By a soul

(August 7, 2020, Month dedicated to honoring Our Heavenly Father – Papa God)

Yesterday, the entire world was given a very special grace from God. Heaven gave permission for Catholic seer, Valentina Papagna (), to release on the 2020 Feast of the Transfiguration, a message that she received from the Blessed Mother Mary and Her Divine Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, almost 29 years ago (November 23, 1991).

What is this message about? In the message, the Blessed Mother and Jesus reveal what the Third Secret of Medjugorje is – what the Miraculous Sign is that will be in the sky above Apparition Hill in Medjugorje. Apparition Hill is the site where the six Medjugorje visionaries first started receiving visions from Our Blessed Queen in June 1981. And we have been given hints by the visionaries over the years about the Sign of Medjugorje – that the Sign will be “permanent”, “beautiful”, and “indestructible”.

The original heavenly message given to Valentina is at the end of this commentary. But, basically, what the Blessed Mother shared is that there will be a miraculous Cross in the sky and both the Blessed Mother and Jesus will be standing beneath the Cross.

However, the special part about the Sign of Medjugorje is that only believers – those who truly convert their lives back to God will have the special privilege of witnessing the Blessed Mother and Jesus. For those who have closed hearts, they will simply see the Cross in the sky – as a type of unusual astronomical event – and nothing more.

This unique grace associated with the Sign of Medjugorje (privilege only given to believers and not unbelievers of seeing the Blessed Mother and Jesus), actually seems consistent with what Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, has remarked about the Sign in different interviews. For example, Vicka has said these words:

-- "I’ll just say this: whoever does not believe without a sign will not believe with a sign. And, I’ll tell you this too: woe to him who delays his conversion, waiting for the sign. I once told you that many would come, and perhaps, even kneel before the sign, but will, nonetheless, not believe. Be happy that you are not among them!"

-- "I want to say about those people who will see it and not believe, the Madonna leaves everyone free to believe or not, but those are ones whose hearts are too closed. It’s the same thing as the Madonna said to us, ‘If one wants to go to Heaven, he will go to Heaven. If one wants to go to hell, he will go to hell.’ Those people who are far away from God and do not want to believe, they will not believe in the sign. For those who do not know God, but have good intentions and a desire to love, they will be benefitted by the sign. But I think that those who do everything against God, they will run away from the sign. They will not believe."

Vicka has also said that these are the words of the Blessed Mother about the Sign of Medjugorje:

--"She tells us not to wait for the sign on the mountain in order to convert, and in any event, ‘all the secrets that I have confided will be realized and also the visible sign will be made manifest. When the sign comes, for many it will already be too late.’"

* * *

Now, the words of the Blessed Mother to Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, about the timing of the appearance of the Sign on Apparition Mountain being “too late” for the conversion of many people is also consistent with Saint Gabriel Archangel revealed to me (“a soul”) back in January 2017 about various aspects of the Divine Plan. Saint Gabriel shared these important aspects with me:

One, the Great Warning of Garabandal (otherwise, known as the “Illumination of Conscience”) is not the First Secret of Medjugorje. The Warning is a wholly separate event in the Divine Plan and only God the Father knows the exact date of the Warning.

Two, the Warning of Garabandal is the first event of a chain or sequence of events in the End Times that will lead up quickly to the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse culminating in the 42-month reign of the antichrist on earth.

Three, during the encounter of the Great Warning, the last three Medjugorje visionaries who have only received Nine of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, will receive the final Tenth Secret by Our Lady.

Four, the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje – which we know to be a very great punishment for sins for the entire world – is the same event as the conditional Great Chastisement of Garabandal. I was made to understand that this event –the Tenth Secret / Great Chastisement is what is known as the “Three Days of Darkness” which has been prophesied to different Catholic messengers throughout the centuries.

Five, I understood that all six Medjugorje visionaries and Garabandal visionary, Conchita, will experience the Three Days of Darkness during the Warning encounter and it will be at a level of spiritual intensity that cannot be fully understood, appreciated or grasped by a vision given to them on earth. Prayer is requested for the seven visionaries so they can endure the shocking event in the spirit during the Warning.

Six, after the Warning has concluded on earth, all seven visionaries, including Conchita of Garabandal, are expected by God and the Blessed Mother to testify to the world the contents of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje. I understood that Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana, does not have the permission to reveal the date of the Tenth Secret which she must keep secret until the appointed time for its unveiling. However, God and Our Lady expect Mirjana to testify along with the others, her own experience about the Three Days of Darkness to the world.

Seven, it is the hope of Heaven that the testimony of the seven visionaries about the Three Days of Darkness, will bring about the Consecration of the nation of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Catholic Church, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima (1917) over a century ago. The Consecration of Russia is the necessary first step in a sequence of events that will lead up to the conditional Great Chastisement of Garabandal being averted by mankind on earth.

Eight, the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal will take place in the Springtime following the Warning, on a date only known by the Garabandal visionary, Conchita, which she will announce eight days in advance.

Nine, the Great Sign of Garabandal and the Great Sign of Medjugorje are not the same thing. Conchita of Garabandal and myself (“a soul”) are the only two people on earth who have been directly told by Heaven what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal consist of. I, “a soul”, know exactly what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are and I will share more at a later date. Meanwhile, I will state that they both are Eucharistic in nature and reveal God's deepest concern for the welfare and preservation of the sanctity of life – especially, the Holy Innocents, the unborn babies – among mankind on earth.

And Ten, the unveiling of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje will begin sometime after the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal have taken place on earth.

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And so, I share these aspects of the Divine Plan in this commentary, because it helps explain the Blessed Mother's words that it will be “too late” for many people once the Sign of Medjugorje (Third Secret) is revealed on earth. There is due to many things that will be taking shape in the world prior to the Third Secret of Medjugorje being unveiled.

I also know that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve nuclear disasters and other grave catastrophes that will result in massive deaths if Heaven is not invited to act on the world stage through the Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church. It is only by the Consecration of Russia by Holy Mother Church that Heaven will have secured the free-will permission on behalf of all of mankind to finally begin countering in a major way all the evil being orchestrated by satan and his minions of hell on earth in his diabolical plans for the Apocalypse.

The recognition by all of mankind of Our Heavenly Queen and Holy Mother Mary is essential to the unfolding Divine Plan of Our Heavenly Father as the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart is also the Triumph of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity in the hearts of all mankind which will usher in the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, on earth on a future day only known to Our Heavenly Father. The Blessed Mother Mary is the Hidden Plan of God – kept secret for two thousand years so satan had no advance knowledge to plan any attack – so Heaven could destroy the kingdom of darkness on earth forever.

I also believe that is why Heaven has revealed multiple times recently to Catholic prophetess, Luz de Maria (see messages: April 26, 2019, April 30, 2019, and July 11, 2020, ), that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal has been extended to major Marian apparition sites around the world, as viewing both the Miracle and permanent Sign will strengthen the faithful, further bring about conversion among all mankind, and help fulfill all of Heaven's requests for the Great Transformation that must take place before the Era of Peace promised at Fatima can begin on earth.

In conclusion, I want to share in this commentary for those who do not already follow the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be taking place very shortly in the world. Specifically, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has indicated through Catholic prophets, such as John Leary (), and The Little Prophet of Love (), that the Warning will happen this Fall/Autumn 2020.

This is also why I believe that Heaven is making certain moves now during this crucial lead-up time before the Warning happens. Firstly, Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana, on her annual apparition of March 18, 2020, the Blessed Mother shared with Mirjana that she would no longer receive anymore 2nd of the Month messages for non-believers. Secondly, Our Heavenly Father (Papa God) revealed in one of His daily messages at Holy Love Ministries (), that He will no longer be giving any dates for large prayer event gatherings at the ministry site, Maranatha Spring and Shrine, in Ohio, USA. However, Papa God has been promoting that people obtain through the Shrine, His prayer card that has the “Triple Blessings” attached to the relic cloth, which Papa God hopes will sweep around the world to all His beloved children. And now, of course, this timely unveiling by Heaven of the Third Secret – the Great Sign of Medjugorje – for people in the world to prepare for its arrival soon.

Yes, dear ones, this is certainly exciting times for the world these days!

I pray that many people are helped by this commentary.

God bless you all today and always.

I love you,

—a soul

May you receive the Complete Blessing of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!



The Lasting Sign


* * * IMPORTANT * * * THE IMPERATIVE DIRECTIVE – The Only Survival Chance For America – Deciding The Fate Of The World

Commentary – Yes, I believe in the Refuges and the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) Will Happen this Fall 2020 – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

PROPHECY ALERT – Call For More Prayers To Prevent Nuclear War Starting Before The Great Warning Happens Fall 2020 – By a soul

IMPORTANT COMMENTARY – Understanding Divine Justice – Our Lady of Garabandal and the Conditional Great Chastisement – By a soul

* * *



(Source: )

NOTE (By a soul): It seems that Heaven indicated to release this information on August 6, 2020, Feast of the Transfiguration (almost 29 years later after the Secret was given to the chosen messenger, Valentina).

November 23, 1991

Preparation for the Sign to come from Heaven

(not previously published)

At eight o’clock this morning, when I said my prayers Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy and young Lord Jesus appeared to me.

They said, “We come to give you a message and to tell you that soon God will be giving a Sign to the whole world.”

Blessed Mother said, “This is the first Sign that we foretold in Medjugorje, for the whole world to see, and no one can deny it and say that it is not from God. No Science nor astronomers, no one can say that it is a planet or a star. It will be visible for the whole world to see it.”

She said, “Those who will come back to God, they will be very privileged to see Me and My Beloved Son, but I tell you also, for the ones who will not return to God, they will not see Me nor My Beloved Son. We will both stand beneath the Cross. Tell people to wake up from their sleep. There is not much time to sleep, only time to pray and pray.”

“Be prepared for when the Sign comes. This is a secret and is not to be revealed, only when Heaven decides to reveal it. Be ready and prepare,” Blessed Mother said.

Blessed Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus were both very sad when they were telling me this. Our Blessed Mother wants people to be ready, to go to confession, to be in a state of Grace before the Sign is revealed and appears.


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