
Piranhas Don’t Eat BananasLiteracy ComprehensionListen to Mrs. Fowler read another book by author Aaron Blabney- Piranahas Don’t Eat BananasIn our story, the main character Brian doesn’t like normal piranha food. Using the chart on the next page, fill out 2 ‘yums’ and 1 ‘yuck’ for Brian and you! (Yums are things you like to eat, and yuck is what you do NOT like to eat.) You can write in words the items or draw the pictures, or both!447865535890201 Yum0200001 Yum447907856468431 Yuck0200001 Yuck49106757232551 Yuck0200001 Yuck3183255352171031834675579110437705514478001 Yum0200001 Yum313520613309603267710701675You: ___________________________020000You: ___________________________56705535979101 Yum0200001 Yum56705514478001 Yum0200001 Yum-64770809413Brian the Piranha 4000020000Brian the Piranha -6858001328420-6836835579533-6858003522133Two Yums and a Yuck! ................

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