Delaware Reformed Church“We Are Meant to Thrive!”Reverend Gary HegstadJanuary 3, 2021______________________________________________________________________________ HolyGathering Song “O Come All Ye Faithful” Call to Worship Praise and Worship The Highway 18 Praise Band “Day After Christmas” “Oh What a Glorious Night” Opening Prayer Children’s Sermon Pastor GaryHymn “Refiners Fire”Announcements and Prayer ConcernsCongregational Prayer Scripture John 1:1-18 Message “To Testify of the Light – Jesus Christ”Ordination and Installation ServiceThe Apostle’s CreedWorship in Tithes and Offerings “King of Kings” Doxology and Offertory prayerBenedictionClosing Song “The Blessing” Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!If you are a visitor, please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.Today we have the privilege of ordaining and installing Jimmy Sieperda as a deacon, and to install Matt Loewe as an elder.Today we restart the Children’s Sermons. The kids will not have to wear a mask, but we ask those giving the children’s message to do so, as that would be consistent with our expectations of Sunday School teachers and youth sponsors.Help wanted: Following the worship service today we will be taking down the Christmas decorations.The Sunday School offering box is out for your giving today.This Week:-Wed 9:00 AM: Men’s Coffee and Prayer time in the fellowship hall-Wed 7:00 PM: Youth Groups will begin again!!-Next Sunday: we will resume our sermon series on the Lord's Prayer Thank you to our outgoing consistory members Richard Hyronimus and James Westra. Your leadership within the ministry of Delaware Reformed Church has been much appreciated!Praise and Worship for Sunday, Jan 10th is Joshua’s House. Sound Booth is Paula Loewe. Usher is the Ross family. Children’s Sermon is Jo Westra.Praise and Worship for Sunday, Jan 17th is the Praise Band. Sound Booth is John Hauck. Usher is the Brandsrud family. Children’s Sermon is Janell Horner.-9525118744Happy Birthday! Jan 5: Dave Tipton Jan 7: Charlotte Gibbons: Tracia MorrenHappy Anniversary! Jan 5: Randy & Jani Gibbons 00Happy Birthday! Jan 5: Dave Tipton Jan 7: Charlotte Gibbons: Tracia MorrenHappy Anniversary! Jan 5: Randy & Jani Gibbons Offering ReportGeneral FundBuilding FundOffering Received12/27/2020$13,890.93$150.00Budgeted Average Weekly Offering$2,980.77$748.08Difference$10,910.16-$598.08Fiscal Year-To-Date SummaryReceived Offerings$139,427.70$14,842.45Budgeted Offerings$155,000.00$38,900.00Difference-$15,572.30-$24,057.55Prayer Concerns-Keith Aannenson (Suzette’s uncle) remains hospitalized with COVID-19. -Pearl Schouten (mother of Coby Vander Kooy) received a good report from a recent scan. Her tumors are shrinking, with no additional tumors.-the many people who have COVID-19.-Our sympathy is expressed to Patsy DeVries and her family on the passing of Dave this past week. Coming Up:-Tuesday, January 12, 7:00 PM Consistory MeetingOur Services are broadcast live at 9:30 AM on:Facebook: Delaware Reformed ChurchWeb page: Worship Guidelines:-masks will be required to be worn by those sitting in the pews and the east side cushioned chairs. Young children are exempt from this requirement.-masks are optional for seating in the west side rows of cushioned chairs and the chairs in the fellowship hall. ................

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