
Ideology: an idea system of a particular movement (of the dominate class)Materialism: the physical material, matter, is ultimately really real (central idea to understanding Marx) Begin with the assumption that materialism is real, then it makes sense for Marx’s theory. Projection of divine figurethe point is to change the world, Marx is most concern put his theories into actionKarl MarxThe communist manifesto (1848)He was interested in Hegel (philosopher) dialeticProposed that evolution could be divided into 3 categoriesThesis Antithesis synthesis History moves in the way of thisMaterialism : class struggle is applied with this term; reality is this. Economic society is what all life is built on The mode of production of society in the material life determines the social ,political, religious ways of life and their consciousnessSuper Structure: are, religion, science Base: economic conditions material Economic structure of societyMeans of ProductionBourgeoisie (owners)Dictatorship of bourgeoisie, they will have to give way to the workers (thesis)Proletariat (workers) (antithesis) dictatorship of these workers Then it shifts down to a classless societyIdeology Alienation4 key waysthemselves as human beings, they understood as instruments of production purpose of work, the goal of the factory was profit, system doesn’t care about human needs and wantsprocess of work; it was determined by the ownerproducts they are producing; they cannot afford to buyHistory as a class struggleThesis antithesis synthesisEconomic and material conditions of a society give rise to religion as a false hope Religion as ideologyLater Development Liberation Theory: Gustavo Gutierrez (Born 1928)Dominican Priest, works with the poor in Peru and teaches at Notre DameWhat about a more broad viewPopulist/socialist teachings of the Catholic ChurchBiblical “preferential option for the poor”Poverty is the result of unjust sinful social structure. Not a injustice and not a conditionIt is from the corrupt social systemFocus on concept of “institutional”, “Corporate/Social”, or “Systemic sin”, rather than “individual sin” Religion “unmasks sinful ideologies”Ex: ApartheidThe church itself needs to me reconverted The myth of the Christian community disappear, cause it prevents the recognition of class divisionQuestions:What is for Marx’s alienation and provide some examples from your own thinking.The idea of separation of the individual and their material things and society. He says that you must economic view of alienation as well to understand. An example would be that the factory would only care about the product and not the conditions of the laborers and how they are treated.Another example would be the workers being alienated from the products they produce because they cannot afford itThe basic idea is that you’re separated from your human potential and the world.There is a projection of all the great qualities of human beings and projected onto a higher being.Materialism is the physical objects that are real then any discussion on spirits and gods will be dismissed and not real.How does Marx’s define religion? How does he relate religion to the concept to ideology.Marx’s defines religion as an ideology. It acts a salvation and a kind of hope/drug to keep workers content with their ways of life and their alienation He believes religion to be an illusion and is the worst example ideology. The people would use religion to explain their current living situations and actions of oppressors.Religion is a temporary fix and you have to keep returning back to it to get the high.Real distress: “material” distress“Break the hold of religion superstition” what does that mean and why is it considered an important goal?Religion and superstition is what gives you hope and that’s what you don’t want in a communist society so you are trying to get rid of dangerous thoughtsDescribes Marx’s view on dialectical materialism.The thought about the evolution from the natural world. It’s a way of giving more concrete for the way over time.Marx ideas are secondary to material realities. History is understood is a revolution to the class struggle. It is the thesis, the dominant mode of society. The dictatorship of the working classQUIZ: Tuesday 10th TEST: Thursday after spring breakMAX WEBER (d. 1920) Verstehen-Sozioliogie or “interpretative Sociology”Emphasized subjective interpretations of meaning over exclusively empirical, naturalistic explanations ( cf. Comte)Death of his father, he went into a deep depression and stopped writing for a very long timeHowever he came by and did writing and researchKey Themes:Verstehen: interpret meaning of rituals and practices. Understand through reasoning and empathy understandingSociology can be influenced by natural sciences but cannot be explained by natural sciences“Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance that he himself has spun” –Clifford Geertz on Weber’s MethodRationalization and religion:“the experience of the irrationality of the world has been the driving force of all religious revolution.”Stones and trees are actions of natural sciences but do not assign meaning to things humans do this to the meaning of the worldRationalization: the attempt to make sense of the worldKey themes of religion generallyReligion tries to make sense of the world Clifford Geertz: Later student of Weber Theory of Religion:The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of Capitalism (1905)“Ideal-types” Get the verstehen approach workingIdeal types: general concepts that are framed or set up to provided a kind of purposeful kind of exaggeration for something under investigation. They are the model to understand things. It is not the case that every example of a priest or prophet will be the same, but some will lack the characterizations. Try to see what they have in common.It is used for a heuristic device: you write up as a teaching tool to understand a bit better what you are learning. Example: magician, persist, or prophet “protestant Ethic”: is deliberately highlighting certain motifs that are central to protestant (Luther). What values did they put forward“Spirit of Capitalism” : the opposite of traditionalism. Traditionalism corresponds to the catholic rituals. The spirit is a reform from traditionalism, where labor and its importance becomes reevaluated, based upon the new interpretation to live in the world.Protestant ReformationMartin Luther (d. 1546) and John Calvin (d. 1564)Concept of one’s “calling” (Luther): going into the persist hood and that godly work is looked at Doctrine of Predestination (Calvin) : the status of being saved and who gets to go to heaven and who doesn’t One hand you have the awful hand of god and the other hand is the view of human kind and is low on the view.View of six foot worm: negative view of human beings and children. God already made the decision of who will go to heaven and who will notAsceticism: Self denial, denying the self and self pleasure and wealth Usury: Charging interest on money loaned, Jews aren’t allowed to loan money at an interest ( this idea gets completely reevaluated)Thought of now as sinful not to use this usury, not giving the maximum return. Seen as the person borrowing the money is not living up to there gods calling. If you were then you would have positive evidence and not have to borrow money Further “ideal types” useful in the study of Religion:Religious figuresTypes of leadershipRoutinizationChurch/ sect typologyTheodicy and socio-economics in “world religions”What Weber said (the Weber Thesis) and what Weber did not say…Theodicy: how we can have human suffering in the class and still have a godIt will reflect the people’s viewThe answers to theodicyJustice will occur first within this world The divine will make it happen (early Judaism)There can be justice outside of this world in some future realmCan occur not only to another realm but envision multiple lifetimes before and after this oneDualism, not just a single god that creates a god, but the single god has an enemyZoroastrianism (example)Suffering can be explained by the enemyBRING TO CLASS:Ideal types: What does he mean the ideal types of religious leadership:Traditional, rationalized, Legal, role of the prophet (characteristic), persist, difference between persist and prophet, how does weber see the role of the magician, his discussion of the church and the sect,Documentary: How Buddha is the ideal typeBuddha:Four sights:Sick man and doesn’t understand what it isHe sees a corpseHe sees a person sufferingHe sees a old manHe realizes that everyone will go through all of these sightsWanting to know the whole truth (rationalization weber)Asceticism:Ideal types: What does he mean the ideal types of religious leadership:Traditional, rationalized, Legal, role of the prophet (characteristic), persist, difference between persist and prophet, how does weber see the role of the magician, his discussion of the church and the sect,Religious Leadership:Traditional: the people acknowledge a pattern of power that seems to have “always existed”. A single person or family inherits its power to rule.Rational/Legal: (Modern society) most rational form of authority. Bureaucracy, suppresses creativity. Role of the Prophet: He is a person recognized as “a purely individual bearer of the charisma”. He can appear anytime and call forth great religious change or commandments. He may have some magical appeals but he is not a magician. He does not want to be paid for his labors and he believes that he has been called on by a god to make him a prophet and bring change. He is also not a priest. His religious power does not come from the religious office but instead his power comes from his personality and message. Priest: You will find priest in some kind of permanent system of worship at fixed times and places. He is a permanent paid official who receives his power from the office he holds. They can be seen as “professional” and arrange ranks with differencing levels of responsibility.Magician: These people have charisma, which gives them the title of being a magician. He was the person everyone would call when they were sick, to make the hunt succeed, and assist the crops with there growth. Karl Marx:A Provide an explanation of Marx’s theory of religion by clarifying key ideas such as dialectic materialism, religion as alienation, history as a class struggle, and Marx’s famous critique of religion as the “opiate of the people” Max Weber:D. The attempt to “rationalize the world” is a key feature of the major world religions according to Weber. Explain how Weber made use of Ideal-types like “the spirit of capitalism”, “theodicy”, types of religious leaders to demonstrate the process of religious rationalization. Provide specific examples strengthen your answer. p.146 reader “Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is the self consciousness and self esteem of man who has not either yet found himself of has already lost himself again” (Karl marx)p.163 middle class collide with religion ................

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