Shivan Sarna: . I’m thrilled to be “Do I have mold? Who do ...

[Pages:22]Shivan Sarna: Alright, here we go. It's official. Hi, I'm Shivan Sarna. I'm thrilled to be here with Health Means and my dear friend and incredible practitioner, Evan Brand. Now, don't let the fact that Evan looks so youthful fool you. He's actually 70 years old. I'm just kidding. He is an old soul who is a certified functional medicine practitioner and a functional nutrition therapy practitioner.

I have to literally read the alphabet soup behind his name so I get it right every time because it's so elaborate. He has helped thousands and thousands of people to solve their medical mysteries. I love the way that you, Evan, worked with that bigger picture, including your home environment. So that if anyone's ever thought, "Do I have mold? Who do I talk to about that?"

A lot of people come to Evan to just learn about their homes and their environments, but it's not just that. But isn't it great that that's part of it? Evan teaches you how to actually build your own protocols, as well as he has his own private practice. He wants to empower people. He has to duplicate himself, right?

So he wants to train all of us in being able to do what he has done for so many people. So I'm excited. You know I love gut health and I love overall health. And I am also a mold survivor, if you will. And I've counted on Evan for so many pieces of just brilliant advice. Thank you, Evan, for that. And with that, are you ready to get started my friend?

Evan Brand: Let's do it. Let's have some fun.

Shivan Sarna: Okay.

Evan Brand: All right. So long story short, people that may be coming in with gut issues... Let's go right into the juice from the beginning, Shivan, before I even pull up slides. Anxiety, fatigue, depression, low libido, cold hands, cold feet, auto-immune issues like Hashimoto's, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, vision problems, vertigo like dizziness, poor proprioception, any type of issue with your balance, cognitive problems, brain fog.

You forget your best friend's name. You forget why you went into the pantry. Where's your car keys? Where's your cell phone? You have skin issues, you have mood issues, you have relationship problems. Your children have eczema, or your children have food sensitivities, you have food sensitivities, you have chemical sensitivities. There's all these symptoms that I'm seeing clinically, but you can boil all this down into some big smoking guns.

So that's what works here today. I'm teaching you what I'm calling the three secret -which after today, they won't be so secret -- strategies to fix your health issues at home. And this all comes from, as you said, my own suffering, but also working with over a thousand people clinically in the last eight years. I've put out a podcast every week for over a decade, helping people get to the root cause of their health problems. And so


today, we're going to be talking about some fun, juicy stuff that I think is going to be a game changer for 2022.

So I would encourage people, put your phone on silent if you haven't already. I want you to be focused. This is not just another webinar. We're getting geeky. So I need you to be with me. I want your brain to focus. You're definitely in the right place if you want to find a solution to your health issues, but you're not sure. Like, what do I do?

Do I take probiotics? Do I do spore based? Do I do soil? Do I do anti-microbial? What about candida? Do I need a candida diet? Do I do plant-based? Do I do carnivore? Do I do oregano oil? Do I do garlic? What the heck? I don't know. I'm going to help you. You've probably already been to people. Five to ten people is the average.

I'm the end of the rope guy. People don't want to have to pay me, but they do because they're suffering. So they're like, "God, I got to pay Evan because no one else can help me. All these supposedly functional people, they haven't helped me either." And I'm used to that. I'm used to the pressure of being at the end of the rope.

You're exhausted. Maybe you're sick and tired of being sick and tired. You're like, "I just bought this supplement last week. I don't know what the heck I'm going to do with it. Is it the right supplement? Is it the wrong supplement?" I will help narrow that down for you. And maybe you just don't want to have symptoms. Maybe you haven't been through the ringer like I have. Maybe you haven't been through the ringer, like other people, but you just want to be symptom-free. I think that's a realistic goal.

I'm so glad you're here. This is me. Shivan already gave me an intro. So I'll just skip right past this. But long story short, I've been in the top 100 of health podcast on Apple for over a decade and we get a ton of good feedback from the show.

I started a full-time practice. This was my wife and I years ago. When we just had our first born, my wife had skin issues like crazy. The dermatologist couldn't help. They wanted to prescribe steroids that were topical. They not once talked to her about her diet, her skincare products, the phthalates, the parabens, the toxic makeup products or her gut. And guess what? She had gut issues and we fixed it.

I was scared because when in college, I couldn't travel that far because of my gut. I mean, when I was in business school, the first thing I had to do is figure out where was the bathroom. It's like, okay, in case I have to poop, where am I going? So that was no good. And I suffered that way for over a decade.

I went to the GI docs. You all know the deal. It's an antispasmodic drug, it's a proton pump inhibitor, it's an acid blocker. It's a lifetime recommendation and it's not good and it's not the root cause. And I think the real goal is stop building up a supplement graveyard. I mean, I've got thousands of products I've purchased in the last decade.


And half of them were a waste of time. Half of them expired before I even finished them out because I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I had no plan. I had no proper testing. So the aha moment for me was when I fixed myself using at-home functional medicine testing that you can do around the world.

I had a client today in South Africa, another in Australia, another in Brazil, Ecuador, Canada. You can do this stuff anywhere. So just because you don't have someone like me on your doorstep, it doesn't matter. You can fix yourself at home. You don't have to travel. Many clients that come see me, they're too sick to travel in the first place.

So please don't let your illness be a handicap where you feel like you can't make it to XYZ clinic. You don't have to. You can do this at home now. I helped my grandfather. He suffered for a while. He's my best friend. I love grandpa. With the protocols that I'm going to teach you all, I got him off his blood pressure medication, his energy improved.

He lost like 40 pounds without trying. So I know some people, it's just the vanity goal. I just want to lose weight. Fine. I tell you this. How about losing weight as a side effect of getting healthy? Because there's so many unsustainable ways to lose weight. So many women that yo-yo, or they count calories or they measure, or they starve themselves.

You don't have to do that. If you have gut infections, that's going to drive up inflammation. If you have things like H pylori or parasite infections, that is going to affect your ability to absorb nutrients. If you have mold toxicity, which we're going to talk about, this is going to damage your gut. If you're in a moldy home, a moldy office, if you're in a moldy school building.

I had a school administrator as a client last week. She's in a moldy water damaged building in California. It's an old school and she put on 40 pounds without trying. Now we're starting to reverse that simply by fixing her gut. So I want to remind you, like I said in the beginning, I don't care if it's fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight gain, low sex drive, no sex drive, blood pressure problems, insomnia.

You're up in the middle of the night to go pee. You're seeing the endocrinologist because you've got hormone imbalance. It all stems from the gut. And I'll just go ahead and get geeky, Shivan, because we're going to look at some labs. But let me just get geeky now. There's an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. This enzyme gets elevated when you have bacterial overgrowth.

It's the equivalent of a water hose being tied to itself. You're now recirculating hormones. You're recirculating toxins, whether that's heavy metals, pesticides, mold toxins, estrogen. If you're on bioidentical hormones and you have gut issues, you're actually going to end up overdosing on your hormones, which is why so many hormone docs mess people up because they overdose them by accident.


It's not their fault. It's just that they're not looking into the gut. And this is what I figured out by all these women coming to me that were taking estrogen, taking progesterone, taking testosterone, and they felt terrible. And it was because of the gut.

So let's keep rolling. The home-health connection. I'm going to teach you exactly what the heck is happening in your house too. Because listen, you can't get well in a sick environment. I had a woman this morning in Massachusetts, a terrible story. She had a traumatic brain injury. So she lost her home. She's living with a friend. They have active water leaks.

Every time it rains, the water comes into the basement. She's coughing the entire consult. It was so distracting because she's just coughing her head off. I'm like, "My God, is this normal?" She's like, "Yeah, this is my everyday life. And it's because of mold that now I have gut issues. I have chemical sensitivities. I have to go unscented with all my laundry products." So remember, weird allergy type symptoms, it's a toxin issue that then affects your gut. And I'll teach you more about that in a minute.

These protocols that I do, I repeat myself a lot. I get paid to do the same protocols or similar protocols over and over again. I wanted to distill that. As you mentioned, I want to clone myself. I've got two kids with another on the way. I'm a busy guy. I want to spend more time being a dad and less time repeating myself because these protocols are not rocket science.

Once you've done this a thousand times, you can do it on your own. You can do it at home. You can fix yourself. I promise you, even if you suffered a decade, it's totally possible to reverse what you have going on. And I know when you're watching something online like this, you're like, okay, this is just going to be a sales pitch. This is like some multi-level marketing thing. He's going to give me some magic cream.

No, this is like clinical real legit stuff. I get paid by these labs to train doctors how to do this stuff. So I'm the real deal. A guy named Jim. He took the Better Belly Class. We'll talk about that later. He cleared his mycotoxins in five months. That's record timing, but good job, Jim.

So, what can you do if you fix your gut? Will you be a better wife? Will you be a better grandmother? Will you travel again? I don't know, but I'm sure there's something that you want to do that you're not doing. Maybe you've changed your life to accommodate your illness. Maybe you don't travel as much. Maybe you go to restaurants less frequently. Maybe you miss going out and getting your fajitas at the Mexican place because you know your gut is going to be wrecked if you touch corn. So what if you can get back to doing the things you love? I think it's totally realistic.

Now, there are certain tests that you need to run specifically. Organic acids, which I'm going to show you. Mycotoxins screens, which I'm going to show you. A GI map stool test. Mold plates, where you can test your home, your office, your school. These are the tests you must have run. If you've done Genova, if you've done Doctor's Data, if you've


had blood work done, if you've had hormone panels done and you've had saliva panels done -- great job! But if you haven't had these specific panels that I'm going to show you today, you have to get these tests done if you want to find and fix the root cause of your issues.

If you want to go and take another bottle of oregano oil and probiotics, and try to get a little bit better on your own, fine. But in two to three months, you're going to be right back where you started if you haven't dug deep enough. And that's what I did for years. I rotated through. I tried this, I tried that. Let's do the SIBO protocol. Let's do gaps. Let's do low histamine. Let's do carnivore. Let's do plant proteins. I did it all. And I've now refined all of that based on my own suffering.

So I think that's where I'm different than most practitioner is I've suffered so much that it's a really good teacher. It's what humbles you, I'll tell you that. If you do this right, 5 to 10% improvement is what you should see with your symptoms. So right now, if you're bloating is a 10 out of 10, we can reduce that 5 to 10% every month. If it's IBS, where you have constipation one day and diarrhea the other, we could probably improve that 5 to 10% each month, assuming you get these labs done. If you're guessing, I can't give you any guarantee.

So the secret strategy, number one. What's the juicy part? Well, you got to get the proper testing. I just told you that. So I'm going to show you some examples of this in a minute. But based on your symptoms, if you're on a budget and you can only do one thing, that's where you have to be a little more specific about what you can run with your lab. So the woman in Massachusetts. She's broke, she has no money at all. She says, "Evan, I can only afford to do one thing. What the heck do I do?"

I said, "Well, look, you're being exposed to mold. So maybe we can't do that right now, but your gut is a wreck. You've had gut issues for 20 years. Let's at least get a stool test done. Let's get the GI map done so we can investigate your gut." So that's what we decided on. And I'll teach you, how do you actually figure out, like, if you're on a budget, what do you pick and choose?

If you can do it all, urine and stool, you're going to get a lot more data. You're going to get better faster. Now the question a lot of people have is, "Well, what do I do? Because I saw the Parasite Summit. I did Shivan's SIBO Summit. I did the Liver, Gallbladder Summit. I've got everything wrong. Like it's everything. I have issues with liver and gallbladder and SIBO and parasites and candida. How do you prioritize this?"

Because this is where people get messed up is number one, they either try to fix everything at once. Or number two, they just have no clear plan. Meaning, well, I think it's the liver. I heard one talk, they said, take this liver herbs. So I'm going to try that. I'm going to do dandelion. Then I'm going to throw in milk thistle, and then I'm going to throw in ox bile for the gallbladder because I got my gallbladder removed.


Okay. Yeah, but what about the infections? Like if you do it right, step one, step two, step three, step four, you're going to get results. But if you're starting at step four, here you are doing a gallbladder flush when you haven't even got the testing done, you don't even know how your gallbladder is functioning because you haven't looked at your stool test to look at steatocrit, which is a marker for fecal fat. You've gone too far ahead.

So we got to put the blinders on. There's so many distractions in the health world because I don't know, it's just marketing, right? Like people want to convince you that over here is the problem. It's the thyroid. No, it's the adrenals. No, it's this. But once you've done this clinically, I can basically cut out the noise and tell you, look, this is where you have to start, because if you do this wrong, you're going to feel worse.

And I've had so many people come to me and I'm a do it yourself or two. I had an engineer client this morning in Michigan. He goes, "Evan, I'm an engineer. I'm a do it yourself guy. I've fixed all my problems, my whole life, because I'm an engineer. But now unfortunately, reluctantly, I have to reach out to you because I don't know what the heck I'm doing." And I'm like, "Okay, let me help you."

Shivan Sarna: Well, can I just make a comment about that? It's kind of like, if you've never been in New York city before. You land, you take the taxi, and you just say like, "Okay, drop me off in Time Square." And that's kind of like the summits. Obviously I'm a big fan of summits. I've done nine of them and it's amazing.

But at some point you may very well want to get a tour guide to take you to the Museum of Natural History, to your hotel, to the fine dining restaurants, to that great burger place that you loved or heard about or read about. So you do at some point need a guide. We always suggest working with a practitioner if you need that.

But what I love about what Evan's program and what he's talking about here is that it's a very empowered DIY with data. So I'm going to let you go. I just wanted to make that analogy and don't beat yourself up for going to summits. Oh my gosh, please continue to do that. But now, let's put in a plan.

Evan Brand: Yes. You got to have a plan and that's the whole point. I mean, you've seen the statistics on people trying to traverse Mount Everest on their own without a guide or without a Sherpa. Many of them don't make it. They don't survive. And I'm not saying that if you try to fix yourself, you're going to die. I'm not saying that.

I'm saying that I'm going to save you a lot of suffering. I took probably 12 years to really get to where I am now working on my health. And like I said, I'm consulting with friends of mine that are also running the same labs and I'm stealing their information and using it and trying this and trying that, oh, and they failed here. So I'm going to save you a lot of guesswork. And if you're targeted, you're going to feel better.

So, number two, we talked about this briefly, you got to test your home, your office, your school, your other buildings. Almost every building in America has had some water


intrusion event. A busted pipe, a leaking sink, a faucet or water hose that burst, a dehumidifier that broke, a sump pump in a basement that failed. I will tell you, this is the hidden epidemic in this country right now. When you look at the obesity rates, they're through the roof.

Depression is the number one leading cause of disability. Hospital acquired infections are the third or fourth leading cause of death. And here's how it all goes down. You get mold exposure -- mycotoxins, which are basically mold farts. Mold basically farts out these mycotoxins, you breathe them in. This could have been from 20 years ago, by the way.

So like, if you were growing up in a moldy farmhouse, that exposure disrupts the gut barrier. You guys have heard this term leaky gut. Just like food sensitivities and parasites and worms and candida, mycotoxins do the same thing. They will separate these tight junctions. They will increase that intestinal permeability, creating an opening to where these toxins and undigested food can now get into the bloodstream and trigger an autoimmune reaction.

So when you get diagnosed with Hashimoto's because you have high antibodies on your blood work, the doctor may give you a thyroid medication or low dose naltrexone or some other remedy. But here's the thing, they've not addressed what caused the barrier to be breached. And in many cases, that is a mycotoxin problem. And so then what happens is you start to gain weight because of the autoimmune condition, your thyroid's being attacked so you gain all this weight.

Then maybe you have a gallbladder attack. You go to the emergency room, they cut out your gallbladder. And let's say maybe for some reason you had a catheter or you had an endoscopy done and now you have a hospital acquired infection. Then you get put on antibiotics. Then you tear up your gut more. You've damaged your mitochondria. Now you get diagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.

And then you reach out to somebody like me after you've been through all that. So what I'm telling you is you can avoid this massive catastrophic domino effect if you do the proper testing now. We're talking less than 200 bucks to analyze your home, your car, your office, your children's school. I often send young children if they're old enough to follow the instruction. We'll send them with a mold test kit to their school.

I say, "Hey honey, put this down in your classroom. At the end of school, put the lid on, bring it back home." And boom, the kid's school is moldy. No wonder he comes home with a bellyache and he has the eczema and food sensitivity. So maybe you got to write this down, screenshot it, take a picture on your phone. Here's a picture of some ugly Petri dishes that we can run on your environment, but you got to test. You don't want to guess. You've probably guessed before, you got to stop doing that.

The problem is people say, "Well, I've been tested, I'm fine. They told me I'm fine. It's psychosomatic. They refer me to a psychiatrist. My anxiety is in my head because of my


trauma or because of this divorce." Listen, I'm not downplaying your trauma, but what I'm telling you is these toxin issues in the gut and that you're exposed to from buildings, these are trauma to the immune system. So hundreds of millions of people around the globe are walking around with what I call PTSD of the immune system.

When your immune system is wrecked from these toxins, you get stuck in fight or flight. And I don't care how much Xanax or lorazepam or other benzodiazepines, which not to mention they're addictive and they have side effects. But those are not root cause, and that's never going to get mold or whatever's driving this anxiety out. So if you got to do those things temporarily, fine. But would you rather find the root cause of this so we can stop doing the medications? So that we can make you calm again?

I had anxiety for years. I'm no longer anxious. It's a wonderful feeling to be grounded again. If you go to the doctor down the road and you ask them to run this testing, they're not going to do it. They're not trained in this stuff. They're stuck in pharmaceutical interests. I won't go on a rant, but I'll just say, you're not going to get the proper labs that you need from them.

You don't need them anyway. You can order this stuff online. We can send it to your house. It's a piece of cake. This is what it looks like. If you test your environment and you test your body, look at this here. This is a mycotoxin profile. If you've not had this done and you have any of the symptoms we talked about and you've suffered in any way, shape or form, you've got to get this test done.

It's easy. You wake up, you pee in a cup, you get it to the lab in Kansas. Done. And what you're looking at here are various mycotoxins that come from mold, aspergillus penicillium. These molds make these toxins. Brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, -- it all is driven by these. And guess what? These also promote SIBO. So all the people that are talking about SIBO, if they've not addressed mold, you're not going to fully beat SIBO.

I figured this out by failing. I had clients, we do these SIBO protocols and all of a sudden the protocol stopped working as well. And I thought, well, what the heck? Why is Sarah over here getting well and then John, over here, he keeps getting a rebound candida or a rebound SIBO infection? Then I got sick with mold. And then I discovered, holy smokes, all the people that can't fix their gut, they've done the SIBO work, good job! But it was mold and I missed it.

And now I'm just ranting from my soapbox about this because there's only a few practitioners in the world. Some of them are my friends that are medical doctors. There's only a few of us. We're like out in the wild west still. It won't be for maybe another 20 years before this is mainstream. If ever, because there's not much profit in selling you a bottle of a detox supplement that costs 30 bucks. There's not much profit margin there. So unless something can be patented, I don't expect big pharma to get involved to help people with this. So this is why I'm doing it because I love everyone and I want everyone to feel better.



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