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( National Exam ◘ MODULE 2


Resident Care

Speed Reader

Examination 1

( Examination 2

Examination 3


Stan Mucinic, LNHA

Legal Notices

Students enrolled in the “National Nursing Home Administrator Licensing Course” are purchasing the professional knowledge of the instructor to assist the student to prepare for the national licensure exam administered by the National Association of Boards of Examiners (NAB).

This is a 5-week intensive independent study program designed to provide students a unique personalized and structured learning environment where progress is monitored by the instructor through email to help students maintain focus and complete scheduled assignments timely.


An individual’s ultimate success in passing the licensure exam is dependent on an individual’s professional experience, academic preparation, and the time and energy the individual can commit to exam study and preparation. A student’s work schedule or other commitments may require more time to prepare for an exam than allotted. The student is solely responsible for licensing exam registration/testing and retesting fees.


Step 1 – VERY IMPORTANT - The personalized test organizer that comes with the program is the key to your success and sets this program apart from any other. It is critical you follow the instructions and score each exam, and file the completed exams into your binder. Try to keep to the schedule and email your test results to the instructor to stay focused.

Step 2. - Speed Reader – Read the speed reader for each module once or twice before taking the module exam(s). Read the speed reader over and over again until you familiarize yourself with its contents. THE MORE TIMES YOU LOOK IT THE MORE LIKELY YOU ARE TO REMEMBER IT.

Step 3 – Exam Packet - The exam packet contains questions designed to measure your comprehension and retention of the material you read. Take each exam over and over again until you score 100%. Make sure you score each exam and record the results in your organizer or you will not be able to gauge your progress.

The exam questions are cross referenced to the speed reader to allow you to quickly find and review material you missed on the exam as follows:

Thus, the specific material would be found on page 2 of the speed reader, section 1.8, subparagraph 13.

Contact Information

Email Stan Mucinic at smucinic@ with any questions and after you score each practice exam

Resident Care

|1 |Which is not a physical restraint? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Tucking in a sheet so tight that a bed bound resident cannot move | |

| |Placing a resident in a chair to prevent rising |15/34.1(5) |

| |Placing a resident in a wheel chair close to a wall to prevent rising | |

| |Administering a hypnotic drug to keep a patient sedated and easier to | |

| |Manage | |

| | | |

|2 |The willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or punishment resulting in physical |1 2 3 4 |

| |harm or pain or mental anguish is called ____________. | |

| | | |

| |1. Abuse 3. Assault |16/35.1(1) |

| |2. Restraint 4. Neglect | |

| | | |

|3 |The use of oral, written or gestured language that disparages or threatens residents or their families is called|1 2 3 4 |

| |___________. | |

| | | |

| |1. Sexual abuse 3. Physical abuse |16/35.1(2) |

| |2. Verbal abuse 4. Mental abuse | |

| | | |

|4 |Sexual harassment, sexual coercion and sexual assault are forms of ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Sexual abuse 3. Physical abuse |16/35.1(3) |

| |2. Verbal abuse 4. Mental abuse | |

| | | |

|5 |Hitting, slapping, punching and kicking are forms of ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Sexual abuse 3. Physical abuse |16/35.1(4) |

| |2. Verbal abuse 4. Mental abuse | |

| | | |

|6 |Humiliation, harassment, threats of punishment or deprivation are forms of ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Sexual abuse 3. Physical abuse |16/35.1(5) |

| |2. Verbal abuse 4. Mental abuse | |

| | | |

|7 |Separating a resident from other residents or confinement to the resident’s room against his or her will is |1 2 3 4 |

| |called _______. | |

| | |16/35.1(6) |

| |1. Sexual abuse 3. Physical abuse | |

| |2. Verbal abuse 4. Involuntary seclusion | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|8 |A facility may _____________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Mistreat or misappropriate resident property | |

| |Require residents to sign arbitration agreements | |

| |Only orally and in writing inform residents of their rights |16/35.2 |

| |Only do background checks on job applicants suspected of having prior convictions | |

|9 |If a resident suspected of having been abused, the facility must legally ______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Advise corporate staff of the allegation |16/35.2(4) |

| |Call the CMS to advise them of the allegation | |

| |Notify the long term care ombudsman of the allegation | |

| |Thoroughly investigate the allegation and take all necessary steps to protect the resident | |

|10 |When a facility commingles its funds with resident funds held in trust, the facility is _________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Combining assets into one account to increase interest earned on these monies |5.1/7 |

| |Using resident funds for its own purposes | |

| |Reducing bank fees by combining funds into one bank account | |

| |Placing residents funds into a special trust account | |

|11 |Abuse allegations must not be ________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Immediately reported to the administrator and to other officials according to state law |16/35.3 |

| |Thoroughly investigated by the facility | |

| |Reported to OSHA | |

| |Reported to the resident’s family | |

|12 |Residents must not ______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Be required to eat their meals only at prescribed meal times | |

| |Be provided a humanizing and individualized environment | |

| |Be provided clothing provided by the facility | |

| |Be groomed to feel attractive in their appearance |16/36.1 |

| | | |

|13 |A facility should __________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Use bibs instead of napkins | |

| |Use plastic cutlery and paper plates | |

| |Provide sufficient room and proper placement of residents in wheels chairs to allow them to move freely about | |

| |Encourage aides and staff to yell or carry on personal conversations while attending to or feeding residents |16/36.1(I-L) |

| | | |

| | | |

|14 |A facility is not required to _______: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Knock on doors before entering | |

| |Require residents to return to their room and go to bed even though they expressed a desire to do otherwise | |

| |Ask permission to change the channel on a resident’s television or radio |16/36.1(L-O) |

| |Address residents by name and focus on individuals when talking with them | |

| | | |

|15 |Residents do not have the right to ________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Interact with individuals inside and outside of the facility | |

| |Make choices about their daily life in the facility |20/46.6(6) |

| |Smoke any where they want in the facility |16/36.1(d-h) |

| |Request food at any hour of the day |10/18.1(5) |

| | | |

|16 |Resident groups do not have the right to__________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Organize a group of residents in a facility | |

| |Ask a facility to provide them meeting space | |

| |Demand a facility to implement any of their suggestions |7/11.1(1-4) |

| |Decline to give permission to facility staff to attend meetings | |

|17 |A facility must not __________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Respond to resident grievances |7/11.1(1-4) |

| |Allow family members to form a family council | |

| |Designate a staff person to assist a resident group | |

| |Only respond to resident suggestions it intends to implement | |

| | | |

|18 |Which is true? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Residents must participate in resident activities to remain eligible for continued care | |

| |Residents must shower or bathe at specific scheduled times |20/46.6 |

| |A resident must be notified in advance of a planned room change or change of roommate |16/36.2(2-3) |

| |4. A bath is a resident right | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|19 |An activities program should not __________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Post a schedule of planned activities each month | |

| |Be primarily designed to attract the most number of residents each day | |

| |Meet the objectives of each resident’s comprehensive assessment and care plan | |

| |Have sufficient staff and volunteers to meet the needs of each resident |17/37.1(1-4) |

|20 |The activities program director does not need which of the following qualifications per OBRA 1987 to oversee a |1 2 3 4 |

| |therapeutic activities program in a skilled nursing facility?: | |

| | | |

| |Completed a state approved training course | |

| |Have at least 650 documented contact hours with residents as an activities assistant or volunteer |17/37.2(1) |

| |Be a qualified occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant or | |

| |Be a qualified therapeutic specialist or activities professional | |

| | | |

|21 | A facility is not required to ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Provide residents wholesome and nutritious meals | 17/38.1(1-4) |

| |Pay for dental care | |

| |Inform residents of their health status and health choices | |

| |Provide residents access to services outside of the facility. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|22 |The absence of which of the following would not have a negative impact on a resident’s physical, mental and |1 2 3 4 |

| |psycho-social functioning if not provided: | |

| | | |

| |Hearing aid services | |

| |Dental/Denture care |16/36.2(4) |

| |Daily newspaper | |

| |Podiatric care | |

|23 |A facility with more than ____ beds is required to have a full time social worker. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| | 60 beds | |

| |100 beds | |

| |120 beds |17/38.1(5) |

| |180 beds | |

| | | |

|24 |A social worker does not have to ________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Possess a bachelor’s degree in social work or human services (sociology, special education and rehab counseling)| |

| |Possess one year of supervised social work experience in health care setting working directly with individuals | |

| |Be registered with the American Dietetic Association |17/38.2(1) |

| |Possess a bachelors degree in any subject | |

| | | |

|25 |A facility is not required to ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Provide resident’s a safe and clean environment | |

| |Provide resident’s a comfortable and homelike environment | |

| |Allow residents to display photos and pictures in resident rooms |17/39.1(1-4) |

| |Allow resident’s to keep harmful substances in their rooms | |

|26 |The _____decides whether a resident’s environment is personalized and homelike |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |DON | |

| |Administrator |17/39.1(3) |

| |Maintenance director | |

| |Residents | |

|27 |The _______ is not considered part of the resident’s environment |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Administrator’s office | |

| |Therapy rooms |17/39.1(5) |

| |Hallways | |

| |Activity areas | |

|28 |The _____ must sign an order admitting a resident to a nursing home |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Administrator | |

| |Medical director |18/42.1(1) |

| |Physician | |

| |Registered nurse | |

| | | |

|29 |An order admitting an individual to a nursing home would not include ______: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Dietary needs |18/42.1(2) |

| |Medication needs | |

| |Routine care instructions | |

| |Television with remote control | |

| | | |

|30 |The resident assessment is done with the resident assessment instrument (RAI) that is comprised of the _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| |and utilization guidelines (which includes the RAPS (resident assessment protocols) | |

| | | |

| |Minimum data set (MDS). |18/40.1(1-4) |

| |Care Plan | |

| |Utilization review plan | |

| |MSDS | |

|31 |The MDS must be completed within ___ days of admission |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 7 days 3. 30 days | |

| |2. 14 days 4. 90 days |17/40.1(3) |

| | | |

|32 |The comprehensive assessment must be reviewed every ______ to ensure the continued accuracy of the instrument |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 30 days 3. 6 months |18/40.1(4) |

| |2. 3 months 4. 12 months | |

| | | |

|33 |The resident must be re-assessed prior to the next scheduled review or annual assessment if the ____________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Resident experiences a significant change in physical and mental |18/40.1(5) |

| |Condition | |

| |2. Resident is discharged or transferred from the facility | |

| |3. Medical director orders the evaluation | |

| |4. Resident tries to organize a resident group | |

| | | |

|34 |A comprehensive assessment must be done every _____ or since the last assessment if there was a significant |1 2 3 4 |

| |change in status | |

| | | |

| |1. 3 months 3. 9 months |18/40.1(5) |

| |2. 6 months 4. 12 months | |

| | | |

|35 |A comprehensive assessment is not required if a Medicare resident will be discharged within ____ days or less. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 5 days 3. 14 days |18/40.1(7) |

| |2. 7 days 4. 30 days | |

| | | |

|36 |The _____ must certify the accuracy and completion of the resident assessment or MDS |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. DON 3. Attending physician |18/40.1(8) |

| |2. Registered nurse 4. Medical director | |

|37 |The _____must complete and sign each portion of the resident assessment |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Attending physician | |

| |2. Social worker |18/40.1(9) |

| |3. Each person who completed the section | |

| |4. Registered nurse | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|38 |The _____ coordinates the assessment performed by the various health professionals who assess the resident |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. DON 3. Attending physician |18/40.1(10) |

| |2. Registered nurse 4 Medical director | |

| | | |

|39 |Any individual who willfully and knowingly certifies a material and false statement in a resident assessment is |1 2 3 4 |

| |subject to ___________. | |

| | | |

| |1. Immediate termination |18/40.1(11) |

| |2. Criminal penalties | |

| |3. Civil money penalties | |

| |4. A letter of reprimand | |

| | | |

|40 |The comprehensive care plan would not include: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Measurable objectives to meet a resident’s physical, mental and psychosocial well being | |

| |A description of the services to be furnished to the resident |18/41.1(3-6) |

| |Documentation of all services required and being withheld due to the resident’s refusal of treatment | |

| |A list of all facility charges for services provided a resident | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|41 |The care plan would be signed by __________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |An LPN | |

| |An RN |18/41.1(3-6) |

| |The medical director | |

| |The social worker | |

| | | |

|42 |A comprehensive care plan must be completed within ___ days of the assessment. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 3 days 3. 14 days |18/41.1(1) |

| |2. 7 days 4. 30 days | |

| | | |

|43 |The care plan is completed by an interdisciplinary team that would not include the ________: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Registered nurse |18/41.1(2) |

| |2. Attending physician | |

| |3. Appropriate staff in required disciplines | |

| |4. Administrator | |

| | | |

|44 |Which is not true of a facility’s obligation to provide necessary services to residents? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Must provide services per the resident’s plan of care | |

| |All services must be ordered by the attending physician |18/41.1(4) |

| |Must provided services per facility policies and procedures | |

| |Not required to provide necessary services not covered by the resident’s insurance plan | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|45 |Any individuals seeking admission to a skilled nursing facility must be screened by _________ to determine if |1 2 3 4 |

| |the individual’s needs can be meet by a facility | |

| | | |

| |1. The medical director | 18/42.1(3) |

| |2. The DON | |

| |3. The attending physician | |

| |4. The state mental health agency | |

| | | |

| 46 |The required assessment to determine the level of services required for an individual with mental retardation |1 2 3 4 |

| |(MR) and mental impairment (MI) is called the __________. | |

| | | |

| |1. PASSR 2. MDS 3. BMR 4. UTI |1842.1(4) |

| | | |

| | | |

| 47 |Which is not true regarding quality of life? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Must provide services to residents per a resident’s comprehensive assessment and care plan | |

| |Will not be cited if there are no activities designed for patients with dementia | |

| |Must prevent avoidable decline in ADL’s | |

| |Will not be cited if a resident declines in ADL’s due to resident’s clinical condition | |

| | |16/36.1(A-D) |

| 48 |A significant weight loss within 3 months would be ____%. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 3% 3. 7.5% | |

| |2. 5% 4. 10% |19/43.1(3) |

| | | |

| 49 |A significant weight loss greater than ____ % within 6 months is severe. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 3% 3. 7.5% | |

| |2. 5% 4. 10% |19/43.1(2) |

| | | |

| 50 |A weight loss of ___% within 1 month is significant. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 3% 3. 7.5% |19/43.1(3) |

| |2. 5% 4. 10% | |

| | | |

| 51 |Which is not true regarding resident medications? |1 2 3 4 |

| |Consultant pharmacist must review residents’ drug regimens monthly | |

| |Each resident’s drug regimen must be free from unnecessary drugs | |

| |Anti-psychotic drugs are not to be used unless there is a diagnosed medical condition and documented in the |8/14.1(1-6) |

| |medical record | |

| |Resident may safely remain on anti-psychotic drugs indefinitely without any need for gradual reduction or | |

| |discontinuance. | |

| | | |

| 52 |The allowable medication error rate in a facility is ___%. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 3% 3. 7% |19/44.1(1) |

| |2. 5% 4. 11% | |

| | | |

| 53 |A facility cannot _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Have the director of nursing in a facility with 61 or more beds serve as a charge nurse | |

| |Designate a licensed nurse to serve as a charge nurse on each tour of duty | |

| |Have a registered nurse on duty 8 hours a day, seven days a week | |

| |Designate a registered nurse as the director of nursing on a full time basis |19/45.1(1-4) |

| | | |

| | | |

| 54 |The director of nursing can serve as the charge nurse in a facility with ___ or fewer residents |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 60 3. 120 |19/45.1(4) |

| |2. 100 4. 180 | |

| | | |

| 55 |An administrator must not allow _________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |A registered dietician to work on a full time, part time or consultant basis | |

| |A registered dietician prescribe a therapeutic diet | |

| |The food services director to work full time | |

| |The food services director to receive frequent and regularly scheduled consultations with a registered dietician| |

| | |19/46.1(1-4) |

| 56 |An administrator must ensure _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| |Each resident is provided balanced palatable and nutritious meals |19/46.1(4-6) |

| |Cold meals are served at 45 degrees F or below | |

| |Hot meals are served at 130 degrees F or above | |

| |The registered dietician is registered with the American Association of Dieticians | |

| | | |

| 57 |The registered dietician must be registered with the ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| |1. American Medical Association | |

| | American Dietetic Association | |

| |American Diabetes Associates |19/46.1(6) |

| |4. American Desert Association | |

| 58 |Which is not true? |1 2 3 4 |

| |Menus must be prepared every 4 weeks | |

| |Menus must be prepared in advance | |

| |Menus must be followed |19/46.2(1-3) |

| |Menus must be retained for 6 months | |

| | | |

| 59 |Food must not be served _________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |To conserve nutritive value, flavor and appearance | |

| |At 45(F or below for cold foods | |

| |At 135 (F or above for hot food |19/46.3 |

| |With 16 hours between the dinner meal and the breakfast meal with a snack |19/46.6 |

| | |20/47.2 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| 60 |An administrator must ensure that _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Residents do not refuse to eat a meal | |

| |That residents who do refuse a meal, are offered a comparable substitute meal | |

| |Therapeutic diets are prescribed by the registered dietician |19/46.4(1-3) |

| |The kitchen does not change a planned meal if they do not have the required ingredients that day | |

| 61 |The flavor and taste of food is called _________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Food attractiveness | |

| |Food palatability | |

| |Food temperature |19/46.5(1) |

| |Food Nutritive value | |

| | | |

| 62 |The appearance of food when served to residents is called _______. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Food attractiveness | |

| |Food palatability |19/46.5(2) |

| |Food temperature | |

| |Food Nutritive value | |

| | | |

| 63 |_____ would not affect the nutritive value, flavor and appearance of food: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Storing food in tightly sealed containers in the refrigerator |19/46.5(3) |

| |The addition of baking soda | |

| |Holding food on the steam table for an extended period of time | |

| |Cooking food in a large volume of water | |

| | | |

| 64 |A diet ordered by a physician as treatment for a disease or clinical condition is called _______________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Therapeutic diet |20/46.5(4) |

| |Mechanically altered diet | |

| |Adulterated diet | |

| |Atkins diet | |

| 65 |When the texture of food is altered this is called ___________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Therapeutic diet | |

| |Mechanically altered diet |20/46.5(5) |

| |Adulterated diet | |

| |Atkins diet | |

| | | |

| 66 |Each resident must be served _____meals each day |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 1 |19/46.6(1) |

| |2. 2 | |

| |3. 3 | |

| |4. 4 | |

| | | |

| 67 |No more than ____ hours may pass between a substantial evening meal and breakfast time. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 8 3. 16 |20/46.6(2) |

| |2. 14 4. 18 | |

| | | |

| 68 |A facility must offer residents a nourishing snack _________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. In the morning | |

| |In the afternoon | 20/46.6(3) |

| |In the evening | |

| |At the charge nurse’s discretion | |

| | | |

|69 |Not more than ______ hours may pass between the evening meal and breakfast if a nourishing snack is served |1 2 3 4 |

| | 1. 8 |20/46.6(4) |

| |14 | |

| |16 | |

| |18 | |

| | | |

|70 |The _____ trains residents to use adaptive eating equipment |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Physical therapist | |

| |Occupational therapist | |

| |Speech therapist |20/46.6(5) |

| |Restorative therapy aide |20/47.1(1-8) |

| | | |

|71 |Salmonella is found in ________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Chicken | |

| |Beef |20/47.1(1-8) |

| |Fish | |

| |Lamb | |

|72 |Most common contributing factor for food-borne illness is _______. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Improper storage 3. Not washing foods |20/47.1(8) |

| |2. Poor refrigeration 4. Improper holding temperature | |

| | | |

|73 |Hot foods should leave the kitchen at minimum temperature of _______F. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 130(F 3. 140(F |20/47.2(2) |

| |2. 135 (F 4. 141(F | |

| | | |

|74 |Cold foods should be kept at maximum temperature of ____F and below. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 32(F 3. 40(F |20/47.2(1) |

| |2. 41(F 4. 45(F | |

| | | |

|75 |The freezer temperature should be set at maximum temperature of ______ F. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 0(F 3. 34(F |20/47.2(3) |

| |2. 32 (F 4. 40(F | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|76 |Raw meats should be stored on/in the________ in the refrigerator. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Bottom shelf 3. Vegetable drawer |20/47.3(1) |

| |2. Top shelf 4. None of the above | |

| | | |

|77 |Vegetables and fruits are stored ______ in the refrigerator. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Above the meats 3. Uncovered on the bottom shelf | 20/47.3(2) |

| |2. Below the raw meats 4. None of the above | |

| | | |

|78 |Food should be stored ______ inches off the floor. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 18 inches 3. 12 inches |20/47.3(3) |

| |2. 9 inches 4. 6 inches | |

| | | |

|79 |A three-compartment sink has ______ compartments: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Wash, rinse, sanitize |20/47.4(1) |

| |Rinse, sanitize wash | |

| |Wash, rinse, dry | |

| |4. Soak, wash, rinse | |

| | | |

|80 |A hot water dishwasher has a final rinse cycle of ___F. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. 130 F |20/47.4(2) |

| |2. 140 F | |

| |3. 160 F | |

| |4. 180 F | |

| | | |

|81 |A low temperature dishwasher uses hot water at ____F and bleach at 25 ppm of bleach. |1 2 3 4 |

| | |20/47.4(2) |

| |130 | |

| |140 | |

| |120 | |

| |160 | |

| | | |

|82 |When inspecting inside and outside the facility kitchen, an administrator would need to take action where |1 2 3 4 |

| |____________. | |

| | | |

| |1. Refuse containers have no visible leaks | |

| |Dumpsters and compactors have lids and are covered |20/47.5(1-3) |

| |Walkways, hallways and outside driveway do not have any litter, garbage or debris | |

| |The trash compactor is leaking and there is standing water | |

|83 |An administrator must ensure that _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Each resident has a signed order from a licensed physician attesting to the need for admission to a nursing home|12/27.1(1-4) |

| |care | |

| |Only private pay residents are given the option to choose their attending physician | |

| |That the most critically ill residents are assigned an attending physician | |

| |That all Medicaid residents are assigned to the medical director | |

|84 |If the attending physician is unavailable to supervise the care of a resident, then the ________________. | |

| | |12/27.1(8) |

| |1. Resident should be discharged | |

| |DON can substitute for the attending physician | |

| |Facility must institute disciplinary proceedings under federal rules | |

| |4. Resident’s care must supervised by another physician | |

| | | |

|85 |An attending physician would not be required to _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Review the resident’s total plan of care, medications and treatment | |

| |Write, sign and date progress notes at each visit | |

| |Sign and date orders at each visit |12/27.2(15) |

| |Re-sign facsimile orders transmitted to the facility | |

| | | |

|86 |Which is not true? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |A physician must re-sign a faxed order at the next visit to the facility | |

| |The physician should retain the original copy of a faxed order |12/27.2(4-5) |

| |The facility should copy the fax order since they fade overtime | |

| |The faxed order can be discarded once the photocopy is made | |

|87 |A physician visit is not current if it occurs ______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Once every thirty days for the first 90 days | |

| |Every 60 days from day 91 forward | |

| |No later than 15 days after the visit was required |13/27.3(1-5) |

| |As a result of the resident being seen by a physician assistant or nurse practitioner every other visit | |

| |instead of the attending physician | |

| | | |

|88 |Ecoli is transmitted from _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Lamb |13/27.3(5) |

| |Fish | |

| |Beef | |

| |Chicken | |

| | | |

|89 |Which is not true? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |The facility must arrange for physician services 24 hours a day | |

| |A physician’s assistant can make every other required visit for an attending physician | |

| |A physician may not delegate a task that he is required to perform by law |12/27.1(1-4) |

| |A physician is not required to sign telephone orders at the next visit to the facility |13/27.3(4-7) |

| | |12/27.2(3) |

| | | |

|90 |______ is not a specialized rehabilitative service |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Physical therapy |20/48.1(1-4) |

| |Speech language therapy | |

| |Occupational therapy | |

| |Restorative Nursing | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|91 |Specialized rehabilitative therapy must be provided under written order of a(n) _________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. DON | |

| |2, Administrator |20/48.1(4) |

| |3. Physician | |

| |4. Physical therapist | |

| | | |

|92 |An administrator is not required to ensure that the facility________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Assist residents to obtain routine and 24 hour emergency care |21/50.1(1-4) |

| |Provide residents access to outside routine and emergency dental services | |

| |Assist residents to arrange dental appointments and transport | |

| |Pay for all dental care | |

|93 |The administrator must not allow _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |The facility to store drugs and biologicals on the premises |8/13.1(1-4) |

| |A consultant pharmacist review resident drug records | |

| |An outside lab to perform lab to perform blood and urine analyses on residents as ordered by an attending | |

| |physician | |

| |Nursing staff to administer drugs at any reasonable time | |

|94 |The administrator would not approve of which of the following? |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Facility procedures are adequate to accurately order and receive drugs |8/13.2(1) |

| |The consultant pharmacist reviewing each resident’s drug regimen quarterly | |

| |The facility has adequate procedures to properly dispense drugs | |

| |The facility has adequate supply of routine and emergency drugs | |

|95 |The ______is responsible to determine if a facility’s drug records are in order and all controlled drugs are |1 2 3 4 |

| |accounted for and maintained and reconciled. | |

| | |8/14.1(1) |

| | 1. DON | |

| |Medical director | |

| |Registered dietician | |

| | 4. Consultant pharmacist | |

| | | |

|96 |Which is not true? |1 2 3 4 |

| |The Medication Administration Record (MAR) can be used as proof of receipt and disposition of a controlled | |

| |drug |8/14.1(7-9) |

| |The consultant pharmacist must periodically reconcile drug records quarterly | |

| |Resident drug regimens must be reviewed monthly | |

| |Federal regulations prohibit shortages of controlled drugs if all drugs are accounted for | |

| | | |

|97 |The consultant pharmacist must report any irregularities to the DON and the ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Administrator | |

| |2. Medical director |8/14.1(11) |

| |3. Attending physician | |

| |4. State licensing authority | |

|98 |The consultant pharmacist must not ___________. |1 2 3 4 |

| |Review resident drugs monthly | |

| |Identify over use or inappropriate use of medications | |

| |Report findings to the DON and the Medical Director |8/14.1(1-11) |

| |Establish a system of records of receipt and disposition of all controlled drugs to enable accurate | |

| |reconciliation | |

|99 |If the consultant pharmacist discovers that all controlled drugs are not accounted for and some are missing, |1 2 3 4 |

| |which is not true? | |

| | | |

| | 1. The consultant pharmacist must notify the DON | |

| |The facility must utilize proof of use sheets until the source of loss is found | |

| |The facility may revert to periodic reconciliation when the drug records are once again reconciled, | |

| |Law enforcement must be notified immediately |9/14.2(1-3) |

|100 |A facility is allowed a medication error rate of no more than _____% |1 2 3 4 |

| |3 | |

| |5 | |

| |10 |9/14.3(1-3) |

| |12 |8/14.1(9) |

|101 |A drug label is not required to display _________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Name of the drug and the resident | |

| |Strength of the drug | |

| |Expiration date |8/12.2(1-4) |

| |The manufacturer’s name | |

| | | |

|102 |The administrator must ensure that the facility does not ______ | 1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Have drugs and biologicals stored in locked compartments and under proper temperature controls | |

| |Store Schedule I drugs in unlocked compartments |8/12.3(1-5) |

| |Allow authorized personnel to have keys to locked drug compartments | |

| |Store Schedule II controlled drugs in locked compartments | |

|103 |A physician does not need to be notified of _______: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |A significant change in physical or cognitive condition | |

| |A change in roommate or room assignment |14/29.2(1) |

| |A transfer or discharge from the facility | |

| |The death of a resident | |

| | | |

|104 |Who must be notified immediately if a resident dies? |1 1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |DON | |

| |Family members |14/29.1(1)(d) |

| |Administrator | |

| |Attending physician | |

|105 |The administrator must ensure that ________ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |The facility take control of each resident’s funds and assets | |

| |All residents deposit their personal funds with the facility | |

| |All residents assign their social security check over to the facility |5/5.1(1-10) |

| |The facility hold resident personal funds in trust if the resident requests the facility to do so in writing | |

| | | |

|106 |Medicaid resident funds totaling less than $50 in funds may be maintained in a(n) _______ |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Interest bearing account | |

| |Non-interest bearing account |5/5.2(1) |

| |Petty cash fund | |

| |All of the above | |

|107 |Potentially hazardous food does not include ________. |1 2 3 4 |

| |1. Raw meats | |

| |2. Raw eggs |20/47.1(9) |

| |3. Raw poultry | |

| |4. Cured meats and cheese | |

| | | |

|108 |The DON and the attending physician ______ the consultant pharmacist reports. |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |1. Are required to agree with | |

| |2. Are not required to agree with |9/14.3(1-3) |

| |3. May defer to the medical director to accept | |

| |4. May override | |

| | | |

|109 |Under federal rules nursing homes may be referred to as _________: |1 2 3 4 |

| | | |

| |Intermediate care facility, sub-acute care facility | |

| |Skilled nursing facility, nursing facility |21/51.1(1) |

| |Special needs facility, inpatient skilled facility | |

| |Acute care facility, skilled care facility | |

| | | |

|110 |The PAS assessment used to determine the level of services required for an individual with mental retardation is called the |1 2 3 4 |

| |__________. | |

| | | |

| |Pre-Admission Screening | |

| |Post Admission Screening |18/42.1(4) |

| |Psychological Assessment Services | |

| |Patient Acute Syndrome | |

| | | |

|111 |A g-tube or gastronomy tube is inserted directly into the ______. | |

| | |27/54.1 |

| |Larynx | |

| |Nose | |

| |Stomach | |

| |Esophagus | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|112 |A form of psychosis where an individual believes that their mind is being controlled from outside their body is called ______. |27/55.1 |

| | | |

| |Bi-polar | |

| |Hallucinations | |

| |Delusions | |

| |Scabies | |

| | | |

|113 |Stooped posture and shuffling foot steps are symptoms of ________ |25/5.1 |

| | | |

| |Alzheimer’s | |

| |Parkinson’s | |

| |Senile Dementia | |

| |Schizophrenia | |

| | | |

|114 |A resident with difficulty swallowing would not be at risk for ______ | |

| | |23/55.1 |

| |Aspiration | |

| |Malnutrition | |

| |Pneumonia | |

| |Nephritis | |

| | | |

|115 |A _____ is a rubber hose that is inserted into the nose and down the esophagus and into the stomach or upper gastrointestinal |29/55.1 |

| |tract to feed an individual who cannot swallow fluids and nutrients | |

| | | |

| |Nasogastric tube | |

| |Levin Tube | |

| |NG Tube | |

| |All of the above | |

| | | |

|116 |An infection of the blood is called _______. |31/55.1 |

| | | |

| |C-Diff | |

| |MRSA | |

| |Sepsis | |

| |Cellulitis | |

|117 |An inflammation of the kidneys is called _______. | |

| | |29/55.1 |

| |Hepatitis | |

| |Nephritis | |

| |Colitis | |

| |Arthritis | |

| | | |

|118 |An inflammation of the liver is called _______. |27//55.1 |

| | | |

| |Hepatitis | |

| |Nephritis | |

| |Colitis | |

| |Arthritis | |

| | | |

|119 |An inflammation and swelling of the brain is called ______. |26//55.1 |

| | | |

| |Encephalitis | |

| |Meningitis | |

| |Osteoarthritis | |

| |Arthritis | |

| | | |

|120 |A condition where rod-like bacteria infects the gastro-intestinal tract and causes foul smelling and unrelenting diarrhea, |24//55.1 |

| |dehydration and spasms is called _______ | |

| | | |

| |C-Diff | |

| |Diverticulitis | |

| |Colitis | |

| |Meningitis | |

| | | |

|121 |A medical condition where the pancreas is not able to regulate the levels of insulin in the body is called ___________. |25//55.1 |

| | | |

| |Bronchitis | |

| |Diabetes Mellitus | |

| |Tuberculosis | |

| |Atherosclerosis | |

| | | |

|122 |When the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter toxins from the blood, this condition is called _____. |31/55.1 |

| | | |

| |Myocardial Infarction | |

| |Renal failure | |

| |Pulmonary Failure | |

| |4. Cerebral vascular accident | |

|123 |A hormone that regulates the level of glucose (sugar) in the body is called _____. | |

| | | |

| |Testosterone |27/55.1 |

| |Progesterone | |

| |Insulin | |

| |Adrenalin | |

| | | |

|124 |_______ is not a type of insulin | |

| | | |

| |Humalog | |

| |Novalog |31/55.1 |

| |Serotonin | |

| |Regular | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|125 |A condition where calcium in the bones is depleted and the bones become porous and brittle is called ____. | |

| | | |

| |Osteoarthritis |29/55.1 |

| |Osteoporosis | |

| |Calcification | |

| |Colitis | |

| | | |

|126 |When accepting a patient with MRSA, which of the following would you not do? | |

| | | |

| |Place individual in a private room |28/55.1 |

| |Place the individual with a roommate that has the same disease | |

| |Place individual in a room with a roommate who has a decubitis sore | |

| |Ensure the individual is not placed with a roommate who has a compromised immune system | |

| | | |

|127 |When assigning a resident a room with C-Diff, you would not put that resident _________________ | |

| | | |

| |In a private room |23/55.1 |

| |With an individual who does not use the toilet | |

| |With an individual who also has C-Diff | |

| |With a resident who has dementia and does not wash their hands | |

| | | |

|128 |Placing an individual in a glass chamber filled with oxygen is called _______. | |

| | | |

| |Hyperbaric treatment | |

| |Hypobaric treatment |27/55.1 |

| |Lipidemia treatment | |

| |Hydrotherapy treatment | |

| | | |

|129 |Generally, a nursing home can provide a maximum of ___ liters of oxygen. | |

| | | |

| |2 | |

| |5 |29/55.1 |

| |10 | |

| |15 | |

| | | |

|130 |A condition where fluid or food seeps into the lungs and interferes with an individual’s | |

| |breathing is called _______. | |

| | | |

| |Aspiration | |

| |Constipation |23/55.1 |

| |Impaction | |

| |Intubation | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|131 |A G-tube would be placed directly into the ______. | |

| | | |

| |Nose |27/55.1 |

| |Stomach | |

| |Spleen | |

| |Pancreas | |

| | | |

|132 |A small machine that pumps a mist into the lungs to expel mucus from the bronchial tubes is called a ________. | |

| | | |

| |Nebulizer |29/55.1 |

| |Oxygen concentrator | |

| |Spirometer | |

| |Pulse Oximeter | |

| | | |

|133 |A patient would be given hyperbaric treatment to __________ | |

| | | |

| |Increase red cell count |27/55.1 |

| |Decrease white cell count | |

| |Speed healing of wounds | |

| |Increase production of insulin in the pancreas | |

| | | |

|134 |An individual whose lungs could not function on their own would require a(n) ______ | |

| | | |

| |Nebulizer | |

| |Oxygen concentrator |32/55.1 |

| |Spirometer | |

| |Ventilator | |

|135 |________ carries oxygen throughout the body | |

| | | |

| |White blood cells | |

| |Red Blood cells |30/55.1 |

| |Hepatic enzymes | |

| |Insulin | |

| | | |

|136 |_______ is the cause of anemia | |

| | | |

| |Low sugar | |

| |Low Iron |22/55.1 |

| |Low Sodium | |

| |Low potassium | |

| | | |

|137 |______ fights infection and destroys harmful bacteria and viruses | |

| | | |

| |White blood cells | |

| |Red Blood cells |32/55.1 |

| |Hepatic enzymes | |

| |insulin | |

| | | |

| | | |

|138 |______ is a common anti-coagulant given to nursing home residents to prevent blood clots. | |

| | | |

| |Heparin | |

| |Seroquel |27/55.1 |

| |Ativan | |

| |Haldol | |

| | | |

|139 |______is a common blood thinner or anti coagulant given to nursing homes residents to prevent blood clots. | |

| | | |

| |Prilosec | |

| |Seroquel |22/55.1 |

| |Coumadin or Warfarin | |

| |Vancomycin | |

| | | |

|140 |An infection of the blood is called ______. | |

| | | |

| |C-Diff | |

| |Cellulitis | |

| |Septicemia |31/55.1 |

| |Colitis | |

| | | |

|141 |An infection of the skin that causes purplish and reddish discoloration is called ______. | |

| | | |

| |C-Diff | |

| |Cellulitis |24/55.1 |

| |Septicemia | |

| |Colitis | |

| | | |

|142 |A common medication (proton pump inhibitor) given to residents to minimize heart burn and acid reflex (GERD) by inhibiting the | |

| |production of acid in the stomach is called _____. | |

| | | |

| |Prilosec | |

| |Colace |22/55.1 |

| |Metamucil | |

| |Prune juice | |

| | | |

|143 |A stool softener given to nursing home residents is called ____. | |

| | | |

| |Prilosec | |

| |Colace |24/55.1 |

| |Tums | |

| |Milk of Magnesia | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|144 |______is an antacid | |

| | |22/55.1 |

| |Aspirin | |

| |Colace | |

| |Tums | |

| |prune juice | |

| | | |

|145 |When cancer cells spread from one part of the body to other parts of the body this called a _______. | |

| | | |

| |Carcinoma |28/55.1 |

| |Malignancy | |

| |Hatching | |

| |Metastasis | |

| | | |

|146 |In most nursing homes, _______ would be an automatic denial of admission | |

| | | |

| |Asthma | |

| |Tuberculosis |32/55.1 |

| |Bronchitis | |

| |Lung cancer | |

| | | |

|147 |_______ is a vasodilator used to open blocked blood vessels to increase blood flow | |

| | | |

| |Robitussin | |

| |Advair | |

| |Nitroglycerin | |

| |Digoxin | |

| | | |

|148 |_______is a bronchodilator | |

| | | |

| |Robitussin |23/55.1 |

| |Advair | |

| |Nitroglycerin | |

| |Digoxin | |

| | | |

|149 |An individual with high blood pressure would be prescribed a ______ diet. | |

| | | |

| |Low salt or sodium |23/55.1 |

| |Low potassium | |

| |Low fiber | |

| |Low calorie | |

| | | |

|150 |A condition where the walls of a blood vessel ruptures and blood seeps out of the vessel into the body causing a drop in blood | |

| |pressure is called a(n) ______. | |

| | | |

| |Aphasia |22/55.1 |

| |Dysphasia | |

| |Aneurysm | |

| |Trans ischemic attack | |

| | | |

Resident Care – Answer Key - Exam 2 of 3

1 |4 | | |53 |1 | | |105 |4 | | |2 |1 | | |54 |1 | | |106 |2 | | |3 |2 | | |55 |2 | | |107 |4 | | |4 |1 | | |56 |1 | | |108 |2 | | |5 |3 | | |57 |2 | | |109 |2 | | |6 |4 | | |58 |4 |1 month | |110 |1 | | |7 |4 | | |59 |2 | | |111 |3 | | |8 |3 | | |60 |2 | | |112 |3 | | |9 |4 | | |61 |2 | | |113 |2 | | |10 |2 | | |62 |1 | | |114 |4 | | |11 |3 | | |63 |1 | | |115 |4 | | |12 |1 | | |64 |1 | | |116 |3 | | |13 |3 | | |65 |2 | | |117 |2 | | |14 |2 | | |66 |3 | | |118 |1 | | |15 |3 | | |67 |2 | | |119 |1 | | |16 |3 | | |68 |3 | | |120 |1 | | |17 |4 | | |69 |3 | | |121 |2 | | |18 |3 | | |70 |2 | | |122 |2 | | |19 |2 | | |71 |1 | | |123 |3 | | |20 |2 | | |72 |4 | | |124 |3 | | |21 |2 | | |73 |2 | | |125 |2 | | |22 |3 | | |74 |2 | | |126 |3 | | |23 |3 | | |75 |1 | | |127 |4 | | |24 |3 | | |76 |1 | | |128 |1 | | |25 |4 | | |77 |1 | | |129 |2 | | |26 |4 | | |78 |4 | | |130 |1 | | |27 |1 | | |79 |1 | | |131 |2 | | |28 |3 | | |80 |4 | | |132 |1 | | |29 |4 | | |81 |3 | | |133 |3 | | |30 |1 | | |82 |4 | | |134 |4 | | |31 |2 | | |83 |1 | | |135 |2 | | |32 |2 | | |84 |4 | | |136 |2 | | |33 |1 | | |85 |4 | | |137 |1 | | |34 |4 | | |86 |1 | | |138 |1 | | |35 |3 | | |87 |3 | | |139 |3 | | |36 |2 | | |88 |3 | | |140 |3 | | |37 |3 | | |89 |4 | | |141 |2 | | |38 |2 | | |90 |4 | | |142 |1 | | |39 |2 | | |91 |3 | | |143 |2 | | |40 |4 | | |92 |4 | | |144 |3 | | |41 |2 | | |93 |4 |Per facility policy | |145 |4 | | |42 |2 | | |94 |2 | | |146 |2 | | |43 |4 | | |95 |4 | | |147 |3 | | |44 |4 | | |96 |4 | | |148 |2 | | |45 |2 | | |97 |3 | | |149 |1 | | |46 |1 | | |98 |3 |Attending physician | |150 |3 | | |47 |2 | | |99 |4 | | | | | | |48 |3 | | |100 |2 |5% | | | | | |49 |4 | | |101 |4 | | | | | | |50 |2 | | |102 |2 | | | | | | |51 |4 | | |103 |2 | | | | | | |52 |2 | | |104 |4 | | | | | | |

Resident Care – Answer Sheet - Exam 2 of 3

1 | | | |53 | | | |105 | | | |2 | | | |54 | | | |106 | | | |3 | | | |55 | | | |107 | | | |4 | | | |56 | | | |108 | | | |5 | | | |57 | | | |109 | | | |6 | | | |58 | | | |110 | | | |7 | | | |59 | | | |111 | | | |8 | | | |60 | | | |112 | | | |9 | | | |61 | | | |113 | | | |10 | | | |62 | | | |114 | | | |11 | | | |63 | | | |115 | |Date | | |12 | | | |64 | | | |116 | | | | |13 | | | |65 | | | |117 | | | | |14 | | | |66 | | | |118 | |Attempt | | |15 | | | |67 | | | |119 | | | | |16 | | | |68 | | | |120 | | | | |17 | | | |69 | | | |121 | | | | |18 | | | |70 | | | |122 | |Score | | |19 | | | |71 | | | |123 | | | | |20 | | | |72 | | | |124 | | | |21 | | | |73 | | | |125 | | | |22 | | | |74 | | | |126 | | | |23 | | | |75 | | | |127 | | | |24 | | | |76 | | | |128 | | | |25 | | | |77 | | | |129 | | | |26 | | | |78 | | | |130 | | | |27 | | | |79 | | | |131 | | | |28 | | | |80 | | | |132 | | | |29 | | | |81 | | | |133 | | | |30 | | | |82 | | | |134 | | | |31 | | | |83 | | | |135 | | | |32 | | | |84 | | | |136 | | | |33 | | | |85 | | | |137 | | | |34 | | | |86 | | | |138 | | | |35 | | | |87 | | | |139 | | | |36 | | | |88 | | | |140 | | | |37 | | | |89 | | | |141 | | | |38 | | | |90 | | | |142 | | | |39 | | | |91 | | | |143 | | | |40 | | | |92 | | | |144 | | | |41 | | | |93 | | | |145 | | | |42 | | | |94 | | | |146 | | | |43 | | | |95 | | | |147 | | | |44 | | | |96 | | | |148 | | | |45 | | | |97 | | | |149 | | | |46 | | | |98 | | | |150 | | | |47 | | | |99 | | | | | | | |48 | | | |100 | | | | | | | |49 | | | |101 | | | | | | | |50 | | | |102 | | | | | | | |51 | | | |103 | | | | | | | |52 | | | |104 | | | | | | | |



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