Advertise on HCCA’s Website

Advertise on HCCA's Website

Two options are available, and prices are determined by how long your advertisement runs.

Why Should You Advertise on HCCA's Website?

1. You choose the page where your advertisement will appear 2. Take advantage of HCCA's over 30,000 views per month 3. Publish immediately: no geography or time restraints 4. Create animated ads if desired 5. Reach your target market fast 6. Link all your ads to your website

Most Visited Web Pages

1. Careers 2. Certification 3. Homepage 4. Compliance Info 5. Conferences 6. About HCCA 7. Resources 8. News 9. New Products

OPTION 1 BANNER AD 600 x 150 pixels | placed on the top of the web page


$2,175 per month...........1?3 months $2,025 per month..........4?7 months $1,950 per month..........8 or more months

Banner ads are not available for HCCA's home page


200 x 200 pixels

appears on the left-hand or righthand side of the web page


$725 per month...... 1?3 months $655 per month...... 4?7 months $625 per month...... 8 or more months

Other Specifications Both banner and logo ads are limited to the specified pixel dimensions and must be less than 50 KB. Ads should be 72 dpi resolution in GIF or JPG format.

Animation is limited to 5 frames and 5 repeats.

If you are interested in advertising on our website, please email

? your advertisement

? your choice of the web page where you'd like it to appear

? when and how long you want it to run



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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