
Weekly Warm-Ups

|Monday, May 2 Mini-lesson: Comma Practice |

|In the following sentences, add in and circle commas where needed. Write the # of the comma rule over each comma. |

|We are having peas and carrots roast beef and cake for dinner. |

|Mr. Morton my English teacher says we have to learn how to use commas. |

|He said “Remember Bob use commas before and after you address someone directly.” |

|Kelly said “Did you do the homework Angie?” |

|Michael Turner the quarterback for the team is having a bad week. |

|Tuesday, May 3 Mini-lesson: Comma Practice |

|In the following sentences, add in and circle commas where needed. Write the # of the comma rule over each comma. |

|If you like Harry Potter you’ll love Lord of the Rings. |

|I’ve had enough of your silly wild and inappropriate behavior. |

|My neighbor John just bought a new lawn mower. |

|In English class we read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Tuck Everlasting |

|Anna went to the game but her team lost. |

|Wednesday, May 4 Mini-lesson: Comma Practice |

|Add in and circle commas where needed. Write # of the comma rule over each comma. |

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|The teachers at Ericson Academy work hard to teach the students. |

|Alex painted the fence white blue and green. |

|We waited at the bus stop on Central Park Avenue after school. |

|Fred who often cheats on his homework is really only hurting himself. |

|My mom who is a nurse cares for the sick injured and disabled. |

|Thursday/Friday, May 5 & 6 Mini-lesson: Comma Practice |

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|Edit the following paragraph, adding and circling commas as needed. Over each added comma, write the rule number applied. |

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|With her mortarboard firmly on her head Tammy took her place in the graduation procession which was held on May 12 2009. She told her |

|mother Louisa that she wanted to be the first in the family to get a college degree which would also help her get a good job. In her |

|mind either you could get a degree after high school or you could get a degree later but eventually everyone in the United States would need|

|a college degree. When the chance came for her to go to college and pay for most of it herself she decided it was a chance she could |

|not afford to pass up. Each course she took in her ambitious undergraduate curriculum was another triumph for her. Another 15 weeks of reading|

|staying up late at night writing studying and sitting at uncomfortable desks never scared Tammy. As she marched off the stage Tammy clutched |

|the diploma in one hand, and hurled her mortarboard into the crowd with the others. She yelled “Yes! I made it. ” When she got through the crowd|

|and reached her family she screamed “ Mom I did it.” |


Name _____________________

English 6____ - ____ period


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