
1. When did WWII start?

2. Who did Germany invade to cause WWII?

3. Which two nations declared war on Germany?

4. The Treaty of Versailles and the 14 Points of Peace can both be considered causes of WWII, tell how each of the following world leaders viewed the purpose of the treaty:

- Woodrow Wilson

- Georges Clemenceau

- Lloyd George

5. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles focused on only punishing Germany:

-War Guilt Clause

- Reparations

- Disarmament

- Territorial Clauses

6. What did Adolf Hitler promise to rip up if he was elected?

7. Adolf Hitler became ________________ of Germany in January ________. Almost immediately he began secretly building up Germany's ___________ and ______________. In 1934 he increased the size of the army, began building warships and created a German air force. __________________ military service was also introduced.

8. Although ________________ and ________________ were aware of Hitler's actions, they were also concerned about the rise of _____________________ and believed that a stronger ___________________ might help to _______________ the spread of Communism to the West.

9. In 1936 Hitler ordered German troops to enter the __________________. At this point the German army was not very strong and could have been easily ____________________. Yet neither France nor Britain was prepared to start another war.

10. Hitler also made _____ important ___________________ during 1936. The first was called the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact and allied Hitler's Germany with ________________________________. The second was called the Anti-Comitern Pact and allied Germany with ____________________.

11. Hitler's next step was to begin ___________________________ the land that had been taken away from Germany. In 1938, German troops marched into __________________. The Austrian leader was ___________________ to hold a vote asking the people whether they wanted to be part of Germany.

12. The results of the vote were _______________ and showed that ___________ of Austrian people wanted Anschluss (union with _________________). The Austrian leader asked Britain, France and Italy for aid. Hitler promised that ______________________ was the end of his ___________________________ aims and not wanting to risk _________, the other countries did nothing.

13. Hitler did not keep his word and ________________ later demanded that the _____________________ region of ____________________________ be handed over to _______________________.

14. ______________________________, Prime Minister of _____________________, met with Hitler ______ times during September 1938 to try to reach an agreement that would _____________________war. The ___________________________ stated that Hitler could have the ______________________________ region of Czechoslovakia provided that he _________________ not to __________________ the rest of Czechoslovakia.

15. Hitler was not a man of his word and in March 1939 he _____________________ the rest of ____________________________. Despite calls for help from the Czechoslovak government, neither ______________ nor _____________ was prepared to take military action against Hitler. However, some action was now necessary and believing that ________________ would be Hitler's next target, both Britain and France ____________________that they would take __________________ action against Hitler if he invaded Poland. Chamberlain believed that, faced with the prospect of _________ against Britain and France, Hitler would ___________ his aggression. Chamberlain was _________________. German troops ____________________ Poland on 1st September ___________.

16. __________________________ means giving in to someone provided their demands are seen as reasonable. During the 1930s, many politicians in both Britain and France came to see that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles had placed restrictions on Germany that were ______________. Hitler's actions were seen as _______________________ and ________________________.

17. When Germany began _______________________ in 1934, many politicians felt that Germany had a right to re-arm in order to protect herself. It was also argued that a stronger Germany would prevent the spread of ________________________ to the west.

18. In 1936, Hitler argued that because ________________ had signed a new treaty with ________________, Germany was under threat from both countries and it was essential to German ___________________ that troops were stationed in the ___________________. France was not _______________________ to fight Germany without British help and Britain was not ____________________ to go to war at this point. Furthermore, many believed that since the _____________________ was a part of Germany it was reasonable that German troops should be stationed there.

19. In May 1937, Neville Chamberlain became ________________________ of Britain. He believed that the Treaty of ___________________ had treated Germany badly and that there were a number of issues associated with the Treaty that needed to be put right. He felt that _____________________ to Hitler's demands would ________________ another war. This policy, adopted by Chamberlain's government became known as the policy of __________________________.

20. The __________________Agreement, signed by the leaders of Germany, Britain, France and Italy, agreed that the Sudetenland would be returned to Germany and that _______ further territorial claims would be made by Germany. The ______________ government was not invited to the conference and protested about the loss of the Sudetenland. They felt that they had been ____________________by both Britain and France with whom ____________________ had been made. However, the Munich Agreement was generally viewed as a triumph and an excellent example of securing _______________ through _____________________ rather than war.

21. When Hitler ___________________ the rest of ____________________________ in March 1939, he broke the terms of the Munich Agreement. Although it was realized that the _______________ of _____________________ had ___________________, Chamberlain was still not prepared to take the country to war over "..a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing." Instead, he made a _____________________ to come to ___________________ aid if Hitler _______________________ Poland.

22. World War II, which began in ________ and ended in _______, was the __________________ and most _________________ war in ________________. Before the war, Germany, America, and the rest of the world were going through the ___________________. The economy was very bad, ____________________ was at an all-time high, and massive inflation caused money to lose its value. More than ________ nations in the world were fighting, with more than 100 ________________ soldiers deployed. Countries like America and Britain were part of the _________________ powers. Japan and Germany were part of the __________________ powers.

Congrats, you have all of your guided notes complete. Next you should click on "WWII overview" directly below the passage you just read and explore all information under the tabs that come up when you hyperlink: "WWII Overview", "Homefront", "D-Day", "The Holocaust"

Soak in the information and as you research, try to really put yourself in the fighting fields of Europe during the 1940's. Live the history don't just read about history. See if you can draw any conclusions or comparisons to today's world throughout this whole process.


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