Chris Farley's sidekick in several movies; Finch from "Just Shoot Me")1 - Jackie Chan ("Rush Hour". Don't look at me. This was Contro voting.)1 - Andy Serkis (Gollum in "The Two Towers")1 - Donald Sutherland ("Space Cowboys")Pedron Niall: 1 - Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter)1 - Patrick Stewart (Picard in "Star Trek: The Next Generation")1 - Jack Palance (the bad guy who Joker worked for in "Batman")1 - Donald Sutherland ("Space Cowboys")1 - Terrance Stamp ("Haunted Mansion")Perrin: 3 - Russell Crowe ("Gladiator")2 - Brendan Fraser ("The Mummy". I must say, I like this better than the Russell Crowe-suggestion.)2 - Kevin Sorbo ("Hercules")2 - Brad Pitt ("Spy Game")2 - Matthew McConaughey ("Amistad"; "Reign of Fire")2 - Chris Klien (Oz from "American Pie")2 - Dean Cain (Superman in '90s TV-show)1 - Kiefer Sutherland ("24")1 - Christopher Lambert ("Highlander")1 - D.B. Sweeney ("Spawn")1 - Val Kilmer ("Willow")1 - River Phoenix ("Sneakers"; "The Thing Called Love". Yes, he's dead. Yes, he was already dead when this vote was cast.)1 - Cobra from "Gladiators" (UK)1 - David Faustino (Bud Bundy from "Married with Children")1 - Dolph Lundgren ("Universal Soldier")1 - Leonardo diCaprio ("Titanic"; "Gangs of New York")1 - Mike Kassnoff ("As the world turns")1 - Matt Damon ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")1 - Mark Wahlberg ("Boogie Nights")1 - David Boreanaz ("Angel")1 - Chris Farley ("Tommy Boy". Because, Ghost explained, "Perrin is a fat ass" ["Re: WoT Movie Character (Perrin) Vote", 9.1.1999].)1 - Abraham Benrubi (Bubba in "Twister")1 - WCW wrestler Kaos1 - Kevin Smith (Silent Bob. Bahahahaha! Yes!)1 - Nathan Fillion ("One Life To Live")1 - Brendan Gleeson (Hamish from "Braveheart")1 - Jim Carrey ("Ace Ventura")1 - Ving Rhames (Marcellus Wallace in "Pulp Fiction")1 - David Duchovny (Agent Mulder on the "X-Files")Rahvin: 2 - Jeremy Irons ("Die Hard - With a Vengeance")1 - Mel Gibson ("Braveheart")1 - Pierce Brosnan (Latest Bond movies)1 - Malcolm McDowell ("Clockwork Orange")1 - Jonathan Frakes (Riker in "ST: TNG")1 - Leonardo DiCaprio ("Titanic"; "Gangs of New York". Ed Kooji had ulterior motives for this choice: "I would just love to see him get his *censored* ass blown into oblivion by all the Balefire Rand can channel" ["Re: another IF", 14.7.1998].)1 - Antonio Banderas ("Desperado")1 - Harrison Ford ("Indiana Jones"-movies, Han Solo in "Star Wars")1 - John Travolta ("Broken Arrow")1 - Billy Zane ("Titanic")1 - George Clooney ("From Dusk Till Dawn")1 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")Rand:3 - Eric Stoltz (drug dealer in "Pulp Fiction")3 - Ben Affleck ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")2 - Ben Browder (Crichton on "Farscape")2 - River Phoenix ("Sneakers"; "The Thing Called Love". Yes, he's still dead. Although, to be frank, it wouldn't matter much if he was to play Rand. Just put some masking on his fleshless skull and prop him up in a corner with a troubled look on his face.)2 - Kyle McLachlan ("Twin Peaks")2 - Val Kilmer ("Willow")2 - Keanu Reeves ("Speed")2 - Matt Damon ("Dogma"; "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")2 - Jerry O'Connell (fat boy in "Stand by Me"; Neve Campbell's boyfriend in "Scream II"; "Mission to Mars")2 - Leonardo DiCaprio ("Titanic"; "Gangs of New York". Because, James Chapman pointed out, "He's so tortured!" ["Re: If it were a movie...", 5.10.1997].)2 - Christian Slater ("Broken Arrow")2 - Matthew McConaughey ("Ed TV"; "Glory")1 - Chris O'Donnell (D'artagnan in "The Three Musketeers")1 - Kiefer Sutherland ("24")1 - Conan O'Brian (The late night show host from America)1 - Wil Wheaton (one of the kids in "Stand By Me" who isn't River Phoenix; Wesley Crusher in "ST: TNG")1 - Rod Rowland (Hawks on "Space, Above and Beyond")1 - Ewan McGregor (Young Obi Wan in "Star Wars")1 - Ethan Hawke ("Before Sunrise"; "Alive")1 - Adrian Paul (Highlander in the TV series)1 - Kevin Bacon ("Tremors")1 - Stephen Dorff ("Blade")1 - Brad Pitt ("Spy Game")1 - Ryan Phillipe ("I Know What You Did Last Summer")1 - Cary Elwes ("Princess Bride"; "Robin Hood: Men in Tights")1 - Roger Howarth (Kent Winslow on TV series "Loving")1 - Martin Short (sleazy press aide in "Mars Attacks" who gets his finger bitten off)1 - Dennis Rodman (basketball player; "Simon Sez")1 - Bruce Campbell (Ash from the "Evil Dead"-movies)1 - Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya in "The Princess Bride". He Who Is Shannon imagined the end scene of the movie: "I will go up to the Dark one and I will say, 'Hello, my name is Rand al'Thor. You kill my fadda, prepare to die.'" ["Re: mister c's serious attempt to cast wot", 25.2.2001].)Reanne:1 - Diane Weist ("The Horse Whisperer"; "Edward Scissorhands")Rhuarc: 2 - Mel Gibson ("Braveheart")1 - Liam Neeson (Qui-gon Jinn in "Episode 1")1 - Joe Pesci ("Lethal Weapon"-movies)Sammael: 2 - Christian Slater ("Broken Arrow")2 - Michael Keaton ("Batman")1 - Kevin Kline ("Wild Wild West")1 - Anthony Perkins (Norman Bates in "Psycho")1 - Kiefer Sutherland ("Lost Boys"; Doc in "Young Guns"; "24")1 - John DeLance (Played "Q" on Start Trek)1 - John Travolta ("Broken Arrow")1 - Ed Harris ("Apollo 13")1 - Kenneth Branagh (Dr Loveless in "Wild Wild West")1 - David Duchovny (Agent Mulder on the "X-Files")1 - Harrison Ford ("Indiana Jones"-movies; Han Solo in "Star Wars")1 - Chuck Norris ("Texas Ranger". Oh Lord.)1 - Malcolm McDowell ("Clockwork Orange")1 - Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show")1 - Jack Nicholson (The President in "Mars Attacks!")1 - Michael Moore ("Bowling for Columbine", I think. There's lots of actors called Michael Moore.)Selene: 1 - Christina Ricci (Wednesday Adams; "Sleepy Hollow")Semirhage: 1 - Lorena Bobbit (The wife who cut off her husband's penis with a pair of scissors)1 - Madonna ("Evita")Setalle Anan:1 - Kathy Bates (Annie Wilkes in "Misery")Sevanna:1 - Heather Locklear (Amanda in "Melrose Place")Shadar Haran: 1 - Manute Bol (7 foot 7 inch basketball player from Sudan)1 - Tim Roth ("The Legend of 1900")Sheriam: 1 - Shirley MacLaine ("Steel Magnolias")1 - Emma Thompson (the sensible one in "Sense and Sensibility")1 - Gates McFadden ("ST: TNG")1 - Kirstie Alley ("Cheers")Siuan Sanche: 2 - Jane Seymour ("Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman")1 - Glenn Close ("Dangerous Liaisons")1 - Emma Thompson (the sensible one in "Sense and Sensibility")1 - Hillary Clinton1 - Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro in "ST: TNG")1 - Sigourney Weaver (Ripley in the "Alien"-movies)1 - Gillian Anderson (Scully in the "X-Files")1 - Catherine Zeta Jones ("Mask of Zorro")1 - Sophia Loren (Lucilla in "The Fall of the Roman Empire"; "Man of La Mancha")1 - Famke Jansen ("X-Men")1 - Rosie O'Donnell (Betty in "The Flintstones")1 - Demi Moore ("G.I.Jane")1 - Michelle Pfeiffer (Catwoman in "Batman Returns")1 - Susan Sarandon ("Thelma and Louise")1 - Laura Linney ("Truman Show"; "You Can Count On Me")Sorilea:1 - Lauren Bacall (married to Humphrey Bogart; assorted movies in the '40s)Suroth: 1 - Grace Jones (tall black woman in "A View to a Kill"; Zula in "Conan the Destroyer")1 - Cher (singer; "Tea With Mussolini")1 - Linda Fiorentino (Bethany from "Dogma")Tam Al'Thor:1 - Patrick Stewart (Picard in "Star Trek: TNG")1 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade")1 - Max von Sydow ("Needful Things"; "The Exorcist")1 - Tom Berringer ("Substitute"; the catcher in "Major League")1 - John Travolta ("Broken Arrow")1 - David Boon (Australian cricketer)1 - Kurt Russell (Wyatt Earp in "Tombstone")Theodrin: 1 - Minnie Driver ("Good Will Hunting")Thom: 15 - Sean Connery (a Bond; Indiana's father in "The Last Crusade". Can't you just hear him say "Sheepherder's hands weren't made to touch my harp."?)6 - Christopher Lloyd (Doc in "Back to the Future")2 - David Bowie ("Labyrinth")2 - Patrick Stewart (Picard in "Star Trek: The Next Generation")2 - Alec Guinness (Obi Wan in "A New Hope")1 - George Carlin (Cardinal Glick in "Dogma")1 - Jack Palance ("Ripley's Believe It or Not"; Curley in "City Slickers")1 - Edward Woodward ("The Wicker Man")1 - Richard Dreyfuss ("Mr. Holland's Opus"; "Jaws")1 - Michael Crawford ("The Phantom of the Opera")1 - Mark Twain1 - Malcolm McDowell ("Clockwork Orange")1 - Steve Martin ("Bowfinger")1 - Jim Carrey ("Ace Ventura")1 - Richard Harris (IRA bigwig in "Patriot Games")1 - Samuel L Jackson ("Pulp Fiction")1 - Morgan Freeman ("Shawshank Redemption"; "Along Came a Spider")1 - Clint Eastwood ("Space Cowboys"; "The Unforgiven" Chucky & Janica proposed a scenario. "I know what you're thinking...did he juggle five balls, or six? You gotta ask yourself one question...", and Mister C added, "do i feel chuckly? well? do i?" ["Re: Actors (not a quote game)", 27.2.2001].)1 - Harrison Ford ("Indiana Jones"-movies; Han Solo in "Star Wars")1 - Mel Gibson ("Braveheart". Sure, once he's in his sixties. Thom strikes me as a person who could have been Mad Max when he was young)1 - Donald Sutherland ("Space Cowboys")1 - Michael Landon (The dad in "Little House on the Prairie". Bad choice, and he's dead anyway.)1 - Willie Nelson (singer; "Wag the Dog". "take a good long think about it", Dallas Moore urged ["Re: another IF", 16.7.1998].)1 - Woody Harrelson ("Natural Born Killers")1 - Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter)1 - Robin Williams ("Good Will Hunting"; "One Hour Photo")1 - Paul Newman (old gangster in "Road to Perdition")1 - Regis Philbin (Host of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"; has acted in tv series)Turak: 1 - Adrian Paul (Highlander in the TV series)Tylin1 - Michelle Pfeiffer (Catwoman in "Batman Returns")1 - Sigourney Weaver (Ripley in the "Alien"-movies. That would be ... creepy.)Uno:1 - J.G.Hertzler (Gen. Martok in "Star Trek")1 - Richard Moll (Bull from "Night Court")1 - Patrick Stewart (Picard in "Star Trek: The Next Generation")Valan Luca:1 - Chris Isaak (singer; small parts in "Silence of the Lambs" and "Twin Peaks")Verin: 4 - Kathy Bates (Annie Wilkes in "Misery"; "Dolores Claiborne")2 - Rosie O'Donnell (Betty in "The Flintstones")2 - Angela Lansbury ("Murder She Wrote")1 - Ricki Lake (hostess of TV show; Pepper in "Cry Baby")1 - Kathy Najimy (Sister Mary Patrick from the "Sister Act"-movies)Weiramon: 1 - Gabriel Byrne (British guy in "The Usual Suspects")***Darkfriend who gets beheaded:1 - Leonardo DiCaprio ("Titanic"; "Gangs of New York". Yeah. Yeah, I like that.)One of the villagers that is killed that first night at Bel Tine:1 - Wil Wheaton (one of the kids in "Stand By Me" who isn't River Phoenix; Wesley Crusher on ST: TNG)A trolloc:1 - Robert DeNiro ("Cape Fear";" "Taxi Driver")1 - Sylvester Stallone ("Rambo"; "Demolition Man")1 - Vin Diesel ("XXX")A trolloc that dies painfully:1 - Bruce Willis ("Die Hard"-movies; "The Sixth Sense")A myrddraal: 1 - Julia Roberts ("Pretty Woman")Any Aes Sedai:1 - Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway on "ST: Voyager", because according to Gustaaf van der Stigchel, she has a "voice that can curtle milk" ["Re: Actors in a WoT movie", 15.8.1998].)1 - Jane Seymour ("Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman")1 - Joan Collins (Alexis in "Dynasty")1 - Glenn Close (First Lady in "Mars Attacks!")Any Wise One:1 - Bette Midler ("Drowning Mona")1 - Shelley Long (Diane on "Cheers")Any character he wanted, no matter what: 1 - Scott Bakula (From "Quantum Leap", the TV series. Because, Morgan Powell argued, "he's a god" ["Re: WOT Movie", 10.1.1997]. I'm not absolutely certain I'd agree with that.)A tinker with poor fashion sense even for a tinker:1 - Elton John (The Pinball Wizard in "Tommy")Every Aielman: 1 - Jackie Chan ("Rush Hour")Every Novice:1 - Jennifer Love Hewitt ("I Know What You Did Last Summer", because, said Ilya Popov, "Hallways and hallways of Jennifer. It would make millions!" ["Re: AFRJ History: Chapter 13. WoT History?", 17.3.2003]).Any Forsaken:1 - Jack Nicholson (The President in "Mars Attacks!". Swing Catt figured it would make for good lines. "'How ya' doin' Lews. Where ya' been at, huh?'" ["Re: WoT Movie Character (Perrin) Vote", 22.1.1999].)1 - Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show) ................

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