


Failed Prophecy – Economic Collapse – Believing In Locutions To The World

Did Our Lady Win? Relieved Yet Very Concerned

By a soul

Written 9/26/15

Three weeks ago, when Our Lady announced through Locutions To The World () that there would be a tragic worldwide economic collapse during the Papal visit in America, I have been in prayer.

I have been praying for Divine Mercy and Hope. I did not want the economic collapse to take place, because I knew it would affect millions of people in an adverse way. I prayed to God for all the people who I knew would become hopeless and might despair if they saw their dreams fall apart. I also prayed for the people who, in this great moment of trial, might commit suicide—that they would be saved by grace.

Then, Thursday afternoon passed during the Papal visit, and while there was a market correction that day, there was no economic collapse. I then became very hopeful that perhaps the economic collapse was averted by enough prayer and sacrifice. Friday remained and I was hopeful that we had been spared. When the markets closed on Friday without incident, I was overjoyed, because I thought to myself, surely, Our Lady won this great battle with satan?

I was overjoyed that Our Lady had won, because Our Lady told us in the locutions that the economic collapse was an evil event planned by satan and not a divine chastisement from God. In fact, there was no good purpose for the event and that God did not desire the economic collapse. But, it was an evil event that would come as a natural result of building a false world economy from a multitude of bad will, selfish choices made by mankind.

Our Lady has also said in the locutions that everyone wants to know the future, such as the 10 Secrets of Medjugorje, but the better grace is to be able to influence, change and mitigate the future. Truly, that is the whole reason for the enterprise of Medjugorje—why Our Lady comes to Medjugorje—to change and influence the world back to God’s Divine Plan.

In fact, the best result for Heaven, for the revealing of the 7 last Secrets of Medjugorje—which are all bad events and divine chastisements—is that the 7 last Secrets are mitigated and do not happen at all—that they are totally changed, because the whole world converts back to God and so, God, in His Divine Mercy, cancels them.

That would be the greatest and best outcome for the 7 last Secrets of Medjugorje. That would be a great success for Our Lady’s plan for conversion of the entire world.

And so, realizing these higher truths about the purpose of revealing prophecy, I was greatly relieved that the worldwide economic collapse did not happen earlier this week. After all, who really wants such an enormous tragedy to take place? Who would ever pray for that? I could never pray for such a prophecy to be fulfilled, even if it was spoken by Our Lady to be forthcoming.

The only Christian way is to pray for God’s Divine Mercy and Hope for all people. To trust in Our Lord, praying for the best outcome and Our Lady’s intentions, whatever they may be. The only way is to pray for the salvation of souls.

And so, I did this, hoping for the best, preparing for the worse, and trusting in Our Lord and Our Lady. And so, when it became obvious that the worldwide economic collapse was postponed for another day, I was greatly relieved. I was relieved for myself and my family, for all my loved ones, and for the entire world. I was grateful for the advance notice from Our Lady, so that I could pray to help mitigate this tragedy. The locution from Our Lady was such a great blessing for all of us!

However, despite my immediate joy that the economic collapse was postponed, I have also become very concerned. I am not concerned for myself, but for other people and their faith. Because, through prayer in these past two days, the Holy Spirit has revealed certain realities to me.

I firmly believe in Locutions To The World. I recognize clearly the voice of Our Lord and Our Lady in the messages and I have no doubt about their authenticity. The recent “failed” prophecy of Our Lady has not shaken me at all in my beliefs about the locutions, because for me, prophecy is not the reason I believe in heavenly messages. I believe in the locutions, because I recognize the sublime teachings of Our Lord and Our Lady in them, which could only come from Heaven.

Prophecy is only a secondary concern of mine when I discern heavenly messages given today from whatever source they may be. I recognize the voice of Our Lord and Our Lady in heavenly messages by allowing my spirit to connect with and resonate with the teachings Our Lord and Our Lady give in heavenly messages. I do not read heavenly messages to plot days and future events. I read heavenly messages so my spirit can become enriched and so I can grow closer to God.

That is why I am confident in supporting the heavenly messengers that I do on my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. Prophecy is a lesser concern of mine. If the heavenly messages speak to and affect my soul in a positive way that is how I know they are true. My personal writings on my blog show this. It is never about prophecy to me, but spiritual truths.

Prophecy is very fluid. I also believe that all prophecy can be changed due to free will, even those in the Book of Revelation, which was written in prophetic imagery, to challenge the world to seek God first in all things. What cannot be changed are the eternal truths of the faith.

Our Lady has said many times in the locutions that World War II, the dropping of the atomic bomb, the Cold War, communism, etc., that none of this should have happened. If the requests of Fatima had been heeded, Our Lady would have prevented all of these events from happening to mankind. Our Lady would have stopped them from ever coming to fruition from their initial onset. With the Consecration of Russia, mankind would have entered the Era of Peace a longtime ago.

Yet, now, we are now further along this path of destruction. We have created a world that has birthed the antichrist, a coming apostasy and schism in the Catholic Church, and the loss of millions of souls that could have been saved, had Russia been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.

The Holy Spirit has shown me in prayer that the postponement of the day of reckoning—the worldwide economic collapse—will have profound repercussions for mankind.

Delaying the day of reckoning will only make the breakthrough much worse when it finally does happen.

I believe that Our Lady was in a “no-win” situation. The worldwide economic collapse was a planned evil by satan and was not a divine chastisement of God. satan wanted to manifest this great economic collapse during the Papal visit to America to show his great influence and power over human affairs. In his pride, he wanted to show how mighty he was to God.

If Our Lady had said nothing, the economic collapse would have certainly come. But, what about Her children? Can a Mother simply stand back and do nothing when a great evil is sure to take place? Is it not Motherly to warn Her children in advance? We have the greatest of Mothers!

Yet, revealing prophecy tips the hand. satan is also listening to and reading the prophecies in the locutions. When Our Lady says that Heaven is ready to enter into battle with him, and has prepared great graces and blessings for mankind should the economic collapse take place, satan is certainly considering these facts. In one recent message, Our Lady revealed that millions of people will start believing in the heavenly locutions.

None of these words of Our Lady go unnoticed by satan. satan hates mankind and the potential loss of millions of souls from his control is not a lightly considered matter to him. he desires the damnation of every soul on earth.

Yet, by delaying this moment of great evil, satan may have won anyways. Why?

I firmly believe in Locutions To The World and I will continue to promote them. But, many others may not be as firm in their beliefs. A failed prophecy such as this one may shake the faith of many people in the locutions. If many people stop following the words of Our Lady in Locutions To The World, they will be depriving themselves of heavenly help, not only for themselves, but for those who would be affected by them.

And so, when the worldwide economic collapse finally happens, as it is inevitable, many people will not have the light of the locutions to help them in their personal situations. That would be a great victory for satan, and not Our Lady.

And so, as I conclude this writing, I am both relieved, yet very concerned. I also wonder what Jonah thought and felt when Nineveh was spared?

Many times, I have been made to look like a fool and crazy for Our Lord and Our Lady. I have also gotten used to changed plans by Heaven for my life. I did what I could to get the message out and I do not mind looking like a fool for believing in Our Lady, if it means that there was enough prayer and sacrifice to prevent a great tragedy from happening. It is all about souls to be saved in the end. That is all that matters.

But, I do not want Our Lady to be made to look like a fool. She is Our Beautiful Queen and Our Dearly Beloved Mother. I only pray that this “failed” prophecy does not turn souls away from Her necessary words. Locutions To The World is genuine and is a mission of divine origin. I pray souls continue to believe in the mission.

God bless!



UPDATE (12/11/16): An Important Teaching About Prophecy from God the Father – “My prophets are not supposed to be right in the outcome of what they say” (Holy Family Refuge Messages)

UPDATE (6/20/16): Jesus Christ – “You have seen Me postpone the evil people’s plan last year (2015), and I will only allow them their hour in My time” (Prophet John Leary)

UPDATE (2/9/16): Another heavenly message about satan attempting to extend his time (100 years) to enslave all humanity: (End Times Daily) Jesus of Nazareth (2/2/16)

NOTE: (Added 1/7/16)

A recent heavenly message was given to another chosen soul, which I believe has bearing on the failed prophecy of the world-wide economic collapse as spoken by Our Lady in the Locutions. You can read it by clicking the link below. God bless! –a soul

“(End Times Daily) St. Michael Archangel – In his evilness, satan has altered his plan by extending his time – Have patience, the ultimate salvation of humanity is still measured in years (1/2/16)”


Blog Post (12/11/16): An Important Teaching About Prophecy from God the Father – “My prophets are not supposed to be right in the outcome of what they say”

Holy Family Refuge Messages

December 3, 2016

Come Holy Trinity and all of Heaven with God the Father’s words to His children,

My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth.  I come to teach My children about the prophets and messengers of the past and today.  My prophets and messengers are to warn My children of what is going to happen if they do not listen to My warnings.  I have been sending My Mother and Son often the last few years to warn my people of future events if they keep living in satan’s sin.  My prophets are not supposed to be right in the outcome of what they say.  Their messages are warnings to you of what will happen if My children do not listen and turn back to the Ten Commandments.

Look at Jonah in the Bible and all the other prophets that came to warn My people.  If the people listened to the prophets, the chastisement could be lessened and changed.  But, if they did not listen to the prophets, all the warnings happened as I said.  I keep warning My children just as a good father on earth keeps warning his children to save their souls.  You cannot live in sin like America and all the world are living in sin very long without paying for it.  Prayer can still lessen some of the effects of what is about to befall America and if the majority of the people would get on their knees and beg My forgiveness and put the Ten Commandments back into everything, some of the natural and physical disasters could be lessened.

I was very happy with your election but you must pray every day for your new leaders and pray hard because satan is like a wild dog cornered and he will do anything to kill and maim My children now.  But remember that I am God the Father and I am in control and satan can do only what I permit because of the sins of My children.  That is what free will permits, My children can save the world or destroy the world by the choices they make with the free will I give to them.  You can take the free will I give to you and throw it back into My face and give it to satan and destroy the world and suffer much, or you can live in My Ten Commandments and give Me and your neighbor love, honesty and peace and save the world and be happy.

I am no different than a loving father who corrects his children over and over until the day he has to say, ‘enough is enough’ and he takes everything away from the children to teach them a lesson and then they have to say ‘yes’ to their father or ‘no’ to their father or go out and suffer the consequences of the evil world.

Please, My children change soon and go to Confession as Catholics or get down on your knees before Christmas and ask forgiveness for your sins with a forgiving heart or else pay the price of deep suffering.  And, pray for all sinners because all My children are sinners because of original sin.  Love, love, and more love, God the Father of Heaven and earth.  Thanks, My son for writing.  I love all My children very much.


Blog Post (6/20/16): Jesus Christ – “You have seen Me postpone the evil people’s plan last year (2015), and I will only allow them their hour in My time”

Prophet John Leary

Friday, May 27, 2016

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My faithful that the one world people are planning their takeover of America soon. I am in control of what is allowed on earth. You have seen Me postpone the evil people’s plan last year, and I will only allow them their hour in My time. You will first see My Warning also in My time. There will be a time of conversion after the Warning, and then the events will lead up to the Antichrist’s declaration, and the beginning of the tribulation. After My Warning, I will let everyone know that it is time to come to My refuges. If you have not made any preparations to leave your home with your backpacks, now is the time to make your last minute preparations. When I call you, you can call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Trust in Me to provide for your protection, and the food and water needed for your survival.”

For further discernment:

Locutions To The World

December 16, 2011

“Why the Chastisements are Delayed”


“Why do I wait so long? Why do I hold back my chastising hand?” These are the questions that the heavenly Father can legitimately ask. He sees the sins of mankind. He watches them flout his laws and even deny his existence. He has given mankind the beautiful earth and the gorgeous heavens. So, why does he not act? This is the great mystery, the delay, the constant delay, the pushing back.

The heavenly Father waits patiently, hoping that he does not have to act, always hoping that mankind would turn to him, so he could act with the greatest of mercies. He even raises up intercessors, who come before him night and day. These are God’s closest friends, and they plead with him to show mercy. In this way, he can put aside his justice for a while. He can claim that these chosen souls are like Moses who pleaded with him and allowed him to forgive the Israelites.

This is the drama which takes place behind the scenes which I will explain for all to understand. God has many attributes, innumerable attributes that man cannot even understand or imagine. These attributes are the ways he acts with mankind. They are the qualities of his Divine Person. Even in the bible, God seems to have many faces. At times, he chooses Israel, then he chastises, then he promises and then he restores. God has only one face, but he has many qualities and all come into play in any relationship which God has with man. The bible tries to catch this diversity, this complexity of God (even though he is perfectly simple).

God is not arbitrary. All of these attributes are in perfect balance and harmony. God is very predictable. If mankind repents, God will forgive. If mankind sins and continues in its sin, God will chastise.

But the question here is about time. When will God chastise? When a person repents, God forgives immediately, but it is quite different with his chastisements. He puts them off and puts them off. People even complain, “How long, O Lord, before you vindicate our rights?” This is because God stretches his mercy as far as he can, until showing mercy is foolish, destructive and harmful to the human race. I must say, “We have reached that point” yet he still delays only because many chosen souls plead before his divine presence. They delay the chastisements and gain time for repentance. This is my message, “Do not put off the time of your repentance” or else you will be worthy of God’s chastisements. I speak to you as a mother warning her children.


COMMENTARY: Jesus Christ – The Warning Has Been Delayed – By a soul

The Warning Has Been Delayed

I believe in the messages provided through Maria Divine Mercy in the Book of Truth. I truly believe that she is the 7th messenger and end-time prophet as mentioned in Holy Scripture, the Book of Revelation.

However, in a few messages given to Maria Divine Mercy, Jesus indicated that the 3 1/2 year long period of the Great Tribulation would start before the end of 2012. And since Jesus has indicated that The Warning would happen as the first event that ushers in the Great Tribulation, I became disillusioned when this did not immediately happen.

I began to doubt the authenticity of the heavenly messages in the Book of Truth.

But, I realized over time that I was underestimating the Divine Mercy of God and the power of prayers by the faithful.  Through much prayer and careful discernment, I realized the value of prophecy given to avert terrible situations from happening and how prayer can postpone events.

Our Lord is Ever-Merciful towards us, His children. In humility, I submitted this matter to Our Lord, and while I did not understand everything, I began to believe in the messages again through Maria Divine Mercy.

I trusted in Jesus and accepted not knowing all the details.

And truly being an Ever-Generous and Good God, The Lord answered my prayer and provided the answer to my questions through the Prophet John Leary.

I share these messages from Jesus through the Prophet John Leary for your discernment and consideration:

Prophet John Leary

Thursday, April 16, 2015


“My people, I have delayed My Warning experience, so people will have more time to prepare their refuges. There are not a lot of people who have given their ‘yes’ to build a refuge. This takes a lot of faith and work to set up a place for people to stay. It may require some extra building and securing of food, water, and bedding for those who would come. Pray for My refuge builders, and help them in some of their needs.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


“My people, I have given you a large measure of time before the major events will begin.  This is why I have delayed the Warning experience.  In the vision I have shown you an hourglass with the last bits of sand running out.  This vision is to warn you that your time is running out before these events will happen.  The Warning is needed to offer an opportunity for all sinners to see how they have offended Me in their sins, and some will want to convert and be saved.  Those people, who have had a near death experience, are repentant and desire Confession, or they want their sins to be forgiven.  Once, I bring about the Warning experience for everyone, the major events leading up to the Antichrist’s reign will occur rapidly.  I have even mentioned before about six weeks of time after the Warning, will be the time for conversions.  Those, who do not change their life direction, are risking being taken in by the Antichrist, and they could be lost in the eternal fires of hell.  I told you, My son, that you would be fortunate to have your chapel completed.  Some major events and possibly a major war could happen this year of the last Tetrad blood moons.  Time is urgent, and evangelizing souls will always be important, both now and after the Warning.  Be prepared after the Warning, so you are ready to leave for My refuges on short notice.”

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


“My people, the one world people have their plans for a takeover of America, but they do not control My Divine intervention.  By My postponing the Warning, I am putting off their schedule for a takeover.  I am allowing My refuge builders to have time to finish their refuges.  The Warning will give every sinner an opportunity to repent and seek My forgiveness.  I will also give people six weeks time for conversion after the Warning, and an opportunity to improve their spiritual lives.  After the Warning, people will know that they can only come to heaven through Me.  All sinners will know true right from wrong, and they will be more responsible for their sins that offend Me.  The more information you have, the more reason you have to love Me.  I am reaching out to save as many souls as possible, so My Warning will be a wake-up call in your life reviews.  I am greater than all the evil ones, and I will be victorious over all of their plans.  Evil will have its hour, but it will be brief before I cast this evil lot into the eternal flames of hell.”


Blog Post (2/8/16): I am preparing to make the supreme sacrifice again for my Second Coming to mankind

End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty)

February 2, 2016

Glendale, CA at 8:30pm

Jesus of Nazareth

My dear son,

I come to you this evening as Jesus of Nazareth, for just as I had walked the face of the Earth 2000 years ago in preparation for my Father’s mission to save humanity from its own sinful nature, I walk among you today in a different way, but just as powerfully and just as purposefully, as I did during my First Coming at the direction of the Father in Heaven, your Creator.

I am with you today in spirit more powerfully than I have been since my crucifixion and death. Just as I sacrificed myself for the Father in Heaven and for all of you my children then, I am preparing to make the supreme sacrifice again, for my Second Coming to mankind and my second mission in fulfillment of the Father’s plan is at hand.

Certainly you are aware that as I promised you then, I am returning to you now in preparation for the Great Changes that are going to take place for humanity in the very near future. I am here patiently but powerfully watching, as the evil one attempts to implement his plans to destroy mankind.

The evil one is planning in vain and he needs to know this now. His minions have been doing his work for many millennia now, attempting to give the evil one final power and control over the inhabitants of the Earth. The evil one seems to be as shrewd and cunning as his followers, who have been implementing his plan, because the patience of the enemies of the Father in Heaven has been more noticeable as the final hour approaches.

The evil one was given 100 years to reign, and he has now attempted to extend his time to take complete control over the Earth and its inhabitants. But the Father in Heaven has set His mark in the sands of time, and the evil one’s plans that he attempted to extend to control all of you in a final draconian and demonic fiefdom are now going for naught. You see, as the evil one has attempted to extend his time, he has reached the final milestone in his timeline, as permitted by the Father in Heaven, and now that time is near.

The Great Transformation is now imminent, so the great changes that will necessarily accompany the Great Transformation are very soon. Prepare yourselves now for what to expect in the greatest changes to the Earth since the beginning of humanity. Prepare yourselves spiritually, for ultimately it is in spirit that all of you will make the final transition to the place the Father has prepared for you in the Heavenly Realms.

But also prepare yourselves to survive in the material world during the anticipated end times events. Many of you have already received a calling to prepare, and many more of you will also receive a calling to prepare in the near future. The time of change will now happen very swiftly in the coming years, but the final transformation and changes will also happen so quickly now, because of the speeding up of time that you are all experiencing.

You must prepare, most of all, through the reception of the sacraments and an allegiance to My Church. for it is through My Church that I will personally lead you through these end times and into a period of time, which you now know as the New Heaven and the New Earth.

I ask of you that you search to understand my intentions for all of you through your own personal and meditative relationship with Me as the Son of the Father, and as the Redeemer of the world, for I am the way, the truth, and the life!

Jesus of Nazareth

Message ended 8:40pm


Blog Post (1/7/16): In his evilness, satan has altered his plan by extending his time – Have patience, the ultimate salvation of humanity is still measured in years

End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty)

January 2, 2016

Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport NY @ 7pm

St Michael Archangel

Lo and Behold! It is the dawning of a New Year and it will be a year that will go down in infamy in the history of mankind. Certainly you are aware of the speeding up of time, and certainly you have an awareness now that the world is not the same as it was even a few short years ago. So prepare yourselves for the experiences that will present themselves to you, because of the major events that will occur on your planet that will shake the very foundations of humanity; all to take place within this very year and in the foreseeable future.

Your enemy and the enemy of your Lord and Saviour, the evil one, satan, has placed his minions in positions of power and authority to attempt to reign over all of you in his final challenge to usurp the power and authority of the Creator over humanity.

You must be aware now that the evil one is only appearing to be in charge of the affairs of mankind, because of the actions of your world leaders, who have fallen under the spell of satan. The evil one has given these leaders, who are filled with greed, avarice, and a lust for power, the tools of the demonic world that are now being used to control and enslave all of you.

You are entering into an era when all seems lost, because the evil has become so vast and apparently unstoppable. In his evilness, satan has altered his plan by extending his time, for he has extended his time to bring about his final control over all of you.

The signs of the times are everywhere now that you are in the End Times, leading to the Great Transformation that the Lord and Saviour has prepared to rescue the Earth and its inhabitants from the evil one.

Do not despair because the time is not of your liking. The Lord and Saviour acts through the inspiration of the Father in Heaven, who has the patience to see you through these End Times with the Divine Mercy that the the Father has gifted to you through His Son, the Lord and Saviour, and Redeemer of the world.

Do not make a mistake and believe in these End Times that there is any other path to salvation than through the Father’s Son. Do not be deceived, even by religious leaders who proclaim otherwise, for those of you who remain in the fold of the true Church of your Lord and Saviour, you will be given the vision to see your way through the fog of the events that are ahead.

Have patience, for the journey now to the ultimate salvation of humanity is still measured in years, before the Great Transformation takes place. But with the speeding up in time as you are experiencing, the time of the Lord’s calling to rescue humanity from the evil one will certainly be short indeed.

So prepare as if the Great Transformation will happen tomorrow, because even still, only the Father in Heaven, through His Son Jesus Christ, will intervene in the affairs of mankind when He knows that the time has come.

In the beginning of this new and challenging year, you may celebrate through prayer and meditation the Glorious Coming of the Lord and Saviour in these End Times, for the Day is far, yet near, but in its finality, the Great Transformation will make all things new again.

The evil one and his evil ways, and his minions will be purged from the face of the Earth.

You will experience a renewal, a New Heaven and a New Earth.

So be it! According to the Father in Heaven.

Message ended 7:18pm



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