In answer to that question, you might say that Satan is after the worship of the world’s people, and/or after the eternal souls of mankind to take them into the lake of fire with him--and you’d be right on both counts. But, what does he have to get from each individual in order to do that?

He can’t force you to worship him. The Beast/world ruler, Apollyon won’t be able to force you to worship him. If you are born from above by the Spirit of Yahuweh, no one can force you to do anything, or say anything you don’t want to do or say, for the eternal portal of your spirit is open to the eternal realm, from which we can grasp His strength, His power, and His authority, hearing His instructions, and wisdom.

A good example is Mark 13:9, 11: “…take heed to yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils and congregations. You shall be beaten and brought before rulers and kings for My sake, as a witness to them…And when they lead you away and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand what you are to say. But, whatsoever is given to you (by Yahuweh’s Spirit into your re-born spirit) in that hour, speak that, for it is not you who are speaking but the Set-Apart Spirit”. (Italics mine)

If, for example, technology is used that can shut down the ability of the mind to function, those who are truly born from above by the Spirit of Yahuweh have a mind in their spirit that is open to the eternal realm of Yahuweh--a mind that thinks and acts like Messiah with the nature of Messiah -- and in that mind we can clearly hear Him and think. I’ve had my soul-mind (my brain-mind) totally shut down on two serious occasions, and I continued well with the mind in my spirit. Yes, there is technology that is being used on the world’s people, even now, to dull our minds, which can shut down the mind, blind, or deafen, and leave the average human totally incapacitated to do anything to help themselves.

But, those who are truly born of the Spirit have a mind in their spirit (the “spirit” is centered in the loins area of your body) that is opened in direct contact with Yahuweh and Yahushua. Through that portal into the eternal dimension one can continue in victory and power, boldness and authority, IF one has learned to live in that realm so that fear and panic don’t take over and you lose contact with the eternal realm. Fear and panic draw demonic presences, and open you up to disaster. Only through peaceful faith – trust in an Elohim that you know – can He continue to work with you. He is Light, and He will not allow darkness in His Presence.

But, one thing Satan’s agents in this world can’t take from you even if your

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brain/soul mind shuts down, that is IF you live daily by Elohim’s instructions to your re-born spirit without rebellion and He knows you to be trustworthy (the normal life for every one of the Master’s trusted bond servants who listen only to His teaching and instructions, who are quick to obey and love Him more than anything on earth) is the will-power resident in your spirit.

The mind of the spirit has a powerful will that can only say “yes” to the Master.

The brain/soul-mind, with its rebellion, and volatile negative emotions, wars against the discipline of the spirit-mind, UNLESS the brain/soul-mind, seat of carnal, fleshly lusts and desires of “self”, has been disciplined to submit to the mind of the spirit. He disciplines, tests, and tests some more, if we allow Him to. But, if we do not allow Him or cooperate with Him in disciplining our mind, then we are not His children but “illegitimate bastards” (Hebrews 12).

We must submit to His dealing with us, so that we conform to His image and likeness of nature, ways and thinking. Then we can be a powerful force against the enemy on this earth.

Throughout our life, we ignorantly open portals to the enemy, to Satan, with our will, because he appeals to the lusts of our flesh and desires of our mind and emotions. Adam and Hhawah did not think they were opening a portal that would destroy most of the human race, but they did. If we ever hope to go forward and align our spirit man together – the soul with the spirit – to be able to overcome in these last days, we must verbally and with passion close all doors that we’ve opened, and repent of having opened them, even in ignorance. If you’ve been involved in anything that is not of Yahuweh, which includes false religion, you must passionately repent before Him, and ask Him to deliver you!

Unless the portals are closed to the soul-mind and emotions, the evil one has permission from you to destroy you from within and from without. It is your choice daily! Stop all sin! Stop your reliance on man to get what you want. Stop trying to control your life, or trying to control someone else – that’s Jezebel stuff.

To be free and close portals, so that the “spirit man” as a whole can be a whole non-warring unit, you must saturate your mind with the words of Scripture, and songs of worship and praise. You must verbally tell Him daily what your eternal goal is – and ask Him to transform you. His words subdue the rebellion in the brain/soul-mind, stabilizing the emotion realm, and cause the will to be re-set to obey the spirit. This is the normal life of anyone who is born of the Spirit – submission daily to Him, via death to “self” desires that war against His desires.

People, including my children, ask me how I can maintain such consistency in my emotions and thinking. It is only that I have saturated myself in His

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Word and in worship for so many years, that His nature has taken over, and the portal of my spirit has been enlarged into the eternal realm of Yahuweh. Emotional stability was never a part of my normal human nature. I was the victim of such torturous demonic torment for so many years that I had three nervous breakdowns and almost died from intense stress several times. Talk about a yoyo emotional life, extreme negativity, and passionate self-destruction also – that was me. Of course it was mixed with passionate zeal for “God” and for the “mission field” early in life. But, the two passions just kept getting intermixed until my passion for “God” was lost for many years. I could not make myself be stable for a day. But, He did me a massive favor in sending me to the desert of the Negev for eight years, where my main function was to study the Word, hear from Him, get to know Him, and then give His wisdom out to others so that they might learn His Truth. I also learned from tapping into His mind, ways, thinking and nature, so that I began to see things from His prospective. He became my constant Companion. It is His Word and being in His Presence that has stabilized me, so that people notice.

Friends, Yedidah has been a first class “mess-up” most of her life. So everything I am now is simply because I cooperated with His transformation, and fearfully obeyed Him without fail. I did nothing to promote myself, because I have nothing to promote but Him!!! I did nothing to promote the worldwide ministry I have now. I just obeyed Him one day at a time, and He did it. So, I fear being out of His will for a nano-second. Please learn from me – stop going on with life as usual. Life is about to change for everyone on this planet forever – seek Him with all your being so that you find the real Yahuweh, the real Yahushua, before it is too late.

Please know that there is an ultimate price to be paid for being His disciple and servant. But, there is also an ultimate price that He will require for resisting the instructions of the Spirit. But, if you are already totally given over to obeying Elohim without second thought, then the price has already been paid, and the consequences of your stand will make it easier for you in the days to come.

In Daniel 3, Nebuchadnezzar tried to force all under his rule to bow to a statue of him or be killed. He was faced with three Hebrew youths who would not bow. They were thrown into a furnace of fire as their punishment. They accepted their fate. They would bow to no other than Yahuweh. Therefore Yahuweh honored them, and the glorious conclusion is something we should take serious note of. They “loved not their lives even to death” (Revelation 12:11) – which is the mind-set required of us.

Daniel 6: Dani’el also had totally committed himself to be set-apart until Yahuweh, so it was not traumatic for him to go into the den of lions. It was

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traumatic for King Darius. Dani’el speaks to King Darius from the pit: `…my Elah has sent His messenger and has shut the lions’ mouths, and they did not harm me because I was found blameless before Him’ ... no harm was found on him because he trusted in his Elah”.

Throughout Scripture, there is a high price tag on His protection. We just can’t assume He will protect because we’ve prayed a prayer to go to heaven, or if we think we are spiritual because we do some outward observances, or because we quote Psalm 91 ten times a day. There are conditions to all of His blessings – throughout the whole Word.

But, also, Satan can’t just take your “spirit man” - soul and spirit - from you into the lake of fire. If he could, he would have done it a long time ago. So, what does Satan want from you that most humans, including so-called “believers”, give him many times a day freely without thought?


So Satan targets the mind and emotions with his deceit and lies, twisting truth so that people choose what he says over what Yahuweh says. He uses other people and his own influence to sway your reasoning.

No one has original thoughts in the reasoning mind of the soul! The mind works through the brain, which takes in data from the outside and processes it. Satan wants to have data input and control the processing of it. He uses religion strongly to influence, as well as pride of life and hidden fleshly desires.

Yahuweh does not speak to the mind of the “flesh”, but only into the open portal of the mind of Messiah in the Spirit”. He speaks in 40 different ways to His people, [Refer to: “Forty Ways Yahuweh Speaks to His People”] but primarily as we sit quietly reading/studying the Word for His opinions and thinking, and to hear what He requires of us with humble and contrite heart, opening our self up to being taught by Him, so that we die to our own desires to pick up His. This is basic discipleship. This is the basic life of a bond servant of the Master, in training for reigning. Thus we get to know Him – His nature, His character, His ways, and His thinking.

The word for “name” in Hebrew “shem” --i.e. ha Shem, referring to His Name--simply means His character. For in Hebrew each name reflects the character of the person. He is a Person! Therefore, we see in His naming of His Son – Yahushua – it means “Yahuweh is salvation” – salvation in its most complete form.

Secondly, He most often speaks by impression to the spirit (in the loins area of you – the processing and reproduction area of you). The other 38 ways He speaks are “as He wills”, when He wills.

Satan deceives your mind and emotions to get you to relinquish your control over your own will and give it to him, thus opening a gate, portal, door, for

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his entrance. Of course, the average person doesn’t know it is Satan deceiving their mind, for he comes through his agents – religious or secular teachers, pastors, rabbis, books, movies, advertisements, and what appeases and satiates the flesh. He does not come himself, but sends an entourage into your mind and into your life to destroy you and your family slowly and surely, or quickly, and because you’ve given him your will, he can do whatever he wants and you are the victim.

Demonic spirits have legal boundaries set by YOUR will. You have to open the gate, either willfully or ignorantly—the portal or door to the enemy--by yourself. Only you control the gate into your mind, emotions, and body!

You open it by sin, willful or ignorant, by rebellion, by self-will, pride, lusts of the flesh, fear, disobedience, apathy, and/or by allowing false beliefs to enter that regulates your actions--so many ways!

Therefore, YOU are responsible for almost all that happens to you. Your will is the root source of almost every problem you have. We will stand alone before the Master in the judgment!

Stop the “blame game!” We cannot blame anyone else for our disobedience, our pride, our self-seeking, our manipulation of others, or our troubles and heartaches.

Deuteronomy 28:1 is clear – If you obey Him you do well, if not you get what you deserve. “What a man sows that shall he also reap”.

Stop your judgment and criticism of others! Don’t blame others, or even the Devil. YOU AND YOU ALONE ARE THE GATEKEEPER OVER YOUR OWN LIFE! You open or close gates, portals, or doors to either the enemy or to Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh.

If you continually yield to Yahuweh, in humility and childlikeness, without seeking for yourself or trying to control your life and the lives of others, but laying down your life daily for His will, then you reap good, and finally eternal life. But, most hop between choosing the tree of Lucifer and believing they are eating of the tree of life.

If you choose to eat the fruit from Lucifer’s tree, which the world’s people and most “believers” chow down daily, you cannot, and will not, eat of the tree of life in Yahuweh’s eternal Kingdom!

Western culture basically says “whatever you believe is truth for you”, and “if it feels good do it”. It takes radical separation and set-apartness, allowing the Spirit to transform your mind and emotions daily, so that both parts of your “spirit-man” submit to Yahuweh’s Spirit. The discipline of the soul brings the discipline of the will. The soul is undisciplined unless you allow the Spirit to work in you to discipline you, but you have to cooperate!

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What did Satan want from Messiah in Matthew 4:2-11? What didn’t he get?

He was after Messiah’s will – but he didn’t get it!!! We are to emulate our Master and Teacher – be just like Him in nature, ways and thinking.

That means we must guard our will and be more set-apart now than ever before--more filled with the Word taught by Him to our spirit, and with worship in His Presence, more quiet natured, and less involved with the world except in the necessary basics.

How did Messiah win the victory that led to our salvation? When did He win the victory that led to our salvation? How? Excerpts from John 7:16-12:50: “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me...I do nothing at all from Myself, but as My Father taught me, these words I speak…I spoke not from Myself, but the Father who sent Me has given Me a command, what I should say…” He got the victory one minute at a time, just like we must!

He says to us in Matthew 10:24: “A taught one (disciple) is not above his teacher or a servant above his master. It is enough for the taught one to become like his teacher and a servant like his master”.

You are like those you hang around, you know. The more you spend time by yourself in His Presence, the more He can transform you into one like Himself. If He is your Teacher, and IF you are His servant, then emulate Him and you will live eternally with Him!

Remember: “You are bought with a price--be not the servants of men”. That includes your own selfish ambitions and hidden agendas--your control over your own life to get what satiates your carnal desires.

How would your life be different if you allowed Him to transform your nature so that you thought like Him and acted like Him, and your nature reflected His nature?

Every day Messiah obeyed His Father explicitly. Like we must do many times a day, Messiah won His victory one decision at a time!!! Every day, He used His own will to die to His own desires to pick up His Father’s will. Therefore, when the ultimate test came in the Garden of Gethsemane, He made the ultimate decision that led Him to die and rise again--to renew the Covenant of His Father with the divorced House of Israel (northern 10 tribes of Ya’cob), renewing the marriage Covenant with a set-apart remnant of all the tribes, thus fulfilling Deuteronomy 24:1-4.

But, every day, as He grew up, He made choices to obey only His Father in heaven. He knew “the wiles of the Devil” and He did not fall for them. He was an obedient Son. “It is enough for the taught one to be like his teacher, and a servant like his master”. Are you one of His taught ones (disciples)? Are you one of His bond servants? Don’t answer quickly or lightly! In the days to come, you will be tested, so that who you really are will surface.

If you are going to go forward with the Master, He has to have your

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submitted permission before He will ask anything of you, or do anything through you. In order to transform you into His image and likeness and nature, and thinking, He has to have your permission. Else, His Spirit cannot do it – for you have the power to block Him, and tell Him “NO”. But, in telling Him “No”, you have said “yes” to Satan and his demons. Every rebellious “NO” to Yahuweh gives legal right to the demonic realm to invade your life deeper and deeper.

You are probably thinking that super-spiritual you would never give him permission to deceive your mind, twist your emotions, harm your body, touch your family, your income, your health, your security, your faith, and eternal destiny. But, every day, except for a miniscule few, almost seven billion people give him their will many times a day. Self-righteous people who pride themselves in their exalted spirituality are more deceived than secular agnostics.

In the Garden of Eden Hhawah, then Adam, (making two witnesses so that every word would be established) gave him the right to do what he does to us now. By relinquishing their will to him, receiving his lies, turning from obedience to rebel against Yahuweh, they opened a portal for Satan to legally do the same to every human being born on earth. Our DNA was tainted, so that our natural inclination is to listen to lies and deception, and act in rebellion and revolt against Truth and discipline from the Creator.

“The prophets have prophesied falsely, and the priests rule by their own hand, and My people have loved it so”… (Jeremiah 5:31)

Every human is born open and vulnerable, in a defensive position. The true new birth actually changes DNA so that our whole desires change, our nature changes. This is by the transforming power of Yahuweh Himself. Do you see how cheap-gospel religion has fooled most people into thinking they are alright with God, when they are not transformed? The true new birth is a radical experience, not based on emotion or an acquired belief-system. It is a life-transforming event that takes one from the kingdom of darkness and translates them into the Kingdom of Elohim. The new DNA is prepared for us to desire a life that is pre-Adam and pre-Hhawah – and press forward to it – a blameless, set-apart, pure life that is totally different in all manner from the world’s people.

By receiving the true new birth of transformation by faith in the blood of Messiah for forgiveness of sin, and His resurrection for eternal life, we have been taken from a defensive position, a helpless position, to an offensive position with authority-backing from Abba, in order to reverse that curse. This new nature causes a reversal of what Adam and Hhawah did – by putting us on the offensive against the enemy. However, since the true new birth is almost never explained in western culture, even people who are born

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again do not know how extensive the transformation is by the Spirit, nor the responsibilities to maintaining it. He has had great mercy on us. I was never told by my church the requirements for living in His Kingdom. Thus, now that I know – I feel very responsible to tell as many people as possible, so that they don’t lose their eternal life out of ignorance.

Abba Yahuweh has to have your permission to do anything with you. He will not violate your free will! Satan is on a puppet string. He has to have Yahuweh’s permission to touch or kill one of Yahuweh’s servants. (Iyob/Job 1 and 2 are good examples) But, even, as with Iyob, Satan had no power to change his will – he could only try.

So what is Satan after? What is Yahuweh after? You hold the key to who wins in your life! They are both after your WILL!

Satan is perfectly content with a little of your will. He only asked four decisions out of Messiah. Through a singular decision actually--a singular decision by both Hhawah and Adam, Satan/Lucifer/the Serpent/the Devil/the Dragon led the whole human race to rebel against their Creator.

All Satan needs is just a giving in of your will, opening a gate of entrance, no matter how small, and then he will move in with an entourage of his forces and take over. He only needs a crack in the door open long enough for him to get his foot in it.

In Texas, we had a door leading to a small patio in our house in Texas. It had a small opening between the bottom of the door and the carpet. One night we were all lying on the floor watching TV, right in front of that door to the outside. My third child went to the kitchen to get some snacks. She let out a scream. There in the middle of our dining room floor was a long brown snake curled up asleep. Yes, we got it out. But, the thought that it had to crawl past us to get into the dining room was scary. The next day, our cat was playing with some things on the carpet. I looked to see several baby snakes crawling on the carpet. Yes, we sealed that opening in the door.

Every day, His people are distracted by the world and allow “snakes” from the demonic world to slither into their lives and curl up and go to sleep, so they never really know they have opened portals until it is too late.

“Self” is “flesh” and “flesh” is death (Romans 8:5-8; 13-15). Most people daily choose to follow the deceit of the Serpent, for most do not know that they have crossed Yahuweh’s will – they are just following what everyone else is doing. What was “the Serpent of old” trying to get from Hhawah (Eve) and Adam? What did he get? What does he get from you daily?

The plumb line of Yahuweh has been dropped into the midst of His people.

(Amos 7:7-8) Those crooked to it, even in the slightest way will be useless to the Kingdom. The walls of His Kingdom are built by His plumb line, and only those straight to His plumb line of His Truth, those whose hearts are

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meshed with His heart in purpose and goals, will align to it.

Every day when you awake and all through the day and night, the enemy wants something from you, and Yahuweh wants something from you—YOUR WILL! Every day you make one decision after another to give either Satan what he wants, or Yahuweh what He wants … and most of the time, for those who say they are “believers” in “free society” of the West where the desires of the flesh reign as King, they give a little of what Yahuweh wants to Him, and the majority of what Satan wants to him. After all Satan satiates the desires of the senses (soul) and makes us feel good about our self. Yahuweh asks that we die to our own desires, and take up His. Yahuweh made it very hard to follow Him in blamelessness. Messiah made it very hard to follow Him in blamelessness. Every day, both Satan and Elohim vie for

something that you have--the precious gift you were given by your Creator.

Throughout the Word we have the admonition of Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh that we give this gift back to Him to use for our good. But, throughout the Word we read mankind chooses to give this gift to Satan and his forces to use for our destruction.

Every day we are presented with Eliyahu’s message on Mt. Carmel (I Kings 18) … yet every day most still hop between two opinions. In the case of “believers”, this means to be “lukewarm”, and Messiah will vomit the lukewarm out of His mouth as He comes with the wrath of His Father.

The wise virgins paid a high price to stay prepared. Through discipline and diligence they stored extra oil for their lamps, to see them through the dark of the night, as they waited with expectation for Messiah and His Bride to return. Hebrew Matthew 25:1-2: “The Kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins who took their lamps and went forth to meet a bridegroom and a bride. Five of them were lazy fools and five of them were alert and wise”. The Bridegroom said to the “lazy fools”: “Truly I say to you, I do not know who you are”.

Psalm 119:105: “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”.

The lamp in Matthew 25:1-13 is the Word. The oil is the Spirit of Yahuweh Who brings the light of His Word to all who set it as primary in their lives. It is up to us to maintain the infilling of the Spirit within our re-born spirit. We cannot give anyone else the Presence of the Spirit. Each one of us has to pay the price to maintain His Presence within us--so that Yahuweh can teach, guide, direct, warn, comfort, and move through us to bless others.

He gives us the task of speaking by His Spirit the Word of life, so that others will be drawn to the Light of Truth by our testimony and our love for them.

Does He know you? Does He know you well enough to trust you? How well do you know Him? It takes time to “buy” – to pay the price for an intimate relationship with Him, so that there is mutual trust.

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I exhort you, daily, especially in early morning when He speaks to us more than any other time of day, to get before Him, and out loud verbally give yourself to Him, from your innermost being telling Him to remove all from you that displeases Him, to give you His desires, so that you will do His will, no matter what the price. Then prepare for Him to take you up on what you’ve said. Your whole life will change forever, for eternal good, even

though the price tag includes great suffering sometimes. Stay in the Psalms and in worship. As you spend time with Him in quietness and peace, to enter into His Presence, He will begin speaking to you. I warn you: Just never ever say “no” to Him – fear saying “no” to Him! To lose His Presence is to lose everything.

The world is becoming more and more of an empty existence. It is boring! Most western people in particular, from babyhood to death, have to be entertained like babies, when following the Lamb wherever He goes is all the adventure anyone could ever want. It just means getting out of a comfort zone into the battle, and learning to depend on Him for everything. In it, we build relationship with Him, one day at a time.

Your self-created world is about to end. Get out of the world system as best you can, first by getting it out of your mind and emotions. Stop demanding to be babied and petted on and coddled in your god-like attitude about yourself. Get out of it fast, as if touching a 400 degree stove, for as it burns the wicked of this world it will burn you. He is coming with fire. It will burn up everything that is not of Yahuweh. (I Corinthians 3:11-15)

Choose! For your lack of choosing will chose for you.

Give your will and your obedience to the right master. Eternity is near. Be quick – enter your own Garden of Gethsemane, and make your decision – for victory, or defeat.

Hudson Taylor, the great missionary that opened up the interior of China to the Good News, said: “Unless He is Lord of all, He is not Lord at all”. True! With Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh, it is all or nothing!

II Timothy 4:7-8: “and to all those loving His appearing”. Do you love His appearing? Are you calling for Him to come? (I John 3:1-3; Philippians 3:20-21; Revelation 22:17a)

On Patmos, 2001, while in the cave where Yochanan received the Revelation, receiving revelation on why Yochanan wept, in Revelation 5, Abba showed me something about Miriam (Mary) of Bethany, a picture of the Bridal remnant, who wept because her brother Lazarus had died. The Jews were weeping with her. When Messiah both weeping, “He wept”. Then He went and raised Lazarus. In that cave He spoke to me: “When I see my Bride weeping for Me to come, and the remnant of Judah weeping with her for Me to come, then I will come and raise Lazarus”--meaning the first resurrection of all the justified.

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Today, His Bride is calling for Him with tears. There is a remnant of Judah who is also calling for Messiah to come, who will receive Him either before or at His coming. At His coming with the wrath of His Father, He will raise the justified in the first and only resurrection of the “saved”. (Revelation 20:4-6; John 5:25-30, and etc.)

People in the west have no excuse for not studying the whole Word, Genesis to Revelation, with Him to teach them in the mind of the spirit, which transforms the mind of the soul. If they believe wrongly because they’ve willfully opened a portal by listening to some human teacher who is not taught by the Spirit, then they deserve the deception and lies they get. There is no excuse for willful ignorance.

In the days to come, the hearts of mankind will be laid bare and naked, and then we will see who has been hiding behind a mask, and who is genuine.

Let the personal questions I ask here be for your meditation as you sit quietly in His Presence.

With His love,


July 21, 2012

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