Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Teacher: Howerton

Subject: Forensic Science

Topic: Unit A: Crime Scene Processing

|Date |Essential Question(s) |Activities |Vocabulary |Learning Log |

| | |The students will: | | |

|8/25 |What will we do in this Forensic |Preview the class | |A1: What do you expect to get out of this |

| |Science class? |Collect data from students | |class? |

| | |Discuss Lab Safety | | |

| | |Pre-Test | | |

|8/26 |What are some major milestones in the|Go to the following website: |Varies |A2: In your opinion, what is the most |

| |advancement of forensic science? | | |significant milestone in the history of |

| | |Create a timeline poster of the major events in the history of | |forensic science? |

| | |forensics. Be sure to add some from the last decade. | | |

|8/27 |What is the history of crime scene |Go to following site to take a virtual tour inside a Forensics Lab |varies |A3: Describe the three crime lab services that |

| |labs? | | |you think you would like to work in the most. |

| | |Begin on Part I of “Crime Lab” by designing your own. | | |

|8/28 |What do forensic scientists do? |Complete Part II of “Crime Lab” |Scientific method |A4: Explain both the Frye vs US and Daubert vs|

| |What landmark cases set guidelines |Compare and contrast the Frye vs US and the Daubert vs Merrel Dow |Expert witness |Merrel Dow court cases in 25 or less words |

| |for the admissibility of scientific |cases and then find real criminal cases in which each of these were | |each. |

| |evidence in the courtroom? |argued. Write a brief description of each that describes the case and| | |

| | |the application of the Frye test or the Federal Rules of Evidence. | | |

|8/29 |How can Locard’s principle be applied|Complete Lab 1: Locard’s Exchange Principle in Action |Locard’s Exchange |A5: Explain Locard’s Exhange Principle to the |

| |in real life? |View unit powerpoint |Principle |absent student. |

| | |Read the Case Study given to you by your teacher and answer the |Anthropometry | |

| | |questions | | |

|9/2 |How are important are good lab skills|Take a quiz |Observation |A6: Write examples that the show the difference|

| |for a crime scene investigator? |Complete Lab 2: Observations and Measurements |Inference |between observations and inferences as well as |

| | |Complete Lab 3: The Microscope |Inductive |inductive reasoning vs deductive reasoning |

| | | |Deductive | |

|9/3 |What are the general procedures for |Visit the website at |Physical evidence |A7: As a CSI, you get a call to go to a crime |

| |processing a crime scene? | to answer the | |scene where you will be the team leader. What |

| | |following questions: | |are the first 5 things you will do as a team |

| | |What is the purpose of crime scene investigation? | |leader? |

| | |Give some examples of documentation made at a crime scene. | | |

| | |Explain the personnel duties and responsibilities most crucial to a | | |

| | |crime scene investigation. | | |

| | |Summarize the organization and procedures for search operations | | |

|9/4 |How do you document a crime scene? |Begin the Lab 4: Processing the Crime Scene |Rough sketch |A8: Describe how you would document a crime in |

| | |Photograph a crime scene. |Finished sketch |which there was an obvious break-in. |

| | |Rough sketch a crime scene. |Scale | |

| | |Final sketch a crime scene. |Legend | |

|9/5 |How is physical evidence collected |Read Ch 3 and answer the review questions 1-20 at the end of the |Class characterisitics, |A9. Answer question #3 on page 98 on the |

| |and used from a crime scene? |chapter (pp 97-98) |comparison, identification, |textbook. |

| | | |individual characteristics, | |

| | | |product rule, reconstruction | |

|9/8 |What considerations should be made |Read pp 49-58 and will answer questions 10-21 on page 64 |Chain of custody |A10: What is the most important concept to keep|

| |when collecting physical evidence? |Read over the document found at |Standard/reference sample |in mind when collecting evidence? |

| | | control | |

| |What makes good physical evidence? |.pdf and write a 1 page summary of it. | | |

| | |View unit powerpoint | | |

|9/9 |How do you collect physical evidence |Complete Lab 4: Processing the Crime Scene |None |A11: Explain how you document collected |

| |at a crime scene? | | |evidence. |

|9/10 |How was physical evidence used in a |Read the Case Reading: Fiber Evidence and the Wayne Williams Trial on |varies |A12: Why is the attention to detail so |

| |real criminal case? |pp. 100-110 and answer the questions on pp 98-99 | |important for a CSI? |

| | |Take a quiz on Crime Scene Processing | | |

|9/11 |What are fingerprints and how are |Use the book and other sources to explain fingerprints and their use |Anthropometry |A13: Write a response that answers the |

| |they formed? |as forensic evidence. |Ridge characteristics |essential questions. |

| |What are the different types of | |Minutiae | |

| |fingerprints one could have? | |Loop | |

| | | |Whirl | |

| | | |Arch | |

| | | |Plastic print | |

| | | |Sublimation | |

| | | |Fluoresce | |

|9/12 |How do you develop and lift a latent |Complete Lab 5: Fingerprint Analysis: Dusting and Ink |Latent |A14: Write an SOP for developing and lifting |

| |fingerprint? | |AFIS |fingerprints using both powder and chemicals. |

| |How do you roll a fingerprint? | | | |

|9/15 |What chemical techniques are used to |Complete Lab 6: The Chemical Development of Latent Fingerprints |Cyanoacrylate |A15: Create a table that shows the various |

| |develop a fingerprint? | |Physical developer |fingerprint techniques and when they are used. |

| | | |ninhydin | |

|9/16 |What are the most prevalent |Complete Lab 7: A Study of Fingerprint Demographics |none |A16: Write a lab report on the study you have |

| |fingerprints? |Each of you are to collect the fingerprints of 10 people. These | |just completed. |

| | |prints are to be rolled and placed on index cards. You are to | | |

| | |identify them only by initials. Record demographics and initials on | | |

| | |back of card. You are to then to classify each fingerprint. We will | | |

| | |combine our data and draw conclusions from the data. | | |

|9/17 |What have you learned about |View unit powerpoint |none |A17: Write a reflection on how you did on this |

| |processing a crime scene? |Review and wrap-up | |unit. What did you like? How can you improve |

| | | | |on your performance? |

|9/18 |What have you learned. about |Test on Crime Scene Investigation |none |None |

| |processing a crime scene? |Turn in Learning Log for test corrections | | |

|9/19 |What kind of CSI program does FTCC |Field Trip to FTCC (may cause adjustment to this schedule) |none |none |

| |have? | | | |


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