1958) Dr

Organ Seizure for Transplants Part 1

Years: 1919 To 1958

by Anna Goralczyk b. Aug. 28, 1964

posted May 11, 2011

--- (1919) Barnes Hosp., St. Louis Childrens Hosp., dept of surgery appointed Dr. Evarts A. Graham as the Bixby Prof. and Chairman & was chief surgeon to 1951. Training of surgeons. More then 40 of his trainees have become chairmen or heads of specialty services & included Dr. Carl Moyer 1951-65, Dr. Walter Ballinger cardiology, kidney transplants 1967-78. In 1981 Dr. Samuel A. Wells Jr. became Bixby Chairman as well as Dr. Timothy J. Eberlein. Ranked in the top 5 research hospitals in the world. Missouri Med. Coll. Dr. Joseph Nash McDowell 1940, St. Louis Med. College Dr. Charles Alexander Pope 1842, Dr. Fredrick T. Murphy Barns Hosp. 1914 where a Rand-Johnson Surgical Wing was created, Dr. James Barrett Brown US Army senior consultant, Dr. William Newton 1963, Barnes Hosp. Dr. James Cox. (Q?s: Cope – Charles / Carol Pope – Bellinger – Mehra – Weller – Dowling – Newsom - What good is it if a surgeon saves 10 people but kills 10,000 secretly? It seems if there were no doctors it’s possible less people would parish naturally. These doctors can be hard core crime under the guise of medicine. Who is training the Paul Bernardo types? Isn’t Paul just the tip of the ice berg of the true root of the problem ?)

--- (1920) Dr. Virginia (nee Kneeland) Frantz b. 1896 N.Y. City d. 1967, surgeon, rsrchr, dau. of Yale & Anna Isley Ball Kneeland, Brearley Sch. for girls, Bryn Mawr Coll., Med. deg. Coll. of Phys. & Surg. Columbia U. 1922, m. Dr. Angus MacDonald Frantz 1920 div’d, ch: Virginia Frantz b. 1924, Angus Frantz Jr. b. 1927, Andrew Frantz b. 1930, upper-class family. (Q?s: Nancy & Derek Freeman – MacFarland - Feedak / Forrest / Ferron / Gay / Matheson – W. Frank / Siwek / LePage – Carol Zandt / Matheson – Franny Yandt / Yantz / Yankoo / Yankou / Pandoo - Pandy – Ashley – Bell – Bear = Arthus – Beard – Cory Greasley / Ballem – McCleave / Weaver - Breasley / Davies – Judge Hryn – Holden Mah – Mara – Dr. Angus MacDonald?)

--- (1920?) Lou Gertrude Hannon Hanson d. of Minnie Gertrude Dobson & Charles Helmar Hanson/Dahl m. John Franklin Ellis & ch: Guenther, Sandra Ellis who studied & taught Genealogy & Lucinda (Randy Johnson) had ch: Pati Klein & Elizabeth Anderson. Sandras ch: i. Karina Guenther-DeCounter (Doug) & ii. Christopher J. Guenther (Terri) & ch: in Colorado: Dylan, Logan. (Q?s: Pat Hannon & son John, friend of Pamela Lalla Mahatto – Douglas Dobson – Harmer / Harper – Dalmer – W. Frank Real Estate – Mary Anita Ellis – Judge Ellis – Fred Ellis – Ellison – Gouthro / Geunther, friend of Joanne Aikenhead – Dr. Klein / kline & Dr. John Hagen – Anderson Press, Arlene Walker Weber?)

--- (1920?) Theodosius Dobzhansky 1900-1975 Russian b. US biologist, famed for study of fruit fly, Drosophila which demonstrated that a wide genetic range could exist in even a comparatively well-defined species. Indeed the greater the "genetic-load" of usual genes in a species, the better equipped it is to survive in changed circumstances. (See Evolution: Hereditary)(Q?s: Theodore Mackovsky - Douglas Dobson, secondary blood of my dau. Annie Ivy-Lee Aviado who is abducted and forcibly confined - Dalansky - Polansky - Delaney - Shanks - Bakhn / Makhn - Dombrowsky - Zhang - Orange - Banks - Boz Skag - Hanley - Dansky ?)

*--- (1925) Mrs. Douglas H. Blatchford (Ellen H.C.) b. Maple Valley, Wis. USA July 17, 1900. Served internship at St. John's Hospital. served in anaesthesia under Dr. S. Johnson Tor. Gen. Hosp.; son of T. W. Blatchford; m. July 04, 1925; Women's Coll. Hosp. Tor. 1926-30; Can. Med. Assn. Fellow Royal Coll. of Physicians & Surgeons Life member; Un. Church; 1989 265 Queen's Dr. Tor. (Q?s: Christie Blatchford - Bultiere / Blatiere / Blair / Albrecht – Fletcher ?)

*--- (1925?) Dr. Lev Konstantinovich Bogush Soviet Surg. b. Mar. 03, 1905 Moscow, son of Konstantin Fedorovich & Antonina Stepanovna Bogush, m. Tamara Vasilievna Bogush, 2 sons, 1 dau.; Head of Dept. Gorky Reg. Hosp., Order of Red Banner of Labour, Red Star, Order of Lenin, Soc. of Phthisistriste. (Q?s: Elena Oliva – Kristian Stefanson / Bogart – Arlene Walker / Bush – Constance Brothers – Victor – Tamara Ferron – Stephen Vass – Goralczyk?)

--- (1927) Dr. Charles B. Huggins surgeon b. Halifax N.S. Sep. 22, 1901, son of Charles Edward & Bessie (Spencer), Acadia U, Harvard U, Yale U, Washington U, Turin U Trinity Coll., U. of Cal., U of Mich., Gustavus Adolphus Coll., U of Louisville, U of Aberdeen, York U, & more ... m. Margaret Wellman Jul. 29, 1927, ch: Charles Edward, Emily Fine; Prof. Surg. U of Chicago, Walker Prize. (Q?s: my teacher Mrs. Higgins in Vankleek Hill - Giddins - Dubin - Diana Spencer / Windsor - Hubert - officer Wells - Waisman – Elaine / Fine / Borins / Edward - Emelia / Emily - Ethel / Lillian O'Neill - Arlene Walker / Arleen Balka – Willms / Willman – Melle ?)

--- (1928) Dr. Ignacio Chavez b. Jan. 31, 1897, Mexico, son of Ignacio Chavez & Socorro Sanchez de Chaves, m. Celia Rivera de Chavez 1928 dec’d 1969, 1 son, 1 dau.; Dir. Nat. Inst. of Cardiology Mexico. (Q?s: Ignatieff – officer Sanchez – Katia Rivera – Estevez to Cheen – Cecilia – Irene Santos – Inoue – Ing ?)

--- (1929?) Dr. William Bennett Bean b. Nov. 08, 1909 Manila Philippines, son of Robert Bennett & Adelaide Leiper (Martin) Bean, 2 sons, 1 dau.; U. of Virginia, John Hopkins U., Attending phys., Groedel Medal 1961, Coll. of Cardiology, Chief Med. U. of Iowa. (Q?s: Bentley – Eddy / Adey – Gita Dessner pushes me to go to the Adelaide Center Jun. 2010 – Beiber – Napier – Linda Martin – Judge Bean – Grondin / Grodin?)

--- (1932) Maj.-Gen. Dr. Kenneth Adams Hunter, C. of St. J., Canadian Army, b. London Ont. Aug. 28, 1904, son of William Allan & Eva (Durdin), Central Coll. Inst., U. of W. Ont., Lic. Med. Council of Can., m. Lorna Alberta dau. of Francis Studley Ashplant, Sept. 10, 1932, ch: Ruth St. Leger, K. Michael Francis; Lt. R.C.A.M., Italy, Holland, Germany Korea, Surg. Gen. Commanding Med. Serv. of Can., Sigma Kappa Sigma, granted Freedom of the City of London Ont., (Q?s: Adam Addesso - Steve Hunter - Hubert - During / Metodija Mackovski - Lori Dubin - Nurdin Kalla, I met at Random - Lalla - Alberti - Ash / Flight - Plant, lawyer - Plantagenet - Marcel Leger, my foster brother - a lot of victims in London Ont. – Eileen Ireland’s son is Hunter ?

--- (1934) Dr. Harold Nathan Segal C.M., F.A.C.P., F.R.S.A., F.A.H.A., F.A.C.C., cardiologist b. Jassy Romania Oct. 18, 1897, son of Fischel & Creina (Solomon), McGill, U Coll. London, Mass. Gen. Hosp., m. Dorothy Violet Caplin Mar. 06, 1934, ch: Carol Tova, Jack Oba Caplin; Chief Cardiology Jewish Gen. Hosp., Soc. for History of Med., Physiol. Soc. of Gt. Britain, Cdn. Heart Assn., Louis Gross mem., McGill Osler Soc., (Q?s: Solomon with Royal LePage in my area Mar. / Apr. 2011 – Taro Inoue / John Tanouye / Tara – Dona – John Oka – Oprah - Dr. O. Segal - Solomon, octo mom – Hien Huynh - Cappe - Kaplin - Charlie Chaplin - Chapro / Chopra - R.J. Chipkar Real Estate Ltd. - Judge Grossi / John Grosso, social worker / Bob Gosse - Also: Philip Seeman b. Feb. 08, 1934, Pharmacology U of T - Brian Segal of Bankers Inst. b. Apr. 28, 1943 m. Bunny Marcovitch chancellor U of Guelph, Harold J. Segal Pharmacol. Univ. of Toronto - Hugh D. Segal b. Oct. 13, 1950 m. Donna Jacqheline dau. of Donald Fraser Armstrong at John Labatt & Council for Nat. Unity - Larisa Marcova / Mizzi - Harold / Herman Seigel - Emma Fraser - Judge Armstrong?)

*--- (1935?) Ivan Vasiliyevich Kapitonov Soviet Pol. B. Feb. 23, 1915, Moscow Munic. Eng., CPSU, R.S.F.S.R. 1964, Dept. of Party Organs Ctte., (Q?s: Stephen Vass – Ivanovich – Kopyto?)

*--- (1936) Dr. Robert Gwyn MacFarlane, British Pathologist b. Jun. 26, 1907, Worthing Sussex, son of Robert Gray & Eileen (nee Sanderson) m. Hilary Carson 1936, 4 sons, 1 dau., Sir Halley Stewart Rsrch., Clinical Pathologist, Pres. Haemophilia Soc.. (Q?s: Robert F. Gay also uses name. Gray & his Father is Dr. Ryan Gay / Glynis D’Souza – Wynn – Judge Jean L. MacFarland – Eileen Conway Rose / Ireland – Saunderson – Caron – MacCarone – Charles?)

--- (1936) Kenneth Merle Brinkhous Am. Pathology b. May 29, 1908, Clayton County Iowa, m. Frances Benton 1936, 2 sons; Assoc. of Pathology, U. of Iowa, J.F. Mitchell (Q?s: Brinkbrook – Merle / Kubby Cameron – Backhouse – Maria House – Howes – Bentley – Michelle Mitchell / grandfathers Jean?)

--- (1936) Hugh MacLennan novelist Univ. prof. b. Glace Bay N.S., Mar. 20, 1907, son of Dr. Samuel J. (Surg.) & Katherine (McQuarrie), Halifax Acad., Dalhousie, Oxford, Princeton, McMaster, Windsor, Waterloo, m. Dorothy dec'd 1975 dau. of Edwin L. Duncan calif. Jun. 22, 1936, 2ndly m. Frances Aline dau. Frank Walker, Medal For Lit. Royal Soc., Royal Bank Award. (Q?s: Hughes - MacCallum - McClennan - Macquarie - McMurtry - Currie - Alec Duncan - Dunn - Walker, Arlene / Aline - Macri - McQuarrie / E. Fry / Joanne Prince / Mara Greene / Collings ?)

--- (1937) Dr. Harry Stafford Morton surgeon b. Port Greville N.S. Aug. 18. 1905, son of Dr. Chas. S. Morton & Maie Howard (Stafford), St. Andrews Coll., Dalhousie U., U. of London, Royal London Hosp., m. Rachel Perot dau. of Gregor Wainwright Jul. 1937, surgeon Royal Victoria Hosp., Montreal Surgical Assn., Phi Rho Sigma Fraternity in Can. before going to Britain. Pres. Haramo Inv. Ltd., Equitable Life Ins. Co. of Can., Mt. Allison U., Royal Victoria Queen Mary Veterans, Un. Church. (Q?s: Tori Stafford – Joan Stafford - Horton – Alison Parrot - Dr. Charles Smith - Howard Holland family, Rogina - Joanne Wright - Peter Hosten?)

--- (1937) Dr. Willem Johan Kolff Am. Prof. of Surgery, b. Feb. 14, 1911, Leiden Netherlands son of Jacob & Adriana Pieternella Kolff, m. Janke Cornelia Huidekoper 1937, 4 sons, 1 dau.; Path. Anatomy, Head Dept. of Artificial Organs, Prof. Internal Med., City Univ. N.Y., Commdr. Order of Orange-Nassau, Orden de Mayo al Merito en el Grado de Gran Oficial Argentina, Cameron Prize, Alexander von Humbolt, lives in Utah. (Q?s: - Richterova-Kodesova, m. Lenka Rosslerova-Kodesova – Jennifer Janke / Jennifer Colt / Kolff – Denise Huyler – Alaine Hupe / Huppe – Peter Petro – Vella – Colman / Coleman - Kroll?)

--- (1938) Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic artist b. Vancouver B.C. Apr. 27, 1916, d. of John William & Lillian (Watts) Spencer, m. Donald Campbell 1938-44, m. 2ndly Dr. Nikola Pavelic son of Olga & Dr. Ante Pavelic 1948-96 dec’d; ch: Tessa Spenser Pavelic; did portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, Pierre Trudeau, Katherine Hepburn, Beverley McLauchlin, Lord Yehudi, Rostopovitch, Max Bates, Glenn Gould, Murray Adaskin, Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, Mem. Order of Can, Order of B.C., (Q?s: Myfanwy Millward – Diana Specer rel. – Pavlov – Palin – Flavelle – Clare E. Watt – Peter Campbell – Surgeons – Huppe / Zoppi / Zipper?)

--- (1938) Herschel Lewis Roman Am. Prof. of Genetics b. Sep. 29, 1914, Szumsk Poland, son of Isadore Roman & Anna Bluwstejn, m. Caryl Kahn Roman 1938, 2 dau.’s; U. of Missouri, Prof. U. of Washington, Am. Acad. Arts & Sci., Guggenheim Fellow, Australian Nat. ., Review of Genetics 1965. (Q?s: Hershey - Cindy Lewis – Paul Cook / Romanov – Anna D’Sousa / Ambreen Khan / Anne Kahn – Blue has meeting to provide info to Glynis D’Sousa / Dhylis Peterson?)

--- (1938) Charles Madeira Rick Jr., Am. Prof. & Geneticist, b. Apr. 30, 1915, Reading Pa., son of Charles M. Rick & Mariam C. (Yeager) Rick, m. Martha Elizabeth Overholts 1938, 1 son, 1 dau.; Pennsylvania State & Harvard U’s, Plant Breeder, W. Atlee Burpee Co., Asst. Geneticist U of Calif., (Q?s: officer Madeira – Rick Siwek – Mariam Cote / Ken Coates – Jennifer Colt / Elizabeth Pereira – Air Over Land Raft / Bolt?)

*--- (1939) Dr. Roderick Angus Gordon educ. b. Watrous Sask. Aug. 02, 1911, son of Alexander James Q.C. & Mabel Margaret (Richardson), U. of Sask., U. of T, m. Ruth Anna Catherine dau. of Albert L. Breithaupt Kitchener Jun. 30, 1939, ch: Catherine Anne (Mrs. E.L. Wilson), Janet Elizabeth, Roderick Arthur James; prof. Anaesthesia U of T, many Hospital’s, Kt. Comdr. St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, anaesthesia in various places Brit., Ireland W. Africa, Liberal, Un. Church. (Q?s: Kodric – Kilby Gordon – Braithwaite / Wishart – Laza / Agar / Lara / Wilson - Josephine Richardson, my aunt – Deborah Alberti – Theona Bright – Alaine Hupe / Huppe – Angus Gordon MacKinnon – Angus Gordon / Beverley M. McLachlin?)

--- (1939) Nathan Keyfitz Pres. b. Westmount Que. Jun. 29, 1913, son of Arthur & Anna (Gerstein), McGill, U of Chicago, U of N. Carolina, m. Beatrice dau. of Henry Orkin Oct. 1939, ch: Barbara & Robert; Prof. of Population, Harvard Univ., (Q?s: Cedric / Beatric – Ortiz – Orpen / Orken?)

--- (1939) Irma Sophia Coucill portrait artist b. London Ont. Aug. 08, 1918 dau. of Percival Harold & Mary (Krowa) Young, Holy Name Separate Sch., St. Joseph’s Covenant Coll. Tor., York U, m. dec’d Walter Jackson Coucill R.C.A. Jun. 17, 1939, ch: John Thomas & Thomas Dean; Ed. Art Globe & Mail, Maclean’s Magazine, Cdn. Hockey Hall of Fame, Aviation Hall of Fame, Reynolds / Alberta Museum Wetaskiwin Alta., Cdn. Indian Hall of Fame, Cultural Ed. Center Brantford, Dr. Bruno Cormier McGill Clinic for Forenzic Psychiatry, Edward R. Schreyer, (Q?s: Jillian Jackson - Tyson J. Cormier / Diane Cleater / Elena Oliva / Sandy Kellar - Goldie Cockell, my fathers friend 1970 – Judge Klowak – Younghusband – Conroy – social worker Schreyer ?)

--- (1940) Dr. Dorothy Stuart Russell b. 1895 d. 1983 English Pathologist, London Hosp. Med. Coll., Nuffield Dept. of Surgery at Oxford 1940, co-wrote with L.J. Rubinstein in 1959, Royal Soc. of Med., Royal Coll. of Pathology. (Q?s: Stuart / Davies / Horsman - Joseph Russell Goralczyk - Nuffield / Blair - Dubin - Rubinoff - Stein is Stone - Bernstein / Alberti - Rubinoff?)

*--- (1940) Dr. Antal Babics Hungarian Surgeon & Urologist b. Aug. 04, 1902, Lovaszpatona, son of Endre Babics & Roza Moor, m. Ilona Esterhazy 1940, Germany, Austra, Romania, Hungary, Sov. Soc. of Surg., Labour Order of Merit, Golden Degree, Banner Order of Hungarian Repub. Trade Union. (Q?s: Anstey – Babitzanos / Bazos – Julia MarieBarrieau / Thomas / Moore – Eric Estey – Swayze?)

--- (1940’s?) Dr. ___ Bernardo is an organ transplant surgeon working at Bristol County Medical Centre founded by Dr. Charles E. Millard in Brooklyn New York. (Q?s: Dr. Stewart Millward was my foster father who was husband of Isabel Black / Conrad Black / Shirley Temple – Aviado to Bernardo backwards = Odran / Oprah - Carlos / Prince Charles – Paul Bernardo / Bernard S. Paul – Au in French is water / Bernard + au = Bernardo?)

--- (1940) Charles Barber Mueller, surgeon. Professor b. Carlinville Ill. Jan. 22, 1917, son of Gustav Henry & Myrtle Mae Barber, m. Jean d. of John & Etta Mahaffey Sep. 07, 1940, ch: Ann, John, Richard, William, surgery, prof McMaster U, Rockefeller Fellow, Barnes Hosp., Royal Coll. of Surgury, Duncan Graham Award, Coll. of Phys. & Surg., (Q?s: Carlos - Brook Mueller – Dr. Barbaree – Shaffy - Graham Steadman / Norma Jean Graham – Rockefeller, my brother Joseph Russell Goralczyk – David Barns?)

--- (1941) Dr. Charles Laird Wilson Surgeon b. Ottawa Aug. 16, 1916 son of Herbert Ernest & Lynda Bradley (Gamble), McGill, m. Margaret Agnes dau. of Wishart Van Every Jun. 23, 1941, ch: Patricia Margaret, Robert Laird, Brenda Elizabeth; Montreal Gen. Hosp., Reddy Mem. Hosp., served with RCN, Specialist to Tunisia foe Medico, Djakarta 1972, Surg. Medal Royal Coll. Of Surgs. of Can., Can. Med. Accn., Psi Upsilon, Skiing, boating, (Q?s: Baird – Nairn – Anne Wishart – Roddy Eddy – Addy – Metodija + Karta = Djakarta - Carti m. Bell - It is a conflict of interest for surgeons to oversee themselves as in the standards set for the profession.)

*--- (1941) William MacGregor Henderson veterinary surgeon b. Jul. 17, 1913 Edinburgh, son of William Simpson Henderson & Catherine Alice Macus Berry, m. Alya Beryl Goodridge 1941, 4 sons; George Watson Boy’s Coll., Chr. UK Genetic Manipulation Adv. Group, Massey-Ferguson Award (Q?s: Gary MacGregor / McGregor – Jim Henderson X2 – Robert simpson Kay Sampson – Goodman – Gutteridge – Parry – there were stories that the monarchies were mxing genes with alligator and is unvarified as to it’s truth possibly mixing was attempted – But to the point is that they’ve mixed their genes in a secret way with certain families around the world to be use for illicit & malicious war crime purposes?)

*--- (1941) Dr. Wilfred Gordon Bigelow, surgeon b Brandon Man. Jun. 18, 1913, son of Dr. Wilfred Abram & Grace Ann Carnegie (Gordon), descendant of Isaac B. emigrated New Eng. to NS 1761, U. of T, Brandon U., m. Margaret Ruth dau. of William Arthur Jennings & Olive Mary Burns Jul. 09, 1941, ch: Pixie Bigelow Currie a.k.a. Mary or Mrs. I.C.B. Currie, John, Dan and William, Head Cardiovasular Surg. Tor. Gen. Hosp., Award of Merit & Queens Medal, Coll. of Phys. & Surg., U. Club, John Hopkins U. Baltimore, Field Tranfusion Unit., Studied Body Cooling, Surgeon 6th Can. CCS Normandy & NW Europe, microcirculation, hypothermia, 1st open heart operations 1953 with Dr. J.C. Callaghan & Dr. J.A. Hopps, Charles Mickle, Officer Order of Can., James IV Assn. of Surg., Royal Soc. of Can., (Q?s: Judge Bigelow, Old City Hall - Hooper – Hopkins – Pickle – Pike - Abram is court clerk following my case to the different court levels – Carnegie Hall – Kilby Gordon – Sandy Jenkines / Jenkins / Jennekens – Clare E. Burns – Lynn Burns – Chief Judge Roy McMurtry – Collings – Alaine Huppe / Hupe – Rudd?)

--- (1942) Dr. Lloyd Cleveland Bartlett surgeon b. Stratford Ont. Oct. 03, 1917, son of Reginald Cleveland & Olive (Masters), U of W. Ont., U of Man., m. Desta dau. of William & Kathleen Buse Oct. 08, 1942, ch: Lorna, Sheila, Robert, Rex, Ellen; Prof. of surgery U of Man., (Q?s: Debbie Cleveland, student of Stewart Millward - Barrett / Bennett / Bentley - Reg McLean, real estate Agent - McCleave / McCabe / Alberti / Barclay - Des Masterson, social worker involved herein - Sandra Bussin - Cleveland Bartlett - McCleave?)

--- (1942) Dr. George Dempster Molnar, doctor, educator, researcher b. Szekesfehervar Hungary Jul. 30, 1922, son of Eugene Frank & Clara Bertha (Becker), Westdale Coll. Inst. Hamilton Ont. 1940, Mount Royal Coll. Calgary Alta. 1941, U of Alta. 1949-51, U of Minn. 1956, m. Gwendoline Esther McGregor, ch: Gwendoline Jane, Charles McGregor; Prof. of Med. U of Alta. Since 1975, Prof of Med. Mayo Med Sch. 1973, Cdn. Army, Kt. Offr. Of Netherlands Order of Orange-Nassau (with Swords), Royal Coll. of Phys. & Surgeons, Cdn. Diabetes Assn. (Q?s: Another Orangemen – Dempseys – Moloney – Mollar / Millar – Molyneux – Molson – Mollison – Molloy – Mohr – Moher – Beckman – Becker’s Milk Oshawa Ont. – Gary McGregor / Ramone Aikenhead – Mayo Constrn, James Forsyth ?)

--- (1942?) Hon. Dr. John F. Collins politician b. St. John’s Nfld., Jun. 01, 1922, son of James & Margaret Collins, Memorial U, Edinburgh Medicine 1945-50, m. Irene Halley, ch: Irene Victoria, Mark, John, Elaine, Min. of Health & Deputy Premier Nfld., U. of T., Dept. of Cardiology, Janeway Child Health Centre, Chief Dept. Neonatology, Ont. Heart Fdn. (Q?s: Tim Collins at 416 Drop In – Male / Malley - Haley or Halley at 416 Drop in ?)

--- (1942) Elvin Abraham Kabat Am. Biochem. Immunochemist b. Sept. 01, 1914 NY, son of Harris Kabat & Doreen Otesky, m. Sally Lennick 1942, 3 sons; Instructor in Pathology, Coll. of Phys. & Surg. (Q?s: Alvi / Selwyn – Kelsey – Abotassawy – Coreen / Lorraine / Eileen - Teskey – Estey – Lenin – Zimnock – Pennep – Licks – Lenore – Heick Begin?)

--- (1943?) Rika De Backer-Van Ocken, Belgium Pol. b. Feb. 01, 1923, Antwerp, 7 ch., U. of Leuven, worked on Winkler Prins voor de Vrouw encyclopedia, Min. of Culture, Pres. Flemish local Gov’t. Also: Dr. Michael Ellis DeBakey, Am Surgeon b. Sep. 07, 1908, Lake Charles, Louisiana, son of Shaker M. DeBakey & Raheega Zorba, m. 1st Diana Cooper 1936 (dec’d 1972), 4 sons, m. 2nd Katrin Fehlhaber 1975, 1 dau., Tulane U., Office of the Surgeon Gen., Baylor Coll., Harris County Hosp., Pres. Medal of Freedom with Distinction. (Q?s: Rika De = Rekai Center / Eric / Damien R. Parry Jan. 03, 2011 – Von Reck – Rick Siwek – Black – Arnold Blaker – Acklands / Aiken – Ockenden / Orpen – Anwar Knight – Lydya Lou – Winkler / Walker sent me to business called Vroom to pick up money – Donna Ellis / Dylan Ellis – Joanne Prince – Kevin Clark with Luanne & Baker at Street Health – Jack Lakey – Back + Vrouw = Backhouse – Ashar – Shaikh / Shah – Zorba’s Restaurant / gus – Dr. Cooper – Helen Dobrin – Feldman / Hubert / Habib / Ehlers?)

--- (1943) Dr. Paul David senator b. Montreal Que. Dec. 25, 1919, son of Anthanase & Antonia (Nantel), U of Montreal, specialist in cardiology 1952, m. 1st Nellie dau. of Charles Maillard Jul. 17, 1943, m. 2ndly Yvette dau. of Donat Lamire Jun. 30, 1972, ch: Pierre, Francoise, Therese, Anne-Marie, Helene, Charles; Senator of Can., Heart Inst., Order of Canada, Claude Brunet Fdtn., Expert Cardiovascular desease, U of Ottawa, Commander Ordre de Malte 1985, Grande Officer Ordre National du Quebec, Cdn. Cardiovacular Soc. (Q?s: Davidson - Aviado - Naidovski - Orhid / Orhiling - Avis - Nathalie Aiello - Nally Kay - Dr. Stewart Millward - Danilo - Lemeiux – Anne Villemere / officer Villamere - Main – Lia / ?)

--- (1944) David John McCallion Univ. Prof. b. Tor. Ont., Sep. 25, 1916, son of John & Elizabeth (Service), m. Norah Jean dau. of James Moore Sep. 01, 1944, ch: Kathryn, Sharon, Janet, James, Thomas, Margaret; Prof. Anatomy McMaster U, Internat. Inst. for Embryology, Tetatology Soc., Sigma Xi. [Kathryn Elizabeth McCallion diplomat b. Jun. 19, 1945, dau. of David & Norah is High Comdr. To Jamaica, Bahamas & Belizle]. (Q?s: Million – McCallum – Fillion – Marilyn Moore / Mary Pigott / Joanne Aikenhead – at the same time some would use medical to create life for true living, others may simply be growing organs to harvest at a later date?)

--- (1944) Dr. George Rutherford Walker M.D. surgeon, b. Bolton Ont. Oct. 16, 1915, son of Robertson Roy & Rebecca (Rutherford), m. Mary Eastwood d. of Wilfred & Hilda Ripley on Dec. 16, 1944, ch: Mary Louise, George Alexander, Robertson Roy, Alan Ripley, Jamieson Scott; Tor. Gen. Hosp., Am. Hosp. in Brit., Royal Cdn. Navy, surgery Sudbury, Surg. staff Hospital for Sick Children & U of T, chief of staff Sudbury mental hospital, Emergency organs, Red Cross, Coroner, Cancer treatment & research Fdn., (Q?s: Arlene Walker - Paul Rutherford, Nassau st. Oshawa, my father’s friend – Hofer / Ivony – Rebecca / Renata / Inge Hofer – Patricia Ripley Myers – McCallum Sudbury?)

--- (1944) Dr. William Ward Wigle b. Dryden Ont. Aug. 06, 1917 son of Russell Gilbert & Henrietta Anna Casey (McMonagle), Queen’s U, m. Frances McLean d. of Frank Foulis May 06, 1944, ch: William Foulis, John Frederick, Margaret Anne; Regional Coroner, Kenora Region, Hosp. Med. Records Inst., Pharmaceutical Mfrs. Assn., Cdn. Mental Health Assn., Dryden Ont. Public Sch. Bd., Surgeon-Lieut., R.C.N.V.R., Freemason, Un. Church, Dryden Rotary Club. (Q?s: Ward – Wardak – Wardell – Wriggley – Chris Casey / McCallum – Yang / Nagy Painting – Nagy at Tim Hortons – Reg McLean – Coulis ?)

--- (1944) Dr. John B. Armstrong b. Tor. Ont. Oct. 19, 1918, son of Charles Henry & Olive May (Buchanan), U. of T, m. Dorothy Green May 27, 1944, ch: Robert Armstrong, Stanley, Sheila, Mary; Prof. of Med., Biostatistics, U. of T, Duke U., Hammersmith Hosp., Prof. of Pharmoc., Chronic Desease, Markle Scholar, Cdn. Cardiovascular Soc., Cdn. Soc. Clinical Investigation. Am. Heart Assn., Un. Church. (Q?s: Judge Armstrong – Buchanan is Gibb – Greene – Harper + Smith – Kirk Markle ?)

--- (1944) Louis Siminovitch sci., prof. b. Montreal Que. May 01, 1920, son of Nathan & Goldie (Watchman), McGill U, m. Elinore dau. of Harry Faierman Jul. 02, 1944, ch: Harriet (Coco) Jean, Katherine Anne, Margaret Ruth; Dir. Samuel Lunenfeld Rsrch. Inst. of Mount Sanai Hosp., Prof. Molecular Biol. & Med. Genetics, U of T, many Dep. & Rsrch labs, Viruses & Cells, Congress of Genetics Tor., Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubillee Medal, Wightman Award. (Q?s: Simmonds / Markovic Belekova murdered – Goldie Coukell, my acting fathers friend – Workman / u – Lorna a.k.a. Lenore Wilson – Domenico Fuimano – Faith – aie / Danielle White – I met Carol McWatch at random on Jun. 09, 2010 – Faith - Eisenman?)

--- (1945?) Dr. Pierre Grondin b. Aug. 18, 1925 son of G. Antoine & Germaine (Fortier), U. of Laval, U. of Pennsylvania, m. ?, ch: Louis, Jean, Marie, Bernard & Michel; Med. Centre des Bateaux de Croisieres Miami Heart Inst. St. Luke’s Hosp. Houston, Soc. Can. de Cardologie. (Q?s: an S. Grodin / Grondin is in forensics handling murder of Larisa Markovic Belekova Feb. 2010 – Forin – Condon – Gruber / Hofer ?)

--- (1945) Book, “The Duchess of Windsor” by Charles Higham 1988: At the British-Indian pavilion, Wallis visited President Miklas and Chancellor von Schuschnigg. (Maklin?). Herman & Catherine Rogers, friends with King & Lord & Lady Mountbatten. Justice Hawke oversaw legal matters of Wallis Simpson. Nathan Cummings was a millionaire art collector & food tycoon & known to Prince Charles in 1974. Wallis was attended by Dr. Henry W. Cave & Dr. Lay Martin of Baltimore. 1945 William L. Murphy was colonial sec. & acting Gov. of Bermuda. Dr. Joseph Choi is chief of forensic medicine in Los Angeles County. Wallis’ friend Aubrey “kingfish” Weaver was burned to death in a fire. Rosita Forbes. The duke of Windsor’s lawyer was George Allen & longtime economic advisor was Henry Richardson in 1944. King George VI & Elizabeth favor Wallis Simpson. (Q?s: King Michael / Mikhail – Shunck - Bratton – Rev. Brent Hawke & Kelly Allen, friends of Mary Aviado, and Dr. Choi of 600 Sherbourne is Aviado’s doctor in 1998-2000, also at 600 are Dr. Denis M. Conway & Dr. Donald E. Payne – Phil Callen - Valerie Cummings – Craven – Weaver is Weber / McCleave / Creal / Cleator / Meat to Cleaver = knife – McCabe - LindaMartin, molested my daughter – Sue Murphy, transcriptscourt – Joe Weber – Barb Forbes – Robert Simpson – Richardson’s, my cousins – Linda Martin – Rogers, with Pinter el. al. in murder in Guelph Apr / May 2011?)

--- (1945) Hon. John Ross Matheson judge b. Arundel Que. Nov. 14, 1917, son of Rev. Dr. Alexander Dawson & Gertrude (McCuaig), Queens U, Osgoode Hall, York U, U of W. Ont., Royal Military Coll., m. Edith May Bickley Aug. 04, 1945, (Buckley – Pickle?), ch: Duncan, Wendy, Jill, Donald, Roderick, Murdoch, Queen’s Counsel, Matheson Henderson & Hart in Brockville Ont., Judge Ottawa-Carlton, County Court of Lanark, District Court of Ont., Ont. Court of Justice, electoral mission to Bosnia, Colonel, Registrar, Piory of Can. Most Venerable Order St. John of Jerusalum, Geneologist, UN General Assembly, Standing Ctte. External Affairs, Parltry. Secr. To Prime Minister Pearson 1966-8, Brockville Citizen of the Year, Officer Order of Canada, Kt. Of Justice Order of St. John, Kt. Grand Cross Order of St. Lazarus, National Unity Ctte., Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Armigerious of Authority of Lyon Court, College of Arms, Pres. United Empire Loyalists Assn., Economics, Political Sci., Queen’s U Council, U Club Kingston, man of the year, Law Soc. of Upper Can., Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity, Boy Scouts of Can., Ctte. Correctional Services of Can., Ontario’s Premier Council, Can. Bible Soc., Council on Cdn. Unity, Life Mem. Royal Canadian Legion, Paul Harris Fellow Rotary Intern., Cdn. Intelligence and Security, Freemason 33 degree, William Mercer Wilson Award, Grand Sovereign Order of Constantine, Order of Scotland, Gov. Gen. Schreyer & Commonwealth Heroldry, Cdn. Assn. of Former Speakers of the House of Commons & Senate, opened 53rd Glengarry Highland Games, St. Andrew Soc. of Ottawa, United Church of Canada. (Q?s: Matheson / Martin / Marty - Robert Matheson – B. Craig Martin / Linda / Alexander / Sandra – Rousseau – Russell – John Dawson was missing after boarding a boat to intercountries – Dragi – Craig – Steve Bickley at Bell Canada / Lindsay Bell – Pickle – Picklehead – Buckley / Bentley – Lickley – Licks – Pearson / Flight – Harry Mercer – Daved Wilson – Tara Wilson - Constanineau / Cousineau?)

--- (1946?) Dr. Albert Starr Am. Cardiac Surgeon b. Jun. 01, 1926, New York, (Q?s: Victoria Starr – Strarig / Robert Matheson – Schurr / Shurr - Artuso – Starr to Shawnette Rowe?)

--- (1946) Barbara Louise Kincaide, Prof. speaker, b. Halifax N.S., Sep. 17, 1922, dau. of Thaddeus Mark & Elizabeth Hazlett (Dobson) Sieniewicz., Dalhousie, m. Cyril M. son of Flora & George K. Feb. 16, 1946, ch: Robert J., David M., John W.; Owner Convention Consultants of Can. Ltd., Speakers Bureau Intern., Dept. of Pathology, New England Deaconess Hosp., Adv. Bd. Couchiching Inst. (Q?s: Kinnear / Geraid O’Kane – Craig - Hackett – Bassel – Dobrin / Hien Huynh / Siwek – Alphonz Samanez at random 2009 & 10 – Charett – Jerry Couchie - Cooch?)

--- (1946) Dr. Daniel Jacob Du Plessis, S. African Surgeon & Univ. Vice Chancellor b. May17, 1918, son of Daniel J. du Plessis & Louisa M. (Carstens), m. Louisa S. Wicht 1946, 2 sons: _?; Paarl Boys H.S., S. African Med. Corp., Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Public: “Principle’sof Surgeory 1968, (Q?s: Jacob is Mizzi – Du Plessis / Des Moulins / McWatch – Carone – Wick / Wycks / Van Wyck – Dessner - Brecht?)

--- (1947) Barbara McClintock “originally named Eleanor” name change b. Jun. 16, 1902 Hartford Connecticut d. Long Island Sep. 02, 1992, 3rd of 4 ch: of Dr. Thomas Henry McClintock & Sara (Handy), sister Marjorie & Mignon, brother Tom; Cornell U., U. of Rochester 1947, Kimber Genetics Award, lived periodically with aunt & uncle in Massachusetts, then Brooklyn N.Y., vice pres. of Genetics Soc., Pres. Genetic Soc. of America; learned genes can move around chromosomes to form new genetic patterns, Sara Handy’s ancestry is traced to the Mayflower which made a Treasonous agreement on water to seize in crime under the guise of law. Sara lived with an aunt & uncle in California because her mother died when she was one year old., Lester Sharp taught McClintock methods of studying cells, Harriet Creighton is Barabara’s friend, friend of Dr. Esther Parker, (Q?s: Clinton – McClintic / McClintoc – Hanley ?)

*--- (1947) Dr. John Drennan Hamilton M.D. pathologist b. Sep. 22, 1911 Revelstoke B.C., son of James Henry & Mary Stearns (Edwards) & m. Frances Doone the dau. of Maj.-Gen. C. F. Constantine Kingston Ont. Sep. 6 1947, ch: John Charles Douglas Hamilton, Suzanne Margery, Alice Jane & Maria Doone. Trustee of Tor. Gen. Hosp., Sunnybrooke Med. Centre, (with Robert Y. McMurtry, Roy McMurtry’s brother) Clarke Inst. of Psychiatry, Princess Margaret Hosp., Addiction Rsrch Fdn, Prof. of Pathol. & Head of Dept. U of T., Asst. Prof of McGill U. & Queens U. WWII R.C.A.M.C. No. 1 Rsrch Lab, Can. Assn. of Pathol. In 1989 at #306-1826 Barclay St. Vancouver B.C. (Q?s: Brennan - Young-Husband McMurtry – Christine Edwards – Constance / Constanineau / Cousiineau – Curry – Chief Justice Roy McMurtry - Stead?)

--- (1948) Dr. Joseph Edward Josephson pathologist educator b. Hamilton Ont. Nov. 29, 1911, son of Samuel Ellis & Katherine (Wolkin), U of T, U of Nfld., m. Vivian Mary dau. of Sir John Charles & Lady Puddester Mar. 22, 1948, ch: Clayton & Glenn & Dr. Bruce; Prof. of Pathology, Fac. Med. Memorial U., CNIB St. Johns, Freemason Scottish rite. (Q?s: Joseph Anthony Goralczyk – Edward Goralczyk – Sampson – Saul / Paul / Penn - Anita Ellis / Is this the Anita that Victor Ivony is in contact with – Walker – Milk – Puddicombe – Cuddy’s – Peddle ?)

--- (1949) William Fredrick Grant Univ. Prof. b. Hamilton Ont. Oct. 20, 1924, Son of William Aitken and Myrtle Irene (Taylor), McMaster, Botany, U of Virginia, m. Phyllis Kemp d. of William John Harshaw Jul. 23, 1949, son: William Taylor; Prof. of Genetics at McGill since 1955-67 & onward, Andrew Fleming Prize, Min. of Nat. Health, Welfare & Environ. Ottawa, MacDonald Campus, McGill. (Q?s: John Kromkamp – Joanne Aikenhead / John Oka – Shaw – Lawyer David Taylor – David Fleming – Michael Taylor – Lynette Taylor ?)

--- (1949) Kenneth Bryson Roberts educ. b. London Eng. Sep. 07, 1923, son of William Charles Roberts, U of London, Oxford, m. Ruth Mary dau. of E. St. John Catchpool C.B.E. Apr. 1945, ch: Daniel John, Peter Simon, Alason Clare, Benjamin Hugh; John Clinch Prof. History of Med. & Physiol. Memorial U, co-author “Gen. Pathology.” (Q?s: Tyson - Boyce – Price – Ken Coates x 2 – Charles Roberts/ Rapist – Allison / Anne St. John – Allison?)

--- (1949) Dr. M. Bernarda wrote, "Wat den Kenjonge mensen over den dood". Vlaam. Opvoedk. Fijdschr., 30, 32-40.

--- (1949) Dr. Charles Haddon Smith b. Dartmouth N.S. Sep. 03, 1926, son of Albion Benson & Dora Pauline (McGill).-, m. Mary Gertrude dau. of Dr. Jabez Ronald Saint Sep. 5, 1949, ch: Dr. Charles Douglas, Richard David, Alan Michael & Timothy McGill. (Q?s: Dr. Charles Smith – Holden Mah - Bensley – Beasley – Bentley – Renton – Gill – Gillis – McGill Univ. to Stewart Millward / McGill Security Guard at 111 Wellesley st. Tor. - Gillespie – Saint Onge / St. Onge / Mara Greene - Haddad?)

--- (1950’s) Dr. Robert Edwards, invented IVF, whereas an egg is taken out of the womb of a woman and fertilized and then re-incerted into a womb.

--- (1950) Dr. Harold Aaron Eliot Weizel surgeon b. Tor. Ont. Sep. 02, 1925, son of Paul & Sarah W., Harbord Coll. Inst., U of T M.D., Harvard Med. Sch., m. Eleanor dau. of A. Bogen Jan. 22, 1950, ch: Jonathan, Laurence, Pamela; Dir. Breast Clinic Tor. Western Hosp., Surgeon, Prof. of surgery U of T, (Q?s: Harold Shuttle – BenAron – Pam Elliot at Vanier Prison – John Wetz / Wimpy’s Resraurant / Matheson – Metizer / Ratizer – Weir – Joanna Begin – John Bogdon?)

--- (1950) Dr. Aron M Rappaport, surgeon b. Sereth Austria Jun. 07, 1904, son of Samuel Aba (descendant of an old family of writers, theologians & physicians) & Henrietta (Rabinowitz), German U., m. Dr. Rosa dau. of Naum Koslowsky in Latvia Dec. 24, 1950, ch: Henrietta Sophie, Norman Samuel; Prof. U of T 1973, Assn. of Pathologists, Alpha Omega Alpha, 160 Lytton Blvd. Tor. 1989. (Q?s: Rappaport / Cohen - BenAron – Hubert – Ripper – Roble – Angela Port Malley – Rubinoff – Naumovski – Klowak – Kosman – Wolski ?)

--- (1950) Dr. Feroze Novroji Ghadially, pathologist educator, b. Bombay India Nov. 12, 1920, son of Novroji Bomanji Ghadially, U of London, U of Guelph, m. Edna May dau. of Edward Thomas Bryant Aug. 15, 1950, 4 ch. (Q?s: Nowak – Klowak - Nova - Rawji – Grewal - Dally / Daily - Dhali - Ghandi - Lalla - Bowman - Att. Gen. Mike Bryant ?)

--- (1950?) Gerald Samuel Marks b. Cape Town S. Africa Feb 13, 1930, son of Simon & Annie Goodman, m. Marion Zoe dau. of George Lewis Tobias, ch: Lynne Sorrel & Saul Ian. Pharm.. Upjohn Award; Human Reproductive problems; Jewish; Kingston Ont. 1989. (Q?s: Sampson – Markovic – Judge Goodman – Srgt. Jack Marks - Cindy Lewis – Siwek – Darren Tobias / Rick Tobias - Robias / Roble – Dobias – Tab / Makhniasvili – Dobson / Delroy / Shortell / Mary Sorrell / Sorrell / Cape Breton w. MacRitchie – Noe / Leland Stowe / Toews / Plow / Calauz?)

*****.. (1951) Hon. Ronald Theodore Barkhouse politician b. New Ross N.S. Apr. 22, 1926, son of Alfred Simpson (dec’d) & Annie (Meister) Barkhouse; Horton Academy Wolfville N.S., m. Eleanor Plunkett dau. of Ernest Grant Nov. 01, 1951. ch: Dawn, Robert, Leslie & Jimmie; wholesale Lumber, Chester Mun. Council, Min. Mines & Energy, Bonny Lea Farm for Handicapped, Genealogical Assoc., Freemason, Philae Temple (Shriners), P. Conservative, Baptist. (Q?s: Backhouse – Myer – Baumeiester – Wolfe – Pickett – Shunck ?)

--- (1951) Dr. James Chilton Haworth b. Gosforth, U.K. May 29, 1923, son of Walter Norman & Violet Chilton (Dobbie), m. (Eleanor) Marian dau. Howard & Jessie Bowser Oct. 18, 1951, ch: Elizabeth Marian, Peter Norman James, Margaret Jean, & Anne Ruth; Prof. Dept. of Paediatrics & Child Health U of Man., Surgeon Lt. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Hosp. for Sick Children London, many children’s Hosp.’s, Human Genetics, Walter Myers traveling Studentship, Fellow Coll. of Med. Geneticists, Inborn Errors, Garrod Assn., (Q?s: Hilton – Richard Van Der Shildon / Van Der Heyden / Heyding - Clinton – Chisholm – Shuttleworth – Howard - Dobson / Debbie / Deborah / Brenda – Hayworth –Bowler – Bowes – Bowen – Cohen – Patricia Ripley Myers ?)

--- (1951) Dr. John Hillsdon Smith, coroner did a questionable autopsy on Christine Jessop Jan. 02, 1985, b. Leicester Eng. Mar. 03, 1929, son of Alfred Herbert Morrison & Evelyn Vera (Hillsdon), m. Margaret d. of Ernest & Ada King on Aug. 18 1951, ch: Jeremy. Peter, Mark & Edward. Min. of the Sol. Gen. of Ont., Major R.A.M.C. 1954-8, Hosp. for Sick Children, Queens Jubilee Medal. likes photography. In 1989 at RR # 1 Orton Ont. & office at 26 Grenville St. Tor. (Q?s: Dr. Charles Smith – D’Orsay / Morris – Opris / Ortiz ?)

*--- (1951) Hon. Raymond C. Setlakwe senator lawyer b. Thetford Mines Que. Jul. 03,, son of Calil & Nazlia (Nakash), Bishop U., Laval U., m. Yvette dau. of John S. & Dorimene Bourque Jun. 09, 1951, ch: Louise, Paul, Ann, Robert; Senate Can., Pres. Setlakwe Ltd., Dir. Sinatra, Unindal, Hydro Que., Montreal Heart Inst., Gen. Hosp., Thetford Mines, Bishop’s U. Corp., Order of Can. (Q?s: Gayos - Siwek – Rakash - Nash – Cash – Ash – Borg with Joseph Anthony Goralczyk – Van Wyck / Telford – Makhniashvili?)

--- (1952) Dr. Stephen Michael Drance, surgeon b. Bielsko Poland May 22, 1925, son of George Henry & Ida (Berger), U of Edinburgh, m. Betty Joan dau. of Fred Palmer, Stamford Eng., Jan. 1952, ch: Jonathan Stephen, Michael George, Elisabeth Joan; Prof. U of B.C., Richardson Cross Medal. (Q?s: Bielsko / Dobravy / Alekso - Bunce - Vance - Dragi - Delancey / Delaney – Drake - Alekso / Meikso / Dobrey - Alan Palmer / Jovita - Borg ?)

*--- (1952) Mae Cox, volunteer b. Edm. Alta Mar. 31, 1930, dau. of Edward & Sarah (Gander) Empey. m. Philip James son of Mathew & Charlotte Cox Jul. 23, 1952, ch: Helen James, Thomas, Charles, Gordon, Edward; co-fndr & Exec. Dir. of ORGAN DONORS CANADA. 1974. Co-ord., N. Alta Lions Eye Bank 1985. Taught Elem. sch. Edm. 1950-52. Achievement Awards for Community Serv. 1979. Human Transplants in Can., Teaching unit on death & dying. Transplant News. 1989 at 5326 Ada Blvd., Edm. Office at c/o CNIB 12010 Jasper Ave. (Q?s: Winfrey – Dean Embrey / Mara Greene - Emsley Dick – Granger - Wimpy’s – Cox / Vail / Dobson – Dempsey – Philip Aviado / Philip Jacob / Vayda?)

--- (1952) Dr. Daniel Alexander Gillis surgeon / prof. b. Point Tupper N.S. Jun. 26, 1928, son of Alexander & Hilda (Chisholm), Francis Xevier U, Dalhousie, U of Minn., m. Rose dau. of Thomas & Rose Langley Sep. 01, 1952, ch: Jane, Sandy, Mark, Colin, Lorna; Chief Surg. Killam Hosp. Prof. Pedeatrics Dalhousie, Children’s Memorial Hosp., Grace Maternity Hosp., Ashburn Golf. (Q?s: Daniel Goralczyk - Colleen Gillis – Clare Gillis – Jeanette Chisholme – Holmes – Bentley - McCallum?)

--- (1953) Reginald Brian Land Library Adm. & Educ. b. Niagara Falls Ont. Jul. 29, 1927, son of Allan Reginald & Beatrice Beryl (Boyle), U. of T m. Edith Wyndham Eddis Aug. 29, 1953, ch: Mary, John; Dir. Ont. Legis. Lib., Radio-Television & Com. Comn., Mail Order Adv., Bibliog. Soc., Ont. Genealogical Soc., Beta Phi Mu, Knight Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (Q?s: to keep track of persons with compatible organs - Doyle – Coyle – Bois / Boyce - Boyd – Eddy – Addy / Adey/ Adel – Lands - Landry – Hyndman – Wynne – Brianne / Diane?)

--- (1954) Dr. Michael Joseph Sole Prof. & Cardiologist b. Timmins Ont. Mar. 05, 1940, son of Fred & Lillian (Sole), U of T, Harvard U, m. Susan K. dau. of Benjamin & Bilie Samuels May 26, 1964, ch: David, Leslie; Tor. Gen. Hosp., Policy Ctte., (Q?s: Solange - Coleman - Samuels - Soloway / Abotossaway – Timmerman / Zimmerman / Smitherman - Sampson?)

--- (1954) Dr. Robert Francis Patrick Cronin phys., educ. b. London Eng. Sep. 01, 1926, son of Archibald Joseph & Agnes Mary (Gibson), Princeton U, McGill, m. Shirley-Gian dau. of Randal Killaly Robertson Jun. 19, 1954, ch: David Robert, Diana Christine, Daphne Gian; Med. Consultant to the Aga Khan Health Serv. (Geneva), Montreal Gen. Hosp., Faculty of Med. McGill U, Cardiology Queen Mary Veteran’s & St. Anne’s Hosp., Coll. of Phys. & Surg., Dir. Armand Frappier, Consultant World Bank & C.I.D.A., Grad Soc. of McGill (Q?s: Cronyn – Killy Donaldson’s mysterious phone bill installed into my apartment approx. 2008 – Heather Robertson – Agar - Ambreen Khan with Diane Hubert?)

--- (1955) Dr. John Robert Gutelius surg,, educ. b. Montreal Que. Jan. 18, 1929, son of Nelson Edward & Gertrude (Regina), U. of Montreal, McGill, m. Elizabeth Ann Timmins Jul. 23, 1955, ch: Charles, Julie, Ann, John, Joan, Peter, Matthew, Kathryn; Prof. of Surg. & Chrmn Div. of Vascular Surgery Queens U, Royal Victoria Hosp., McGill, Head of Surgery U of Sask., Kingston Ont., Markle Scholarship, Heart & Stroke Fdn. (Q?s: Gerri – Geraldine – Gerald – Gerhardt – Gruber – Trudel – Telus - Guttridge – Gutman / Guttman – Nuttel / Robert Gay – Neilson / O’Neill – Denise Rogina –Tsoninos / Barrieau - Zimmerman / Smitherman ?)

--- (1955?) Dr. Magdi Yacoub, cardiac surgeon b. nov. 16, 1935, Cairo, m., 1 son, 2 dau.; Harefield Hosp., (Q?s: Midge Wong – Paul Iacobucci – Gad Yaacobi b. Jan. 18, 1935 is politician m. Nela?)

--- (1956?) Dr. H. Lavina Lickley prof. surgeon b. Tor. Ont. Aug. 11, 1936, dau. of James Thomson Fraser & Hazel Lillian Lavina Lickley, m.?, ch:?; U of T, McGill, Phiology & Surgery U of T 1992, Surgeon in Chief Women's Coll. Health Sci. Centre, (Q?s: Paul Thomson / Huguette Thomson - Bickley / Bell / Bentley – Jack Lakey - Liva / Suter – Bickle – Bickley / Bentley - Pickle - Lakey - Lick's Restaurant in the Beaches Toronto - Paul Thomson - Emma Jane Fraser - Judge Bassel / Bazel?)

--- (1956) Dr. James J. Wiley orthopedatric Surgeon Prof. b. Kitchener Ont. Sep. 23, 1929, son of Francis Wilfred & Winnifred (Rohleder), U of T, U of Ottawa, Coll. of Surgeons, m. Therese dau. of Alfred & Caroline Wintermeyer Jan. 07, 1956, ch: James, Martha, Frank, John, Caroline; Children’s Hosp. of Eastern Ont., Ottawa Gen. Hosp., U of Ottawa prof. of Surgery, Surgical Training prog., U of T, Roal Coll. Test Ctte., Ortho & Trauma. (Q?s: Wimpy – Wimpey – Winfrey – O’Riley / Reilly / O’Neill – Roble Nour Adam – Ms. Udeleinder in 2010 Olympics – Winters / Winfrey – Patricia Ripley / Myers - Meyer – Windmeyer / Windeyer Lane at Seaton St. ?)

--- (1956) Walter John Hawkins author & politcian, b. Halifax May 05, 1932, s. of Walter John & Dorothy Margaret, m. “Monique” Monica Marie Roach May 1956, U of N.B., ch:: Walter John, Eleanor, Mary Anne; Can. Army, Halifax & Germany, (rank Lt.), wrote “Genetic War” 1997, Halifax Military Estab., Royal Cdn. Legion, Royal Artillary Parl Officers mess., N.S. Playwriting Award. (Q?s: Ronnie Hawkins, friend of Rita Chiarelli – Ropchan / Kent Roach – Crouch - Couchie?)

--- (1956) Sir. Dr. Thomas Holmes Sellors Knight British Surg., b. Apr. 07, 1902, London, son of Dr. T.B. Sellors, m. 1st Brenda Lyell (d. 1928), m. 2nd Dorothy E. Cheshire 1932 (d. 1953), m. 3rd Marie Hobson 1955; Surgeon Nat. Heart Hosp., F.C.M. S. Africa, Order of Carlos Finlayn Cuba, (Q?s: Homewood Ave, - Peter Sellers – Zellers / Zippers – Lyon – Tate & Lyle – Douglas Dobson – Rosamond Hodgson?)

--- (1956) Dr. Alexander Charles Ritchie b. Auckland N.Z. Apr. 02, 1923, son of Percy Charles & Olive Muriel (Hodges), U of Otago N.Z. 1944, Oxford U m. Susan dau. of D. Liszauer Oct. 10, 1956; Prof. U of T, Pathology, Laboratory Med. Mount Sinai Hosp., British Empire, Philip Walker Student, Oxford, many medals, Assn. for Pathologists, Deutsche Gesellschaft, Ont. Med. Assn., (Q?s: Ratizer / Ratzinger – Ratz – Richardson – Orchard – Ohriling / Orhiling – Ostrog – Rosemond Hodgson – Ostrog / Otago / Oxford – Larisa – Lazarus – Steinhauer – Bauer – Aurba – Braun – Ortiz – Arlene Walker – La Celles – Jemal / Gemmell – Kraft – Craft – Gorellick – Apted – Chalk?)

*--- (1956) Charles Robert Scriver sci. prof. b. Montreal Nov. 07, 1930, son of Walter DeMoulpied & Jesse Marion (Boyd), McGill m. Esther dau. of Carleton & Esther Pierce Sep. 08, 1956, ch: Dorothy Ellen, Peter Carlton, Julie Boyd, Paul Pierce; Prof. of Paed. & Human Genetics McGill, Montreal Children’s Hosp., Order of Can. & Que., (Q?s: Des Molins / McWatch - While Ms. Scrivner was child’s counsel for my son, Marion Boyd was Attorney Gen. of Ont. 1990’s, Karla Holmolka deal.)

--- (1956) Dr. David Francis Hardwick b. Vancouver B.C. Jan. 24, 1934, son of Walter Henry Wilmot & Iris Lillian (Hyndman), U. of B.C., m. Margaret McArthur dau. of Robert Lang, Aug. 22, 1956, ch: Margaret Frances, Heather Iris, David James; Spec. Adv. on Planning Faculty of Medicine, Prof. & Head Pathologist, U of B.C., Ctte. Children’s Hosp., Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal, B.C. Transplant Fdn, (Q?s: Cardie – Peat Marwick, Acct. / Siwek - Willa Hyndman, my ex-neighbor – Hanley - Arthuursdottir – Tang – Yang – Laing, Ontario Appeal Court Judge ?)

--- (1956) Dr. Kenneth Francis Walker M.D., surgeon, b. Croydon England, Feb. 28, 1924, son of Walter Francis & Annie Mabel (Harrison), Montreal Hosp., McGill, Harvards Hosp. for Women, Banting Inst., U of T, m. Susan dau. of Harold & Ester Turner on Feb. 08, 1956, ch: Robert, John Brett, Diana, Western Hospital, Tor. Gen. Hosp., weekly colunm "The Doctor Game" under pseudo W. Gifford-Jones, syndicate to Globe & Mail & 60 other Cdn. Newspapers, translations into German by Die Deutsche Tor. & into Chinese by Sing Tao newspaper Tor. with 12,000,000 readership, Books on Hysterectomy, "On Being a Woman", mem. of the Tor. Adv. Board, Nat. V. & G. Member, Med. Legal Soc. of Tor., 65 Harbour Square Tor. Ste. 1110 Tor. 1989.

*--- (1956) Dr. Irwin Fraser Stewart, surgeon b. Swan River Man. Oct. 20, 1930, son of Eddie Lorne & Stella Staples (Fraser), U. of B.C., U. of London, m. Margaret Lois dau. of Margaret & Walter Stapleton Sep. 22, 1956, ch: Robert Fraser, Margaret Lois, James Irwin; Prof. U. of B.C., New York U., Bellevue Med. Center, Coll. of Phys. & Surg., Order of Can., Rotary, Many Countries & Univ.'s, (Q?s: Irwin Stanley / Selwyn – Stewart Millward - Emma Jane Fraser – Staples / Winfrey – Walker / Watt ?)

--- (1956?) Dr. Miodrag Stevana Jovanovic surgeon, educ. b. Tabanovic Yugoslavia May 03, 1936, m. ?, with 3 ch:?, Surgeon Jeffrey Hale's Hosp. 1972, Fac. of Med. Laval U., U. of Sherbrooke, Royal Coll of Phys. & Surgeons. (Q?s: Giovanni Accone – Johan - Jota - Dragi Zekavica / Joanne Aikenhead - Haley - Vale – Ivanovich – Novak / Klowak - Zekavica – Ivana – Stefan - Stevenson – Jellinek – See Jovanovski?)

--- (1957) Dr. John Harris Moffat, Surgeon b. Hamilton Sep. 03, 1930, son of John Albert & Mary Regis (Harris), Fac. of Med. U of T., m. Dolores dau. of William & Dolores Sprowls Jul 13, 1957, ch: Lorie, Christine, John, Michael Stephen, Robert, Surgeon Mem. Hosp., (Q?s: Jerratt Moffat – Winston Harris – Plow w. Ryan Russell – Sproul / Sprague – William Bowles Harris – David Watt / George Watt?)

--- (1957) Dr. Ronald Thomson Coutts educ. b. Glasgow Scot. Jun. 19, 1931, son of Ronald Miller & Helen Alexandrina (Crombie) C., Glasgow U, U of Strathclyde, m. Sheenah dau. of Henry & Jesse Black Sep. 04, 1957, ch: Martin, Alan, Kathryn; Prof. of Pharmacy (Med. Chem.) U of Alta., Prof. of Psychiatry, pres. Xenorox Serv. Ltd., Royal Coll. of Sci. & Tech., U of Sask., Pharmac. Soc. Can., (Q?s: CAMH / use of patients to follow instruction & silencing of victims - Sheen – Comrie – Cormier - Collings / Paul Thomson / Huguette Thomson - Adrien Coutts, friend of Judith Flight misteriously died approx. 2002 - Kathy Koukoulis, friend of Joane Aikenhead - Isabel Black, my foster mother - Courcy - Courtney - Aikman - Aiken - Head - Whitehead - Aiken - Abercrombie?)

--- (1957) Conrad Marshall John Fisher Swan b. Duncan Vancouver Island B.C. May 13, 1924, son of Dr. Henry Peter Swan & Edna Hanson Magdalen (Green). S. Cross of Honour, U of London, U of W. Ont., U of Cambridge, m. Lady Hilda Susan Mary Northcote, younger dau. of Earl of Iddesleigh & cousin of H.R.H. the Princess of Wales & Field Marshal the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein Dec. 28, 1957, ch: Andrew Conrad Henry Joseph, Mary Elizabeth Magdalen Herring, Hilda Juliana Mary Galvan, Catherine Sylveria Mary Walters, Anastasia Cecilia Mary; York Herold of Arms, Geneologist, Order of the Bath, Grand Priory, Most Ven. Order of St. John, Assumption U Windsor Ont., Great Master of the Order of the Bath, The Queen at Silver Jubilee Service, St. Paul’s Cathedral, world tour 1970, and to be Herald-in-Waiting upon the Sovereign in Can. (Commonwealth) Heads of Gov’t Conf., Gentleman Usher-in-Waiting for Pope John-Paul II, invited by the scry. of state of Can. To participate in the nat. forum on Heraldry in Canada – A nation & it’s symbols, Ottawa, Kt. Of Honour & Devotion of Sovereign & Mil. Order of Malta (Genealog. British Assn. & has Cross to Commander-of-Merit, both of that Order), Kt. Grand Cross of Sacred & Mil. Order of Constantine St. George, Freeman of Shreveport La., Birmingham Ala., mem. of the Court, Freeman & Liveryman of Gunmakers Company of City of London, Fdr. Heraldry Soc. of can., Catholic. The Chapel of the Order of the Bath Westminster Abbey, monographs & articles, armorial, historical, sigillographic in various journals. (Q?s: Duke Herring – Christine Taylor Green / Greene - McGavin - Cote – De Livery, to death = hitman for the monarchy – Coatesworth – Conrod – Richard Fisher?)

*--- (1957) Dr. William Robert Bruce physician in Rsrch b. Hamheung Korea May 26, 1929, son of George Findlay & Ellen (Tate), U of Chicago, m. Willa Margaret dau. of William Graham MacFarlane Jun. 1957, ch: Graham D., Kevin R., Lynda J.; Nutritional Sci., Concordia U, Ont. Cancer Inst., Royal Coll. of Phys. & Surg., McLaughlin Gold medal, Warwick-Lilly Prize, Un. Church, Ludwig Inst. Tor. Br., U. of T., Cdn. Genetics Soc. (Q?s: Bunce – Bryce – boyce – Fine – Alec Finlayson – Cote – Tait / Lyle – Judge Jean L. MacFarland – Mathlin – Marwick – Ely Lilly?)

--- (1958) Dr. Mitchell L. Halperin M.D.C.M. prof. nephrologist b. Montreal Que. May 18, 1937, son of Hyman Mordecai & Fanny (Jacobs), McGill, m. Brenda dau. of Moe & Jene Geller Aug. 03, 1958, ch: Aileen Frances, Frank Allen, Ross Mark; Prof. of Med. U of T, St. Michael's Hosp., Kidney Fdn. of Can. 1999, mem. COMGAN, (Q?s: Halperin / Jackson statements, was not pedophile, was gay, Michael wanted to move to Montreal Canada - Jacobs is Jackman and is Mizzi - Geller Prize - Mordecai / Soloman / Tadman / Drache / Drake ?)

--- (1958) Dr. Richard G. Margolese Prof. of Surgery b. Montreal Que. Jul. 30, 1935, son of David G. & Harriet R. (Ressler), McGill, m. Jacqueline dau. of Louis & Frances Tafler Jul. 27, 1958, ch: Ellen Anne, Joel Howard; Dept. of Oncology Mortimer B. Davis Jewish Gen. Hosp., Herbert Black Prof. of Surgery. (Q?s: Dessner - Rosario Marchese son of Bellisimo m. Evelyn Murialdo, Leg. Assembly Ont. - Gosse - Grosso - Grossman - Dr. Karen Tessler – Dessner - Hislier - Hitler – Kraft - Russell - Hubert / Black ?)

--- (1958) Dr. Albert Ross Deep b. Windsor Ont. Oct. 01, 1935, son of Ab & Anne (Teraz), J.C. Patterson Coll., Pharmocology, m. Janet d. of N. Wainwright Cleary May 31, 1958, ch: Albert Ross II, Bruce Wainwright, James, Edward, Mark, Elliot; Private Practice Cardiologist, Intern. Med., Teaching McGill, Harvard, Coll. of Physicians & Surgeons, Dir. Heart Sunday, Queen’s U, Extve. Alma Mater Soc., Pres. Aeculapian Med. Soc., Am. Heart Society, Paul Dudley White Soc. (Q?s: Arthuursdottir Dipa – Deepa – Tores – Wright – O’Leary – Danielle White?)

--- (1958) Dr. Roger Lorenzo Rouleau & wife Lucille Geraldine (Maranger) on 30 Wayling, Kingview Park Ottawa Ont., ch: Jean, Paul, Guy, Suzanne. (Q?s: Judge Rouleau - Lorenzo Mizzi - Rogers / Orhiling / Mizzi - Geraldine Draper - Melanie Munger - Orange - Roger - Rouleau – Roland / Stanley - Maranger – Garldine – Munger - Maranger - Mara Greene - Agar - Angela - Angers?)

See con’d from 2009 in part 2 posted separately……


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