Section 1 336 - 340

What was Ellis Island? Angel Island?

What is steerage?

Where did most of the new immigrants come from?

Were most of the new immigrants Catholic or Protestant?

Did immigrants have a better chance to adjust to life in America if they moved into other neighborhoods or stayed in their own ethnic neighborhoods?

How did immigration change the demographic patterns in the US?

What is nativism? Why did it happen in the late 19th century?

Why did the Chinese immigrate to the US in the first place?

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?

What are immigrant quotas?

What effect did the economic depression in Europe have on immigration?

What was the Workingman’s Party of California?

Why did the Labor Unions oppose immigration?

Section 2 341 – 345

What was a Tenement?

What were the living conditions like for the new immigrants?

Was the crime rate higher or lower for the new immigrants?

How did political machines help the immigrants in the cities?

Why was Tammany Hall so important?

Who was Boss Tweed?

section 3 348 – 352

Who was Herbert Spencer and what were his ideas?

What was the philosophy of individualism?

What is Darwinism?

What is the philosophy of Social Darwinism?

How does Social Darwinism resemble Laissez Faire Economics?

What is the Gospel of Wealth?

Why was the Salvation Army formed?

Who was Jane Addams what did she establish?


Section 1 364 – 369

What is Patronage? What is another name for it?

Why was the Republican Party in the late 1800’s considered the party of reform?

What did the Pendleton Act accomplish?

What were the results of most presidential elections between 1876 and 1896?

What was unusual about the presidential elections of 1876 and 1888?

What is a Trust?

What was the Sherman Anti Trust Act? Who enforced it? Why was it not effective?

Section2 372 – 379

What is Populism?

What effect did the new technologies of the late 19th century have on farmers? What effect did it have on their crops when sold?

What is Inflation? Deflation?

Why did farmers hate the eastern bankers?

What was the Grange?

What industry did the Granger Laws try to regulate?

What is a cooperative and how did they help the farmers?

What was the Subtreasury System? Why did the farmers want it?

What was the Farmers Alliance?

What did the People’s Party advocate?

Who was William Jennings Bryan? Who did he represent?

Section 3 380 – 384

What were Sharecroppers?

What was the Poll tax? Grandfather Clause?

What were Jim Crow Laws?

What did the Democratic Party in the South represent?

How did segregation in the north and the south differ?

How did the Supreme Court help legalize segregation?

Who was Ida B. Wells? What did she crusade against?

What caused the Memphis Race Riot?

Who was Booker T. Washington? What were his beliefs?

Who was W.E.B. DuBois? What were his beliefs?

How were the positions of DuBois and Washington different?


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