
Economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Liberia


Version 8 (FIELD)


1) Date of interview: ____/____/____ (day, month, and year)

2) Adolescent ID Code (from sample list) [ensure that this matches the 2010 code] ____________

Name of the adolescent girl: ________________________ [Sup: check name against code and delete from here]

3) Community: ____________

____ - 1 West Point ____ - 6 Red Light

____ - 2 Battery Factory ____ - 7 Old Road

____ - 3 New Kru Town ____ - 8 Bentol

____ - 4 Doe Community ____ - 9 Kakata

____ - 5 Bassa Community

4) Enumerator Name: ________________________ Code: ____________________ ____________

5) Supervisor Name: _________________________ Code: ____________________ ____________

6) Line no. from HH module: ______________________________________________ ____________

6a) [Treatment group only] Treatment group training:

____ - 1 business development services ____ - 2 job skills training

Quality Control

7) Interview Status:

Fully completed ____ - 1

Partially completed ____ - 2

Not completed ____ - 3

8) Total # of Visits: ______________

[Int: up to 3 visits before trying to make alternative plans]

9) Enumerator Self Check (field), print first name: ___________________________________

10) Field Supervisor Check (field), print first name: ___________________________________

11) Other Check (field), print first name: ___________________________________

12) # of missing values found by Field Supervisor: ___________________________________

13) # of missing values resolved: ___________________________________

14) # of missing values UNRESOLVED: ___________________________________

[Sup: check total of resolved & unresolved and confirm with enumerator]

15) Data Manager coding of open-ended responses (note question numbers): __________________

Management comments: ______________________________________________________________



[Int: always start with the Adolescent Survey for girls aged 18 and older. If girls are 16 or 17 years old, then start with the Household Survey to first obtain consent]

Informed Consent

My name is __________________. I am from Subah-Belleh Associates (SBA). SBA is a company owned by Liberians. We visited your family last year, and conducted an interview with you and with your family. We have been asked by World Bank and the Government of Liberia to conduct a Midline study for the Economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young Women (EPAG) training project. I want to ask for your help, so that I can understand how good the training is and how to make it better. We like to ask some questions about your situation this year to see what is similar and what may have changed, and why.

More specifically, I want to ask you questions about yourself and the problems that you, your family and your neighbours are really facing. We will take this information and put it together with information from all the other people we talk to. Then we will use this information to tell the government and the NGOs how to make this training better and what sort of help the people in Liberia really need.

Nobody will know your name. There is no way that anyone will know the answers that you give us. When we write the report, we will tell them only the answers. We promise never to give anyone your name or the names of any of the other people we talk to.

Please note that some of the questions may be asking for something about you that you may not want to share with others. If you feel that you do not want to answer a particular question, you have the right to not answer it and we can move on.

[For the control group: No matter what you decide about these questions, if you answer them or if you do not answer them, you will still get to take the training.]

[For the treatment group: This questionnaire is similar to the one that we spoke with you about last year. For that reason, there are some questions that we don’t need to repeat, others where we just need to confirm with you whether the answer is the same as last year, and others which are new or where your responses may well have changed. We apologise in advance for any repetition.]

I hope that you will answer the questions. I am asking these questions because we really, really need this information to make the training better and to help make your life better and your family’s life better.

We only want to talk to you for about one hour. Do you agree for me to ask you questions?

____ - 1 yes [proceed to household pre-consent]

____ - 2 no [confirm and terminate interview]

Household Interview Pre-Consent

Following our interview with you, I will want to administer a separate questionnaire to the head of your household. This information will be merged with the information from your interview. As with your interview, there will be no way for anyone to link their responses back to your household.

[For the treatment group: As with your interview, there will be some questions which will not need to be asked because we have them from the baseline, others where we need to ask them to confirm whether values have changed, and others where we need new information.]

May we go ahead?

____ - 1 yes

____ - 2 no

START TIME: ___________________


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you about your birthday and a few questions about your educational background [Skip to 101a if in treatment & skip to 102a if in |

|control] |

|101 |[Variable confirmed] What is your date of |Date: ___________ | | | |

| |birth, month and year? |Month: ___________ | | | |

| | |Year: ___________ | | | |

| | |[Int: if only know year, enter year, if only know age, calculate| | | |

| | |year] | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|101a |[Treatment group only] Could you please |completed training |1 |102a | |

| |confirm whether you completed training, did |did not start training |2 |102a | |

| |not start training, or did not complete |did not complete training |3 |102a | |

| |training? [Enum: Check against database from| | | | |

| |EPAG] | | | | |

|102 |[Variable confirmed] What is your highest |none (no formal or informal) |1 | | |

| |level of education? [circle only one, highest|informal only |2 | | |

| |level] |primary (grades 1-6) |3 | | |

| | |junior high school (grades 7-9) |4 | | |

| | |high school (grades 10-12) |5 | | |

| | |> high school |6 | | |

|102a | What is the highest education status of your|none (no formal or informal) |1 | | |

| |mother? |informal only |2 | | |

| | |primary (grades 1-6) |3 | | |

| | |junior high school (grades 7-9) |4 | | |

| | |high school (grades 10-12) |5 | | |

| | |> high school |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|102b |What is the highest education status of your |none (no formal or informal) |1 | | |

| |father? |informal only |2 | | |

| | |primary (grades 1-6) |3 | | |

| | |junior high school (grades 7-9) |4 | | |

| | |high school (grades 10-12) |5 | | |

| | |> high school |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|102c |[If attended school before] How old were you | | | | |

| |when you entered primary school? [Enum: this |________________ | | | |

| |excludes pre-school and kindergarten, only |[do not know, 99] | | | |

| |refers to primary school] | | | | |

|102d |[If attended school before] Are you in school|yes |1 |108 | |

| |right now? |no |2 |105 | |

|103 |[Variable confirmed] [If never attended |family could not afford to send any child to school |1 | | |

| |formal schooling] What was the most important|male child(ren) prioritised |2 | | |

| |reason that made you not to go to school? |other child(ren) prioritised |3 | | |

| | |needed to provide labour at home |4 | | |

| | |needed to provide labour at workplace |5 | | |

| | |lack of places at school |6 | | |

| | |school too far (distance) |7 | | |

| | |served as a soldier |8 | | |

| | |going to school not safe in the area |9 | | |

| | |displaced |10 | | |

| | |orphaned |11 | | |

| | |disabled |12 | | |

| | |chronically ill |13 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|104 |[Variable confirmed] [If attended school but |completed secondary school |1 | | |

| |not currently enrolled in formal schooling] |family could not afford anymore |2 | | |

| |What was your main reason for leaving school?|family prioritised male child(ren) |3 | | |

| | |family prioritised other child(ren) |4 | | |

| | |needed to provide labour at home |5 | | |

| | |needed to provide labour at workplace |6 | | |

| | |lack of places at school |7 | | |

| | |school too far (distance) |8 | | |

| | |going to school not safe in the area |9 | | |

| | |displaced |10 | | |

| | |orphaned |11 | | |

| | |disabled |12 | | |

| | |chronically ill |13 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|105 |[If not currently in school] Looking at the |yes |1 |105a | |

| |way things are happening and the things you |no |2 |107a | |

| |want to do, do you want to go back to school |maybe |3 |105b | |

| |in the next few years? |do not know |4 |107a | |

|105a | [If ‘yes’ to 105] You said before that you |grade 1 |1 | | |

| |want to go back to school. As you want to go|grade 2 |2 | | |

| |back to school, at what grade do you plan to |grade 3 |3 | | |

| |stop? [Int: ensure that this grade exceeds |grade 4 |4 | | |

| |the level/grade indicated for 102] |grade 5 |5 | | |

| | |grade 6 |6 | | |

| | |grade 7 |7 | | |

| | |grade 8 |8 | | |

| | |grade 9 |9 | | |

| | |grade 10 |10 | | |

| | |grade 11 |11 | | |

| | |grade 12 |12 | | |

| | |post-secondary formal |13 | | |

| | |technical/vocational/related |14 | | |

|105b |[If yes or maybe to 105] What would make it |self-motivation - I need to really want to go |1 |107a | |

| |possible for you to go back to school? |if have sufficient finances |2 |107a | |

| |[Circle up to 3 responses] |if can find a place at school |3 |107a | |

| | |if my health improves |4 |107a | |

| | |if fewer care giving responsibilities in house |5 |107a | |

| | |if fewer house chores/responsibilities |6 |107a | |

| | |if I do not have to work |7 |107a | |

| | |if I get permission from caregiver |8 |107a | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## |107a | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|106 |[Variable confirmed] [If NOT currently in |yes |1 | | |

| |formal schooling] Are you going to any school|no |2 | | |

| |right now that is not grade school, including| | | | |

| |any training programmes? [excludes EPAG | | | | |

| |training] | | | | |

|107 |[Variable confirmed] Overall, what do you |none/not important |1 | | |

| |think is the most important reason for a |independence, control over life |2 | | |

| |young woman to have an education? [Circle |earning potential/employability |3 | | |

| |only one] |improves marriage prospects |4 | | |

| | |enables one to advance in a career |5 | | |

| | |increases social networks |6 | | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## | | |

|107a |[Enum: If respondent is NOT currently in |having sufficient funds |1 | | |

| |school] Regarding returning to school, what |having the time |2 | | |

| |would be the most important ‘triggers’ that |not having to care for children full time |3 | | |

| |would result in you returning to school? |Self-motivation |4 | | |

| |[Tick up to 3 responses] |If Health improve |5 | | |

| | |If living condition improve |6 | | |

| | |EPAG/similar like training |7 | | |

| | |Others (specify):------------------------------ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [tick by itself] |99 | | |

|107b |[Enum: If respondent returned to school in |obtained/earned sufficient funds |1 | | |

| |the past year] Regarding returning to school,|had the time |2 | | |

| |what were the most important ‘triggers’ that |did not have to care for children full time |3 | | |

| |resulted in you returning to school? [circle |Self-motivation |4 | | |

| |up to 3 responses] |If Health improve |5 | | |

| | |If living condition improve |6 | | |

| | |EPAG/similar like training |7 | | |

| | |Others (specify):------------------------------ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [tick by itself] |99 | | |

|108 |[Variable TO BE confirmed] Right now, are you|married |1 |Mod 2 | |

| |married, cohabitating, separated, divorced, |cohabitating |2 |Mod 2 | |

| |widowed, or never married? |separated |3 |108a | |

| | |divorced |4 |108a | |

| | |widowed |5 |108a | |

| | |never married |6 |108a | |

|108a |[If not married/co-habiting] Do you have a |yes |1 |108ai | |

| |boyfriend at this time? |no |2 |108b | |

|108ai |[if yes to 108a] How many boyfriends do you | | | | |

| |have right now? |___________ [if do not know, 99] | | | |

|108b |[If not married/ cohabitating] Think about | | |Mod 2 | |

| |your marriage expectations. At what age do |__________ | | | |

| |you think you will get married? |[Age in years, if do not know, try and get range and, if no | | | |

| | |range, 99] | | | |

|108c |[Variable confirmed] [If | | | | |

| |married/cohabitated] How old were you when |__________ | | | |

| |you got married/ moved in together? |[Age in years, if do not know, 99] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|108d |[Variable confirmed] [If | | | | |

| |married/cohabitated] How old was your partner|__________ | | | |

| |when you got married/moved in together? |[Age in years, if do not know, 99] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|108e |[Variable confirmed] [If currently married/ |chose myself only |1 | | |

| |cohabitating] Did you choose your husband |arranged by parents/caregivers |2 | | |

| |yourself, or did someone else choose your |decided with parents/caregivers |3 | | |

| |husband for you? |arranged by other relatives |4 | | |

| | |decided with other relatives |5 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you a few questions on how much time you spent in the past week devoted to the following activities. |

|[Int: for each question, you may have to work with the girl to tally the number of hours on different days, to get the total] |

|201 |What is the estimate of the number of hours | | | | |

| |in the past week devoted to attending |_____________ hours | | | |

| |school/training? |[If none, 0; if not applicable, 98] | | | |

|202 |What is the estimate of the number of hours | | | | |

| |in the past week devoted to work inside the |_____________ hours | | | |

| |house for free (including care-giving)? |[If none, 0; if not applicable, 98] | | | |

|203 |What is the estimate of the number of hours | | | | |

| |in the past week devoted to work in formal |_____________ hours | | | |

| |employment for pay and self-employment that |[If none, 0; if not applicable, 98] | | | |

| |brings you money (IGA, paid work)? | | | | |

|204 |What is the estimate of the number of hours | | | | |

| |in the past week devoted to watching |____________ hours | | | |

| |TV/entertainment/recreation? |[If none, 0; if not applicable, 98] | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you a few questions about activities you do that bring in cash or in-kind returns. |

|301 |Do you undertake any activities to make |yes |1 |302 | |

| |money? |no |2 |Mod 5 | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 |Mod 5 | |

|302 |[If yes to 301] What do you do to make money?|household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| |[Int: if more than one, circle primary |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| |activity] |labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| | |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| | |food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| | |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| | |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|302a |[If yes to 301] Do you have a second activity|household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| |that you do to earn money? |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| | |labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| | |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| | |food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| | |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| | |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |none |21 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|303 |Over the past week, how many days did you |_______________ [Int: if no exact number, get estimate, if do | | | |

| |spend doing ALL those things that you are |not know, 99] | | | |

| |doing to make money? | | | | |

|304 |Over the past week, on a usual working day, |_______________ [Int: if no exact number, get estimate, if do | | | |

| |how many hours did you spend doing those |not know, 99] | | | |

| |things that you are doing to make money? | | | | |

|305 |Over the past week, how much money did you | | | | |

| |get from those things you did to get money? |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| |[Int: if not received funds yet for the week,|or | | | |

| |ask for an average earning per week in the |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| |past month, excluding any extra pay for the |[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| |holidays] | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|306 |In addition to payment in money, what is the | | | | |

| |value of payment in- kind, for those things |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| |that you did to make money over the past |or | | | |

| |week? [Int: assist respondent to estimate |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| |values for in-kind support] |[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|307 |To what extent do you control the decision on|none |1 | | |

| |how to spend the money you get from those |some |2 | | |

| |things you did to get money? |much |3 |Mod 5 | |

| | |completely |4 |Mod 5 | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|307a |[If ‘none’ or ‘some’ to 307] Who else is |father |1 |Mod 5 | |

| |involved in deciding how to spend the money? |mother |2 |Mod 5 | |

| |[circle up to 3 responses] |sibling |3 |Mod 5 | |

| | |husband (if married) |4 |Mod 5 | |

| | |other family member |5 |Mod 5 | |

| | |boyfriend |6 |Mod 5 | |

| | |business partner - non-family |7 |Mod 5 | |

| | |other non-family |8 |Mod 5 | |

| | |religious leader |9 |Mod 5 | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## |Mod 5 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you a few questions about activities that brought you cash or in-kind returns in the past. |

|401 |[Variable confirmed] Have you done any |yes |1 | | |

| |activities to make money over the past three |no |2 | | |

| |years but which you are no longer doing? |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

|401a |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 401] What |household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| |activity was you doing over the past three |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| |years but are no longer doing? |labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| | |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| | |food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| | |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| | |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|401b |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 401] Is this |yes |1 | | |

| |activity always done at a particular time of |no |2 | | |

| |the year? | | | | |

|401c |[Variable confirmed] [If no to 401b] How long| | | | |

| |ago did you stop doing this activity? |____________ years | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 99] | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you a few questions about activities that will bring you cash or in-kind returns in the future. |

|501 |Do you want to start any new activity to make|yes |1 |501a | |

| |money sometime this year? |no |2 |503 | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 |503 | |

|501a |[If yes to 501] What type of things for |household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| |making money do you plan on starting? By |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| |starting things for making money, we mean a |labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| |new activity or joining an existing activity |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| |or even purchasing an on-going activity (i.e.|food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| |buying a share). |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| | |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|501b |Why have you not started this yet? [Circle up|no reason, not gotten to it yet |1 | | |

| |to 3 responses] |lack sufficient funds |2 | | |

| | |unable to secure credit at this time |3 | | |

| | |lack of skills for this right now |4 | | |

| | |lack of premises |5 | | |

| | |premises only now being set up |6 | | |

| | |awaiting other investor(s) |7 | | |

| | |permits/registration not yet been issued |8 | | |

| | |not yet permission parents |9 | | |

| | |not yet permission husband |10 | | |

| | |not yet permission boyfriend |11 | | |

| | |not yet permission other |12 | | |

| | |other (specify): __________________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|502 |Is there a SECOND activity for making money |yes |1 |502a | |

| |you plan on starting sometime this year? |no |2 |503 | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 |503 | |

|502a |[If yes to 502] What type of things for |household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| |making money do you plan on starting? By |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| |starting things for making money, we mean a |labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| |new activity or joining an existing activity |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| |or even purchasing an ongoing activity (i.e. |food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| |buying a share). |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| | |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|502b |Why have you not started this yet? [Circle up|no reason, not gotten to it yet |1 | | |

| |to 3 responses] |lack sufficient funds |2 | | |

| | |unable to secure credit at this time |3 | | |

| | |lack of skills for this right now |4 | | |

| | |lack of premises |5 | | |

| | |premises only now being set up |6 | | |

| | |awaiting other investor(s) |7 | | |

| | |permits/registration not yet been issued |8 | | |

| | |not yet permission parents |9 | | |

| | |not yet permission husband |10 | | |

| | |not yet permission boyfriend |11 | | |

| | |not yet permission other |12 | | |

| | |other (specify): __________________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|503 |The previous questions referred to pending |household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| |income generating activities. What about |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| |more ‘long-term’ plans for income-generation?|labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| |Think of what types of income-generating |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| |activities you might want to be involved |food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| |within 10 years’ time. What would the main |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| |one be? |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|504 |What would the second one be, if any? |household labour (other household) |1 | | |

| | |at home production for sales (crops, livestock, fish) |2 | | |

| | |labour on other’s farm |3 | | |

| | |factory work (rice mill, garment, etc.) |4 | | |

| | |food processing for sale (baking, cooking & drying) |5 | | |

| | |beautician (hairdresser, manicure, etc.) |6 | | |

| | |stitching/handicraft/tailoring for sales/tie dying |7 | | |

| | |petty trade (street vendor/home selling) |8 | | |

| | |owner of shop/restaurant/hotel/office |9 | | |

| | |worker in shop/restaurant/hotel/office |10 | | |

| | |skilled labourer (mechanic, pottery, carpenter, metal work, | | | |

| | |driver, house painting, security guards, computer IT) |11 | | |

| | |community health worker (e.g., TBA, midwife) |12 | | |

| | |educator |13 | | |

| | |secretary/clerk/cashier |14 | | |

| | |religious worker |15 | | |

| | |commercial sex worker/prostitute/on the lane |16 | | |

| | |beggar |17 | | |

| | |buying a share |18 | | |

| | |soap making |19 | | |

| | |out of town business |20 | | |

| | |None |21 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

|505 |Overall, would you say that your long-term |more ambitious |1 |505a | |

| |income generating plans are more ambitious |the same |2 |Mod 6 | |

| |than your short-term plans, the same, or less|less ambitious |3 |Mod 6 | |

| |ambitious? |do not know/cannot say |99 |Mod 6 | |

|505a |[If ‘more ambitious’ to 505] What do you |I am just that way |1 | | |

| |think are the most important causes of your |in the long run I will be more experienced |2 | | |

| |being more ambitious for the long-term than |EPAG training |3 | | |

| |you were for the past year? [Tick up to 3 |I will be older and wiser |4 | | |

| |responses] |I will have saved enough money |5 | | |

| | |concerns for my children’s future |6 | | |

| | |Concern for my husband/partner |7 | | |

| | |other (specify): ________________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [tick by itself] |99 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you a few questions about your business, if you are currently running a business. |

|[Int: only for girls who are doing business] |

|601 |Are you doing any business? By business, I |yes |1 |602 | |

| |mean an activity that makes you money that |no |2 |Mod 7 | |

| |involves an investment in capital (for | | | | |

| |example, buying a booth or stall, buying | | | | |

| |tools or equipment, etc.) to be able to | | | | |

| |engage in this business and/or which involves| | | | |

| |registration of the business. | | | | |

|602 |What type of business is it? |sales of own agricultural products |1 | | |

| | |manufacturing and/or processing of goods |2 | | |

| | |buying and then selling goods (inc. shop) |3 | | |

| | |services (inc. transport, hairdressing, etc.) |4 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

|603 |How much ownership do you have in this |full ownership |1 |604 | |

| |business? [Int: if more than one business, |partial ownership |2 |604 | |

| |ask them to discuss what they consider to be |no ownership |3 |Mod 7 | |

| |their main business] | | | | |

|604 |How many months have you been an owner of |________ # months | | | |

| |this business? [Int: if it has been a long |[If they can only indicate years, write years here | | | |

| |time and they can only give years, see |____________________ for the supervisor to calculate months] | | | |

| |instruction to the right] |[If < 1 month, indicate < 1 month] | | | |

|605 |From where does this business operate? |fixed business facility |1 | | |

| | |from home |2 | | |

| | |market |3 | | |

| | |fixed location on street |4 | | |

| | |mobile business/move around |5 | | |

| | |other (specify): ___________________________________ |## | | |

|606 |How many people currently work in this business in terms of the following, excluding yourself: |

| |[Enum: ensure no double counting. Each category is exclusive, no person can appear in two of them] |

|606a |money paid employees |________________ | | | |

| | |[Int: if none, 0, if do not know, 99] | | | |

|606b |in-kind paid employees |________________ | | | |

| | |[Int: if none, 0, if do not know, 99] | | | |

|606c |unpaid employees |________________ | | | |

| | |[Int: if none, 0, if do not know, 99] | | | |

|606d |Of these, how many worked more than 2 days |________________ | | | |

| |over the past two weeks? |[Int: if none, 0, if do not know, 99] | | | |

|607 |Is this business registered with the Ministry|yes |1 |607a | |

| |of Commerce/Finance? [Int: Refers to any |no |2 |608 | |

| |business, including petty trade] |in process |3 |608 | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 |608 | |

|607a |[If yes to 607] The last time you paid taxes,| | | | |

| |how much did you pay? |Liberian Dollars _________________ | | | |

| | |[Int: 0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, not certain, 9999] | | | |

|608 |Over the past year, has your business |regularly |1 | | |

| |regularly kept written records of business |irregularly |2 | | |

| |expenses? |not at all |3 | | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

|609 |Over the past year, has your business |regularly |1 | | |

| |regularly kept written records of sales? |irregularly |2 | | |

| | |not at all |3 | | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

|610 |Over the past year, has your business |regularly |1 | | |

| |regularly kept written records of inventory? |irregularly |2 | | |

| |By inventory, we mean goods coming in, going |not at all |3 | | |

| |out, and what remains in stock. |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

|611 |Do you keep your money for business purposes |always |1 | | |

| |separate from money for personal use? |not always |2 | | |

| | |not at all |3 | | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

|612 |Are you a member of any business professional|yes |1 | | |

| |association? By professional association, we |no |2 | | |

| |mean any organization of composed members of |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

| |a particular profession or organization. | | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you a few questions about the qualities and behaviours young woman need to be successful in business or to be employed. By |

|qualities and behaviours we mean “soft skills”, features, performance or conduct. |

|701 |What qualities and behaviours do you feel a |positive personality/good attitude/politeness |1 | | |

| |young woman should have in order to be able |good looks |2 | | |

| |to run a successful business? [circle up to 3|good hygiene |3 | | |

| |responses] |professional dress |4 | | |

| | |punctuality |5 | | |

| | |assertiveness |6 | | |

| | |initiative |7 | | |

| | |willingness to take risks |8 | | |

| | |good time management |9 | | |

| | |communicate well/listen and speak effectively |10 | | |

| | |solve problems |11 | | |

| | |effective social networking |12 | | |

| | |conflict management and negotiations |13 | | |

| | |set career goals/apply and find a job |14 | | |

| | |responsibility |15 | | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|702 |What qualities and behaviours do you feel a |positive personality/good attitude/politeness |1 | | |

| |young woman should have in order to be able |good looks |2 | | |

| |to do a paid work successfully for someone |good hygiene |3 | | |

| |else? [circle up to 3 responses] |professional dress |4 | | |

| | |punctuality |5 | | |

| | |assertiveness |6 | | |

| | |initiative |7 | | |

| | |willingness to take risks |8 | | |

| | |good time management |9 | | |

| | |communicate well/listen and speak effectively |10 | | |

| | |solve problems |11 | | |

| | |effective social networking |12 | | |

| | |conflict management and negotiations |13 | | |

| | |set career goals/apply and find a job |14 | | |

| | |responsibility |15 | | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you some questions about the management of money. I do not mean the management of money for a business but rather, your personal |

|financial management. |

|801 |What are the things that you need to know in |income |1 | | |

| |order to make a written plan for getting and |expenditures |2 | | |

| |spending money for a household? [Circle all |savings |3 | | |

| |that apply] |other (specify): _________________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/not certain [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|802 |Do you keep written records of the money you |yes |1 | | |

| |spend and the money you get personally? |no |2 | | |

| | |do not know/not certain |99 | | |

|803 |Have you ever prepared a personal written |yes |1 |804a | |

| |plan for getting and using money or taking |no |2 |804a | |

| |care of your own money? |do not know/not certain |99 |804a | |

|804 |[Variable confirmed] Suppose you put 100 LDs |110 LD |1 | | |

| |in the bank with an interest rate of 10%. If |120 LD |2 | | |

| |you withdraw all of the money after one year,|do not know/not certain |99 | | |

| |how much money will you have? | | | | |

|804a |Suppose you put 100 LDs in the bank with an | | | | |

| |interest rate of 10%. If you withdraw all of |LD ______________ | | | |

| |the money after one year, how much money will|[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| |you have? | | | | |

|805 |If you were to go to a loan officer (bank or |cannot think of any [circle by itself] |1 |Mod 9 | |

| |informal agent), what are the most important |requirements for getting a loan |2 |Mod 9 | |

| |questions you feel you would need to ask? |interest rate |3 |Mod 9 | |

| |[Circle all that apply] |loan repayment period |4 |Mod 9 | |

| | |penalties if loan is not repaid on time |5 |Mod 9 | |

| | |number of instalments |6 |Mod 9 | |

| | |timing of instalments |7 |Mod 9 | |

| | |date of first payment |8 |Mod 9 | |

| | |other (specify): __________________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/not certain [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|806 |[Variable confirmed] Please name the types of|cannot name any [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |services or products you can get at a bank: |savings account |2 | | |

| |[Circle all that apply] |checking account |3 | | |

| | |money transfer |4 | | |

| | |bank cheque |5 | | |

| | |loan |6 | | |

| | |other (specify): __________________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/not certain [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|807 |[Variable confirmed] What do you need to know|cannot think of any [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |in order to calculate the profit of a |interest rate |2 | | |

| |business? [Circle all that apply] |loan repayment period |3 | | |

| | |cost of production/goods |4 | | |

| | |sales/revenue |5 | | |

| | |expenses |6 | | |

| | |other (specify): __________________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/not certain [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you some questions about any savings or loans that you have as of today. |

|901 |Do you have any savings right now? By right |yes |1 |902 | |

| |now, we mean as at today. |no |2 |905 | |

|902 |[If yes to 901] Where do you keep your savings? Please indicate whether you keep savings at any of the following and, if so, how much you |

| |keep there: [Int: an estimate is fine, even if a broad estimate] |

|902a |At home | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value; if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|902b |At bank/credit union | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value; if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|902c |At credit group/club | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value; if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|902d |At (regular) susu | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value; if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|902e |At Nigerian susu | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value; if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|903 |What are the sources of these savings over |earnings from work/business |1 | | |

| |the past year? [Circle up to 3 responses] |allowance from caregivers/parents |2 | | |

| | |transfers from family members |3 | | |

| | |transfers from non-family members |4 | | |

| | |inheritance |5 | | |

| | |other (specify): ___________________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|904 |Why have you saved the money you have put in |no particular reason [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |over the past year? [Circle up to 3 |habit [circle by itself] |2 | | |

| |responses] |to meet unexpected contingencies – household |3 | | |

| | |to meet unexpected contingencies - business [circle only if run | | | |

| | |a business] |4 | | |

| | |to meet school fee costs (self) |5 | | |

| | |to meet school fee costs (other) |6 | | |

| | |special occasion(s) |7 | | |

| | |gifts/religious holidays/other |8 | | |

| | |other (specify): __________________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|905 |Do you have any loans right now for any |yes |1 |905a | |

| |purpose (personal or business) that you are |no |2 |907 | |

| |repaying or will soon start to repay? By | | | | |

| |loans, we mean any lending that involves | | | | |

| |repayment (with or without interest). | | | | |

|[If yes to 905] From which sources do you have current loans? |

|905a |Susu |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905b |Bank |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905c |credit group/club |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905d |money lender |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905e |parents/caregivers |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905f |other relatives |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905g |non-relatives/friends |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|905h |business partner [If is partnering in a |yes |1 | | |

| |business] |no |2 | | |

| | |not applicable [no business partner] |98 | | |

|906 |[If yes to 905] What was the main purpose of the loan: [Int: if multiple loans, select two largest, discussing the first one first, and the |

| |second one second] |

|906a |the main purpose of the largest loan [circle |consumption |1 |906ai | |

| |only one, the main purpose] |health care |2 |906ai | |

| | |education costs |3 |906ai | |

| | |purchasing assets |4 |906ai | |

| | |purchasing inputs for production - home/fields |5 |906ai | |

| | |special event (funeral, wedding, etc.) |6 |906ai | |

| | |productive investment - business [If have a business] |7 |906ai | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## |906ai | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |906b | |

| | |not applicable (no loan from this source) |98 |906b | |

|906ai |[If yes to 906a] What was the amount you | | | | |

| |borrowed? |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|906b |the main purpose of the second largest |consumption |1 |906bi | |

| |loan[circle only one, the main purpose] |health care |2 |906bi | |

| | |education costs |3 |906bi | |

| | |purchasing assets |4 |906bi | |

| | |purchasing inputs for production - home/fields |5 |906bi | |

| | |special event (funeral, wedding, etc.) |6 |906bi | |

| | |productive investment - business [If have a business] |7 |906bi | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## |906bi | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |907 | |

| | |not applicable (no loan from this source) |98 |907 | |

|906bi |[If yes to 906b] What was the amount you | | | | |

| |borrowed? |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|907 |Have you given out any loans to anyone in the|yes |1 |907a | |

| |past year? By loans, we mean any lending that|no |2 |Mod 10 | |

| |involves repayment (with or without |not certain/cannot say |99 |Mod 10 | |

| |interest). | | | | |

|907a |[If yes to 907] Who have you given loans to |parents/caregivers |1 | | |

| |in the past year? By loans, we mean any |boyfriend/husband |2 | | |

| |lending that involves repayment (with or |other relatives |3 | | |

| |without interest). [circle up to 3 responses]|friends |4 | | |

| | |business partner |5 | | |

| | |other (specify): _________________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|907b |[If yes to 907] What was the amount you lent?| | | | |

| |[Int: if multiple loans, select largest] |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_______________ US Dollars | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would now like to ask you some questions about the money you spend on yourself and others. |

|1001 |In a typical month over the past year, how much money have you spent on yourself for each of the following. |

| |[Int: expenditure is in either Liberian dollars or US Dollars, please convert if necessary where 1 USD = 70 LD] |

|1001a |education (school, books, fees, etc.) | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001b |transportation (any, including taxi, bus, own| | | | |

| |vehicle, motorbike, etc.) |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001c |electronics (radio, TV, calculator, ice box | | | | |

| |watches, etc.) |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001d |scratch card (mobile)/payphone/charging | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001e |personal services (hairdresser, manicure, | | | | |

| |etc.) |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001f |beauty aids (creams, oils, make-up, etc.) | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001g |clothing/footwear/clothing or shoe repair | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001h |eating out | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1001i |tobacco and alcohol | | | | |

| | |______________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |or | | | |

| | |_________________US Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[If do not know, 9999] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Looking at a situation where, after training, over the next few years your income increases. Please tell us the extent to which you think the following |

|are possible risks, using the following scale: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree, or do not know. |

|1002 |So much pressure will be put on me to spend |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |these monies on family members that little |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |will be left to put back in business |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1003 |Because there are so many things I have gone |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |personally without, I would be tempted to |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |spend the money on these pleasures |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1004 |The time needed to go to school means that, |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |even if I have sufficient money to return, I |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |would not return to school |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1005 |Because I am now making so much money, I can |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |born my children now |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1006 |If you were to double your monthly income, | | | | |

| |how many additional family members do you |______________ | | | |

| |think would then expect to depend on you |[0 is a valid value. If do not know, confirm, ask for best | | | |

| |financially for at least some of their |estimate and, if no estimate, 99] | | | |

| |income/goods? | | | | |

|In a typical month over the past year, how much money did you spend on or give to the following people including health, education and food/gifts. |

|[Int: if the person is not applicable because they do not have someone in that category, indicate ‘98’. If they do not know, indicate ‘99’. 0 is a |

|valid value] |

|[Int: for 1011, enter a value for the entire group of people] |

|Person |1009 |1010 |1011 |[Sup.] |[Sup.] |

| |health expenses |education expenses |food and |1009 |1010 |

| | | |gifts | | |

|I would like to ask you some questions about the items you currently own. Please indicate which of the following assets you personally own, jointly own|

|with others, or do not own. |

|1101 |cell phone |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1102 |other electronics |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1103 |jewellery |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1104 |furniture |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1105 |livestock (cow, sheep, goat, rabbit) |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1106 |poultry (chicken, duck, guinea fowl) |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1107 |vehicle |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1108 |house/dwelling living in |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1109 |land |owns alone |1 | | |

| | |does not own |2 | | |

| | |owns jointly |3 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1110 |Implements for productive use/use in job |owns alone |1 | | |

| |(e.g., equipment and tools, brick making |does not own |2 | | |

| |machine, baking machine for commercial use, |owns jointly |3 | | |

| |sewing machine, etc.) |do not know |99 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you some questions about the control you have over yourself and your resources. |


|1201 |Do you most of the time have money of your |yes |1 | | |

| |own for basic uses that you alone can |no |2 | | |

| |decide how to use, without having to ask | | | | |

| |for permission? | | | | |

|1201a |Please indicate whether, for the following expenditures areas, you have full control, shared control, or no control over how this money is |

| |spent. |

|1201ai |Do you control the money needed to pay for |full |1 | | |

| |food in full, do you share this control, or|shared |2 | | |

| |do you have no control? |none |3 | | |

|1201aii |Do you control the money needed to pay for |full |1 | | |

| |medicine in full, do you share this |shared |2 | | |

| |control, or do you have no control? |none |3 | | |

|1201 |Do you control the money needed to pay for |full |1 | | |

|aiii |school fees in full, do you share this |shared |2 | | |

| |control, or do you have no control? |none |3 | | |

|1201 |Do you control the money needed to pay for |full |1 | | |

|aiv |house rent in full, do you share this |shared |2 | | |

| |control, or do you have no control? |none |3 | | |

|1201av |[If yes to 1201] Do you control the money |full |1 |1207 | |

| |needed to pay for spending on leisure in |shared |2 |1207 | |

| |full, do you share this control, or do you |none |3 |1207 | |

| |have no control? | | | | |

|[Int: for questions 1202 to 1208, READ each of the options individually and circle all options that the girl answers “yes” too. For example: “Do you |

|control the money needed to pay for food for yourself? For your own children? For other children? For other household members?”] |

|1202 |[Variable confirmed] Do you control the money|for yourself |1 | | |

| |needed to pay for food? [circle up to 4 |for your own children |2 | | |

| |responses] [READ responses] |for other children |3 | | |

| | |for other household members |4 | | |

| | |not applicable - do not pay such costs [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1203 |[Variable confirmed] Do you control the money|for yourself |1 | | |

| |needed to pay for medicine? [circle up to 4 |for your own children |2 | | |

| |responses] [READ responses] |for other children |3 | | |

| | |for other household members |4 | | |

| | |not applicable - do not pay such costs [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1204 |[Variable confirmed] Do you control the money|for yourself |1 | | |

| |needed to pay for school fees? [circle up to |for your own children |2 | | |

| |4 responses] [READ responses] |for other children |3 | | |

| | |for other household members |4 | | |

| | |not applicable - do not pay such costs [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1205 |[Variable confirmed] Do you control the money|for yourself |1 | | |

| |needed to pay for house rent? [circle up to 4|for your own children |2 | | |

| |responses] [READ responses] |for other children |3 | | |

| | |for other household members |4 | | |

| | |not applicable - do not pay such costs [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1206 |[Variable confirmed] Do you control the money|for yourself |1 | | |

| |needed to pay for spending on leisure? |for your own children |2 | | |

| |[circle up to 4 responses] [READ responses] |for other children |3 | | |

| | |for other household members |4 | | |

| | |not applicable - do not pay such costs [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|1207 |Over the past two weeks, have you visited a |yes |1 |1207a | |

| |school or a training facility? |no |2 |1207b | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1208 | |

|1207a |[If yes to 1207] How many times did you visit|________ | | | |

| |the school/facility over the past two weeks? |[Int: must be at least 1] | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1207b |[If yes or no 1207] Was your visit difficult |yes |1 | | |

| |due to any limitations by your family? |no |2 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1208 |Over the past two weeks, have you gone to |yes |1 |1208a | |

| |work? |no |2 |1208b | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1209 | |

|1208a |[If yes to 1208] How many times did you go to|________ | | | |

| |work over the past two weeks? |[Int: must be at least 1] | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1208b |[If yes or no to 1208] Was your visit |yes |1 |1210 | |

| |difficult due to any limitations by your |no |2 |1210 | |

| |family? |do not know/cannot say |99 |1210 | |

|1209 |[Variable confirmed] Over the past two weeks,|yes |1 | | |

| |have you visit beach/other recreational |no |2 | | |

| |location/bar/night club/football game/ |not applicable |98 | | |

| |related | | | | |

|1209a |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1209] How |________ | | | |

| |many times did you visit recreational places |[Int: must be at least 1] | | | |

| |over the past two weeks? |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1209b |[Variable confirmed] [If yes or no to 1209] |yes |1 | | |

| |Was your visit difficult due to any |no |2 | | |

| |limitations by your family? |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |


|Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements, using the following scale: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat |

|disagree, strongly disagree, or do not know. |

|1210 |When I am sad, I can usually start doing |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |something that will make me feel better |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1211 |I can start a new task, even if I am already |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |tired |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1212 |If there are other things going on around me,|strongly agree |1 | | |

| |I find it hard to keep my attention focused |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |on whatever I am doing |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1213 |I keep a mental or written list of the tasks |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |I need to complete each day |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1214 |Sometimes I speak or act too quickly, without|strongly agree |1 | | |

| |thinking about the consequences |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1215 |If I really want something, I have to get it |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |right away |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1216 |I can stay focused on my work even when I am |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |tired of it |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1217 |I often have a hard time putting money aside |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |for upcoming expenses like school fees |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1218 |I can find a way to stick with my plans and |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |goals, even after a setback |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1219 |I can resist doing something when I know that|strongly agree |1 | | |

| |I should not do it |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1220 |I believe that my future is determined by |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |luck, no matter how hard I work |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |


|1221 |Going back to school really won’t help my |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |future in terms of my economic |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |opportunities, my life is what it is |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1222 |Going back to school really won’t help my |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |future, because it really is too late for me |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |to go back to learn |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1223 |[Enum: If respondent NOT in school] Nothing |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |has happened in the past year that makes it |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |more likely that I will return to school |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1224 |Even with more schooling, it would not |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |improve my economic status, as my work would |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |not change anyway |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |


|1225 |I feel more able to work well with people now|strongly agree |1 | | |

| |than a year ago |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1226 |I feel more comfortable with who I am now |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |than a year ago |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1227 |I feel more in control of my life now than a |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |year ago |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1228 |I feel more able to call upon my friends for |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |support than I was a year ago |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1229 |I am more able to help my friends now than I |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |was a year ago |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1230 |I am more comfortable in situations now with |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |people I do not know than I was a year ago |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1231 |I am more outgoing now than I was a year ago |strongly agree |1 | | |

| | |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |


|I would like to ask you some questions about your thoughts and feelings in the PAST YEAR. For each of the following situations, please consider your |

|response in terms of never, a few times, at least monthly, or most/all of the time. |

|1301 |How often did you worry that you would not |never |1 | | |

| |get a good job? [Int: if no current job]Or |a few times |2 | | |

| |would not keep your job? [Int: if has a job] |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1302 |[If single and not cohabitating] How often |never |1 | | |

| |did you worry that you might not find a |a few times |2 | | |

| |suitable husband? |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1303 |[If married or cohabitating] How often did |never |1 | | |

| |you worry that you and your husband/partner |a few times |2 | | |

| |might split |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1304 |How often did you worry that your household |never |1 | | |

| |might not have enough money to pay for basic |a few times |2 | | |

| |goods and services? |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|Two questions about the future: |

|1305 |How much do you think you will be earning per| | | | |

| |month in two years time? |_________ Liberian Dollars | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 9999] | | | |

|1306 |Five years from now, do you expect that your |much better |1 | | |

| |life will have gotten ‘much better’, |somewhat better |2 | | |

| |‘somewhat better’, ‘somewhat worse’, or ‘much|somewhat worse |3 | | |

| |worse’? |much worse |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |


|Compared to a year ago, consider where you would ‘rate’ your current circumstances for the following. Please consider each of these| | |

|in terms of ‘much higher’, ‘somewhat higher’, ‘not much higher’, and on the reverse side, ‘not much lower’, ‘somewhat lower’, ‘much | | |

|lower’. If you do not know or cannot say, please indicate so. If you think that a particular one doesn’t apply to you because of | | |

|your situation, please indicate this. | | |

|1306i |Your confidence in your business/job |much higher |1 | | |

| |abilities |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| | |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306ii |Your confidence in your ability to present |much higher |1 | | |

| |yourselves positively in front of others |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| | |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306iii |[If single/unmarried] Your ability to rely on|much higher |1 | | |

| |yourself for money rather than rely on |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |boyfriends |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable [no boyfriends] |98 | | |

|1306iv |[If not currently enrolled in school] Your |much higher |1 | | |

| |ability to return to school should you decide|somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |to do so |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable [no desire to return to school] |98 | | |

|1306v |Your anticipation that you will be in a |much higher |1 | | |

| |rewarding job if not now in the near future |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| | |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306vi |Your anticipation that you will be in a |much higher |1 | | |

| |position to be able to provide for your |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |children |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable [no children] |98 | | |

|1306vii |[Enum: Treatment group only] My ability to |much higher |1 | | |

| |use my training to improve my business/job |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| | |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306viii |[Enum: Treatment group only] My ability to |much higher |1 | | |

| |use my training to enhance my authority |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |within my extended family |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306ix |[Enum: Treatment group only] My ability to |much higher |1 | | |

| |use my training to enhance my ability to |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |negotiate important personal matters with my |not much higher |3 | | |

| |partner |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306x |[Enum: Treatment group only] [If not |much higher |1 | | |

| |currently enrolled in school] My ability to |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |use my training as a stepping stone back to |not much higher |3 | | |

| |education |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1306xi |[Enum: Treatment group only] My ability to |much higher |1 | | |

| |use my training as a stepping stone to a |somewhat higher |2 | | |

| |‘real’ job/business |not much higher |3 | | |

| | |not much lower |4 | | |

| | |somewhat lower |5 | | |

| | |much lower |6 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|Now we would like to talk about different tasks that you may have performed over the past year, and thereafter how well you feel that you would be able |

|to perform these in the following year. How well do you think, on average, you performed these activities? Please rate your performance using the |

|following scale: very well, somewhat well, not very well, not at all well. If you ‘do not know’, please indicate so. If the task does not apply in your|

|situation, please indicate ‘not applicable’. |


|1307 |past year - find information about job |very well |1 |1307a | |

| |opportunities in your area |somewhat well |2 |1307a | |

| | |not very well |3 |1307a | |

| | |not at all well |4 |1307a | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |1307a | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1308 | |

|1307a |coming year - find information about job |very well |1 | | |

| |opportunities in your area |somewhat well |2 | | |

| | |not very well |3 | | |

| | |not at all well |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable |98 | | |

|1308 |past year - run your own business |very well |1 |1308a | |

| | |somewhat well |2 |1308a | |

| | |not very well |3 |1308a | |

| | |not at all well |4 |1308a | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |1308a | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1309 | |

|1308a |coming year - run your own business |very well |1 | | |

| | |somewhat well |2 | | |

| | |not very well |3 | | |

| | |not at all well |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable |98 | | |

|1309 |past year - save in order to invest in future|very well |1 |1309a | |

| |business opportunities |somewhat well |2 |1309a | |

| | |not very well |3 |1309a | |

| | |not at all well |4 |1309a | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |1309a | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1310 | |

|1309a |coming year - save in order to invest in |very well |1 | | |

| |future business opportunities |somewhat well |2 | | |

| | |not very well |3 | | |

| | |not at all well |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable |98 | | |

|1310 |past year - manage business finances |very well |1 |1310a | |

| |effectively |somewhat well |2 |1310a | |

| | |not very well |3 |1310a | |

| | |not at all well |4 |1310a | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |1310a | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1311 | |

|1310a |coming year - manage business finances |very well |1 | | |

| |effectively |somewhat well |2 | | |

| | |not very well |3 | | |

| | |not at all well |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable |98 | | |

|1311 |past year - bargain with a supplier to obtain|very well |1 | | |

| |good prices when purchasing |somewhat well |2 | | |

| | |not very well |3 | | |

| | |not at all well |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | |not applicable |98 | | |

|1312 |past year collect money, if someone owes you,|very well |1 |1318 | |

| |for purchases and they are not paying back on|somewhat well |2 |1318 | |

| |time |not very well |3 |1318 | |

| | |not at all well |4 |1318 | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |1318 | |

| | |not applicable |98 |1318 | |


|Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements, using the following scale: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat|

|disagree, strongly disagree. If you ‘do not know’, please indicate so. |

|1313 |[Variable confirmed] While doing a task at |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |work, it is important for me to do it better |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |than others |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1314 |[Variable confirmed] If I had the chance, I |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |would like to become a leader in the |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |community, as I would be a good one |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1315 |[Variable confirmed] I do not care what |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |others think about my success or otherwise, I|somewhat agree |2 | | |

| |do the best I can |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1316 |[Variable confirmed] I have good friends in |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |my community |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1317 |[Variable confirmed] I feel safe walking |strongly agree |1 | | |

| |alone in my community during the day |somewhat agree |2 | | |

| | |somewhat disagree |3 | | |

| | |strongly disagree |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |


|Please indicate how you feel about different aspects of your life. We will note the issue, and then ask you to use the following scale: ‘very |

|satisfied’, ‘somewhat satisfied’, ‘not very satisfied’, or ‘not at all satisfied’. If you ‘do not know’, please indicate. |

|1318 |my education level |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1319 |my relationship with my family |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1320 |my relationship with my husband/partner/ |very satisfied |1 | | |

| |boyfriend |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1321 |my business/my job |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1322 |my overall income |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1323 |the house I live in |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1324 |the community I live in |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1325 |my life overall |very satisfied |1 | | |

| | |somewhat satisfied |2 | | |

| | |not very satisfied |3 | | |

| | |not at all satisfied |4 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|We want to ask you some questions about your family, and your upbringing, followed by questions about children. Please note that a few of these questions|

|are quite personal. As noted at the outset, you are free to answer any questions you want to, and to not answer questions you do not want to. If any |

|question upsets you, we can take a break at that time and continue the interview after a few minutes, if you feel you are in a position to do so. |


|1401 |How many brothers and sisters do you have |[total number]___________ | | | |

| |that are right now living? [Int: add total |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| |number of brother and sister] |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1402 |Is your mother still living? |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|1403 |Is your father still living? |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

|1404 |How many years have you lived in this |__________ |1407 | | |

| |residence? |[If less than 1 year, indicate < 1 year. If do not know, 99] | | | |

|As noted, some questions may be difficult. Please consider the following: |

|1405 |[Variable confirmed] During the war, were you|yes |1 | | |

| |ever displaced? |no |2 | | |

|1406 |[Variable confirmed] During the war, did the |yes |1 | | |

| |fighting ever occur in your community while |no |2 | | |

| |you were there? | | | | |

|1407 |Do you have any children who are still |yes |1 |1407a | |

| |living? |no |2 |1408 | |

|1407a |[If yes to 1407] How many? |________ | | | |

|1407i |Over the past year, has anyone in your |yes |1 | | |

| |household been ill for at least three months |no |2 | | |

| |over the course of the year? |do not know |99 | | |

|1407ii |Over the past year, has there been a death in|yes |1 | | |

| |your household? |no |2 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1408 |Are you pregnant right now? |yes |1 | | |

| | |no |2 | | |

| | |do not know |99 | | |

|1409 |How many children in total would you like to |__________ | | | |

| |have? |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1410 |How many children aged 0-17 are you caring |__________ | | | |

| |for right now? |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1410a |[If > 0] Of these children, how many have you|__________ | | | |

| |received regular cash or in-kind support for |[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| |from anyone else over the past year? By |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

| |regular, we mean at least four times over the| | | | |

| |past year? | | | | |

|1411 |Is there a youngest age that a woman should |marital status alone |1 |1411a 1412 | |

| |have a child, or should this be determined by|age (specify): ____________________________ | |1412 | |

| |marital status alone? |[If do not know, 99] | | | |

|1411a |[If ‘marital status alone’ to 1411] What is |__________ | | | |

| |the youngest age a woman should get married? |[If do not know, 99] | | | |

|We have a few questions about your relationship with your husband/partner/boyfriend which are quite personal and sensitive. As above, if you do not want |

|to answer a question, you can just not answer. |

|1412 |Over the past year, how regularly would you |never |1 |Mod 15 | |

| |say you have argued with your husband/ |a few times |2 |1413 | |

| |partner/boyfriend? |at least monthly |3 |1413 | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 |1413 | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 |1413 | |

|1413 |Has an argument over the past year with your |yes |1 |1413a | |

| |husband/partner/boyfriend resulted in |no |2 |1414 | |

| |slapping, pushing, shaking, hitting, kicking,| | | | |

| |dragging, beating, choking, burning, or use | | | | |

| |of a weapon, or forcing you to have sex when | | | | |

| |you did not want to? | | | | |

|1413a |[If yes to 1413] How often would you estimate|a few times |1 | | |

| |this has occurred over the past year? |at least monthly |2 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |3 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1413b |[If yes to 1413] How often over the past year|every time it happened |1 | | |

| |have you fought back when this happens, if at|most of the time when it happened |2 | | |

| |all? |some of the time when it happened |3 | | |

| | |rarely when it happened |4 | | |

| | |never |5 | | |

|1413c |[If yes to 1413] How often over the past |never |1 | | |

| |year have you initiated slapping, pushing, |a few times |2 | | |

| |shaking, hitting, kicking, dragging, beating,|at least monthly |3 | | |

| |choking, burning, or threatening or using a |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| |weapon with a partner? |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1414 |[If women is caring for any children] Over |never |1 | | |

| |the past year, how many times, if any, have |a few times |2 | | |

| |you disciplined any of your children in the |at least monthly |3 | | |

| |following manner: shook, spanked, hit, |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| |slapped, or struck with an object? |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|I would like to ask you some questions about people you are connected to and people who support you. |


|1501 |Who are the people that you feel you can speak with about the following: |

|1501a |problems with a child/children [circle up to |no one [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |3 responses] |spouse/partner |2 | | |

| | |mother |3 | | |

| | |father |4 | | |

| | |sibling |5 | | |

| | |other family member |6 | | |

| | |non-family member friend |7 | | |

| | |mentor |8 | | |

| | |religious leader |9 | | |

| | |community leader |10 | | |

| | |pairs/small groups |30 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | |not applicable (no child/children) [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1501b |health problems [circle up to 3 responses] |no one [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| | |spouse/partner |2 | | |

| | |mother |3 | | |

| | |father |4 | | |

| | |sibling |5 | | |

| | |other family member |6 | | |

| | |non-family member friend |7 | | |

| | |mentor |8 | | |

| | |religious leader |9 | | |

| | |community leader |10 | | |

| | |pairs/small groups |30 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | |not applicable (no child/children) [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1501c |family troubles [circle up to 3 responses] |no one [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| | |spouse/partner |2 | | |

| | |mother |3 | | |

| | |father |4 | | |

| | |sibling |5 | | |

| | |other family member |6 | | |

| | |non-family member friend |7 | | |

| | |mentor |8 | | |

| | |religious leader |9 | | |

| | |community leader |10 | | |

| | |pairs/small groups |30 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | |not applicable (no child/children) [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1501d |financial difficulties [circle up to 3 |no one [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |responses] |spouse/partner |2 | | |

| | |mother |3 | | |

| | |father |4 | | |

| | |sibling |5 | | |

| | |other family member |6 | | |

| | |non-family member friend |7 | | |

| | |mentor |8 | | |

| | |religious leader |9 | | |

| | |community leader |10 | | |

| | |pairs/small groups |30 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | |not applicable (no child/children) [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1501e |personal plans and dreams for the future |no one [circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |[circle up to 3 responses] |spouse/partner |2 | | |

| | |mother |3 | | |

| | |father |4 | | |

| | |sibling |5 | | |

| | |other family member |6 | | |

| | |non-family member friend |7 | | |

| | |mentor |8 | | |

| | |religious leader |9 | | |

| | |community leader |10 | | |

| | |pairs/small groups |30 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | |not applicable (no child/children) [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1501f |career or job plans for the future [circle up|no one [circle by itself] |1 |1503 | |

| |to 3 responses] |spouse/partner |2 |1503 | |

| | |mother |3 |1503 | |

| | |father |4 |1503 | |

| | |sibling |5 |1503 | |

| | |other family member |6 |1503 | |

| | |non-family member friend |7 |1503 | |

| | |mentor |8 |1503 | |

| | |religious leader |9 |1503 | |

| | |community leader |10 |1503 | |

| | |pairs/small groups |30 |1503 | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## |1503 | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [circle by itself] |99 |1503 | |

| | |not applicable (no child/children) [circle by itself] |98 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1502 |[Variable confirmed] On average, over the past month, how regularly would you say you spoke with the following people in terms of the |

| |following using the scale never, a few times, at least weekly, most/all of the time. |

|1502a |[Variable confirmed] talk with mother/female |never |1 | | |

| |caregiver about a problem you were having |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1502b |[Variable confirmed] talk with father/male |never |1 | | |

| |caregiver about a problem you were having |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1502c |[Variable confirmed] talk with |never |1 | | |

| |boyfriend/partner/husband about a problem you|a few times |2 | | |

| |were having |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |


|1503 |Do you have someone you regard as your |yes |1 |1503a | |

| |mentor. By mentor, I mean a person that |no |2 |1504 | |

| |provides guidance, moral support, and gives | | | | |

| |you good advice to help you as a | | | | |

| |business/career person? | | | | |

|1503a |[If yes to 1503] On average, over the past year, how regularly would you say you spoken with this mentor in the following situations? |

|1503ai |talk with a mentor about personal matters |never |1 | | |

| | |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1503aii |talk with a mentor about business/job matters|never |1 | | |

| | |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1503aiii |Talk with a mentor about your education |never |1 | | |

| | |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1503aiv |Talk with a mentor about community matters |never |1 | | |

| | |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1504 |In your neighbourhood, are there other women |yes |1 |1505 | |

| |engaged in the same type of business you are |no |2 |1505 | |

| |involved in that you look up to? |do not know/cannot say |99 |1505 | |

|1504a |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1504] Over |never |1 | | |

| |the past year, how often would you say anyone|a few times |2 | | |

| |has spoken with you for advice about business|at least monthly |3 | | |

| |matters? |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1504b |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1504] Over |never |1 | | |

| |the past year, how often would you say anyone|a few times |2 | | |

| |of them has spoken with you for advice about |at least monthly |3 | | |

| |personal matters? |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1504c |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1504] Over |never |1 | | |

| |the past year, how often would you say anyone|a few times |2 | | |

| |of them has spoken with you for advice about |at least monthly |3 | | |

| |Education? |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1504d |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1504] Over |never |1 | | |

| |the past year, how often would you say anyone|a few times |2 | | |

| |of them has spoken with you for advice about |at least monthly |3 | | |

| |community-level matters? Would you say |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| |never, a few times, at least monthly, or |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| |most/all of the time? | | | | |

|1505 |[Enum: Treatment group only] We have a few questions about the groups from training that you are paired with. We want | | |

| |to start with a few questions of a factual nature, followed by questions that ask your opinion. | | |

|1505a |Over the past two months, how many times | | | | |

| |would you say you met with your pairing group|__________ | | | |

| |in its entirety? [Int: avoid double counting]|[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| | |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1505ai |Over the past two months, how many times | | | | |

| |would you say you met with at least some |__________ | | | |

| |members of your pair/small group, but not the|[0 is a valid value] | | | |

| |whole group? [Int: avoid double counting] |[if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1505aii |In the first months after training was |more often |1 | | |

| |completed, would you say that you met ‘more |just as often |2 | | |

| |often’, ‘just as often’, ‘not as often’, or |not as often |3 | | |

| |‘not at all’ compared to now |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1505b |[If > 0 to 1505a] On average, over the past year, how regularly would you say you spoken with members of this group in the following |

| |situations? |

|1505bi |talk with the group/group members about |never |1 | | |

| |personal matters |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1505bii |talk with the group/group members about |never |1 | | |

| |business/job matters |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1505biii |talk with the group/group members about your |never |1 | | |

| |education |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1505biv |talk with the group/group members about |never |1 | | |

| |community matters |a few times |2 | | |

| | |at least monthly |3 | | |

| | |most/all of the time |4 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

| Some people your age have experimented with cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. The questions that follow concern your personal experience with any of these.|

|Please remember, as above, that your responses are confidential, and will not be reported to anyone else. |

|1601 |Over the past year, have you smoked |yes |1 | | |

| |cigarettes on a regular basis? By regular, |no |2 |1602 | |

| |we mean at least daily over a two week period| | | | |

| |ever in your life. | | | | |

|1601a |[If yes to 1601] Do you currently smoke, that|yes |1 | | |

| |is, at least daily over the past two weeks? |no |2 | | |

|1602 |Over the past year, have you consumed any |yes |1 | | |

| |alcohol? |no |2 |1603 | |

|1602a |[If yes to 1602] Over the past two weeks, how|all days/almost all days |1 | | |

| |many days would you say you drank sufficient |about half the days |2 | | |

| |alcohol to get drunk? All days/almost all |less than half the days |3 | | |

| |days, about half the days, less than half the|just a few days |4 | | |

| |days, just a few days, or none? |none |5 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1603 |Over the past year, have you consumed any |yes |1 | | |

| |recreational drugs? |no |2 |Mod 17 | |

|1603a |[If yes to 1603] Over the past two weeks, |yes |1 | | |

| |have you consumed any recreational drugs? |no |2 | | |


|Q# |Questions and Enumerator Instructions |Responses and Response Code Instructions |Resp. |GO TO |Sup |

| | | |Codes | | |

|In this final section, we would like to ask you a few questions about sexual behaviour. Obviously, some of these questions can be quite personal, but we |

|would ask for your open and honest answers. As noted previously, this information will not be shared with others, nor is there a way to link your answers|

|to you. |

|1701 |[Variable TO BE confirmed] [Int: if woman has|yes |1 |1703 | |

| |children, skip to 1702] Have you ever had |no |2 |1713 | |

| |sex? [Enum: Confirm response and then | | | | |

| |proceed] | | | | |

|1702 |[Variable confirmed] Think back to the first | | | | |

| |time you had sex. How old were you then? |_______________ | | | |

| |[Enum: confirm response and then proceed] |[If do not know, 99] | | | |

|1703 |Have you ever had a regular partner? By |yes |1 | | |

| |regular partner, I mean your husband or |no |2 | | |

| |boyfriend that you have sex with? | | | | |

|1704 |Have you ever had a casual partner? By |yes |1 | | |

| |casual, I mean someone who is not your main |no |2 | | |

| |boyfriend or husband? | | | | |

|1705 |How many regular and casual partners have you| | | | |

| |had over the past year? |_____________________ regular | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value, if do not know, 99, if never had regular | | | |

| | |partner, 98] | | | |

| | |and | | | |

| | |_____________________ casual | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value, if do not know, 99, if never had casual | | | |

| | |partner, 98] | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1705a |How many boyfriends do you currently have? | | | | |

| | |_________________________ | | | |

| | |[0 is a valid value, | | | |

| | |if do not know, 99] | | | |

|1706 |[Variable TO BE confirmed] Have you ever |yes |1 | | |

| |used a condom (male or female)? |no |2 | | |

|1706a |[If yes to 1706, and has ever had a regular |yes |1 |1706ai | |

| |partner)The last time you had sex with a |no |2 |1706b | |

| |regular partner, was a condom used? |do not know/cannot remember |99 | | |

|1706ai |[If yes to 1706] To what extent would you say|completely - my decision |1 | | |

| |you had a role in the decision to use this |shared decision |2 | | |

| |condom? |not at all - his decision |3 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1706b |[If yes to 1706, and has ever had a casual |yes |1 |1706bi | |

| |partner] The last time you had sex with a |no |2 |1707 | |

| |casual partner, was a condom used? |do not know/cannot remember |99 | | |

|1706bi |[If yes to 1706b] To what extent would you |completely - my decision |1 | | |

| |say you had a role in the decision to use the|shared decision |2 | | |

| |condom? |not at all - his decision |3 | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1707 |Have you ever used any forms of/other forms |yes |1 | | |

| |of contraception? [Int: excludes natural |no |2 | | |

| |contra-ception and condom] | | | | |

|1708 |Sometimes people have had sex because they |yes |1 |1709i | |

| |were forced to do so. Has this ever happened|no |2 | | |

| |to you? | | | | |

|1709 |[Variable confirmed] Have you ever received |yes |1 |1709a | |

| |anything such as money, gifts, help with |no |2 |1709i | |

| |business, or something else, which was given | | | | |

| |to you in direct exchange for sex? | | | | |

|1709a |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1709] Did |yes |1 | | |

| |this happen the first time you had sex? |no |2 | | |

|1709b |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1709] Has |yes |1 |1709c | |

| |this happened over the past year? |no |2 |1709i | |

|1709c |[Variable confirmed] [If yes to 1709b] |rent/house payment |1 | | |

| |Thinking about the last time you received |food for self/family |2 | | |

| |something in exchange for sex, what did you |health care for self |3 | | |

| |use the bulk or all of the money or support |health care for family member |4 | | |

| |for? [circle up to 3 responses] |transfer to family member (non-health related) |5 | | |

| | |clothes/jewellery/related |6 | | |

| | |other items for self |7 | | |

| | |assistance with legal matter |8 | | |

| | |assistant with job/business |9 | | |

| | |assistant for other matter |10 | | |

| | |other (specify):_____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say [Circle by itself] |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1709i |Are you currently in a relationship where you|yes |1 | | |

| |have received anything such as money, gifts, |no |2 | | |

| |and help with business, or something else, | | | | |

| |which was given to you in direct exchange for| | | | |

| |sex? | | | | |

|1709ii |Are you currently in a relationship where it |yes |1 | | |

| |is understood that sex is to be exchanged for|no |2 | | |

| |being ‘taken care of’? | | | | |

|1709iii |Over the past year, have you been in a |yes |1 |1713 | |

| |situation where, to make money, you needed to|no |2 | | |

| |have sex with non-boyfriends on at least one | | | | |

| |occasion to raise money? | | | | |

|1710 |[Variable confirmed] Does using a condom |yes |1 | | |

| |during sex help to prevent a woman from |no |2 | | |

| |contracting a sexually transmitted infection |do not know/cannot remember |99 | | |

| |(disease associated with having sex)? | | | | |

|1710a |[Variable confirmed] What would be the first |nothing |1 | | |

| |thing a woman would do in a situation where |go to health facility (any type) |2 | | |

| |she fears that she might have a sexually |go to traditional healer |3 | | |

| |transmitted infection? [Circle only one, |go to traditional birth attendant |4 | | |

| |first stated behaviour] |discuss with peers |5 | | |

| | |discuss with relative |6 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

|1711 |[Variable confirmed] If you had a lady friend|health worker |1 | | |

| |who had been sexually assaulted, who would |traditional healer |2 | | |

| |you advise her to go and see? [Circle up to 3|parent/caregiver |3 | | |

| |responses] |police |4 | | |

| | |counsellor |5 | | |

| | |friend |6 | | |

| | |CBO/NGO |7 | | |

| | |AFELL |8 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | |do not know/cannot say |99 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1712 |[Variable confirmed] What would you say are |none [Circle by itself] |1 | | |

| |your three main sources of information about |peers |2 | | |

| |HIV&AIDS, if any? [Circle up to 3 responses] |relatives - immediate family |3 | | |

| | |relatives - extended family |4 | | |

| | |health worker |5 | | |

| | |teacher |6 | | |

| | |religious leader |7 | | |

| | |community organisation |8 | | |

| | |television |9 | | |

| | |newspapers/magazines |10 | | |

| | |radio |11 | | |

| | |movie |12 | | |

| | |brochures |13 | | |

| | |posters |14 | | |

| | |other (specify): ____________________________ |## | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1713 |Please indicate which of the following are true or false: |

|1713a |You can tell if a person has the AIDS virus, |true |1 | | |

| |HIV, by looking at her/him. |false |2 | | |

|1713b |Taking a test for the AIDS virus, HIV, one |true |1 | | |

| |week after having sex will tell if a person |false |2 | | |

| |has the virus. | | | | |

|1713c |It is possible for a pregnant woman with the |true |1 | | |

| |AIDS virus, HIV, to avoid transmission of the|false |2 | | |

| |virus to the baby. | | | | |

1801) Level of co-operation

____ - 1 high ____ - 2 medium ____ - 3 low

FINISH TIME: __________________ [Int: please transfer start time and calculate total time]

TOTAL TIME: ________________

Please note that we will be conducting a final follow-up survey next year, around this same time, and would wish to speak with you at that time again.

Many thanks.

End of interview. Thank the person for their cooperation. Record finish time. Circle level of co-operation below. If there are any responses that you think are unreliable, write under "comments" which questions and why you think that they are unreliable.





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