
This morning, Anne called an ambulance because she had trouble breathing, heart palpitations, and felt extremely dizzy during breakfast. By the time the ambulance arrived, she was feeling fine again. This best fits:Phobia disorderGeneralized anxiety disorderSchizophreniaPanic disorderJoe has always enjoyed hiking, but after seeing a snake on his last hike, he refuses to set foot on any trails again. He is currently seeking a new home because there are hiking trails that run past his backyard. This best fits:Phobia disorderPost traumatic stress disorderObsessive compulsive disorderGeneralized anxiety disorderIt has been six weeks since Jane’s home was ripped away by a tornado, but she still has trouble sleeping because she has nightmares about the tornado. She stopped going to work because she couldn’t concentrate on her job. When she goes to the grocery store, she tries to get in and out under 5 minutes. Even when she’s in her new home (in Mom and Dad’s basement), she feels anxious. This best fits:Phobia disorderPost traumatic stress disorderObsessive compulsive disorderGeneralized anxiety disorderAcute stress disorder becomes Post traumatic stress disorder after:One weekTwo weeksThree weeksFour weeks When does an obsession become a compulsion?When the person acts on the persistent thoughts repeatedlyWhen the thought is persistentWhen the person acts on the persistent thoughtsWhen the person stops thinking the persistent thoughtsVictor is constantly on edge and nervous. He consistently has fits of crying and rage where he is hard to control. His mother also believes that Victor has been beating his little brother. Victor could be classified as a…AgoraphobicPsychopathSociopath Sanguine Temperament Marcy was found by the police taking a bath in her neighbor's bathtub. When the police asked her what she was doing there she replied with, “who’s Marcy? My name is Kim and I live here”. Marcy is suffering from…Dissociative FugueAntisocial Personality DisorderOrganic Amnesia Bipolar DisorderJohn was riding his motorcycle and got into an accident. After the accident John could not remember many things including who the president of the US was. John has…Dissociative Identity DisorderDissociative FuguePsychogenic AmnesiaOrganic Amnesia Dwight is experiencing symptoms of Dissociative Amnesia and cannot remember many things from his childhood. What more information do we need in order to diagnose him as having Organic or Psychogenic Amnesia?Does he feel anxiousIs he having alternating mood swings from extreme happiness to extreme depressionWhat trauma caused the amnesia Is he experiencing panic attacks Psychopaths…Have emotional outbreaksAre a product of their environment Are easily agitatedAre calm and collected Simon has Schizophrenia. He claims that he is living in the 1940’s as a famous actor. What is Simon suffering from specifically within Schizophrenia?a. Hallucinationb. Delusionc. Obsessiond. Evil spirits12.Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Schizophrenia?a. Inappropriate Emotionsb. Hallucinationsc. Lack of motivationd. Delusions13.Bill experiences immobility, extreme negativism, and he often repeats others. What subtype of Schizophrenia is he experiencing?a. Paranoidb. Undifferentiatedc. Residuald. Catatonic14.The ________ is the concept that all diseases have physical causes and can be diagnosed and treated.a. The Medical Modelb. The Bio-Psycho-Social Modelc. The Hospital modeld. The DSM15.Sam is 19 years old and was recently diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of Sam’s illness:a. Geneticsb. Mother having infection during pregnancyc. Poor dietd. Brain abnormalities16.Observing a student named Steven for a week, one finds that he is often in a state of excessive energy in the classroom. His high levels of confidence and ambition bring him success in school and work settings. In this state, Steven can be described as experiencing: HypomaniaSociopath symptoms Severe manic psychosisHypermania17.Which of the following are true about Major Depressive Disorder?I. Often, MDD self-terminates without the patient seeking medical attentionII. There is evidence that suggests that genetics are a factor in MDDIII. Situational events often trigger MDDIV. Depression becomes classified as MDD after 1 week if 4 of the 5 signs of major depression are shown I, II, III, IVI, II, III onlyIII, IV only III only18.From the biological perspective of depression, One explanation for Major Depressive Disorder is: Low levels of norepinephrineHigh levels of dopamineLow levels of melatoninBoth a & c19.A clinical psychologist diagnoses Carter with Bipolar disorder. He attributes her depression to her negative explanatory style, such as seeing her challenges as stable, taking the blame upon herself, and having self-defeating thoughts. The psychologist is analyzing Carter’s disorder through which of the following perspectives?BiologicalPsychoanalyticalSocio-cognitiveCognitive20.Michael and Kari are seeing a counselor to try and work through their marriage problems. If Michael and Kari represented the stereotypical female and male population (according to surveys), which of the following reports would their counselor be most likely to hear? Kari: “Even though I’m married, I feel lonelier than ever”Michael: “I have thoughts about suicide, but I would never attempt it.”Kari: “I don’t internalize our conflicts as much because I don’t let relationships define me.”Michael: “Kari and I both deal with depression. She didn’t want to seek help- this was my idea.” Key: DABDACADCDBCDACABDCE ................

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