
1. On September 1, 1939 who did Germany invade to start WWII?

2. Who helped Germany invade Poland?

3. Next Germany invaded what two countries on April 9th, 1940?

4. On July 22, 1940 which Allied Nation surrenders?

5. In July of 1940 Germany begins to attack?

6. Germany also tried to block England with U-boats to make them?

7. In February of 1941 Germany invades what continent to help the Italian troops?

8. On April 6, 1941 Germany invades what two nations?

9. On June 22, 1941 Germany double crosses the Soviet Union and invades them, what is this operation called?

10. On December 7th, 1941 Japan attacks America at the Hawaiian Naval Base known as?

11. In 1942, America finally stops Japan at what two battles?

12. In April of 1942, which region of the world does Hitler invade?

13. True or False: The largest battle of WWII “Stalingrad” began on August 23, 1942

14. True or False: On November 3, 1942 Germany begins to suffer one of its largest defeats at the Battle of El Alamein

15. On November 8th, 1942 what two African nations are freed from German control?

16. On May 16, 1943 Germany crushes a Jewish uprising in Poland known as the Warsaw ________?

17. True or False: On May 13, 1943 Tunisia is officially liberated and Germany has to pull out of Africa?

18. In August of 1943, where did the Allies finally land in Europe?

19. True or False: The Gustav Line is the place where Germany invades Italy to prevent any Allied advancements?

20. Germany if finally defeated by the Soviet Union at what Battle in January of 1944?

21. To finish the war faster, the Allies invade Northern France (Normandy) on June 6th, 19___? (D-Day)

22. True or False: America finally takes the island of Saipan in July of 1944

23. By the summer of 1944, the Soviet Union (Russia) is now beginning to invade German held lands (Minsk)?

24. Warsaw, Poland is liberated by the Soviets on January 17, 19___?

25. True or False: By February 13th, 1945 America is now close enough to Germany to firebomb the city of Dresden

26. What island does America capture on March 26th, 1945?

27. As America closes in on Japan, what Japanese city can now be bombed by March of 1945?

28. Who is the first Allied nation to reach Berlin Germany on April 16th, 1945?

29. How does Hitler die on April 30th, 1945?

30. How does Mussolini die?

31. To get Japan to surrender, the USA dropped two atomic bombs:

a. Fat man on Hiroshima August 6th, 19___

b. Little boy on Nagasaki August 9th, 19___

32. On what day did WWII officially end?


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