Cold War

Cold War Review Guide


• Define the Cold war.

• In what areas did the USA and USSR compete for supremacy?

• What was the US policy in dealing with Communism?

• Explain how we attempted to prevent the spread of Communism in Western Europe.

• What was the purpose of NATO?

• What happened to Germany (Berlin) at the end of WWII?

Cold War At Home

• What was the Red Scare?

• Who was Joseph McCarthy?

• What is McCarthyism?


• Who (major players), What (caused it) , When(did it start), Where (is it located) and Why(is it forgotten) of the Korean War. Include the 38th parallel in your response.

• What is Korea like today? Who is its leader? Why do we worry?


• What was life like in the 1950’s?


• Who was John F. Kennedy Jr. and how effective was he in dealing with cold war events?

• Explain all three cold war events JFK was associated with.

Eisenhower and Domino Theory


• Who (major players), What (caused it), When (did it start/end), Where (is it located) and Why (did the US join and loose) of the war in Vietnam.

• What is the definition of Escalation as it relates to the Vietnam War and what American President is associated with it?

• What gave Johnson the power to escalate the war and send troops to Vietnam?

• Describe the controversial issues of the Vietnam War (My Lai massacre, Pentagon papers, Tet Offensive).

Vietnam and the home front

• Define Doves and Hawks

• Why (3 reasons) and how did Americans protest the Vietnam War?

• Describe the events which took place in Kent State during the war in Vietnam?

1960’s and the Counterculture

Vietnam and Nixon

• Describe President Nixon’s foreign policies: Cease fire and Vietnamization.

• What country did Richard Nixon increase foreign relations with during the cold war?

End of the Cold War

• What two leaders are responsible for ending the cold war?

• Describe the fall of Berlin Wall.

• What happened to the USSR at the end of the Cold War?

Cold War Review Guide

1. Define the Cold War.

2. In what areas did the USA and USSR compete for supremacy?

3. What was the US policy in dealing with Communism?

4. What was the Red Scare?

5. Who was Joseph McCarthy

6. What is McCarthyism?

7. Why did the Korean War begin? Include the 38th parallel in your response.

8. What is Korea like today? Who is its leader? Why do we worry?

9. Who was John F. Kennedy Jr. and how effective was he in dealing with cold war events?

Below are 3 cold war events which took place during the Kennedy’s administration. Describe each.

• Cuban Missile Crisis

• Berlin Wall

• Bay of Pigs incident

• Who was Fidel Castro and what two events from above is he linked with?

10. Where is Vietnam located?

11. Who was Ho Chi Minh?

12. Describe the Domino Theory?

13. What is the definition of Escalation as it relates to the Vietnam War and what American President is associated with it?

14. Why was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution passed and what did it mean for President Johnson?

15. Define Doves.

16. Define Hawks.

17. Why did Americans protest the Vietnam War?

18. Describe the controversial issues of the war in Vietnam (Mi Lay massacre, Tet Offensive, Pentagon Papers.

19. Describe the events which took place in Kent State during the Vietnam war?

20. Describe President Nixon’s foreign policies: Cease fire and Vietnamization.

21. What country did Richard Nixon increase foreign relations with during the cold war?

22. What two leaders are responsible for ending the cold war?

23. Describe the Fall of Berlin Wall


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