

August, 2020

Ozaukee Child Care & Preschool

Menu Subject to Change

|Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |

|3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

|B: Kix cereal, applesauce |B: BelVita Bar, pears |B: Life cereal, fresh berries |B: Frosted Mini Wheats, |B: Pancakes w/ syrup, pineapple |

|L: Chicken patty on a bun, |L: Ham on WGR bread, |L: Grilled chicken nuggets, |bananas |L: Turkey & gravy, WGR |

|French fries, mandarin oranges |cucumber slices w/dip, pineapple |Wild rice, beets, oranges |L: Cheese Pizza, lettuce salad, |dinner roll, mashed potatoes, |

|S: Ritz crackers, summer sausage, |S: Pretzels w/cheese dip, milk |S: Cinnamon goldfish, milk |pears |peaches |

|water | | |S: Yogurt, animal crackers, water |S: Apples, cheese cubes, water |

|10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|B: Corn chex, peaches, |B: Apple cinnamon muffins, |B: Cheerios, bananas |B: Rice Krispies, apples |B: Mini bagels w/ cream cheese, |

|L: Grilled cheese WGR bread, |mandarin oranges |L: Turkey & cheese lunchable, |L: Pulled pork on a bun, pickles, |Fresh berries |

|tomato soup, pineapple |L: Beef WGR soft shell tacos with |Carrots w/ dip, fresh melon |Tater tots, mandarin oranges |L: Fish sticks, buttered WGR |

|S: Graham crackers, applesauce, |cheese, lettuce salad, pears |S: Cereal mix, milk |S: Cucumbers w/ dip, WGR |bread, green beans, bananas |

|water |S: Ranch oyster crackers, milk | |Triscuits, water |S: Chex mix, milk |

|17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |

|B: Frosted mini wheats, pineapple |B: Rice Krispies, applesauce |B: Belvita Bar, bananas |B: Kix cereal, pears |B: Pancakes w/ syrup, apples |

|L: French toast dippers w/ syrup, |L: Chicken/cheese quesadilla WGR |L: Soy butter & jelly WGR bread, |L: Turkey corn dogs, baked beans, |L: Salisbury steak, noodles, |

|Ham, peas & carrots, peaches |tortilla, corn, pears |String cheese, carrots w/ dip, |pineapple |Green beans, mandarin oranges |

|S: Cheese cubes, pretzels, |S: Vanilla yogurt, fresh berries, |Fresh melon |S: Banana bread, milk |S: WGR wheat thins, milk |

|Water |water |S: Summer sausage, Ritz crackers, | | |

| | |water | | |

|24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |

|B: Frosted Mini Wheats, pears |B: Blueberry muffins, applesauce |B: Cheerios, bananas |B: Corn chex, pineapple |B: Mini bagels w/ cream cheese, |

|L: Grilled chicken nuggets, mac & |L: Grilled cheese WGR bread, |L: Ham & cheese on WGR tortilla, |L: Meatballs w/ marinara sauce, |Fresh berries |

|cheese, green beans, peaches S: Sun |tomato soup, pineapple |Fresh peppers w/ dip, |Garlic bread, lettuce salad, |L: Pancakes w/ syrup, turkey |

|chips, craisins, water |S: Animal crackers, grapes, water |Mandarin oranges |S: Fruit yogurt, granola, water |Sausage, corn, oranges |

| | |S: Goldfish, milk | |S: WGR Triscuits , milk |

|31 |-Whole, unflavored milk served for age 1 and 1% unflavored milk served for ages 2 & up with every breakfast and lunch. |

|B: Life cereal, peaches |-WGR – Whole grain rich items (Bolded) |

|L: Chicken Alfredo, broccoli |-Food grown in our vegetable gardens will be added to meals & snacks whenever available. |

|applesauce | |

|S: Cheese it’s, milk | |

| | | | | |


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