
Week 3 Case StudiesOperations Management IIChapter-15Name and justify several factors that Hoffman could use in forecasting weekly sales.He uses historic documents to see what the restaurant did this time last year; community events to see what concerts are at the concert stage, seasonality, to see what the occupancy of nearby hotels, prior trends in the last couple of weeks. He also uses the sales forecast as the nucleus for making the schedule (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 620).What can be done to lower turnover in large restaurant?Operations managers can implement some of the practices that the Hard Rock Café uses on a weekly basis such as preferred work days, employee preferences, such as preferred times and stations, and recognizing seniority (Amer, B., 2004).Why is seniority important in scheduling servers?Senior wait staff gets priority and the best stations that provide them with higher tips and they also consider how valuable that person is to the day’s schedule (Amer, B., 2004).How does scheduling impact productivity?Scheduling impacts productivity because the operations manager does not over or under staff for the day, increase the sales per man hour as recorded by servers and kitchen staff, wait staff can trade with other wait staff and because of the scheduling, wait staff could asses if the trade is fair, and the Hard Rock Café reduced employee turnover by 40% (Amer, B., 2004).Chapter-16What do you recommend be done when an error is found in a pack as it is opened for an operation?I would contact the customer service rep for Mckesson and let him know of the issue. Since we obtain 10 different custom packs, I would see if there is a matching custom pack on the shelf scheduled for a surgery later in the day that matches what I need for the surgical procedure and utilize it for the current surgery and get a replacement to the hospital ASAP. I would also find out where the deviation from standard practice occurred (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 646).How might the procedure for custom surgical packs described here be improved?I think the system is a good one, but it has room for errors, what happens if there is traffic or a bad accident and the customs packs cannot make it by ground transportation, I would have a contingency plan and what if the custom pack after it is opened is found to have errors, what is the backup plan if there is no matching pack on the hospital’s safety stock. I would have a plan to replenish any errors found within the hour of discovery (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 646).When discussing JIT in services, the text notes that suppliers, layout, inventory, and scheduling are all used. Provide an example of each of these at Arnold Palmer Hospital.At McKesson, the supplier packs (lay out & inventory) the items in the custom packs, at the hospital, once the packs are in the surgical ward, they are inventoried for accuracy for the type of procedures (inventory) and the doctors and suppliers work hand-in-hand (scheduling) to get the custom packs assembled according to the type of procedure that will be done and also ship on the day of surgery (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 646).When a doctor proposes a new surgical procedure, how do you recommend the SKU for a new custom pack to be entered into the hospital’s supply-chain system?They would work with the Medical Economics Outcome Committee and present their case with all the research, analysis and supplier information to the committee and they will vote to get it in the supply chain (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 646).Amer, B., (2004). Amer, B., (2006). Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2014). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Upper Saddle River, N J: Pearson Education, Inc. ................

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