DALE W. DOERRAchievement Award Program (AAP)2021 March ReportDeadline: Wednesday March 31st, 2021 – 8 pm (Eastern Time)Report InstructionsUse this document to gather complete information for each of the items of this month’s report. Use the link posted on the PDC website () to access the online submission platform for this month’s report. Use the same Chapter Login ID and Password that you use to login to that belongs to your Chapter Advisor. If you are unable to obtain this information or are a colony and need a login please contact office@. PLEASE DO NOT USE PERSONAL LOGINS TO COMPLETE AAP REPORTS. Complete the items in this month’s report using the online submission platform and Save/Finalize to submit to AAP Administrator. Once submitted through the online platform, email the completed report (PDF of online submission) to the following contacts:Your Regional Correspondent (contact info available on the National Website)Your Chapter Advisor(s)Save a copy of the completed report for your Chapter records. You may need to refer to this report later. It may be useful to have a copy available when completing this report in the future. (Suggest saving in WC email google drive or central Chapter account)**COVID-19** If your Chapter has difficulties following report instructions due to limitations from COVID-19, contact your Regional Correspondent for assistance.If you have any questions about the reports, please contact your Regional Correspondent. You can also contact the Grand Vice President for Student Affairs at gvpsa@.Report ContentsPoint ValueProject Leader SuggestionChapter Recruitment and Education Debrief Meeting and Report3WMA / WIGThe Communicator Report2WVC / WCThe Communicator Photos1WVCWorthy Alumni Liaison Report2WALGraduating Brothers or those Entering Alumni Status3WKRS / WALFormal Meeting with Regalia1Item #36: Chapter Recruitment and Education Debrief Meeting and ReportChapter Standard of the Month: Standard G: Membership The Chapter shall have sufficient Brothers with appropriate leadership skills to carry out activities expected of all Phi Delta Chi Chapters. Implicit in this standard is the need for sound membership recruitment and education activities. Candidates must complete an appropriate candidate education period prior to their induction into Phi Delta Chi. This item is to be completed by the Recruitment Chair and the Chapter Candidate Trainer(s).Recruitment and New Member Education are the two most important activities your Chapter does. These activities are the lifeline of the Chapter. If the Chapter does not recruit good Brothers and promote the concept of Brothers for Life, the Chapter will not remain viable. Furthermore, if the new membership education is not used to give the candidates a solid and strong background, your Chapter may falter and all the hard work you put into the Chapter may go down the drain when you graduate.Discuss each of these questions with your executive board and Brotherhood at either an executive board meeting or general meeting. Please answer each question completely and submit Chapter responses to the National Office in this report. What events does your Chapter hold for recruitment? Does the school or student council mandate recruitment? (i.e. whether the school specifies when and how many recruitment functions you have, what happens at the recruitment functions, and over what period of time do the recruitment activities occur). How many recruitment events are held? What ideas have you received from other Chapters about recruitment? Which events have proved to be most successful? FORMTEXT ?????Describe the process your Chapter uses to select candidates from the pharmacy students who express interest in Phi Delta Chi. Does your Chapter have a minimum GPA requirement?PLEASE NOTE: “Open Bidding” (giving a bid to everyone) is a process that is strongly discouraged by the National Office. In doing this, Chapters give up their ability to effectively select only those candidates worthy of membership in Phi Delta Chi. Exclusive membership is one of the strongholds of Fraternity Life.Please contact your Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs or you Regional Director for Collegiate Affairs with any questions that you may have about this directive. FORMTEXT ?????How many times per year does your Chapter initiate new candidates and when do initiation ceremonies take place? Is your school on the semester, quarter system, or year-round? Could your Chapter recruit more than one time per year if it chose to? FORMTEXT ?????Does your Chapter initiate pre-pharmacy students? What barriers are there at your school that prohibits your Chapter from recruiting pre-pharmacy students? FORMTEXT ?????Describe your new member education process (i.e. do you use selfmade workbooks? Do you test candidates on their Fraternity knowledge? Describe chapter traditions and activities the candidates are involved in.) How long is your candidacy period? (Does the school mandate it?). Do you include candidates in normal Chapter activities? How closely do you follow the New Member Education Guide outline? FORMTEXT ?????While "hazing" or intimidation was used to bring groups closer together in the past, we now use non- threatening exercises to build interdependence and trust. What techniques have replaced potential hazing activities in your Chapter? Include trust building exercises, candidate projects, Big Brother programs, etc. Brothers that have attended Regional/National meetings will be your best resources for trust building exercises. FORMTEXT ?????What specific areas would your Chapter like help and ideas in when looking at the recruitment and new member education process? FORMTEXT ?????What other pharmacy fraternities are on campus? Indicate the size and composition of them (single sex or coed). Do they have a Chapter house? How would you describe the activities each of them does? FORMTEXT ?????Describe how the Chapter removes individuals from the new member education process if they are not in compliance with the Chapter’s goals, objectives, or candidacy requirements. FORMTEXT ?????Describe any challenges your Chapter faced during the recruitment seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic? How did your Chapter address those challenges? What suggestions do you have for recruitment for the upcoming year in light of the circumstances? FORMTEXT ?????ITEM #37: The Communicator Report Please follow the outline (headings) below and limit the total length of the entire report to no more than 300 words. Please use the limitation in words to deliver important messages and convey significant events that have occurred within your chapter over the past calendar year, including the previous spring semester. This should not be a summary of all activities of the chapter but rather a “highlight” of activities that have occurred. This is not the place to mention upcoming events. Use the active voice and be concise. Double check spelling and grammar and refer to Chapter officers by their proper titles (e.g., Worthy Chief Counselor, Worthy Correspondent, etc…). This report should include only events and news that have occurred between January 2020 and December 2020. Professional and Service Projects: FORMTEXT ?????Scholarship and Leadership: FORMTEXT ?????Membership and Brotherhood News: FORMTEXT ?????Alumni News: FORMTEXT ?????Honors and Awards: FORMTEXT ?????Sports and Social Events: FORMTEXT ?????ITEM #38: The Communicator Photos Attach THREE high resolution digital photographs, highlighting any of the activities that you described in Item #37 suitable for printing in The Communicator. Please send the highest resolution photos possible. For print publication, it is best to send the new, unedited file directly off the camera. Try not to save the photos using an image handling program such as iPhoto, Facebook or others as they reduce the file size and quality. Any photo file format will be accepted. Captions should be listed below with the names of the Brothers pictured. Do not include photos that show alcohol or unprofessional behavior. When attaching the digital photographs to your email please name them in the following way, “Chapter Name Comm Pic 1, Chapter Name Comm Pic 2, and Chapter Name Comm Pic 3”.Note: Due to circumstances surrounding the pandemic, screenshots of functions on virtual platforms and photos from socially distanced events are highly encouraged. FORMCHECKBOX We are attaching THREE photographs for 1 point Photo Captions (Please include a description of the pictures and list the names of Brothers pictured): FORMTEXT ?????ITEM #39: Worthy Alumni Liaison Report Please answer the following questions so that the National Officers can get a better idea of how your chapter keeps in touch with your alumni.Worthy Alumni Liaison: FORMTEXT ?????Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email Address: FORMTEXT ?????Alumni ReportHow does your Chapter correspond with Alumni?? (Both locally and those outside the Chapter’s city) FORMTEXT ?????What type of activities does the Chapter do throughout the year in which Alumni attend?? Are any of these annual events? FORMTEXT ?????Please list specific dates and activities your Chapter has planned through the next year that you will invite Alumni to. FORMTEXT ?????Explain what activities the candidates complete which include interactions with Alumni. FORMTEXT ?????Does your Chapter have a Corresponding Alumni Chapter or a close geographically based Alumni Chapter?? (Y/N) FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No If so, how does the Collegiate Chapter interact with the Alumni Chapter and vice versa? How often does the Collegiate Chapter correspond with the Alumni Chapter? FORMTEXT ?????Does the Alumni Chapter help nominate Brothers for the Outstanding Alumnus Award?? (Y/N) FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No Does the Chapter invite the Outstanding Alumnus back to the Chapter to accept an award and to speak?? (Y/N)? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No How does your Chapter communicate with Brothers on rotations to keep them informed of Chapter activities and events? FORMTEXT ?????Is your Chapter’s Alumni contact list computerized (i.e. in a spreadsheet)? If so, what fields does each record contain? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMTEXT ?????How often is this listing compared to the National Database? FORMTEXT ?????PLEASE NOTE: The National Office offers, as a service, to maintain the Alumni Databases of ALL ChaptersITEM #40: Graduating Brothers or those Entering Alumni Status We can’t stress enough how important this item is. Every year we ask for updated contact information before graduates leave school. Chapters report that all addresses have been updated, but we still receive hundreds of letters returned in the mail. School email addresses are supposedly good, but they start to bounce a year or two after graduation. Why do we care? The goal is not for the National Office to bombard alumni with mail and email. We mail 1-2 letters annually to our alumni. We email the monthly e-Communicator, which can be unsubscribed at any time. The reason it is so important to update contact information is so you can stay in touch with each other. Locality based alumni chapters are forming everywhere! How do they get started? Someone contacts the National Office and asks for a list of alumni living in a certain area.Think about how many times you will move in the next ten years. Will a residency take you out of state? The Brother Locator function on our website allows you to search for people within a given area.You can also search by name in the Brother Locator to reconnect with old friends.So please, take a little time now so you can find each other later.Please review your online chapter roster and make any appropriate changes. Focus on addresses, graduation dates, and email addresses. We strongly encourage each person to sign in and update their own information, but you can also make the changes for them. 1.????? Sign in to your Chapter’s account at .2.????? Click Manage Profile3.????? Select Chapter RosterExport Chapter Roster – Use this feature if you would like to view your information in a spreadsheet.View and edit individual profiles by clicking on the edit button next to their name.? (This is where you will enter the updates.)Please collect personal email addresses that are not held through student accounts (i.e. non-“.edu” addresses are preferred for continued contact through the alumni years).? You may make these changes while editing the individual profiles.The Brothers for Life Contracts are intended for the Graduating Brothers to keep as a reminder of their promise to the fraternity.? This document can be found on the Resource Library page.? You must be logged in to the website to see this document.* DO NOT SEND BROTHERS FOR LIFE CONTRACTS BACK TO THE NATIONAL OFFICE1 point will be earned for filling out the information below.2 points will be earned for updating your online chapter roster.? (National Office will verify login activity.? The point will not be awarded if addresses are blank, email addresses are bad, etc.) FORMCHECKBOX All corrections, if any, have been made to our online chapter roster. Does your Chapter plan to use the graduation ceremony for the graduating Brothers this Spring?Note: The graduation ceremony from the Ritual book may be performed via virtual platform. FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoIf not, please indicate why. FORMTEXT ?????ITEM #41: Formal Meeting with Regalia According to Chapter IV, Number 12 of the Constitution and Bylaws of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, "Each Chapter shall have at least one formal meeting each month." Formal meetings require use of the complete Ritual opening and closing, as well as Officer's Robes, Regalia, and devices as outlined in the Ritual Book. Please note here the date of your Chapter's Formal Meeting for this month: If the meeting was not held in March 2021 it will not count for this point.**COVID-19** Virtual formal or informal meetings currently fulfill this requirement in place of in-person formal meetings due to the circumstances surrounding the pandemic. Chapters are encouraged to perform formal meeting Ritual via virtual platform if able. Please see the COVID-19 Virtual Ritual Procedures for more information (available in the Resource Library).Reminder: Regalia should never be used for Ritual performed via electronic platform.Formal Meeting held? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No Date of meeting: FORMTEXT ????? (Only Meetings in March 2021 will be given credit)Looking ahead: The Alvarez Professional and Service Projects Report (20% of Thurston) is due in April. If you have not done so already, begin collating details of all service and professional events from April 2020 to date. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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