
December 1-2, 2015Do Now???Review Power School for Assignment Status and grades??Research Project:??Documents> ?Download "Research Project" and complete. ?Email Project as an attachment and save to Portfolio on G Drive. ?Projects due by end of class today for Block 2. ?(This project is late for Block 3.)Keyboarding:??Documents>Keyboarding Intermediate?Download and save Keyboarding Performance document to your Quarter 2 folder on your G Drive. ?Keyboarding: ?Complete Keyboarding documentation sheet. ?Keyboaroding?due by end of class today for Block 2.??(Keyboarding?is late for Block 3.)Journal Activity 1 for Quarter 2.??Continue to work in your Journal from Quarter 1. ?On next page of your Journal tyepe Quarter 2 then include today's date and the title for this activity. ?Digital Compass>Lab Resources>Interactive StoryYou can view the story in English or Spanish at the prompt. Choose a character and complete the activity including the games.??When finished take a screen shot of your score card and paste in your journal.??The score card will show the game time, percentage complete, and badge awarded. ?Type the following question and answer it under the screen shot:What is the main message that you learned from completing this digital activity?December 3-4, 2015Do Now???Review Power School for Assignment Status and gradesThe following work is late if you did not submit it:Intermediate KeyboardingResearch ProjectJournal #1Journal #2 ?Lab Resources> OverSharing?View this video then answer the following questions in your Journal?(Remember to include the question and write in complete sentence format using spellcheck)1.?Do you think you might be guilty of any type of oversharing?2.?Did any of the information in the video surprise you?3.Why is it sometimes tempting to post bragging status updates?4.How do you feel when you see other people bragging online?5.?The video suggests that you should curate your photos and not post any pictures you wouldn’t want your grandma to see. What kinds of pictures do you think fall into this category?6.?Would you ever tell a friend if he or she was oversharing online? Would you want your friends to tell you if you were oversharing?7.What do you consider “TMI”? Is there a difference between TMI offline when you’re talking to your friends and TMI online?8.?Do you use privacy settings on all your social media accounts? How do privacy settings help you manage your digital footprint?9.?Have you ever been in a situation where someone shared something about you that you didn’t want posted online? How did you handle the situation?Journal #3 ?Lab Resouirces> Copyright and Fair Use ?View this video then answer the following questions in your Journal?(Remember to include the question and write in complete sentence format using spellcheck)??What counts as someone else’s “creative work”? Writing? Photos? Drawing? Poems? Comments? Music??Have you ever had an experience when someone didn’t give you credit for your creative work? What would you want people to do if they wanted to use your creative work -- perhaps a song or something else you wrote or a picture you took??What is a copyright? If something is copyrighted but you still?want to use it, what do you need to make sure to do??The narrator talks about four points of fair use:1). Only use a small amount of the work; 2). Add new meaning to the work to make it original;3). Rework it and use it in a totally different way; and4). Use it for nonprofit purposes. What does it mean that you have to use it for “nonprofit purposes”? Which of these four points do you think is hardest to always do??The narrator mentions that there are both “legal” and “ethical” issues about copyright. What does he mean??What is a “mash-up”? What should you?do if you want to use someone else’s work as part of your mash-up??Have you ever been in a situation -- perhaps unknowingly -- when you used someone else’s work and didn’t appropriately give credit? What could you have done differently?Friday- Excel Lessons via VisionDecember 7-8, 2015 ?Coding 2016Do Now???Review Power School for Assignment Status and gradesThe following work is late if you did not submit it:Intermediate KeyboardingResearch ProjectJournal #1Journal #2-OversharingJournal #3-Copyright and Fair UseFavorites SurveyTake the survey-Link on Lab ResourcesCoding 2016Use the Coding Link on Lab Resources and sign into the site?using google or facebook.? You can change the language to Spanish if needed.Watch one of the videos at the ?before beginning activity.Click on the Minecraft link and complete this coding experience.?There are 14 boards to the Minecraft coding experience.? Once you make it to board 14 please take a screen shot of your certificate and??paste it in your JournalWhen finished, please go back to the coding site and try some of the other coding activities.?Answer the following questions under the screen shot (This is Journal #4):??What is coding???Did you find the Mine Craft Coding Activity difficult or easy?? Please explain why.Name the other coding activities that you tried out on the Coding 2016 site.?December 9-11, 2015 ?Coding 2016Do Now???Review Power School for Assignment Status and gradesThe following work is late if you did not submit it:Intermediate KeyboardingResearch ProjectJournal #1Journal #2-OversharingJournal #3-Copyright and Fair UseJournal #4- Minecraft CodingClass Lesson via Vision:FormulasGraphing and analyzing DataDownload?Files from Documents:>Formula>GraphsSave to G Drive Portfolio after completion of lesson.EXCEL Project and Activity:Download (Save to G Drive Portfolio)?the following files from the Documents page:>Favorites EXCEL Rubrics>EXCEL Project?>Classroom DataProject and Activity due by Friday, December 18, 2015December 14-16, 2015Do Now??Review Power School for Assignment Status and gradesQuote???Open ?Microsoft Word Document and respond in 8-10 sentences about the following quote:"Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant." Mitch KaporSave to G Drive Portfolio and email as an attachment. ?Due by Wednesday 12/16/15Study Guide 5:??PowerpointLab Resources>Vocabulary>PowerPointCreate a study guide for the PowerPoint Vacabulary. ?Use site to study for test. ?Test date will be announced upon return to school in January.Textbook:??Files can be located on the Textbook Files page. ?Power Point pages 1-25?Do not print any time directions indicate to print!Complete all Step by Steps 1.1-1.13When finished Tornado file should be saved to G Drive plete Project 1-1 and 1-2?on pg. 25Save Network file to G Drive.December 16-18, 2015Do Now??Review Power School for Assignment Status and grades?Quote???Open ?Microsoft Word Document and respond in 8-10 sentences about the following quote:"Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant." Mitch KaporSave to G Drive Portfolio and email as an attachment. ?Due Today?Theme Poem:??Lab Resources>Theme PoemChoose a Theme and create a poem. ?Save to your G Drive then Share with me. ?Due by Friday, 12/18/15Study Guide 5:??PowerpointLab Resources>Vocabulary>PowerPointUse site to study for test. ?Test date will be announced upon return to school in January.EXCEL Project:??Favorites Bar and Circle graphs?due by Friday, 12/18/15-?Make sure to to answer the questions and attach this document as well. ?Email all three as an attachment and save to G.Textbook:??Files can be located on the Textbook Files page. ?Power Point pages 28-74?Do not print any time directions indicate to print!Complete all Step by Steps 2.1-2.24When finished Tornado file should be saved to G Drive plete Project 2-1 and 2-2?on pg. 73Save Network file to G Drive.Please review the Power Point 2010 TourSave: PowerPoint 2010 Tour, EMT Rosewood, EMT Class Spring Session, EMT Class Spring Session Copy ................

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