Mr. Murdock’s APUSH Summer Reading PacketYou will need to get a three ring 2/3 inch folder with dividers. Each chapter will be divided numerically in the notebook. Have each chapter’s questions and essay placed in the correct spots. It is imperative that we get off the ground running in August. As such, every APUSH student will be required to complete the following summer reading assignments by the first day of school. When we return you will be quizzed over the readings from each chapter. If you have any questions you can email me at murdockc@ You will need to answer the questions that go along with the readings in blue/black ink. Use blue/black ink when writing your essays. When responding to a free response essay prompt, you should keep in mind that?quality?is more important than quantity. The format of this essay focuses on the skills of organizing your ideas and writing concisely (getting to the point quickly).??You shouldn’t waste time going off on tangents or adding information not directly relevant to your answer. Remember, you can add information that is true, but it will only hurt your grade if it doesn’t support your argument. When writing the essay make sure you include the political, social, and economical effects of the question asked. 8Chapter 1 reading questions page 2- 33Identify and describe the elaborate native civilizations that developed in South and Central America and Mexico.Describe the way of life of the North American Indians—where they lived and how they supported themselves.Describe the changes taking place among North American Indians during the century before Europeans arrived.How were efforts to determine the pre-Columbian population of America tied to the larger debate over the consequences of European settlement of the Western Hemisphere?What changes stimulated Europeans to look toward new lands?What did Columbus hope to achieve through his voyages, and what did he actually accomplish?Why did the conquistadors seek to eliminate the underpinnings of existing American civilizations? How was this destruction accomplished?Explain the relationship between the Spanish and the Pueblo Indians. How did this relationship shape the development of New Mexico?Describe the demographic differences between the Spanish Empire in America and the empires to the north. What impact did European diseases have on colonization efforts?What did Europeans gain from the Indians that proved more important than gold?What did the intermarriage of Spanish and North Americans reveal about the Spanish colonial system and suggest about the Europeans who administered it?What role did the Catholic Church play in Spanish colonization efforts?Describe the cultures from which African slaves were taken and brought to America.How did the African slave trade originate, and how did it evolve?What commercial factors contributed to England's decision to seek colonies in the New World?How did the English Reformation differ from that of Luther and Calvin? Why did it fail to satisfy the religious desires of many English people?What did the Puritans wish to accomplish, and why did they clash with James I?How did the English colonization of Ireland influence the way in which the English colonized America?Where did the French and Dutch establish colonies in North America, and how did their efforts differ from those of the Spanish and the English?What inspired the English to get into the race for the colonies?Describe the colonization efforts of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh.How did James I settle the rivalry between London and Plymouth merchants over the exploration of North America?Chapter 1 essays Choose one of the two free response essays Compare and contrast the Spanish and the English motives for colonization. How were both sets of motives reflected in the organization of the colonies that each nation established?Describe the social and cultural backgrounds of the Africans brought to America. How were these backgrounds different from those of the Indians? Europeans? How were the backgrounds of these people alike?Chapter 2 reading questions page 36-65What were the goals and motivations behind English colonization of the Chesapeake?Why was the survival rate so low for the English settlers of early Virginia?How did the introduction of tobacco to the Chesapeake region affect the colony of Virginia?What was the headright system?? What incentives were established by the Virginia Company to?promote British migration to the New World?Explain the system of indentureship.? What was life like for indentured servants?How did the evolution of the Virginia colony between 1607 and 1625 reveal the impact of New World conditions on aims and expectations?What was the nature of the early relationship between the Virginia colonists and the local native Indian tribes?? What happened in 1622 that changed that relationship?What agricultural technologies and methods did the English settlers learn from the Native Indians?Why was Maryland founded?? How did it differ from the Virginia colony?? How were they similar?What powers did a proprietor have?What problems plagued the Maryland colony?? How did Lord Baltimore attempt to resolve these problems?How did Governor William Berkeley's rule in Virginia change from 1642 to the mid-1670s?Why were the back-country settlers such an annoyance to the colonial government in the tidewater area?Why did Bacon's Rebellion occur in 1675-1676?Identify the reasons why Bacon's Rebellion was so significant for the Virginia colony in the early colonial period.What were the goals of the Separatists who settled in Plymouth in 1620?How did these settlers change the physical and social landscape in and around Plymouth?What was the Pilgrims' relationship with Native Americans?? How did their experiences differ from those of the Virginia settlers?How was the early "Plymouth Plantation" governed?How?was the Massachusetts Bay Company different from the earlier settlement at Plymouth?How were the Congregationalist church communities different from mainstream Anglicanism [Church of England]?What were some of the characteristics of the theocratic society established in New England in the 17c?List some of the reasons for dissent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.? Trace the evolution of increased political participation of the colony's male members.What threats did Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson pose to the Massachusetts Bay leadership?How did Native Indians help the early settlers in New England?How did the Puritans' attitudes toward Native Indians change over time?What factors caused relations between the Native Americans and the colonists in New England to result in the Pequot War?What were the causes of King Philip's War?? What were the long-term affects of this war on Native Americans?? on the New England colonists?How had the conflicts between natives and settlers been effected by the earlier exchanges of technology?How did the Stuart Restoration [1660-1688] affect attitudes about founding more settlements?How was the charter for the Carolina settlement similar to that of Maryland??What incentives did the Carolina proprietors offer for settlement?? Why was it different from that proposed under Carolina's Fundamental Constitution?How did southern Carolina's close ties with the British island of Barbados influence the development of the colony's society?Why was the Carolinas one of the most unstable of all the English colonies in America?Why did the English resent the Dutch presence in America?List some of the major social and economic characteristics of the royal colony of New York.Why did power in New York remain widely dispersed?? Who shared this power?How was the colony of New Jersey similar to that of New York?? How was it different?Identify the key beliefs and practices of the Quakers [or Society of Friends].? Why can it be said that they were the most anarchistic and democratic of all the Protestant sects?What plans did William Penn have for the establishment of a new colony from the land granted him by King Charles II?How did the influence of the Quakers make Pennsylvania a unique colony?? Why was it called a "holy experiment?"Why did social and political tensions eventually occur in the Pennsylvania colony?Why did British colonists in the Caribbean turn to African slavery as a source of labor?Why was it difficult to establish a stable society and culture in the Caribbean colonies?Why was Georgia founded?? How was it different from the other British colonies?What were the colonization policies of James Oglethorpe and his fellow trustees in Georgia?? Why did the strict rules governing life in the colony ensure the failure of Oglethorpe's vision?Why, in the "middle grounds," the European migrants were both menacing and appealing to the Native Indians?Chapter 2 Essays Choose one of the two free response essays Compare and contrast Virginia and Plymouth—their origins, their goals, and their early social, political, and economic development.Explain the way in which England applied the principles of mercantilism to its North American colonies.Ch 3 reading questions page 67-98What were the goals of a mercantilist economic policy?What were the drawbacks of this economic system on the British North American colonies?What were some of the obstacles faced by American merchants in the 17c?What was the "Triangle Trade?"? How was it a response to British mercantile policies?Explain the growing preoccupation with consumption of material goods in the British colonies and how this preoccupation was associated with social status.Why had the well-defined and deeply entrenched English class system fail to reproduce itself in America during the colonial period?What were the characteristics of plantation slavery?How was the plantation an economic unit?? a social unit?What was the cause of the Stono Rebellion?What were the characteristics of communities that emerged in Puritan New England?How was the family central to the Puritan community?How did the experience of America affect the patriarchal family?Why did people accuse someone of witchcraft?Who were the typical accuseds?? Typical accusers?Why did "witchcraft" seem to appear so suddenly in Salem, MA in 1692?? Were there any political / economic / cultural reasons?How did the witchcraft hysteria of the 1680s and 1690s result from a "gap between the expectations of a united community and the reality of a diverse and divided one?"Why was the social unit in New England the town and not plantation/farm lands [as it was in the South]?How were the fates of young Puritan sons different from those of daughters in New England families?How did population pressures change the nature of Puritan society by the early 18c?What were some of the causes for the apparent decline in religious piety by the early 18c?What was the First "Great Awakening?"? Who brought it about?? What groups in colonial society were most attracted to this religious movement?Identify the differences between the "Old Lights" and the "New Lights."How was the Halfway Communion [Halfway Covenant] a move to address these tensions?What were the effects of the Great Awakening?What was the Enlightenment?? How did it differ from the Great Awakening?Identify some of the ways in which American colonists placed a high value on education in the 17c?and early 18c.What colonial colleges were in operation by 1763?? Why was each founded, and what subjects were studied in the mid-18c?What evidence was there that the influence of the Enlightenment was spreading in America?Explain the working of the law in colonial America--the concepts on which it was based, and the way it functioned.How was the American legal philosophy different from that long established in England?What were some of the major differences between the American and British political systems?Chapter 3 Essays Choose one of the two free response essays Compare and contrast the economy of the northern colonies with that of the southern colonies. What made the two regions develop as they did? How did these economic systems reflect social systems emerging at the same time?What impact did technology have on the development of the British American colonies? ................

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